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David Letterman had a great Top 10 last night slamming George “Waaaaa!” Bush
here’s another from the past

Top Ten Surprises In President Bush’s Address To The United Nations

  1. Admitted taking longer than expected to mismanage the rebuilding of Iraq
  2. President Bush wearing “Kucinich in 2004” campaign button
  3. Kept referring to the United Nations as the International House of Pancakes
  4. He formally surrendered to North Korea
  5. After a few remarks, turned it over to Dr. Phil who discussed weight loss
  6. Labeling Jim Belushi as a member of the “Axis of Evil”
  7. Usual smug smirk even smugger and smirkier
  8. His opening act: Beyonce, with very special guest Jay-Z
  9. “Speech” was nothing more than recipe for Laura’s Quick ‘N’ Easy Chicken-Fried Steak
  10. The part where he screamed, “Save us, Schwarzenegger!”

    –from September 23, 2003

In case you were wondering, here is the transcript for Shrub’s speech/blather that day
I’ll post the one from last night as soon as it’s up on Letterman’s page