In America- the so called Land of the Free, Gays and Lesbians can not serve in the military.  Yes, we have the wonderful Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell rule but we all know that is total crap and you can be outed for something as simple as an online ad at a GLBT site.  The military in their wisdom has decided not to discharge anyone serving in a war zone until they are rotated home.  We are good enough for cannon fodder while the fighting continues.  It is impossible for any openly Gay or Lesbian to attend a military academy.

(Cross posted at MLW,Dkos)
The following is a letter sent to the Naval Academy by loving parents explaining why their daught would not be attending The Naval Academy Admissions Information Forum eventhough she is a more than qualified American.

Larry D. Faulkner, USN (Ret.)

Pamela W. Faulkner

941 Burton Avenue

Highland Park, Illinois 60035

November 11, 2005

Department of the Navy

Office of Admissions

United States Naval Academy

Attn: Capt. K.D. Frye

117 Decatur Road

Annapolis, Maryland 21402-5017

Re: United States Naval Academy Admissions Information Forum

Capt. Frye:

Our daughter, Molly Faulkner, received your kind letter inviting her to attend the above referenced Forum. Both of us have had the honor of serving in the Navy, one for twenty years, the other for eight. Molly’s sister recently transitioned from active duty to reserve service with the US Air Force after serving deployments in both Qatar and Baghdad. We have attempted to instill in each of our children a shared belief in the debt of service we owe our Country and have been pleased to see each of them stand willing to take her turn as they reach the age to do so.

Although the source of our bias is reasonably clear, from even an objective standpoint Molly is an exceptional young woman. An avid athlete, she plays golf, basketball and softball for Highland Park High School, but has placed her emphasis on her golf game and works year-round with a private coach. Also an excellent student, Molly consistently shoulders a heavy course load including several honors level classes and receives marks earning no less than “high honors” in any given marking period. She is studying both French and Italian and has absorbed some modicum of understanding in Hebrew through several years of attendance at our synagogue Hebrew school. She is involved in several clubs and is active in our synagogue youth group participating in numerous events involving community service. She is respected among her peers as a steady friend and valued by her adult teachers and mentors for her quick mind, giving spirit and willing hands. In short, she is all that you would consider worthy in a candidate seeking admission to the Brigade of Midshipmen.

Unfortunately, we are certain that you will withdraw your current invitation and will not extend another due not to either her abilities or the content of her character, but for reasons beyond her control.  However, we would like it to be perfectly clear that when you delete Molly’s name from your database, it will be at your behest and not at ours and based upon policy now so outmoded as to appear ridiculous even to the casual observer.

As may be expected, given her maturity and good sense, Molly has long recognized an intrinsic truth about herself. Molly is a lesbian. To her credit, and hopefully in small measure to that of her family and friends, she has been in a position to be honest and forthright regarding this fundamental truth and has found acceptance at every turn with no diminishment of either regard or affection. Neither she, nor we, see any cause for dissembling on this point, her father and I because it is against our inclination, and Molly because her sense of honor and self-worth forbid it. We would not even broach the subject were it not for the knowledge that the very sense of integrity and dignity which would make her an excellent midshipman and officer also render her incapable of adhering to a policy which would require her to commit the offense of lying by omission.

It is, again, with great pleasure that we acknowledge your kind invitation and, were it in her power, you would certainly see Molly in enthusiastic attendance at the Forum. We regret, on your behalf, the loss of the contribution she and so many others like her could and would willingly make towards securing our common goals and doing so in a manner that would bring credit to the traditions of the service.

Please don’t hesitate to inform us if the policies, which we believe bar you from including Molly in the appointment process, have been rightfully amended to allow the open and unfettered acceptance of those members of our society who have so much to offer in service to their Country.

Very Respectfully,

Larry D. Faulkner

Pamela W. Faulkner

cc: President George W. Bush
 Senator John Warner
 Senator Carl Levin
 Senator Richard J. Durbin
 Senator Barack Obama
 Representative Duncan Hunter
 Representative Ike Skelton
 Representative Mark Kirk

With wonderful parents such as these and the support of free thinking individuals, someday Equal Rights for All will be a Reality.