[From the diaries by susanhu.]
Since the run up to the War in Iraq, right-wing conservatives have sought to use a new McCarthyism to silence debate on the most important issues faced by the United States. Leaders who challenge the flawed policies of the administration are labeled as cowards or as unpatriotic sympathizers with terrorists. Operation Yellow Feather is a grass roots effort to tell Republican “chicken hawks” that we will not tolerate their “Red Scare” tactics.
Last week, Rep. John Murtha (D-Pennsylvania) stated his public position that the U.S. troops in Iraq should be redeployed outside Iraq in a manner consistent with their own safety. Rep. Murtha is a brave and distinguished man. He left college to enlist in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War. He gave lengthy service as a Marine, rising through the ranks to become a Colonel. He again volunteered for service in Vietnam. He was a decorated veteran, receiving the Bronze Star for Combat, two Purple Hearts, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, and the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.
In a effort to blunt the effect of Murtha’s serious call for a withdrawal of the troops, Republicans hurriedly offered a sham Bill on the issue that had almost no support. During debate on the issue, Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio), a freshman Rep., called Murtha a coward:
A few minutes ago I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp, Ohio Representative from the 88th district in the House of Representatives. He asked me to send Congress a message: Stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message, that cowards cut and run, Marines never do.
Schmidt’s comments were heckled on the floor of our Congress, and she was forced to withdraw them from the record. But she and state Rep. Bubp deserve to know that we were watching, and that we won’t stand for neo-McCarthyism, where heroic opponents of this flawed war are discredited as cowards and traitors.
You can help. Please print off one of the protest forms below and send them to the offices of Rep. Schmidt and Rep. Bubp. Take the time to write a personalized note on your form, explaining that the “chicken hawk” tactics of the Republican party will not be tolerated. Let’s bury their offices with “chicken hawk” feathers, so that the next time they feel like squawking in public, they will remember that we are watching them.
Here are the forms:
Lost Your Chicken Hawk Feather?
The Chicken Hawk Unit Patch
The Classic Yellow Feather (Make sure to explain)
The Ugly Chicken Hawk (Fill in the voice bubble)
Send your forms to:
Rep. Jean Schmidt
8044 Montgomery Rd. Suite 540
Cincinnati, OH 45236
Rep. Danny Bubp
77 S. High St
11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Oh. And I’m sure they would love a rushed fax copy, if you have the time.
Jean says fax her for news about coffee at this number (513) 791-1696 (I am quite sure she would like “chicken hawk” news at this number as well).
Danny can be faxed at his office: (614) 644-9494. Let him know that he could still volunteer for war duty — Rep. Murtha did.
If, after sending the forms and faxes, you’re still feeling like you’d like to do more, contact your local media and let them know about this protest. And if you live anywhere near Jean or Danny’s offices, by all means, try to stop by and deliver your “chicken hawk” form. Let them know in person how much you dislike their McCarthyite tactics.
You are welcome to share this information far and wide on the Internet. In fact, we hope you do so. We hope to keep these lovely people warm with piles of “chicken hawk” feathers. It is getting awfully cold for Republicans in Ohio about now.
Thanks to the New Hampshire Gazette at nhgazette.com for the Chicken Hawk Unit Patch, and all the folks at the Booman Tribune for the cooperative effort. Let Operation Yellow Feather commence.
Thanks for this, Joe. You are a born organizer.
I’m using the ‘lost your feather’ form and writing the ‘sense of decency’ quote on it. Signing fbo each of the names of four soldiers who died in Iraq on Friday.
What else would I do with all those Christmas stamps I just bought?
(helping BJoe out this am)
That’s a great idea, putting names on the feathers.
Just getting back from morning run-around. Glad to see we’ve got this to the top of our own list. Any ideas on who might take it to the orange place and try to get the word out there? Hoping to have a big name star, so we’ll have a better chance of being on the rec’d list. BooMan, SusanHu, Maryscott, RenaRF, StevenD? Or others with a orange following? Has anyone else spread the news anywhere? Or sent their own yellow feathers off?
I’ve only made the orange recommended list once — on a Friday night when I was subbing for Carnacki I managed to get a “Got A Happy Story” diary up for about five minutes, after which it was unceremoniously booted off the list by the first diary ever from George Freakin’ Lakoff.
Much as I would like it to, Sunday Griot has never made the rec list over there, and neither have any of my non-story rants.
So I’ll wait and recommend whoever you draft to put it up.
thanks to the awesome recommend clickers!
I tried 2x but the orange site wouldn’t post either try…
I can comment there…but diary wouldn’t post….
Better that BostonJoe get the kudos anyway since it was his idea! Back to baby sitting the diary for him!
Yaaay! The operation yellow feather diary is now at the top of the rec list at the orange site.
I feel like I’ve just run a race–clicking on recommend button, clicking to see who has recommended, clicking on the 4s for the comments, clicking to see if more comments have popped up.
I am exhausted.
What about maryscott’s I don’t see anything at MLW… You should put one up over there also.
I am having a rough time juggling three diaries, feel free to use my blog’s blurb as a template. Email me if you want the html code instead. Paz, Manny
Since my diary posts failed I’ll babysit the dailykos diary tonight if you want…
Then you can just juggle…2…!
Hopefully Duke will send up a flair to MLW, if not I’ll post something later. I sent Cedwyn an email, hopefully she’ll do something at DEMBloggers (hint, hint) hehe
Spread the word people! This is now officially a Blogosphere-Wide Protest!
We are at 60 recommends over there and at the top of the list….
BJoe just made the big time 😀
send in the troops
Headed out again for a bit this PM. Hope somebody can take up some slack and publicize this as much as possible. Great collective effort to all. Good luck. Talk to you all soon.
Hey Joe…you can officially 86 your ‘accidental activist’ title I believe. You really got this thing going and off the ground. Pretty cool. I’ll have to pick a form and send one off. Although I’m still kinda hoping my nephew who showed up will be in a creative drawing mood and dash off a cool chickenhawk cartoon.
Oh what a beautiful day…..
I say, as I sit here glowingly gazing at my very own fax machine right before my beady little green eyes and all the electricity I need to run the thing for hours and hours!!!!
Just printed off the first of the batch to mail out, will stop in at Kinko’s or some other non-worksite place to fax over a page of disgust.
Thanks BostonJoe!
Way to go Manny. You flying sweet progressive activist you!
Ramen! I posted an entry at my humble blog (keres, I used your duck feather via my photobucket account, hope that’s okay).
I’ll write a diary up at MyDD and Political Cortex. I don’t have name recognition at Kos, perhaps someday.
I’ll also drop a note to Atrios and John at AmericaBlog.
Who else? Let’s get this party started!!!!
Links to my diaries:
Political Cortex – link
MyDD – link
If I’m not mistaken, Cedwyn posts over at DemBloggers, let me see if I can dig up her email and see if she would be willing to spread the word.
If you have your own blog, write up an entry!
recommended at political cortex when I saw it… Just some FYI.
I’m still trying to figure out the layout over there, it’s different….but different is good!
you still needed 3 more recommends to make the cut there (at least) after I put mine in.
thx 4 the heads up, you can’t view the “who recommended this” list when it’s your own diary (unless I’ve been stricken blind)
apparently y’all are reading this thread, cuz now we’re at the top of the list at Political Cortex.
Recommeded at mydd.com. Don’t forget to do the same everyone! I found that, when I first started reading mydd, my dailykos login worked there too, so I didn’t have to create a new one!
thank ewe mlr!
Recommended and commented there as well….
good… I’ll try my dkos login there.
My dKos login didn’t work there.
I’ll have to make a new account there for the next time! lol
Manny. Your write up about it is great. I’d elect you or Sally Cat to do the dKos write up. Let’s get started early, so we might still get on the list and get some faxes to them today. I’m e-maling the cat.
I want to help, but I have to go out around 5:30 eastern and won’t be around to reco after that.
I’m suggesting that we might move up our launch time for dKos to 4:00 p.m. Anyone who can e-mail Manny or Sally Cat and ask them if they can do it by then, that would be cool. I like Manny’s summaries very much. And Sally Cat had been kind enough to offer to do one a dKos. So if one of them will by 4:00. A cut and paste job from Manny’s earlier work. With an addendum that they can get faxes in today, or start fresh tomorrow. Does anyone have their e-mail? Can you get me an answer so we can start whipping up a Booswarm. Thanks again for assistance today CG.
or someone else. I don’t have the name recognition over at the DKos. I’ll be there to recommend and comment though! That always seems to gain attention from me when I’m looking at the Recent Diaries list (lotsa comments)
Okay Manny. So we just need to hear from Sally Cat, to see if she can do it at 4:00 or maybe not until 6:00. Paging Sally Cat. Customer in ailse 4 looking for feathers.
FYI — It is a 6:00pm EST/3:00pm PST launch at orange place. Via SallyCat. Sorry we’ll miss you. The orange glow about your face does so much to enhance your look.
DKos wouldn’t take my two attempts at posting…Boston Joe is up with the diary…recommends…
Boo Swarm!
Also, if there’s anyone with server space who would like to help host the forms, please feel free. I’m not sure how much bandwith I’m allowed…..
Bandwidth…let me know and I’ll put some up on a site that I have…
Link capability isn’t available until tomorrow…noon mountain time…I hadn’t activated my web service tee hee hee…it was January project!
Then 25 gig’s of bandwidth per month…until then we can do photobuckets…I pay for my account with them…
I checked with my better half, who says that we have lots of bandwidth. I think we’ll be OK.
I hope you have the needed bandwidth! I sent it out on a few very large ABB and “impeach bush” mail lists and I think it was picked up by some of them right out of the chute…
Ok… After I blog it to the very few people that accidentally click on a link to my little space on the web, I will be sending this out on some pretty big mail lists.
Has this been posted at DailyKos yet?
If not let me know how much to use…
I liked the write up on Manee’s blog. I have some name recognition over at the other site and a pretty low UID
So…with you guys BooSwarming and an e-list over there…
Let me know…I’ll pick a time and we’ll swarm…I’m thinking 6 pm est and 3pm pst…(I’m in a meeting until 2:45)
BTW – Joe I think you should post it and then get the word out for BooSwarm….
Most of the names over at the Orange site are newish and user info doesn’t really matter…
Sally Cat. I just sent you an e-mail. I don’t know if it will go through. You have not only defeated spam with your address on the BMT. You may have defeated me, too. 🙂 Tell me if you get it.
No email yet…
sally2cat@yahoo.com should do it
okay – Yahoo is being a wanker today…
sally2cat at gmail.com
E-mail is in the mail.
I sent it to “Mike’s Blog Roundup” at Crooks & Liars, and I also sent it to Jesus General at “Operation Yellow Elephant”…
Any plug from anyone will be helpful!
Thanks CT.
to use whatever you want in my diary. Does anyone know the bandwidth limit for photobucket? Perhaps we can upload a couple versions of the yellow feather to use in the diary. I suggest a poll to gain attention too!
Woohoo! I hope this gets some attention.
… seems to be the plat du jour…
Frameshop: ‘cut and run’ vs. ‘sitting ducks’
I like the 6:00 pm start time for dKos. Whoever diaries it will have to be sure to tell folks to send the poultry presents tomorrow, since we will be after office hours on Monday. Sally Cat has volunteered to do the dKos diary, I believe. I don’t go to the orange place much anymore, but will go to recommend this diary. Last I was there, it seemed to me that BooMan, Susanhu and StevenD were the most likely names from BMT that would hit the list. Are there others I don’t know of? I don’t care who does it. I just want this to hit the list, so I’m looking for star appeal. I know I haven’t got it. So it is Sally Cat, unless we as a group can come up with a different diarist. Does that sound okay?
Thanks again to all who are working on this. Very good stuff. Another self-organizing protest. I love these self-organizing events. I’m going to send some faxes and letters of my own, and to write a note to Oberman. MLR. I don’t know squat about bandwidth. I can only say I hope your server is overrun with a tidal wave of hits. Tell me what you need me to do, vis a vis changes to this diary (different links, etc.) to make your server — or whoever else’s server continue to be able to function.
Thanks again to all.
I sent my faxes and got my mail done. Made some promotional e-mails. Being one drop in the bucket doesn’t feel good. Until you get into the bucket.
FYI — If you’ve made it all the way down here, and haven’t read this already. It looks like SallyCat will diary this at 6:00pm EST/3:00pm PST over at dKos. If you’d like to try help and move it up the list and take this feathered protest to the masses.
Can’t do much else, but will certainly do what i can at the orange place
Take from protest what you need, give to protest what you can. 🙂
Can you email me or Manee or someone else on how to upload files to a server?
I have activated a personal web site with 1 gig of storage and 25 gigs of bandwidth a month. I can upload files anytime.
Then we can switch out links whereever you may have them at 12 o’clockish on Tuesday for my site address.
But I am clueless on upload since I wasn’t going to learn this until January…..
DKos Diary link is here! Please recommend and comment!
We are on the Recommended lists at BooTrib, DKos, MyDD and Political Cortex. Now lets inundate those chickenhawks with those yellow feathers!
On top of the recommended list and/or front paged at 5 major Liberal/Progressive Blogs today…
And add to that countless “little” blogs have it out there!
Oh Yeah!
And still doing great at nearly 5am. Hope the early bloggaddicts who didn’t see it last night will get it and recommend, take it to work, warm up the faxes, etc. and get those feathers out this morning!
Wish we had one of those circle with a slash through it over a big yellow feather: Now that’s a magnetic sign I’d actually put on the back of my car and on my door at work.
BJ, you have generated a tidal wave. .
This is so awesaome and what a team effort. Tip of the hat BJ, Manny, SallyCat and all others that have made this the talk of the blogosphere. I will be faxing off my little yellow feather first thing when I get to work. I recommended at dkos, MLW and PC. Way to go gang! They will be crapping yellow feathers for a month after this protest!
Why thank ya girlfriend!
Did anybody read this yet? I read it at Washington Monthly.
[A] spokeswoman for the colonel, Danny R. Bubp, said Ms. Schmidt had misconstrued their conversation.
While Mr. Bubp, a Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives, opposes a quick withdrawal for forces, “he did not mention Congressman Murtha by name nor did he mean to disparage Congressman Murtha,” said Karen Tabor, his spokeswoman. “He feels as though the words that Congresswoman Schmidt chose did not represent their conversation.”
Anybody think that a whole bunch of yellow feathers could have something to do with this???? A soldier getting a dumptruck load of yellow feathers has just got to be crushing!!!!
chicken hawks are shivering without their feathers. AWOL, as BostonJoe puts it here.
They are on the run! CHHHHHAAAAARRRRRRGGE!
And a Fluckin Flock to go!!!
Getting fuzzy reports that Chicken Hawk Schmidt may have been clipped in the yellow feather battle and going down also! As soon as we can find her we’ll let’cha know for sure!
Chicken Hawk Down. Bwaaaahhhh-Haaaawwwww-Hawwww!