In addition to working on my book about the “red state” media creation, I’m blogging about issues and stories that don’t receive the attention they deserve, with an emphasis on women’s issues:
AlterNet: Iraq’s Female Leaders-In-Waiting
NY Times: Plan to Dissolve Nation’s Only Public Women’s College Stirs Debate at Rutgers
Reuters: Liberia Elects First Woman President
BBC: Women Resist ‘Honour’ Marriages
CBS/AP: Indiana Upholds Abortion Wait Law
AlterNet: Abortion: Trouble in Numbers?
AP: Italy Addresses Political Gender Gap
The Jakarta Post: Promoting Reproductive Health Through Religion
LA Times: U.N. Says Some HIV Rates Are Decreasing Saudi Female Candidates Call for Chamber Seat Quota

The Pro-Choice Bush Family
The SF Chronicle is running a piece that looks back at the Bush family’s support for Planned Parenthood and family planning services. The article also highlights the fact that both Barbara and Laura Bush are against overturning Roe vs. Wade. “I agree with my husband that we should try to reduce the number of abortions in our country by doing all of those things, by taking responsibility, by talking about abstinence.” Yes, pressed interviewer Katie Couric, but what about Roe vs. Wade? “No, I don’t think that it should be overturned.”

House Votes to Starve the Poor
The House’s decision to cut $700 million in food stamps will impact 235,000 people. The vote was 215-217. Fourteen Republicans, one independent and 200 Democrats voted against the bill. Congressmen Leonard Boswell of Iowa and Edolphus Towns of New York, both Democrats, failed to vote.