Who doesn’t have a firecracker, let alone a bombshell. Ha, ha, ha. Are you watching? it’s just beginning on CNN with the incomparable interviewer Larry King.
It is hysterical. I love this show. It is also on in the middle of the night on replay. I watch when I pull one of my wakeup in the middle of the night, can’t get back to sleep nights.
He is an incredibly clumsy dissembler. And, the way he talks makes it impossible for me to listen without getting too impatient. I may read a transcript later if one is available.
I had to switch channels…. I’m not much of a good live blogger, I guess. (ARF! Atrios is calling him “Booby” — which, per usual, makes me giggle for reasons I can’t describe.)
You know it’s a pathetic display when Larry King appears the toughie, asking hard questions … Woodward is maudlin and all woe-is-me. He’s really not making a very good case for himself.
I don’t care what Booby has to say about anything. He’s a has-been, a sell-out. It appears he sat on info for over two years to protect his coveted insider sources. Screw him!
I’m so pissed “Commander in Chief” isn’t on tonight. “Rome” was damn good last night and begs for a second season. Don’t we all want to see Octavius kick some butt?! Do you think they can get Derek Jacobi to play Claudius again?
Woodward is just another administration shill. Have we caught him in any lies yet? It would be fun to compare this transcript with others that he has been involved in. Like the Sunday morning shows where he said it was a silly little nonimportant investigation. Booby is a sellout! I still say he is lying about his involvement and Bush put him up to this because he owes Bush two books worth.
Just be good to yourself and allow those floodgates to open whenever and where ever they want. My heart is with you hon. The hardest time in my life was when my mom passed away.
Toward the end, Woodward makes a comment in answer to Kings question of whether he’d (Woodward) like to reveal the name of his source.
WOODWARD: Yes. But this isn’t a back fence issue. This is about — you know, if I treated it that way, no one would trust me. And I’m not treating it that way. I’m treating it with the utmost seriousness.
(My bold)
Does Booby believe these people talk to him because they trust him? Can you imagine trusting this guy with anything important?
Here’s a guy who has, for many, many years, been considered one of the nation’s most prestigious journalists. He knows the ship is going down, and he’s bailing like crazy.
I’m sorry. I know I should hate him. Actually, I know I do hate him. But you have to admit that it’s got that Shakespearean quality to it.
I cant’t understand… Rather gets fired for using a forgery, and Woodward lies through his teeth, fails to inform his readers, lies to his editor…and gets to keep his job. Just suprised he did not get promoted
Ahhh .. he just didn’t want to be subpoenaed. He was scared boy.
And bad too … he should have told his editor, he said.
being issued when Booby says he was scared of ’em.
it’s okay.
He’s doing a book about Bush’s second term and he knows things he isn’t going to reveal because he’s doing his research now!
So just stop your busybody-ness.
He can’t talk about too much about the CIA … he just can’t reveal it!
Hi Susan, how are you doing..
I will try to give some assistance in the blogging,,,if I do not get tooo tired of listening to this. Just tuned in and they are on a break.
It’s really hard to type horse poo-poo.
h-o-r-s-e p-o-o-p-o-o
hey! you’re right.
Well, we probably should listen because — darn it! — Larry is BOUND to nail him good! Don’tcha think?
i’d prefer Steve Colbert.
Don’t you love Colbert’s new show? he’s a riot.
(and for those of you who haven’t watched, it’s on right after the Daily Show, and it’s pronounced the French way — the Cober’ Repor’
It is hysterical. I love this show. It is also on in the middle of the night on replay. I watch when I pull one of my wakeup in the middle of the night, can’t get back to sleep nights.
That’s okay. I’m tired of blogging this too
He is an incredibly clumsy dissembler. And, the way he talks makes it impossible for me to listen without getting too impatient. I may read a transcript later if one is available.
I had to switch channels…. I’m not much of a good live blogger, I guess. (ARF! Atrios is calling him “Booby” — which, per usual, makes me giggle for reasons I can’t describe.)
Watching it now too. Woodward is incredibly pathetic.
(Hi susan! big hugs to you!)
hi, Olivia! HUGS! you’re a better person than i … I changed to PBS news.
You know it’s a pathetic display when Larry King appears the toughie, asking hard questions … Woodward is maudlin and all woe-is-me. He’s really not making a very good case for himself.
I don’t care what Booby has to say about anything. He’s a has-been, a sell-out. It appears he sat on info for over two years to protect his coveted insider sources. Screw him!
I’m so pissed “Commander in Chief” isn’t on tonight. “Rome” was damn good last night and begs for a second season. Don’t we all want to see Octavius kick some butt?! Do you think they can get Derek Jacobi to play Claudius again?
Wasn’t that something? The murder scene was incredibly done … I must watch it all again.
Exquisitely filmed, acted, plotted out for the staging.
Sure hope we get another season too!
Such horsecrap.
His story doesn’t pass the smell test.
He says he brought up Wilson in passing during chit-chat, and got an answer about his wife. Well, what the fuck does his wife have to do with it?
Tell us why he brought he it up.
Why, he’s the picture of the spam I got in my Inbox:
Woodward is just another administration shill. Have we caught him in any lies yet? It would be fun to compare this transcript with others that he has been involved in. Like the Sunday morning shows where he said it was a silly little nonimportant investigation. Booby is a sellout! I still say he is lying about his involvement and Bush put him up to this because he owes Bush two books worth.
Hugs and love out to you too Susan. Hope you are holding up alright.
I’m better, thank you. I had to take care of paperwork downtown today, and I just burst like a dam…. they were very nice about it.
Just be good to yourself and allow those floodgates to open whenever and where ever they want. My heart is with you hon. The hardest time in my life was when my mom passed away.
Here’s the Booby/King transcript, courtesy of Atrios.
Anything to avoid the ponderous pomposity of Woodward’s voice.
Toward the end, Woodward makes a comment in answer to Kings question of whether he’d (Woodward) like to reveal the name of his source.
Does Booby believe these people talk to him because they trust him? Can you imagine trusting this guy with anything important?
Here’s a guy who has, for many, many years, been considered one of the nation’s most prestigious journalists. He knows the ship is going down, and he’s bailing like crazy.
I’m sorry. I know I should hate him. Actually, I know I do hate him. But you have to admit that it’s got that Shakespearean quality to it.
I cant’t understand… Rather gets fired for using a forgery, and Woodward lies through his teeth, fails to inform his readers, lies to his editor…and gets to keep his job. Just suprised he did not get promoted