Matt Santos favors Medicare for all U.S. citizens! (Santos is the West Wing Democratic presidential candidate. Check out the Boston Globe‘s “Debate was fictional, issues were real“: “Democratic Congressman Matt Santos, played by Jimmy Smits, borrowed liberally — no pun intended — from Senator Ted Kennedy’s ”Medicare for All’ proposal.”)

Why not? Writes Alternet PEEK‘s Evan Derkacz:

Jonathan Tasini isn’t happy with reporting on the 30,000 layoffs recently announced by General Motors.

In addition to poor management and poor engineering, mentioned prominently in most articles, Tasini writes:

“But, staring you right in the face are the billions of dollars in health care costs that GM carries on its balance sheets. It is still startling to me that companies like GM, looking straight into the financial abyss, can’t shake off an ideological straight-jacket that prevents it from shouting loudly, ‘we need to extend Medicare to every person in America.'”

In addition to the moral imperative, he argues, there’s an economic one, in order to compete in the global marketplace: … Read all of Evan’s post

OPEN THREAD! (And when’s West Wing coming back?)