[From the diaries by susanhu.]
I had been planning for some time now to write a diary about the recent Federal ruling recognizing the Shinnecock Nation of Eastern Long Island as a legitimate tribe. They have been struggling legally for many years now to attain this recognithion first I believe as a vehicle to fight for land they claim was illegally stripped from them in the 19th century, and second to begin the initial steps toward opening a gaming casino on thier land.
This seemed good news to me and undoubtedly the Shinnecocks and their supporters. Maybe I am naive but I did not believe that a Democratic Senator, Charles Schumer would pull what he pulled next.
Schumer actually asked the B.I.A. (Bureau of Indian Affairs) to ignore the federal ruling and deny the Shinnecocks Tribal rights.
“The Bureau of Indian Affairs should not be beholden to last week’s unprecedented decision by a federal judge. Tribal recognition will have very serious implications – it will help grease the skids for the Shinnecock’s misplaced casino effort – a disastrous prospect for residents on the East End of Long Island,” Schumer said.
(continued below …)
While I understand the concerns of the residents of Hampton Bays, L.I. and the hardships this will cause them, it is a small price to pay, at long last, for the crimes and atrocities committed against the Shinnecock over the last four hundred years. If this were to happen in my nieghborhood I would be concerned as well but personally I could live with it or move away because this is finally a way for this Nation to become self sufficient and able to make money other than by selling tax free cigarettes on the side of the road to rich Hamptonites. Fuckem I say.
The Shinnecock Indian Nation is one of the longest, continuously self-governing Tribes in the country. The 1,500-member State recognized Tribe believes that revenues from a gaming facility will help bring true self-reliance to the Shinnecock people and improve the quality of life. For more information, please visit our Web Site at Shinnecocknation.com or call our Communications team at 631-204-9301.
In 1859 — when the Long Island Rail Road was seeking to run its line east to Montauk Point — a group of private investors submitted a petition to New York State asking to break the Shinnecock lease and instead give the tribe the reservation it now occupies. Twenty-one Shinnecocks allegedly signed the petition. But tribe leaders now question whether their signatures were legitimate: half the names on the petition were signed with Xs, other names were duplicated, and some names on the list belonged to minors, non-members and members who had died, the tribal trustees said in documents released Friday.
Within days of the first petition, tribe members sent a second one to Albany charging that the first had been a forgery. But the legislature approved the transaction.
A travesty repeated and perpetrated throughout our history of Genocide and land theft and Schumer stands in the way of rectifying a wrong and is protecting the interests of the rich landholders in the Hamptons.
Realistically, the Shinnecock’s battle to reclaim stolen land and become self sustaining will be a long and uphill battle, especially now since Sen. Schumer has weighed in. If you believe that he should step aside and let the process play out like I do, please tell him so.
Why doesn’t my senator’s assholishness (did i just coin a word?) not surprise me?
Assholishness…hmm…It Fits!
He’s my Senator too and I couldn’t believe this when I heard it on the radio yesterday.
At this point I’m more than disappointed in both my Senators.
remember the new meaning of “Santorum”? – the frothy mixture of lube and ass juice that leaks out of your butt following anal sex.
Then there was “Rendell” – the lingering sting following a lubeless assraping from someone you thought was your friend.
Now there is “Schumer” – the check that comes in the mail from wealthy people who pay you to screw over poor people.
first thing in the morning! ;^)
Schumer is not a Democrat, he’s a “Schumercrat”. I’m sure if he were in office during any time period in our nation’s history he would have voted against the interests of the indigenous native Americans all across this land we now call the United States.
I can’t claim to understand what may truly be behind his opposition to this, but it would seem logical that as a DLC stalwart crusader for the best interests of his corporate sponsors, there has to be a competing financial interest somewhere.
Maybe Abramoff could shed some light on this! <snark>
Well there are plenty of competing financial interests to say the least. Among them are the famous Shinnecock Hills National Golfcourse with the media contracts that go along with that that lie within the Shinnecock Nation’s land claim.
For all Scumers claims that the impact of a casino would be too great, this poll, fwiw, shows people pretty evenly split. Not exactly lining in opposition.
Would you like to see a Shinnecocks-run casino open in Hampton Bays?
Yes (771 responses)
No (811 responses)
I’m not sure (82 responses)
1664 total responses
That’s a biggie. We all know how important golf courses are to the integrity of the (non-native American) nation.
While I’m glad to see the Shinnecocks get their due, I have the terrible feeling that in fifty or a hundred years, historians will look back on the Indian casino craze as what finally destroyed the surviving indigenous cultures of the US. Having an economy based on gambling is probably not as socially destructive as basing it on prostitution or heroin sales, but in the long run, it probably doesn’t make much difference. It still attracts organized crime, creates a plutocratic ruling clique with an unhealthy concentration of wealth and power, preys primarily on the poor, and leaves a trail of addicts and broken families.
I agree but there are precious few ways for Indigenous peoples to pull themselves out of poverty. In the sense of what goes around, comes around, this is a lot less harmfull than whites plying tribes with firewater.
The bottom line here: east end land is waaaaaay too valuable. It will likely never go back to its rightful owners. Schumer shows his true colors here.
What a bunch of whiny cry babies! We give up our land and let them live on it (reservations) and they just sit around and drink and collect welfare. Not to mention how we honor them in our national pasttime!

Give me a break!
<freeper-like snark>