Hop on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of antacids on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the last Cafe).
May the 4’s be with you
Happy Thanksgiving, Tribbers!
Any newbies or lurkers here? Wouldn’t this be a great day to jump into the frog pond? Don’t be shy. Tell us about yourself! We’d love to say howdy and to thank you for joining us.
And the most important question of all:
Whatcha gonna do with the leftovers?
I don’t think katiebird, Andif, or Second Nature ever went to bed last night. I spied them, still talking, over at the tail end of the last cafe. Kids, I hate to tell you this, but it didn’t do any good for the three of you to stay up all night waiting for the Giant Turkey to leave gifts.
Especially since the Giant Turkey usually won’t leave the White House to interact with the common people, and he thinks gift-giving is for sissified liberals.
Happy Thanksgiving, Kansas!
lol! Boy, did I ever give you the perfect straight line! (I have a feeling that is one, too.)
the Patron Saint of All Evil-Minded And Witty BooTrib Lurkers Who Pay Very Close Attention To What Everybody Else Is Saying strikes again!
With a name like that I have a feeling I’m going to remain a lesser known saint, my altars only lit for holidays like Secretary’s Day…
It’s going to be hard for you in the Old BooTribber’s Home. You’ll crack wise and none of the rest of us will be able to remember why it’s funny.
Okay, we can shorten it to “Saint Indy, Patron Saint of All People Who Give DobsonSantorumists Fits”. And secretaries, though underpaid, are the true power in the world (especially in academia where they run everything).
Oh my heavens, that was way tooooooo funny for any follow up!
Good Morning, Good Morning! It’s a lovely Cafe — what time is dinner?
And what are your plans for the day?
My mother is so funny. She decided to buy “dinner” for the four of us from a local inexpensive cafe. So far, so good. Very generous and thoughtful of her. I picked it all up at the cafe yesterday and it’s all in a box in my refrigerator. But then, the day after making the cafe decision, she said to me, “I’ve decided it just won’t be Thanksgiving without my rolls, so I’m going to make rolls.” Okay. I smiled. I love her rolls. The next day she said, “I’ve decided it’s not right not to have any leftovers, so I’ll just stick a turkey in the oven so everybody will have some to take home.” Then I noticed she has cans of cranberry sauce in her refrigerator.
I wonder if she’ll make some green beans. 🙂
That is cute. Kind of like stone-soup. With actual food instead of stones.
That’s so funny. My mom and I went out for Thanksgiving one year when I didn’t have my boys with me, and we decided never to do it again. It just wasn’t the same…
Good morning, CG! I’ll bet your house smells yummy this morning.
I just put the turkey in about 15 minutes ago, and I’m wondering why I don’t cook one more often just for the delicious smell it gives the house!
I know what you mean! And I always wonder why we don’t cook turkey more often anyway. It’s easy, it lasts forever, etc.
Since you are running the cafe, I didn’t think you should have to cook, so I brought the main course.
Okay, okay. It was a dumb joke but marmotdude has a very furry sense of humor.
Roast Stuffed Marmot! You are a photoshop genius. That should have everybody gagging with laughter, or just gagging.
I thought about putting a blue dot in his mouth as you requested but I really didn’t think you could miss him and it would have ruined the effect.
Bood abides is a genius; I’m a plodding wanker.
No, even I couldn’t miss that. Every time I look at it I get this icky feeling that I should pick hair off my tongue.
I should pick hair off my tongue.
Kansas, in case you were wondering, I think THAT is an example of the perfect straight line. In the interests of this being a family holiday, though, I’m going to leave it alone. ;p
Ok, how much coffee is one monitor supposed to take? These spit-takes are killing it.
lol!! And Andy calls you a saint!
the Blue Dot’s requirements.
So does every woman who watches me pick hair off my tongue.
OH! Sorry y’all, but sometimes a joke just needs to be made.
I’m glad something’s getting made around here.
kansas: thank you, oh cosmic muffin, for all the opportunities you have given me to send people’s thought into the gutter, where they can play happily
I’m just popping in to say — I don’t feel witty enough to participate openly in this conversation, but I’m enjoying all the charm and sparkling repartee tremendously.
but the repartee is definitely tarnished.
that wasn’t quite the image I was getting — mine was much more, umm, dynamic.
— which just made me think about the image people who are fans of Santorum must get when they hear the phrase “hair of the dog that bit you.”
I love how ribald you are, but that dog joke gets you two minutes in the penalty box for unnecessary grossness!
And to think I was just about to thank you for letting that one go due to the family nature of the holiday and all. I hope that image doesn’t replace the one I have of you with the garage and the baby doll when you were three. Too late.
Happy Thanksgiving, Second Nature! I hope it’s a dirty one. 😉
Glad to see you finally grew some hair. The ruffles really do add to the general air of cuteness and innocence. I didn’t know you read Braille.
I can read anything with my fingers.
(Really, you guys have to stop setting me up for these. You’re killing me.)
Innocence, my ass. I see that wicked gleam in your cherubic little eyes! If the grownups had only known what you were thinking. . .
Like I didn’t tell them what I was thinking. In fact, that very picture was taken in 1974, not long after I dodged expulsion from preschool for telling an “inappropriate” joke about Nixon.
When do we get to see baby pix of you, Kansas?
I have to tellyou that you are just making my ribs hurt from all the laughing you are making me do here…I have to clean my keyboard too. God you all are way to funny today…maybe not enough sleep is the reason!!??@$%&
Brenda! I’m so happy to see you at the pond this morning. It’s wild, isn’t it? There’s nothing like a lot of BooTribbers just chomping at the bit to get to their nitrates and tryptophans.
Do you have to work today?
No, do not have to work today. This is a strange year for me. Not that I am complaining…;o)
I am going to have a horrible time after this upcoming week tho. My medical director has been gone and is now back. So things are going to pick up like madening from next week on out. I am going to enjoy my last of freedom and then it might be very rare for me to be here except for late in the evening. or maybe on occassional w/e/ I will be back on call 24/7 an then all hell will break loose.
You’ve just been dying to post that, haven’t you? Now I can’t wait to see what you do for Christmas. With marmots, I mean. Unless marmots are Jewish?
overlap this year so if I started now I might be able to do a menorah with eight marmotdude candles for Christmas.
I’m already laughing! The Eight Marmodudes of Hannuka. And for Chrismaka, just think how cute he’d be peeking up out of a stocking.
Too damn funny! 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving all. I’m very grateful to know you all and to have marched with you all and to have faxed feathers with you all. We will crush these assburgers! We will!!
Feel mucho better today. My face no longers SCARES my son. It had the burned look. Nasty. Still itchin’ but it comes and gos. Doing okay.
Just had to HOP in and say RIBBIT! XOXOXOX
Happy Thanksgiving Damnit Janet! Wishing you plenty of dirty jokes and pleasant l-trytophan dreams.
Hey Indy 🙂 I got rid of my handcuffs… while packing. LOL Danni was all, “what are these for?” Uhhhhhh those were a “joke” a gift from a silly friend. 🙂
No Turkey farts this year. Went with a spiral ham. Paper plate’in it ya know.
Still packing. Moving INTO apt in Oregon on Dec 9th. I believe we even have comcast cable connection there for internetS. Whew!! This dial up shit is LONG.
But… I just LOVE the area. Not materialistic, but there is so much shopping there! I think the key thing for me is “CHOICES” now 🙂 Options, Opportunities. 🙂
And… no matter where we all move or land – we are always connected to this raggamuffin group 🙂
Oh Indy, thought of you in Oregon the other day while up there. Danni got some really cute pants that are like cargo/martial arts gi pants. Very cute and for some reason reminded me of you. i think there’s a pix of you somewhere with brown cargo-ish pants on… Anyways, I’m rambling and I’ve got to get movin’ before another itchypoo spell hits.
Assburgers and raggamuffins, the perfect BooTrib diet.
I’m sooo glad you’re on the mend and also sooo glad you love it where you’ve moved. We are all pro-choice for you!
Heh, I had that exact same conversation about the handcuffs with my mom in 1986. Can’t even imagine having a kid old enough to have to deny things to. You progressive moms ROCK THE HOUSE.
And I echo what Kansas said. Plus, I keep thinking healing, non-swelling, non-itchy thoughts for you, Janet. 🙂
The Blue Dot uncharacteristically humbles herself to say that she is overwhelmingly grateful that she chose to reveal herself to you and establish this blissful relationship.
The Blue Dot meditates on being thankful for places of beauty, the Virgin River Narrows of Zion National Park
Me, too, you.
I would drive down that long “scary” road to your house for coffee and a week’s worth of chat in a second! Okay, now I’ve just scared YOU with the “week’s worth” business. Half an hour?
The week of chatting would be lovely — a whole of week of having a guest in the house would be terrifying. There’s no way either I or the dogs could be good for that length of time.
But seriously, if you ever get within a 100 miles of me and don’t let me know you are around, I will come to IRL Kansas and find the one damn big tree in the state, dig it up and bring it back to Indiana.
You have struck terror. I’ll let you know, I’ll let you know!
But ditto for me about the guest in the house. We are strictly virtual hostesses, you and I. Tell you what, if either of us gets within l00 miles of the other, we’ll promise to stay in motels and meet in coffee shops every day.
Now, why does that idea sound so familiar? And appealing?
Hey, you. Aren’t you supposed to be making stuffing?
(yawn, stretch) The bread is cubed and in the oven. I’m not looking at it for 2 hours. (3 loaves worth). By the way, did you know that millions of families eat Stove-Top-Stuffing today? Is it weird that I’m shocked? Or was that a lie?
In about an hour I’ll start chopping vegetables.
I mean a lie that people eat it today. Not that I was shocked. I am. (maybe I need another cup of coffee)
(Mumbles, redfaced.) I used to make Stove Top Stuffing. (I ADDED EXTRA INGREDIENTS, I DID!) Which is probably one of the reasons why, as I think I may have told you, the last time I offered to make a holiday dinner my cousin got an appalled look on her face and said, “Please, don’t.”
Nancy — um kansas, I am actually shocked. Really. What extra ingredients did you add? Because if you added just about anything you could take out the mix. The only thing in the mix is dehydrated bread and salt. And assorted poisons.
–> And how weird is it that I typed that paragraph after claiming to not cook at all? I know, it’s weird, but the one meal I’m trusted with is Thanksgiving Dinner. Which I’ve made almost every year since I was 14 years old. It’s really the easiest thing in the world to make. <–
I moved us back over here.
What else did I put in the stuffing? Um. Good question. Mushrooms? Pecans? Garlic? Extra Butter? Beats me. But you’ve got to understand the humiliating truth. I like Stove Top Stuffing. There, I’ve said it. I also like McDonald’s Coffee.
Slinks away, with telltale chemical crumbs on her face.
I cheated too. I hate stuffing. My kids hate stuffing. But my husband loves stuffing. so I cheated and bought some Pepperidge Farm bread crumbie things instead of using bread. I did however saute garlic and celery and onions in bacon grease (horrible for you but tastes yummy)and tossed it with some chicken broth and sage and rosemary.
If I like stuffing I would have made it from scratch, but I am selfish.
Pepperidge Farm, Pepperidge Farm! That’s what it was! Not Stove Top STuffing at all. Not at all. Nosiree. Whew. That’s a relief. Oh. Wait.
Oh, for heaven’s sake! Are you kidding me? I’ve got all this guilt for inadvertantly insulting you…..
For nothing?
What a relief! I didn’t mean the bags of pre-dried bread. I meant the boxes of dehydrated pre-cooked over-salted stuffing.
(sigh) I’m really not a food-snob.
Well, shoot, if I’d known it was going to relieve you of guilt, I would never have corrected it to Pepperidge Farm! Wicked snicker.
I used the Pepperidge Farm stuff for years, until we went through a period of really tight money and I realized that using bread would be cheaper. Now, it’s part of the routine to chop bread and let it dry in the oven.
Believe me, I’m not a stuffing-snob, I might have gotten into the Stove-Top habit (at least I would have before I knew about the poison thing) but you wouldn’t believe how much left-over stuffing I require. Even with just the two of us, I want 2 or 3 serving bowls of it. I want it in the house for weeks. And I don’t think you can get that much from a box of Stove-Top.
I’m pretty sure that we’ve got it on the shelf right now. I just mean, well, it’s poison. Mainly because of the salt — take my word on this: don’t eat it late at night or you’ll be up all night drinking water.
Happy Thanksgiving to the Blue Dot!
But no show yet on Mt. Humphreys?
Wow, that’s excellent service. Did you just go outside and take that?
No, although you can see the peaks from my balcony if you lean out a little. I shot about 60 or so pictures the other day when I felt well enough to be out driving around, so I have some on reserve for posting purposes. This one was taken from a random forest road off of 180, about 60 miles from the Grand Canyon, in the Coconino National Forest. And at the time I believe I was listening to Prince & The Revolution, if that’s the sort of thing that’s interesting to anyone.
If you had said that you had Prince in the car singing to you, now that would be interesting (though I’d be much more taken if it the cowboy junkies or suzanne vega or the roches or karrin allyson).
I think Prince is a whackjob religious nut now, so I probably wouldn’t let him in my car — unless he were willing to trade me one of those fabulous purple velvet suits, for which I’d happily pretend to listen to almost any sermon. The Cowboy Junkies are welcome anytime, though. Sweet sweet Jane…
Oh dear. An fresh cafe — just when I was going to start chopping up the bread for the stuffing.
Oh, well — I’ll do it tomorrow.
Did you guys know that Andi has charm and sparkling repartee?
Good morning to all! We have a white Thanksgiving here in New York:
and so glad it is you and not me 😛
So pretty and I’m so glad I’m only looking at a photo of it. I can’t remember, do you have to drive somewhere today?
Sorry, I’ve been out, driving some distance to my parents. Of course they had no snow by them. Glad to be back now. I have some good family stories to tell.
as foretold by the Blue Dot:
That’s my favorite dog shot of yours. Rugs. They are outdoor rugs. Although, it always kind of unnerves me at first.
do they?
By the way, they are not rugs but leaf sweepers — you can hire them if you want.
Is “flatteed” a golf term?
Leaf sweepers? More like leaf-pinner-downers. “You are NOT going to blow away, not while we’re on the job. You WILL become compost.”
:: must remember to spellcheck ::
No, leaf sweepers — I’ve watched them and it takes a fair amount of work to get the leaves bunched up just right.
My father-in-law who was an excellent gardener and ex-farm kid always said it was good to leave the leaves down over the winter because they provided protection.
I was just going to put up a great big Thanksgiving smoochie for spellcheck. But nevermind spelling. If only there was a device for inserting the words forget to put in.
I wish I knew why I did that so often. I think it is because my brain is outpacing my keyboarding (which isn’t much of a trick with my typing skills).
OK, here we go — still in time for dinner if you get started right away, is my recipe for Cherry Coke Jell-O Salad, a sure crowd-pleaser. We usually double the recipe because people like it so much.
4 15-oz cans dark sweet (Bing) cherries
1 cup Coca-Cola, cold
1 3-oz package black cherry flavor Jell-O
1/2 cup pecan pieces, finely chopped
Heat the cherries and their juice until boiling, then boil about 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in the Jell-O, then stir for about 2 minutes to make sure the gelatin is dissolved. Add the Coke and stir for about one minute more. Finally, pour in the pecans and stir. Coat a Jell-O mold with non-stick baking spray and pour the salad mixture into it. Chill until set, optionally stirring when the salad is partially set to redistribute the pecans (they tend to float to the top otherwise).
The original recipe called for 2 20-oz cans of cherries and 1 20-ounce can of pineapple, but we can’t find 20-oz cans of cherries around here. We like my version better because we’re indifferent to the pineapple but we really like the cherries (although it does cost a little more, it’s worth it for special occasions — and remember, any time you serve this is a special occasion!). If you want pineapple, add the pineapple, juice and all, to the cherries-and-Jell-O mix after the gelatin is dissolved. Don’t boil the pineapple with the cherries.
I’ve seen recipes on the Net that include carrot shavings, cream cheese cubes and the like. Don’t even think about them. They are an abomination unto Nuggan.
THat sounds delicious! Thanks for posting it and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you! It’ll have to be part of the leftover meal…but I can’t wait to try it.
Sounds great! Oh ye who are keeping the recipe tally, don’t miss this link. Sounds like a goodie! I never would have thought of putting coka-cola in jello.
I’m sure it’s yummy, but it makes my tummy hurt just to read the name of it.
h-e-double hockey sticks am I supposed to get out of here and exercise with all this fun going on?
Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a Happy Turkey Day:
Just what we needed — a turkey holding a turkey…
Got to go get in the pre-feast workout…will be back later this afternoon (though we’ll probably be on Cafe #5 the way things are going!)…
most jolly day to you, too, Cali! I am beyond impressed that you’re going to exercise even today.
And to all, a Good Bite!
Pretty quiet around the house this morning. Toto2 went to all the rooms trying to find Gooserock and/or Florida Mom. Then he looked at me and yarked (his not-quite-a-bark-but-asking-a-question-word). So I had to explain. He’s snoring now so I guess he understood.
I enjoyed all the sparkling reparatee (sp?) this morning. It’s interesting coming into a conversation that is already 3 hours old. 😉
Loved the snow in NY photo. That reminds me of a Thanksgiving story but I’ll save it for tomorrow.
I’m already bored with “having the house to myself”. That happened yesterday after I got back from shopping.
I have two invitations to Thanksgiving dinner which I’m not eating, but I will go to visit and enjoy the smells.
Happy Thankful Day everyone. Take a moment to remember.
Have a lovely day to yourself with Toto.
I’m going to have to post a new diary before I leave in a few minutes. I hope I get back in time before even the new one bursts like I will feel like doing by the time I finish eating today.
GOOD MORNING from Tennessee and Happy Thanksgiving to all.
It is a lovely morning here and the sun is shinning so lovely. It is a little nippy but for the most part, not bad weather so far indicated. It is about 54 degrees.
The cats got up this morning and did as usual, ate, P/P and went back to napping. It has got to be a boring time for these cats. They did follow me around this morning for a while to see what was up with me not showering and getting dressed for work. I am still in nightie and thinking I will shower and get dressed and go into town for a meal today. I have some house work to get done today so have to get started soon. I slept in today..yea!!!!
I have some phone calls to make sometime today to touch base with out of state family and wish them happy turkey day. The kids are doing their own thing. Son and S/O is working so will see them later on tomorrow. Daughter and family will eat with inlaws. I usually work so this is very unusual for me. I sort of feel like I am cheating ….;o)
Anyhow, tomorrow is my first to shopping the day after Thanksgiving. So do say your prayers for me that I make it thru the day without anything happening to my mind!!!! I hear it will be a happening day for me…;o) Since daughter says we are going to Memphis, I can stop the madness and go to sons for r/r..;o) (which I probably will anyhow) I am not a shopper!
So Happy Thanksgiving to you all and my love to you and yours. Stay well and safe and warm.
Ugh, I don’t envy you the shopping trip tomorrow!
I’m so sorry your comment ended up at the tail end of this cafe. Maybe you’ll have time to repost it over at the new one?