Some politicians have highways named after them. It’s airports for others. Sometimes, it’s a government building.

Well, I have the most obvious suggestion of something that should be named after President W. Bush.
That being: a destroyer.

A veteran’s hospital also came to mind, plus a military cemetary or two but no, a Navy destroyer is the most salient symbol, perfectly matching the oeuvre of the entire Bush Administration.

Let’s go down the checklist of the conditions of the components in the various throes of destruction by President Bush:

U.S. military – patient is within a year or so of imploding unless everlasting deployments end

U.S. military recruiting – patient is missing enlistment goals each and every month for last six months, prognosis poor unless image makeover takes

U.S. national budget –  patient prognosis is extremely poor but not fatal, as yet

U.S. environment – patient suffering from systematic neglect and abuse, rehabilitation therapy desperately needed

U.S. scientific community – patient’s authority has suffered enormously, domestic contempt quotient requires a dramatic reduction

U.S. foreign relations – patient’s rating now at lowest ebb ever recorded, no hope for turnaround until three years hence

U.S. morals – patient has apparently been ‘cryogenic-ized’ as there have been no reputable sightings in the last five years

U.S. Department of Homeland Security – patient exhibiting ‘cry wolf’ syndrome in curious conjunction with need to deflect bad news from the Oval Office has inured public from caring

U.S. Corporation For Public Broadcasting – patient finally excreted the Tomlinson toxin but virus still detectable, prognosis iffy

U.S. journalism – in last throes of credibility but patient too often has been a more-than-willing co-conspirator, may seek refuge under ‘moral bankruptcy’ laws and return under new surname ‘entertainalism’

What have I missed?