Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohip) is in deep political trouble because she called Rep. John Murtha (D-Pennsylvania) a coward. And the progressive blogosphere has played a part in ensuring that she is held accountable for her remarks.
The Cincinnati Enquirer says she skipped two local appearances Monday. She is a true Chicken Hawk. Talk the talk. But when the going gets tough — AWOL.
It appears now that there is a split between Schmidt and her source for the cowardly comments, state Rep. Danny Bubp. (R-Ohio). According to the Enquirer, Bubp is in full retreat:
Three days after Rep. Jean Schmidt was booed off the House floor for saying that “cowards cut and run, Marines never do,” the Ohioan she quoted disputed the comments.
Danny Bubp, a freshman state representative who is a colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve, told The Enquirer that he never mentioned Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., by name when talking with Schmidt, and he would never call a fellow Marine a coward.
“The unfortunate thing about all of that is that her choice of words on the floor of the House – I don’t know, she’s a freshman, she had one minute.
“Unfortunately, they came out wrong,” said Bubp, R-West Union.
It is time for accountability from the Chicken Hawks. Let’s continue with Operation Yellow Feather today. This time, when you send your feathers and related Chicken Hawk memorabilia, please encourage Schmidt to make a public statement on her rift with Bubp. Did she just make up her slur against Murtha out of whole cloth? Or is Bubp now lying to save his own political skin? Let’s have a joint press conference and find out.
Keep up the pressure. Print out one of the Chicken Hawk forms below and use it to send a message to Schmidt and Bubp.
Lost Your Chicken Hawk Feather?
The Chicken Hawk Unit Patch
The Classic Yellow Feather (Make sure to explain)
The Ugly Chicken Hawk (Fill in the voice bubble)
Send your forms to:
Rep. Jean Schmidt
8044 Montgomery Rd. Suite 540
Cincinnati, OH 45236
Rep. Danny Bubp
77 S. High St
11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Better yet Fax them.
Fax Schmidt at (513) 791-1696
Fax Bubp at (614) 644-9494
Make sure you let Bubp know that it is not too late to get some combat experience. The Marines could use some help, given the challenges of recruiting young men to die for a lie.
Personal Blog Entries:
Blog Communities:
Notes were sent to Raw Story, Crooks and Liars, Atrios and AMERICABlog.
Day Two, where next?
(crossposted from the Ops Center diary)
Thanks to wanderindiana, we rec’d an invitation to post over at ePluribus Media. They’ve offered to frontpage the diary.
Woohoo for Collaboration!
At 4:45 pst we have three BooTribbers in the Rec list at the Orange site! BostonJoe, StevenD, and moi!
This so rocks!
Okay – need to get some work done…awesome job on Operation Yellow Feather and thanks for stopping at Buy Blue on the way back here!
on who we’re dealing with:
That photo needs a caption: “Baaaawwwwk.”
she sure looks like one of the wicked witches doesn’t she? Where’s her cauldron?
the Saturday Night Live parody of her? It was hilarious.
but I’m poor at figuring out how to link it.
can be found here
Oh my Monster, is that funny!
I think it’s a match!
Just and FYI – there are a number of practicing Pagans / witches on this site. We use the cauldron for ritual purposes of doing good… end of mini rant
I find her resemblence to katherine harris a bit scary. Maybe she’s our first ‘cloned’ representative.
I think it’s that cryptkeeper look they all seem to favor. Must be a right-wing thing.
I thought it was just the over-tight bun and too much Botox….my bad.
Who is the guy sitting behind her? During her outburst he puts his head in his hands and just starts shaking it back and forth.
it must be a Gooper tho
“I told you once, I’m not frigid!”
who is posting the DKos diary? BostonJoe? And at what time so we can be ready for the second day o’ fun. I just posted a teaser in the Schmidt thread at Kos. Duke was there to help draw attention. (MT, I used your SNL pic)
It is already in the can Capt. Manny. Check the Ops center. Repeat. Check the Ops center.
We’ve cross-posted this diary dKos. Any booswarming activity is appreciated. The feathers are out of the nest. Repeat. The feathers are out of the nest.
In Jotter’s diary on High Impact Diaries – Operation Yellow Feather was #4…
195 Recommends
Absolutely Outstanding!
We could use some more help with today’s diary tho. 😉
it may pick up….
Always tough this time of day….
already up to 15 recommends. [cross the noodly append….wait…that’s sort of gross to visualize] 😛
Here’s how the rumor goes on the rec list:
Rec List is an unknown combination of Recommends and Comments within an unknown period of time. It is also unclear how much TU status has to do with impact on recommend and comments calculations.
The software (allegedly) eliminates the diarist name from the calculation of number of commenters.
Or so the rumor went when I was there all the time…
No facts here, talking points only, dozens of diaries over there on the topic over the course of a year or so…
why my screen was weird over there. It turns out I got TU for the first time ever thanks to the past couple of days. It’s a very weird feeling, sort of like excessive gas. LMAO, can you tell I need to eat lunch?
over there….not here! They are way fun!
One of my favorites was when 2 others and I got called ratings abusers in a diary title once! 8^D
Diarist was drunk as a skunk…and “a prick”
Must have tossed 2 or 3 dozens 0’s that night!
ultimate compliment; a diary title with your name included. Now that you’re a celeb, can I nominate you for the next season of the Surreal Life?
laughing today ’cause my co-conspirators were knowthings and hollywoodoz…and they both recommended Operation Yellow Feather!
I do like bad bloggers ;^)
I’m heading home from work in a few, will keep my eye out for comments this evening. ePluribus rocks for frontpaging us, this has quickly grown into a collaborative project: WITH NO FLAMEWARS! :-O
Peace to you, my friend.
check the list now 🙂
Although something’s missing here at BooTrib.
[COUGH] Recommend! [COUGH]
My bad. I was hasty. Could have remembered your advice from yesterday. Like any self-respecting leader of a parlimentary government, I would offer my resignation after this failed mission. 🙂
Al Franken when he was organizing the protest during Shrub’s 2nd Coronation:
….and with 70k plus over there it’s like a kid wandering through Toys ‘r Us in political diaries.
If they have one copy of your toy – they may or may not want the second toy…
No offense to blog readers…lurkers, etc…just an analogy…must get food to make brain work better…
Rec’d here and dkos and sent my feathers flying a 9AM. You guys rock. I am also so proud of the lefty blogosphere right now. People that truly love their country.
That is not too shabby. Thanks for the numbers.
I am thoroughly disgusted. Check out this article from the Cinci Enquirer. Schmidt is claiming that she didn’t know Rep. Murtha was a Marine. What a crock!
Keep those feathers coming!
So I guess this means if Murtha wasn’t a Marine, and was just a Civilian law-maker, it would be okay to call him a coward for making a serious proposal to end the war.
This woman is clueless.
our latest addition to the coalition?
ePluribus Media – they frontpaged us, woohoo!
BostonJoe and Everyone Else!!!!!!!!!!
You’ve Caught the Fire of Effective Activism!!!
I second that! BostonJoe this is an excellent idea. Operation Yellow Feather is very very cool.
I third that… Y’all done good. you should be quite proud.
Salunga and Duke for your comments and recommends all over the place. It felt good to work across the different communities. Now that I’ve got a small feel for the dynamics, I want to help tampopo and MilitaryTracy with the StopAlito campaign. baby steps, baby steps, but I think we can pull off a major online movement to stop the nomination.
okay, end of sidetrack, back to feathers!
I ended up sick this afternoon with whatever bug my son had last weekend and was in bed for about twelve hours, feel better now. What a huge success Yellow Feather is!!
Cho, from ePluribus Media, has graciously given us permission to use two new yellow feather images from their server. here’s a link to one of them.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I haven’t had time to hit the comments anywhere today for this… But I took the time to look for it at dKos and recommmned and to scan the threads at the other places.
ePluribus, huh? Alright!
Thank you again to everyone who helped may Day 2 of Operation Yellow Feather a success. BostonJoe will be heading out early tomorrow for the holiday weekend.
I will do a write-up for Day 3 by pulling info from the various blog communities who worked together for this project. After that, we will let the Chicken Hawks fly and see where the protest leads.
Thanks again, you are all the best. I am very excited to see how we can work together for the scAlito nomination defeat.
I’m driving about 5 hours and will be leaving early also…then I’m on <28k dial-up so may not be around all weekend.
I’m setting up my web page for yellow feather server space this morning. I’ll post the link when it’s up.
See you in the FBC later
Hey did anyone else notice the Boo-like abundance of 4’s on the Dkos thread? ;o)
Lots of mojo for activists – and we got a bunch!
C&L Links out to this from RawStory
Dave posted it up over at AfterDowningStreet with his link going back to the KOS Diary!
I sent it over to him last night, not sure if it Proded him to post or he went ahead after visiting himself, as he does write there occasionally.
cool! I just posted a comment over there thanking them for joining the protest. You rock, jim!