Hop on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of antacids on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door |
Please recommend (and unrecommend the last Cafe). |
May the 4’s be with you
It’s still early. No leftovers yet, but I’m just about on my way to create my share of them.
You guys have a lovely few hours while I’m gone and try not to spill the gravy, okay? Although,if you do, AndiF’s dogs will be giving thanks, too.
Fellow hosts? I’m only going to be gone about 3 hours. If this cafe gets out of hand, blame IndyLib. No, no, if it gets too crowded and wild, blame Second Nature. Wait, what am I really trying to say? Start an ANNEX, if you need to, okay?
Host questions:
Does the host/hostess have to be “around”?
When I get settled in, I would like to create social threads. That’s always fun and I do it for the hockey thread… but I don’t have to hang around.
I dunno.. Just asking. 🙂 I like th self-serve social, too 🙂 (or am I just lazy and non-committal?) LOL
Nope, he/she doesn’t have to, and we almost all usually have to take some time off during our days to get other stuff (work? did somebody say work?)done. But we have observed that cafes usually get a lot more traffic whenever a host is active on them. Not that they aren’t also beautifully self-sufficient–god knows this crew can suffice themselves!–but it’s more lively and more people enter into the discussion more, it seems, when the hosts host the most.
I like how you can pretty much tell who created the threads. CabinGirl has the recipe, Diane has the boutique paintings… and those marmotdudefans.
I’m not worthy. I’m not worthy. But I did run a self-serve (remember the gelato?) and I can do Captions and Movie Themes… and uh… soft porn. 🙂
CabinGirl and BrotherFeldspar want me to take a turn or two. They both were hitting me with hint meatballs in DC about it 🙂
Well, now that you’re moving someplace cool like Oregon, maybe we’ll all come kidnap you and force you to host the FBC to gain your release…
okay…I watched Hitchhiker’s Guide a wee bit too long today…
I have an IDEA… WHOCK! 🙂
Goodie! I was hoping that’s where you were going with the hosting questions. Do it, do it, doit!! Take a turn, have some fun, get hooked, then you, too, can be a pusher like us.
Social – meaning the Frog Pond Cafe threads.
Sorry, too much cascade jam and rum today 🙂
And to all, a Good Bite!
I’m reposting this from cafe one because I was the last to post there. “I hate when that happens”. I wanted my thoughts to make it to the left coast bunch.
Pretty quiet around the house this morning. Toto2 went to all the rooms trying to find Gooserock and/or Florida Mom. Then he looked at me and yarked (his not-quite-a-bark-but-asking-a-question-word). So I had to explain. He’s snoring now so I guess he understood.
I enjoyed all the sparkling reparatee (sp?) in the first cafe. It’s interesting coming into a conversation that is already 3 hours old.
Loved the snow in NY photo. That reminds me of a Thanksgiving story but I’ll save it for tomorrow.
I’m already bored with “having the house to myself”. That happened yesterday after I got back from shopping.
I have two invitations to Thanksgiving dinner which I’m not eating, but I will go to visit and enjoy the smells.
Happy Thankful Day everyone. Take a moment to remember.
to all the FBC crew. I’m heading out for the day but wanted to share the wonders of googling ‘thanksgiving cartoon’ (one of them anyways)
Peace to you all on this day, and always.
Bush walking blindfolded among Congressional Republicans in order to select one of them to personally campaign for, and all of them are chirping, “Democrat, Democrat, Democrat.”
Which makes absolutely no sense if you can’t see the cartooon that ManE posted.
This is weird. Sometimes your cartoon shows up and sometimes it doesn’t.
Back from our walk and now it’s time to go to T’day meal at my sister’s.

Cool photo. I wonder if we might really look that big to dogs.
or real turkeys?
We look like fingers to dogs — everything else is dross.
I’m at my sister’s pretending to be sociable but they’re all family and they know better anyway. And she has broadband * weep *
You’re cheating on your family, with us!
We have done our best damage. We can now rest and digest.
and have returned to the deepest, darkest wilderness known as the land of no broadband.
Will that assist or impede your digestion?
and read the newly posted diary
Thanksgiving on the Rez
It’s worth the time to read it and to remember and maybe even to read it aloud at dinner.
No, I take that back. Everyone would suffer heartbreak. I know I do everytime I remember this.
Maybe just print it and lay it somewhere for guests and family to read after dinner.
Howard Zinn is a good read, BTW. I’m sure you know that.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!

I see you all have been busy this morning….loved the snow pics on the last cafe..
Have a great day everyone, we are going out to eat at 6:30 so I am not cooking and it is strange….
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. All of the east coasters must be eating now. Sure got quiet in a hurry.
Where do you get those darling animations?
Hi Puget,the animations come from yahoo, smiley central, and then you download the bar for browser…it’s a little tricky to get them to post on comments tho, they are mostly for chatting or emails….If you download and want to know how to post I will write details.
also don’t work on Macs. :'( …
Just waiting for the spouse to dress and shave and we’ll be out of here…had a great short workout on the bike today; decided to do a distance ride instead of time, and upped the level midway. My legs are tired, but my spirit is full. 🙂
All I know for sure about today’s menu is that there’ll be turkey cooked on the Weber kettle barbecue, and my sister is making green beans fresh from her garden. My mouth is already watering… 🙂
Thanks Olivia for the Canadian blog links. I’ve bookmarked them so I can find them later.
It’s so quiet in the cafe, maybe I can stir up some trouble. I see when Gooserock’s away the P4 will play.
1. What would it take to offer some ideas for upgrades to this blog? such as
a. an “edit” button
b. a button to automatically give everyone 4s. Then we could go in and simply change the ones we want to change.
c. I had another one but I forgot it.
Is that enough trouble for now?
Understand, Booman, I love the Frog Pond as it is too. I just have some quiet time to myself and ideas are popping up.
None of these suggestions are original, BTW, except the one I forgot. 🙁
We’re not having “Thanksgiving” until Saturday at my house, so I’m just being lazy today. I keep thinking how sweet all the dogs look when they look up at me, so this morning I tried to capture it for posterity. First my “company.”
Ralphie. This is the face that inspired me to want to take these pictures.
Tia. “Can I go chase the cats? Now? Please, please, please?”
And my Good Dog, Bo.
These guys/gals are soooo sweet. I could hug them all. Can they come and play with two old timers, Toto2 and Toto3?
My black Lab, Shinobi, (Ninjitsui for basically “Sacred”. Shinobi in a round about way means “Nine” which is sacred. Shinobi was the ninth of ten out of 15 to live. OMG
When we move, she’ll be getting baths from PetCo – to help get her acclimated to people, too. She’s a shybee (long story) anyways her world is us and so now must get her socialized. I think the grooming will help (plus it’s a must do for the apt living lease) Her and I can walk to the baths. The move, even for her, will be a good one.
AND I’ll take a good picture of her all prettied up. She has the biggest “poor me” chocolate eyes you’ve ever seen. Tomorrow is the vet time for her so she have her tags and and rags for the apt/PetCo stuff.
I am going to be run out of here for gabbing so much by the time Gooserock gets home.
I need some edification.
What is the difference between this type of blog where everyone can jump in and voice an opinion or ask a question…….and any of the many blogs put up by individuals? Can just anyone jump in there as well?
I don’t want to be a total jerk.
I blog around a lot, Puget4, and I’m also home alone today, so I’ll offer you up my 2 cents on this.
This blog is a Scoop site, which is the kind of software used to build it. It’s Booman’s blog, but functions as a community, so of course users can register and post at will.
Individual blogs use all kinds of different software packages and fall into various categories. Some bloggers like to have lots of commenters and others not so much. I usually will lurk and read a blog for a while to get a feel for it, before deciding whether and what to post. Of course, you can almost always just email the blog’s host if you have specific questions.
We don’t even understand what that means 😀
Blogs run by individual come in three basic flavors:
I don’t have time for more info right now — I’m just waiting for Jim to finish dressing and then we’re leaving but if you are in the cafe tonight when I get back I’ll give you a link to each one of the types I’m talking about so you can see the difference.
And you aren’t even one iota, one eyelash, one nanoparticle of a jerk.
Hey, Puget4. I’m on my own today too, though I’m about to take a break and clean house a little.
As far as I know, if an individual has a blog and has the comments enabled, anyone is free to add a comment. You know, as long as one doesn’t violate BooMan’s Rule – and I certainly can’t imagine you doing that.
Well, I think that BooMan’s Rule should never be violated (righteous indignation doesn’t count). But if you spend time at any of the bigger blogs with unrated comments, you’ll see that prickishness is rampant Out There. Which is why I much prefer a Scoop or Scoop-type blog like this one.
Individual blogs are usually free ones like eblog…and thus they have limited capabilities, you can post comments on eblogs, if comments are enabled but on some you have to be an eblog member.
My site VB is an individual site, requiring a domain name and a hosting site which you have to pay for, same as BoomanTrib, but we use different programs, I use Drupal, MLW uses Soapblox, Boo uses Scoop.
PS: you can’t gab too much in the FBC.
Um, is there a strict dress code here in the cafe that says you have to actually have your pants not only zipped but buttoned as well?
My turkey got done way sooner than I had figured so it was a mad scramble to get all the side dishes done before the turkey got cold, but we made it and enjoyed the feast. I actually had to wake up Ryan (my daughter) at 1:00 PM to help make the gravy and to mash the potatoes. See actual pic below.
Ah, to be young again and able to sleep half the day away with no problem. The men and boys are doing dishes right now and then plan to go to the Harry Potter movie this evening while Ryan and I hang out here at home.
happened to us one time. Damn bird cooked fast and so we did the side dish marathon.
Ryan.. beautiful name 🙂 Does she know she’s named after Ryan’s Lake near Mt. St Helens?? 🙂
DamnitRyan said to say “HEY” – he thinks of you guys often. Maybe he’ll show up in here or somethin'(?)
(((((((((Second Helpings))))))))))))))
Thanks Everyone for your kind words and helpful incite into blogs.
It’s comforting to know although I’m home….I’m not alone thanks to you all.
Anyone want a bite of my garden burger? ….a slice of Fakin’ Bacon (tempeh)?
I have to keep naming these strange T-Day foods but I need the reminding.
I’m thankful for life,
for this beautiful earth,
for my doggies,
for my best friend, Gooserock,
and for all of you.

In The Netherlands the turkey got a rain check ’till Christmas Day.
“Worlds Apart: Indigenous People Bridging Traditional and Modern Ways of Life”
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
On Christmas we usually have a ham. Or whatever Santa left on the roof. Some of those elk/deer whatever the hell they are – are getting old and sometimes St. Nick leaves an oldie behind. Roofkill, instead of road kill. We eat it with reclaimed water… ahem… anyways… to digress//
Christmas morning or the day before (depends on how busy I am) I make “Christmas crepes”… actually they’re Swedish Pancakes. Cascade Jam, Nutella, and whipped cream and YUMMY!
I’m a little late to the party here, well a lot late I guess but hope everyone is enjoying there thanksgiving day wherever they are at.
My nephew who lives in Arizona came up here with two of his kids and they are staying with me for the week. Since my other nephew is living with me for the time being it’s a bit crowded in my one room apt.
We were all supposed to go out for thanksgiving dinner to a buffet restaurant with my sister and her husband but due to my health I ended up staying home. Which is ok as I did manage to bake a turkey with stuffing the other day for sandwiches..so I’m going to go lay around on the couch and eat turkey sandwiches and stuffing and read while it’s quiet here.
Again I hope everyone is enjoying their day of thanks today.
Hi Chocolate, I’ve missed you recently….Happy Thanksgiving, lucky you with your turkey sandwiches, I am soooo hungry, waiting for our dinner out at 6:30, why didn’t I make the time earlier I wonder????
Sounds pretty crowded at your place, enjoy the time alone..
Hi diane..nephews and the kids have taken over the computer while they are here..and I am spending more time resting..takes a lot out of me to have people around even if it’s family and there isn’t any tension or anything…there’s always extreme fatigue with this neuro disease and simply being around people makes it worse…anywayyyyyyyyyyyy I am now really going to get off the computer and go eat turkey and lay on couch and read…hope your day is happy and serene..
and all others just now checking in today! Hope I haven’t missed you in this or the earlier cafe.
Am I the first kid on our block to report back FULL?
At the last minute, my son had to stay in bed. The cold/flu he’s been coming down with picked this morning to turn truly miserable. I knew last night this was going to be a possibility– when he stayed home instead of going out partying with his friends. Not a good sign in a college kid!
Ah. . .loosening belt, trying to breathe deep. Giving it up as a lost cause for now.
Hey Kansas…hope your day isn’t to hectic and you have a good thanksgiving…did you get Ms. Lightfoot to come over and help with the cooking?
She likes to cook as much as I do, eh?
That’s sad. And it’s not like there is really anything you can do for a child with a cold. (or anyone else)
Or… maybe he’s just trying to get out of helping out in the kitchen?? 🙂 Hope he feels better soon.
…scratch itch scratch… No one wants to hug me. I’ve lost my Huggy label. ACK!
Easy for us to hug you!
If he was trying to get out of anything, it was spending an afternoon with our sweet but annoying cousin. She tempts me to develop a bad cough, too.
Glad you’re feeling a little better! You’ve had a week of it, haven’t you?
Happy T-day!
Man oh man – it’s been a week.
On the road on my bellylint day. I was an emotional wreck. Up to see the ‘new place’ to reassure my son who had been totally freaking out…
Then this poison oak shit – AND I had tossed the old medical cards and that was the policy I needed.
then they say no alcohol with benadryl – so I said “screw that” and stuck with steriods and liquor.
Then the septic tank shits the bed. But… we needed to get that out of the way anyways for selling.
Been a long week… But I got a chance to peek into the Alice Mirror and see that there is so much great stuff ahead.
This place gives me that hope and fuel. The feather campaings, Rub’s diaries, the alerts, the commradarity (sp) and the community here. It’s fantastic, even on icky yucky weeks.
Even when “down” I’m still in pretty good shape. Cue “I get by with a little post from my friends”
How’s Wes doing now that he has an idea where you’re going?
Hopefully, you’re getting all the crap out of the way this week so you can have a trouble-free move and Christmas.
He still hates the idea of moving, but at least now the “fear of the unknown” factor is muted a bit. He wanted to live here on his own but have me fly down and make his cinnamon toast till he learned how to make it himself… I think not. LOL
How are you and the boys and school doing? Damn, Woman you be busy 🙂 xoxox
Hey, you cant blame the guy for tryin’… 🙂
I’m tired of being so busy! Barely any time to mess around in the cafe every day… but just 3 more weeks and it’s over for a month. I’m ready!
That’s what I like about here: You can take off for a bit and people still care and love ya. They understand.
When I go to school, you can stick me with the cattle prod when I get doubtful 🙂
3 more weeks – YAY!!!!!!
Hi everyone! I’m back after a complete computer break down. We suspect the motherboard died.
So, I’m visiting from an emergency PC.
(and actually we lost about 3 hours on that deal and still have to make dinner!)
Our plumbing crapped out last night. The washer machine started backing up into the tubs. Never had that happen before. So Wayne had to go dig a hole in the yard so that the RooterDuder can come out tomorrow and pump out the septic tank. This whole thing totally sucks ass.
ahh… no pun intended. LOL
But I guess it’s one more thing that had to be done before selling.
Well, your problem is much worse than mine! Yuck…
At least I’ll get a new computer out of the deal (eventually).
Good grief! Just what you needed on top of.
How is our patient now??!!
(Dammit, I did it again, this dumb dumb thing where instead of hitting “Post,” I do the thing for “Send,” as if it’s email.)
Well, tomorrow we’ll be trading parts in and out to verify it. But, it seems he’s gone for good (the motherboard that is, everything else lights up and hums).
Our daughter brought a computer back with her, so I’m using that.
But, it doesn’t have anything I’m used to.
it’s so sad when your own mother betrays you. I think I saw this same plot on days of our lives in 1970.
It is 14 frelling degrees outside.
That is all.
A 3 dog night?
in the universe to compensate for it being this cold in november. If Gore had won in 2000, this would never have happened.
lol! And if he had won, I would never have neglected to add pumpkin pie to my bag of left-overs today.
And I would not be going through what appears to be major PMS, yet the timing is such that I can’t possibly use that as an excuse. Oh someone please shoot me.
Sorry, I don’t like guns but I could send my coonhound over to seriously slime you if you wanted.
Or if you’d like to do some ranting, the coonhound has big ears for listening and these warm, pools-of-love, sweet brown eyes.
no guns how about some really good cheesecake and some rum. Then we can forget that we went outside and attempted to pee standing up. 🙂
Aw, you guys are sweet. I’m just in that kind of mood where I want to take my kids and move to a deserted island and eat wild boar and coconuts.
Really, though, I hate this step-family crap. I wish it was like the Brady Bunch but it’s more like an episode of COPS all the time. That’s something I wasn’t really prepared for the second time around.
Move to Portland area. They’re more liberal than us California “hippy freaks”.
Damnit you’re writing is cracking me up. You, Andi and Kansas had me rolling earlier. You guys are Erma Boomanbeck!
Fortunately, we had IndyLib in fine raunch form — it could have only been better if you had been around to join in.
She had me wheezing with the whole “picking hair off her tongue” bit 🙂
I can SO see sharing a couch and laugh with her at a pleasure party or hell… any party… sitting on a park bench even for cripes sake. Ording a smoothie… She’d have us all in tears. Of course… we’d be encouraging her on, too.
Imagine her and Second Nature on stage… Damn!
Awww. ::blush::
I think all you ladies are hilarious, too, which is only one of many reasons why I adore this bunch.
Exactly what do you mean by “blush”? 🙂
Been hard for me to be “on” when my scalp feels all tingily. Shit’s even on the bottom of my feet. What’s up with that??
EW. I just saw that Dick Cheney/WalVart is good ad. HURL.
and I don’t believe you blush.
(definition of a lady: someone who never has any fun).
Well, my definition of lady is far more liberal, and I am actually very self-conscious so I blush often, so neener and thhppbbbt to you ma’am. :p
I have an allergic reaction to the word “lady” having been told most of my childhood (and youth and adulthood) to “be a lady” and “act like a lady”. I earned that definition and I stand by it :-r
I’m having trouble with the blushing — so you say the stuff you say and then you blush? You keep your mouth shut so you don’t have to blush — nah, I can’t believe that one at all.
Dirty jokes don’t make me blush, but people saying nice things about me does. My ego is wired together in a really unusual way.
It’s criminal that so many girls have been pressured to become the kinds of “ladies” that are more like paper dolls than people. I’ll try to keep your aversion to the word in mind.
And I’ll store away that blushing fact so that when we finally meet I can see how quickly and how badly I can make you blush.
I’m sure growing up in the 50’s made it much worse than in more modern times and of course, all those admonishments never accomplished anything — other than giving me an aversion to that word.
See, I’m nice to you, and you’re starting a file of my quirks for future abuse. You’re buying lunch, then.
and IndyLib, too. She can make my face hurt.
Snortage Galoria here.
Crap… I started a list of names. Forgot some and too many to list. ACK
Write a book, write a book!
COPS, the Book. I’m framing it out in my head right now. Crack whore? Check. Ugly dude in saggy tighty whities swearing a blue streak as he’s being handcuffed? Check. Pit bulls? Check.
Honestly, this is the part I didn’t sign up for when I agreed to marry again and move down here.
to our unfortunate “blended family” — we could trade stories some time. My poor mom was shocked by what she found out she had “signed up” for and for how long. In her late fifties, she ended up raising my stepsister’s three kids (4, 5, and 6 years old) for two years — not to scare you even worse or anything.
direct to dvd movie! direct to dvd movie!
Hockey game on in a few minutes. Please the Sharks SKATE a whole freakin three periods. Cripes!
Gonna have a drinkiepoo and NOT ITCH. And… not throw any materials or verbal vulgarities at anyone telling me I’m itching when clearly I was not itching. Or even if I was itching and in complete denial or just completely being grizzily mean because I know I got caught in full itch-on mode.
GACK! But it is better now. My face doesn’t look so hideous. back to normal color and no eye squintage. Yay!
Okay game on. Pumpkin Pie ON! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Boobage Huggage to you all!
Just toddled in the door about half an hour ago; left the sister’s at about 4pm, made a couple of stops on the way home, I took just enough time to go pee and change into my PJs and slippers, and now settling in for an evening of hockey. (Yes, DJ, those Sharks better skate tonight or else! I’m starting to get flashbacks to the bad old days; I used to have a cartoon done by the SJ Murky News’ cartoonist Scott Willis: “How do you prevent shark attack? (1) Remain calm (2) Hand shark a hockey stick (renders them virtually helpless))
Actually did quite well at my sister’s. My second sister and her husband and son were missing; they were in San Diego at my niece’s. But other than that we had the rest of the family — my sister and her husband; her mother-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law’s husband; my brother, his wife, and two kids; my oldest niece, her husband, her two kids, and her mother-in-law (dad in law was out hunting); and of course me and the spouse. I ate very moderately; only had seconds on stuffing, and to make up for that had a piece of the crustless pumpkin pie (my sister makes sure to make one because my brother’s wife has wheat allergies). And after dinner most of the family took a long walk over to a nearby park. A little sad thinking about Mom, but no tears…maybe there’s hope for me after all. 🙂
I also got in a short workout on the exercise bike this morning, but probably not tomorrow; I plan to join some of the maddening crowds for the early sales — need a few more sweaters and Penney’s is having a good sale, then will grit my teeth and venture into Toys R Us for goodies to donate to the assorted toy drives. Planning to look for things to spur the imagination, which means Legos, Lincoln Logs, and other assorted toys of that sort. Will probably also get Barbies or equivalent — when I was young, my Barbies always ended up in very perilous situations, usually rescued by Midge or one of the other girlfriends. (None of my neighbors had Ken dolls, so the girls did all the work…I’m surprised none of us turned out lesbian…)
Anyway, hockey time so must dash — have a fun Thanksgiving evening…
I’m going to beddy-bye, so I opened a new cafe just in case some of you guys would like to keep chatting. See you in the manana!