The Daily Mirror yesterday published details from a transcript of a meeting in which Blair talked with Bush to persuade him not to bomb the offices of Al-Jazeera in Dohar. This has been publicised in the US blogs including BT.
The record of the talks is alleged to the subject of a prosecution under the Official Secrets Act but the meeting’s existence has been vigorously denied by the White House. Now the UK Attorney General has threatened newspaper editors under the Act if they reveal details of the document.
The Guardian explains the basis of the threatened prosecutions and the background to the document:
Under section 5 it is an offence to have come into the possession of government information, or a document from a crown servant, if that person discloses it without lawful authority. The prosecution has to prove the disclosure was damaging.
The Mirror said the memo turned up in May last year at the constituency office of the former Labour MP for Northampton South, Tony Clarke. Last week, Leo O’Connor, a former researcher for Mr Clarke, was charged with receiving a document under section 5 of the act. David Keogh, a former Foreign Office official seconded to the Cabinet Office, was charged last week with making a “damaging disclosure of a document relating to international relations”. Mr Keogh, 49, is accused of sending the document to Mr O’Connor, 42, between April 16 and May 28 2004.
Mr Clarke said yesterday that Mr O’Connor “did the right thing” by drawing the document to his attention. Mr Clarke, an anti-war MP who lost his seat at the last election, returned the document to the government. “As well as an MP, I am a special constable,” he said.
Both men were released on police bail last Thursday to appear at Bow Street magistrates court on November 29. When they were charged, newspapers reported that the memo contained a transcript of a discussion between Mr Blair and Mr Bush.
The conversation was understood to have taken place during a meeting in the US. It is believed to reveal that Mr Blair disagreed with Mr Bush about aspects of the Iraq war. There was widespread comment at the time that the British government was angry about US military tactics there, particularly in the city of Falluja.
The BBC website quotes a White House spokeperson commenting on the allegation that Bush had to be disuaded from bombing a friendly nation in the Middle East:
“We are not going to dignify something so outlandish with a response.”
Unfortunately for the White House, the A-G’s threat to prosecute newspapers if they reveal further details of the document rather undermines their position. If the Blair-Bush allegation is not part of the secret document for which Keogh and O’Connor were charged, the threat to prosecute editors is moot. The only way they could be prosecuted would be if the document did indeed contain the transcript of the meeting in which Blair disuaded Bush from his planned attack.
Somehow I don’t think the mainstream media is quite ready to expose Bush for being the irrational and dysfunctional and petulant imbecile he truly is.
Needless to say I hope I’m wrong, but I won’t be holding my breath waiting to see new disclosures.
the British MSM, or elements of it, may quite enjoy portaying Bush as an imbecile after all some of the British media is not overly impressed with his slaughter in Iraq. However, dont expect anything worth reading in our neutered MSM unless it has already been reported all around the world.
Quite so!
Thursday’s Guardian has some insight why the Attorney General weighed in after the Mirror had published the first article:
While not quoting from the memo, the Guardian can give background that may well indicate the nature of the discussion that Blair wants to suppress from public knowledge:
Is Rupert on the outs with Blair or something?
Interesting that this kind of thing ends up in a tits and ass UK tab.
The amount of harassment–even harassment resulting in death at the hands of Americans–that al Jazeera has received isn’t news to me. The fact remains that, just like liberal/progressive political blogs, Jazeera is beholden to nobody but Arabs.
It’s just too bad Americans can’t get al Jazeera on cable with subtitles. Then we can figure out what is really happening unfiltered on their part of the street. But BushCo and the military are really afraid that not only sympathy but understanding–even grudging understanding–might unfold.
These guys figured that as long as it’s not televised–nothing happened. There’s no proof of atrocities. They did not want Americans to see the truth of what was really going on on any level.
AmericaBlog just said that they would be happy to publicize what really went down in those memos if a likely Brit was willing…