How many of you are having turkey sandwiches for lunch? Do you put stuffing in the sandwich? I don’t. But I do put cranberry sauce on that mofo.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Would you believe a turkey sandwich for breakfast?
The Cabin Boys started their day with leftover dessert, followed by the turkey sandwich for “second breakfast”..
I put cranberry chutney on mine. Yum!
wow. That’s hardcore.
<jabs under nose with right thumb, throws shadow punch> Yo.
Turkey sandwiches are my favorite part of this holiday. I had my first one last night less than an hour after pie. No stuffing, and I categorically refuse to eat cranberry sauce, but I have been known to put mashed potatoes and gravy in there.
How boring! We have Turkey Tacos on Friday, it’s become a family tradition 🙂
Mmmmmm…that sounds even better. We’re coming over to your place. :<D
I’m deeming this turkeyless friday. (for me at least) Go forth without turkey. But we still have one in the fridge to cook this weekend so next week we’ll have turkey coming out of every pore, so to speak. Turkey for you and turkey for me… -Adam Sandler
Me, I’m on a day long pumpkin pie diet in protest of Patrick Lang’s diary on the “Shrinking Perimeter” which I naively thought was about losing weight ;oP
Paul Rosenberg has some really interesting diaries over at MLW titled “Crafting A Democratic Plan To Win The War On Terror,”(in two parts) worth a read.
…are so sick that we’re actually making another turkey on Sunday (granted it’s only a 10 pounder).
We had been eating turkey for lunch almost every day for a while, we stopped around October or so (in anticipation for T-giving), and we haven’t had it in a while. But we both really like it, so I’m making it again on Sunday (should last us about a month). Note that we didn’t get any turkey leftovers because our Thanksgiving was at my in-laws house and we had quite a few people there, so any leftovers went with the in-laws and not us.
But we both really like turkey, and it’s a pretty good compromise between fat content and tastiness.
let me get this straight. Are you saying you and your wife like turkey? ;o)
I have plenty of leftover quiche, though. Your choice of (1) morel and porcini mushrooms with gruyere or (2) smoked salmon.
Sounds delish.
Dark meat turkey on multi-grain bread with Miracle Whip and a dusting of poultry seasoning.. mmmm mmmm good.. Tonight will be a re-run of yesterday’s feast minus the apple pie, but an extra helping of the fruited cheese salad (cottage cheese, cool whip, orange jello, pineapple chunks & mandarin oranges) will make up for the lack of pie.
White meat turkey on white sponge bread with mayonnaise.
Don’t mess around. No fair trying to jazz it up with kim chi or curry sauce or tomatillo salsa or zhug or berbere.
Eat it straight, like a Brady would.
You’re a cruel man, DF, cruel.
I also instructed my son in the art of a bit of cranberry with pototoes and a smidge with turkey and tad with stuffing. He is the pickiest little booger when it comes to eating….at the end of the meal though his dad was laughing because he decided that nothing but cranberries was the way to go but that leads to pucker!
had this on her plate:
6 dinner rolls (when her mom said she had four, she was very quick to correct her: “I had 6 rolls, Mom!”), with butter
Cranberry sauce
3 dishes of fruit cocktail (hers, her sister’s, and her great-grandma’s)
A little bit of turkey
Oddly enough, she’s still pretty skinny…probably because she’s a 6-year-old bundle of energy… 🙂
Although partly theoretical, Mr Arad’s formulation will also be seen as being in tune with continued expansion of settlements and the routing of sections of the separation barrier inside the occupied West Bank, ahead of any negotiations with the Palestinians.
Sharon Readies Plan for Total West Bank Pullout by ’08
TEL AVIV Breaking News — Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has drafted a plan for Israel’s withdrawal from virtually all of the West Bank by 2008.
Political sources said Sharon has begun briefing senior U.S. officials of his intention to withdraw unilaterally from more than 95 percent of the West Bank. They said Sharon, who quit the ruling Likud Party on Nov. 21, would seek a U.S. and international security presence in the area as well as a commitment for the dismantling of Palestinian insurgency groups.
Haim Ramon, a Cabinet minister who joined Sharon’s new party, said the prime minister plans to withdraw unilaterally to what would constitute Israel’s final borders, Middle East Newsline reported. Ramon said Sharon does not plan to discuss this before the parliamentary elections, scheduled for March 28.
≈ Cross-posted from my diary ::
Secret EU Report Accuses Israel on Jerusalem ¶ Rafah Border to Egypt Open ≈
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
about going to my sister’s for Thanksgiving — no leftovers. 🙁 So I’ll make a turkey breast probably sometime week after next, when the spouse is back to work, so we can have all the great stuff like turkey sandwiches.
Oh, and if you can find it in your area, Beaver(tm) Cranberry Mustard is great on turkey sandwiches, especially if you’re watching your fat/cholesterol intake and can’t have mayonnaise or Miracle Whip(tm)…
Just a heads-up that due to the intrusion of off-line life over the past few days I won’t be able to post a Jazz Jam this week. I’ll be back with one next week, though.
Hope everyone had a great holiday!
– K.P.