Hello. I am writing this diary on behalf of Jeff Seemann. As many of you know, Jeff is running for Congress in Ohio’s 16th District, and he’s trying a different strategy. He believes that you cannot represent people until you truly understand their lives.
Currently, he is spending 100 hours homeless, in an attempt to better understand what life is like for people who have lost everything. We all witnessed the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, but Katrina only magnified a problem that exists in every town on every day of every week.
I just spoke with Jeff, and he has asked me to relay the story of his first 20 hours to you and several other blogs. The following is Jeff’s entry;
It hasn’t been easy here. The experiences and lessons I’ve learned already range from harsh to easy, but it’s certainly been an eye-opener.
Last night, I tried to find a place to sleep. It was dark by the time I got downtown, and being a Sunday, everything was closed. I went into this experience blind, so I had no idea where any homeless shelters may be located, and I therefore decided to try a few churches. No luck there, all the doors were locked at the 4 area chuches I could find.
I ended up by myself for the entire night, and found a bit of warmth behind the Palace Theater sometime around 10pm. I had hoped to find somebody to help me locate a place to sleep, but again, no luck.
It was an awful night of sleep, if you can call it that at all. The temperature was probably in the 30s or low 40s. By midnight, I had a splitting headache. It’s amazing how many things we take for granted in our everyday lives…like aspirin. I’m pretty sure I fell asleep a couple of times, but it was never anything that one could reasonably call sleep.
By about 7 or 8 am, I was chased out of my space by a police officer. I’ve heard the words “move along” more times than I thought I would today.
This morning, I found myself a few agencies that can help the homeless, but they are few and far between. So far, they’ve been helpful, but the people I’ve spoken to who benefit from these agencies tell me that the help doesn’t last very long.
At one agency, I was told that I “picked a bad time to end up homeless” (as if there’s a good time). This is the end of the year, and the grant money has dried up. Agencies don’t have any money left to set anybody up with accomodations, and until January 1st, you’re at the mercy of the streets. Churches do step in from time to time, but that’s usually for one night only.
I didn’t know that a “homeless hotline” existed, but was advised to call them. One of the agencies allowed me use of their phone, and the hotline referred me to Open Door, a shelter at the Turnaround Community Outreach. I’m to report there tonight between 930 and 10pm, and I have to leave by 6am tomorrow morning. It’s an African-American church, and I’ve already been by there for a meal at 2pm today. Very nice people, very comforting.
Tomorrow, they’re also having a free meal at 2pm at Open Door, but in order to eat you have to attend a church service first. I’m not willing to question this policy, but I wonder if they would still offer to feed the hungry if they were Buddhist, Jewish or even Muslim?
At today’s meal, there were 28 people in attendance. Almost all were homeless, but a few had homes but were well below the poverty line. The ages ranged from 18 months old to 70+ years. The 18 month old was a sweetheart. Her mother lives near the church and has no money, so she does what she can to keep her baby fed. The church gave her a few extra biscuits, and she slipped them in her baby’s diaper bag (which was not really clean enough to handle food).
For the benefit of those of you concerned with whether or not I may be taking food or a bed from somebody who needs it more, I will gladly report that I waited until everyone had their plates of food before I approached the line (and was told that there was plenty if anybody needed more), and the cot I will sleep on tonight is not the last one. They can fit many more than will attend tonight, so everyone who has requested a place to sleep will get it.
Also, no I have no money to make my situation any more comfortable than it is. I have no ATM card, no pocket change, no photo ID, nothing.
If I was going to deprive anybody of anything during my experience, I will gladly give it up and go elsewhere.
It’s only been a short period of time, and I’m only 25% of the way through this, but I can tell you that I’ve learned a lot.
For starters, there’s a whole system you have to know and those who can work it best survive with the least amount of trouble. There are a few phone numbers to call and get assistance, but most places can only offer you referrals to other agencies. It’s a messed up web that you have to maneuver through in order to get anywhere. And I’m told that the funds are being slashed for 2006.
That half-eaten corn dog I saw on the ground last night….I was too proud to pick it up, a move I could later regret. That bag of Fritos I saw in a trash can while walking down 12th Street…it might have had food inside.
Earlier today, maybe some of you stopped by Burger King or Wendy’s. Did you finish your french fries? If not, I know of a few people who would love to have what you just threw away. Man, just that small handfull of leftover fries or the pickles you took off your burger would be a wonderful gift to some people.
No, I’m not asking you to take some cold leftover food to people right now….but I am asking you to never again take for granted what you have. Tomorrow, you may not have it anymore.
Jeff Seemann
I’ll be posting this diary in a few locations that Jeff has directed me to. I’ll try to answer any questions you have if I have the time. In the meantime, you can help out Jeff’s campaign – he’s promised to deliver 10% of all funds raised to homeless shelters in the area. Visit Jeff’s ActBlue page or his blog.
And trust me, as his friend, I heard it in his voice that he’s not having an easy time with this. He’s surviving just fine, but the people he is meeting are really eating away at his soul. He’s going to walk away from this a very different person, even more sympathetic than he is now.
Peace be with you all,
Next time you talk to Jeff please tell him how much I admire what he is doing. I have never been homeless but about as close as one can get. No food, no money, a little one to feed, cut off from food stamps because I got a $5 a week raise. This was back in the 70s but it has to be all that much harder now. I used to be able to feed my son hot dogs and Kraft mac and cheese for a few days and two bucks.
These poor people need our help. Next time a politician asks for campaign money think about who could use it more. Sorry, it just really irks me the money thrown away on ca,paigns and we have children hoemless and hungry in this country and around the world.
I’m keeping track of all of these diaries, and when he’s done I’m sending the links to “Countdown”‘s Keith Olbermann (yes, I’ve heard Jeff’s a fan!) and assorted other media folks; in this era when politicians seem to be only available to those who can cough up $1000+ a plate, it’s refreshing to see someone going out where the “real” constituents are.
The situation Jeff faced at the “outreach” church shows the ultimate failure and unconstitutionality of Bush’s “faith-based charity” attempts.
Blessings and peace to Jeff…sleep well, sleep safe…
Why not? Why not ask that? Why not at least ask people to do it part of the time? When in a restaurant with others, even if I don’t want any leftovers, I ask to box them, and then:
a) offer to street people on the way to the car
b) try to drive by an area with quite a few street people on the way home, and if nothing else, set it down in an alley. Clean food in a take-out sure beats dumpster diving.
Respectfully — means “Would you like some food? or “Are you hungry?”
I’ve given food from a shopping trip to a person crossing a grocery parking lot before. I try to always carry food in the car, and often keep re-filled water bottles to offer people who’re panhandling at corners. As you will soon discover, if you haven’t, merely keeping hydrated when on the street can be a big deal. I carry an apple, orange, whatever. Some people I know carry PowerBars for that.
Once, when given a sandwich I thought was inedible by an airline, I drove through downtown on the way home, went a mere 3 blocks off the highway to a place there is usually a group of homeless. (Pike Place, waterfront, Seattle.) I gave the sandwich to someone in a wheelchair, and she was so interesting I sat and talked with her, in no small part about politics.
If Jeff won’t ask you, I will! Please, people, in whatever way you can, please make giving food (especially food that would otherwise be wasted) to the homeless at least a small part of your life.
Lookingup…YOU are a true humanitarian. Great idea. It sickens me the amount of food I throw away.
You need to be in office or legislation-drafting. As high as you can get and still be effective.