by Patrick Lang (bio below)

Well, we’ve come a long way since Galileo was shown the instruments of torture.

In the last few days the Vatican astronomer, a Jesuit of course, and the cardinal archbishop of Vienna (formerly a Dominican friar) have taken the public position that “intelligent design” is an interesting and plausible idea, but not “biblical” in the sense that Protestant Evangelicals seem inclined to assert.

It is a long time now that the Roman Church has accepted that “science” is in Caesar’s realm and not its own.

This positions the Catholic Church as an ally of science and strengthens its role in its insistence on moral judgments about the sanctity of life, which it can plausibly argue fall within the boundaries of spiritual conviction.

Reference: Yahoo News

Col. Patrick W. Lang (Ret.), a highly decorated retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces, served as “Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism” for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was later the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. Col. Lang was the first Professor of the Arabic Language at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For his service in the DIA, he was awarded the “Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive.” He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann (interview), CNN and Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room (interview), PBS’s Newshour, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” (interview), and more .

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Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2