I am getting pretty tired of listening to Dick Cheney make false accusations and assertions. He went to the American Enterprise Institute this morning and spewed forth several gallons of bile. According to Big Time:
But according to Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6:
“Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”- Downing Street Minutes, July 23, 2002.
That’s pretty straightforward. The facts were being fixed. I can think of no better source for this than the man in charge of British intelligence. I can’t think of any innocent meaning for the word ‘fixed’ in this context. And we already know that intelligence was used in spite of debunkings and strong reservations within the American intelligence community. We have seen examples related to the aluminum tubes, the Niger forgeries, the source on mobile labs, the source on Iraqi/Al-Qaeda joint training, and the purported meeting of Mohammed Atta and an Iraqi intelligence officer in Prague.
Cheney should shut his fucking pie hole.
I watched Darth this morning and I must say his lies are becoming more obvious. We have them on the ropes. They are pulling out all the big horses. Yesterday Rumsfailed was on just about every talk show making an ass out of himself. Wolf Blitzer got him good. They are definetely on the defensive and boy it does my heart good. They are in deep crapola and they just cannot seem to lie themselves out now can they?
When I read the reports on that interview, with partial transcript, I finally let myself believe that they really are on the run. Wolf Blitzer asking Rumsfeld tough questions? And follow-up questions? I had to look out the window to be sure the world hadn’t turned upside down.
I felt the same way my friend. We are at the beginning of the end for this cabal. I truly believe that.
I agree. They’re definitely on the ropes and their lies along with their disconnectedness from reality, are increasingly mor eobvious to the public.
Having said that, they are still strategizing, still working their propaganda angles. Liars like these will always “play the odds”, so to speak, when their scams cease being effective. what I mean by this is that since they know that if you repeat a ie often enough, you will always, eventually, get a certain number ofpeople to believe it.
I’m sure the collective creature known as Cheney/Rumsfeld/Feith/Perle etc. knows that most of the people won’t believe them anymore. But now they’re just hoping that they can get just enough people to believe them by relying on the “repeat the lie incessantly” tactic.
Personally I think it won’t work for them now, but it won’t be for lack of their trying.
My worry now concerns what other lengths these megalomaniacal psychopaths might go to to reinvigorate their pathetically dysfunctional agenda. Are they praying for bin Laden to pull off another major attack? Are they seeking ways in which they might be able to encourage or facilitate such an attack? These are real concerns I have. There’s nothing so hideous that I wouldn’t put it past the Cheney gang to resort to.
They are now committed to taking permanent flight, which for them was always the only alternative; they are commanded by class cheats and loopholers, and have already so exceeded the historical career trajectories of carnival barkers that they believe the hypnotic power of their sideshows exceeds the pull of gravity, and they can now claim to hold the world together.
Do they believe the substance of what they say? They don’t have that kind of interiority.
What is happening with the California election tehnology impresses me the most: a broad daylight replacement of the ballot box with a fancy magician’s device.
Those folks are no longer depending on popular consent to sustain their power.
The irreality is now being managed for motivational efficiency. Not consent of the governed. “It has been a pleasure to serve you” says the cash machine.
I’ve only once been to a function at the American Enterprise Institute. It’s like a high-production Vegas wedding chapel, but for circumcisions, where high ceremony attends the slicing away of parts of us all.
“What is not legitimate and what I will again say is dishonest and reprehensible is the suggestion by some U.S. senators that the president of the United States or any member of his administration purposely misled the American people on prewar intelligence. …”
Yeah right, Bush is just too stupid to realize that the Cheney-prepared script from which he was reading contained intentionally manipulated information. So then it’s not purposeful, right?
“Cheney should shut his fucking pie hole.”
Oooooh – It’s really tempting to make that my new sig line, LOL.
either that or ‘go fuck yourself’.
That snarling SOB looks like he would happily bite the heads off of babies.
It seems to me that anyone who’s still supportive of Cheney at this late date is simply beyond the reach of reason; either contaminated by the same reckless and dysfunctional ideology, firmly in the grip of denial, or totally compromised cognitively as a result of having their ignorance weaponized by the relentless propaganda from the wingnut machine.
PNAC, AEI, Heritage, and captive military groups; these seem to be the only audiences he is willing to appear before.
Cheney is like Pinochet. Thirty years after his monumental atrocities, Pinochet still won’t shut his pie hole. He still insists he was right and that the country owes himk a debt of gratitude. Cheney will be like this too, though the “30 years after” part might not be accurate.
He’ll never shut his pie hole!
That would put an end any more invalid criticism of the lying administration:
Open and Fair Congressional Investigation:
Of Iraq War Run-up.
Plame affair
Oil and gas connections.
Until we get an Open and Fair Congressional Investigation, he can blow me. I’m calling him a fucking liar. Because he is a fucking liar. Prove me wrong Dick.
Soliciting you for your Orange Place instant credibility. Won’t you be a sponsor of “Operation Yellow Feather?” Or would that ruin the credibility you have taken years to build up? Just wondering.
Cheney, I think the way his lips curls up on the right side especially when he is talking his crapola is indicative of him….body languange, or more properly face lanquage tells it all IMHO….
But it was interesting to note that he did have to back down on some of his rhetoric and was trotted out today to do just that….damage control…well their version anyway…
Also interesting not many neo cons on Sunday talk…what’s the deal with that, were they regrouping..rethinking strategy…
It’s amazing to me how many of the Bush regime’s most prominent spokespeople have asymetrical facial features. Anytime I see a person with a lopsided mouth on TV, even if the sound is off I assume they’re hawking the Bush party line.
(I’m having a “memory hole moment” here. The only other regime blowhards I can recall right now with crooked mouths are Mehlman and Bartlett, but I know there are plenty more.)
Dick Morris, Dem turned Neo con enabler, has the worst mouth thing I have seen,….as he is talking his lips make a 360 degree circle, stays normal for a few minutes and then its off with the lips whirling around his face, it’s so bad I cannot watch, especially if you match the lips with the words that he speaks…. now there is one fine Dem. for you right up there with Zell Miller.
I’ve heard some of Morris’s recent comments but haven’t actually seen his visage since he was involved with Clinton back in the 90’s.
From what you say, I must be lucky.
Well you can always catch him on Fox cable…and really you should just to see what I mean…when he talks about Hillary, of whom he was especially critical, it goes on full speed.
I think we need to make observations about this reg. all neocons…Rumsfeld must looks uniformed and greasy, don’t notice facial tics..
Can’t ever forget Wolfowitz using saliva to slick back his hair for photo op in Moore’s film re. 911…
I used to watch Fox just to keep tuned in to what the wingnut shitbags were up to, but in the end I never really gained any pragmatic advantage from this research, probably because their propaganda is of the “blunderbuss style” anyway; it propagates as fast as possible throughtout their entire propaganda network, so advance notice on Fox didn’t give any appreciable advantage for counteracting their stupid crap effectively in other venues. (Wow. That’s a run-on sentence if ever there was one.)
Maybe I’ll get “lucky” and catch Morris’s visage while flipping through the channels.
The Wolfowitz “spittle grooming” was a classic. I wish we could get footage of him and Cheney and Richard Perle huddled to gether in their damp dark “undisclosed” place sharpening their teeth and drinking goblets of blood.
Nah, you won’t see him while flipping through the channels. No one other than Faux news will have him on. He’s so creepy!
Didn’t know rats had lips.
As for ol’ Zig Zag Zell–well, he just reverted back to previous tendencies.
Zell Miller is the perfect example of what happens when the primordial “Reptile Brain” reasserts it’s dominance over the Neo-Cortex.
Evolution in retrograde, that’s our Zell.
Too funny!
I noticed this when Bush I was first out on the campaign trail w/ Reagan.
An ex-CiA chief who talks out the side of his mouth in the White House — we’re in trouble kids . . .
with opposition mounting, they may well feel forced to put their foot down.
I think there’s a fair chance that we’re going to learn, during not too many more coming months, if this movement is as securely against democracy as they’ve been acting since 2000.
As near as I can determine, Democracy has always been an obstacle that the Bush gang has sounght to circumvent or otherwise undermine in order to get their way. I see no real evidence to refute this.
And the core neocon ideology or or less rejects democracy in favor of a form of rule by the enlightened over those who simply aren’t able to understand the complex issues of the day. (This is why the Leo Strauss psedo-philosophy appeals to these shitbirds; because it legitimizes their superiority complexes.)
I say he should be rendered.
You could light every single oil-lamp in hundreds of Inuit villages for the entire endless winter with what you’d get for rendering Cheney.
This pales in comparison but it would be fun. Steve Harrigan(sp) is the bright spot of Fox News. They send that guy to life threatening situations worldwide. He was in one country, I believe Iraq, where a local guy was building a business with bulletproof glass. Steve talked the guy into standing behind a piece of his glass while a round was fired at it.
Cheney should personally verify the effectiveness of rendition and we could get a few answers while we’re at it.
What Cheney said just before your “What is not legitimate…” quote is instructive:
The Bush PR people are trying to draw a distinction between Murtha and the Democratic party as a whole. Unfortunately, the Democrats are making this easy with their craven unwillingness to back him up.
Cheney said today that he does not believe it is “wrong to criticize the war on terror or any aspect thereof” and that he enjoys “energetic debate on issues facing our country.”
Good to know he’s granted permission to criticize “the war on terra.” How magnanimous of him. I simply must remember to genuflect and worship at his feet.
Oh–but we were talking about the optional War on Iraq, weren’t we?
Illegitimate asshole.
The sig says it all.
donkey behind the facts:
All this “they had the same intel” crap is so bogus. Let’s not forget that anyone speaking out against the war – before the war started – was labeled unpatriotic. It would have been a hard sell to have voted against the war back then.
Even though – the UN inspectors weren’t finding any WMD – you didn’t have to be a brain surgeon to determine there was no reason to invade Iraq…
Plus, Bush let us know in his FIRST inaugural speech that he would go after Saddam. our fate was sealed long before the completely unrelated events of 9/11.
In his first inaugeral? I don’t remember that but then again I didn’t think of him as my president(still don’t). I believe I skipped that speech. Could you tell us what he said?
Excerpted from Bush Inaugural, January 2001:
“we will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge; and we will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors.
The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake, America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom.”
It’s one of those open ended statements that can mean a lot or a little. but in light of where we are now…
I remember thinking at the time that he meant Iraq.
Okay, so Congress voted for the Iraq resolution. But now it looks like the vast majority of the “facts” in the resolution were bogus:
The entire premise of the Iraq War Resolution is false — those who used those fake premises to take us into a war that shouldn’t have been started must be held accountable.