Gadfly is Marty Aussenberg, a columnist for the weekly Memphis Flyer. Marty is a former SEC enforcement official, currently in private law practice in Memphis, Tennessee. (A full bio is below the fold.) An earlier version is posted at The Memphis Flyer.
The events of the past week in the U.S. House of Representatives have been rather dramatic. When Congressman John Murtha, from my old home territory of Western Pennsylvania, called for a withdrawal of troops from Iraq “at the earliest practicable date,” it set off a tidal wave in Washington. This wasn’t, after all, a wild-eyed liberal, like Russ Feingold, the Wisconsin Democrat who had previously called for a timetable for withdrawal (Washington Post). This was a blue collar Democrat, with a history of supporting the Pentagon in all of its warmongering activities, including increasing defense budgets, new weapons systems, “star wars” missile defense, and other pet projects so dear to defense hawks. Lest his conservative bona fides be questioned, he even offered a resolution this year seeking an amendment to the Constitution to allow voluntary prayer in public schools.
While it isn’t clear whether or not Murtha was an independent contractor in launching his broadside attack, or just the canary in the mine for the Democrat caucus in the House, testing the to see whether there might be support for a rapidly-phased withdrawal, it is clear that Murtha’s announcement caught a number of folks by surprise, mostly the members of his own party. Not, however, the members of the majority, who quickly figured out a way to relegate Murtha’s proposal to parliamentary oblivion. Murtha’s resolution, was quickly referred to a committee so it couldn’t be promptly considered or voted on by the House.
But the Republicans simultaneously presented their own version of the Murtha resolution, considerably abbreviated from the one Murtha submitted, and notably lacking the qualifying language “at the earliest practicable date,” of Murtha’s resolution, substituting instead the word “immediately.” Here’s what the GOP resolution says:
Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately.
This resolution was submitted by Rep. Duncan Hunter, the powerful chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, whose finest moment was undoubtedly when, at a press conference, he served (literally) examples of the culinary delights the prisoners at Guantanamo were being served to contradict the by-then ubiquitous assertions that those prisoners were being abused (Crooks & Liars video).
The Republican resolution put the issue in the starkest terms, and eliminated not only the important qualifier on Murtha’s resolution (“at the earliest practicable date”), but also eliminated a detailed preamble Murtha had placed in his version which recited all the reasons he had listed during his press conference for his belief it was time for American forces to leave Iraq (e.g., no progress, 2,079 deaths, G.I.’s the target of insurgents, $277 billion appropriated, etc.).
Continued below:
Murtha’s resolution reflected the reasoning that had already been expressed by military intelligence experts for prompt withdrawal (NiemanWatchDog and NiemanWatchDog and also served to further debunk the notion that withdrawal should be conditioned on the state of preparedness of the Iraqi army, an illusory goal, according to the authoritative piece by James Fallows in the December issue of The Atlantic Monthly. And let’s not forget that the majority of Americans now favor a short-term withdrawal from Iraq (Polling Report).
But the Republicans couldn’t be bothered with such details. They wanted to put the question, down and dirty, to the House, knowing that, reworded as it was, there was no way their resolution would pass, and even more importantly, that they could avoid a debate on the war that wasn’t based on phony jingo-patriotism (the American equivalent of “Islamo-fascism”), which is precisely what the “debate” that ensued on the House floor degenerated into.
In other words, the Republicans really weren’t interested in debating the wisdom of a withdrawal on the terms, or for the reasons, Murtha suggested; they wanted to rub Murtha’s face in the very idea of withdrawing troops at all, in essence saying to the Democrats, “so you want withdrawal, do you; well, we’ll give you withdrawal,” or as Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee put it:
Since they [Democrats] have been wanting it [debate], we’re going to have it. They’re going to take the heat and take the debate.
The same resolution which shoved Murtha’s resolution off the House agenda also placed the substitute resolution on that agenda for immediate debate, without the necessity for committee action, one of the privileges of majority rule. The Democrats, realizing they had been outflanked, vociferously protested the substitution of the Republican resolution for Murtha’s. “Give us a real debate, don’t bring this piece of garbage to the floor,” said Rep. James McGovern of Massachusetts.
And, of course, the flashpoint of the debate came when Rep. Jean Schmidt (they don’t call her “mean Jean” for nothing) made her now-infamous statement accusing Murtha of being a cut and run coward. Which, to his credit, caused my congressman, Harold Ford, Jr. to, according to the account in the New York Times, “charge across the chamber’s center aisle to the Republican side screaming that Ms. Schmidt’s attack had been unwarranted.” Unwarranted! Not exactly “give me liberty or give me death,” but a fighting word nonetheless.
A different account of Ford’s outburst appeared in the Washington Times: “Say it to Murtha,” Mr. Ford supposedly shouted at Rep. Tancredo while he [Ford] was being restrained by other members. Ford also, by some accounts, supposedly menacingly jabbed a finger at Tancredo during their confrontation, coming dangerously close to kicking some Republican butt (now that would have been worth the price of basic cable C-Span). Ford, in spite of his willingness to storm the Republican ramparts in support of his fellow congressman, wasn’t willing to support him in a much more important way—by co-sponsoring the bill, which 13 of his Democrat colleagues, including Reps. Rangel, Jackson-Lee and the outspoken (see above) Rep. McGovern, found the kojones to do. Putting his vote where his mouth was apparently didn’t interest Mr. Ford.
And as if to emphasize the point, here’s how Congressman “Finger Jabber” Ford, characterized the discussion on the House floor during his November 21st appearance on MSNBC’s “Hardball” (transcript).
Open and honest? Debate? Oh really, Mr. Ford? I guess, despite your theatrics, that scamming the congress into considering a resolution that was not Murtha’s in an effort to discredit the resolution that was his, and thereby evading the discussion of a responsible “exit strategy,” was your idea of “open and honest.”
To show how “open and honest” the debate was, J.D. Hayworth, Ford’s Republican counterpart on “Hardball,” during his remarks in the well of the house floor, displayed the front pages of the New York Times and Washington Post from that day (November 18th), both of which led with headlines that characterized Murtha’s announcement as calling for “immediate” withdrawal. That the MSM got it wrong is one thing (we’re used to that), but the fact that Hayworth didn’t have the integrity to refer to the actual wording of the Murtha resolution speaks for itself. (I’m convinced Hayworth and Schmidt have their hair wrapped too tightly—have you seen their “do’s”—and that’s what makes them so bitter).
Ford’s remark may be why one of Matthews’ other guests on the program, Stuart Rothenberg, of the Rothenberg Political Report,
said of Ford’s appearance:
[T]hey [Democrats) are divided. When you listen to Harold Ford and compare that to Ted Kennedy or something, how many parties do we have here? Their problem is that they don‘t have a single message.
Ford ‘s statement undercut his party’s righteous position on the Murtha withdrawal proposal, and worse, contradicted his party’s leaders on the floor, none of whom wanted a bogus debate on the bogus Hunter resolution. Nonetheless, when it came time for a vote, only three of the over 400 who voted on the Hunter resolution voted in its favor (Rollcall).
The rest of the Democrats ran for cover, fearing that in the war against un-patriotism being waged so much more successfully by the GOP than the war against terror, they would be the victims, when they could (and should) have maintained their righteousness on the Murtha proposal and refused to vote at all on Hunter’s. Six representatives (including New York’s Jerry Nadler) did precisely that, bless their hearts (as we say down here).
There was, perhaps, no better example of the Democrats’ “cut and run” reaction to Murtha’s resolution than Paul Hackett, the Iraq war veteran whose narrow loss for an Ohio seat in the House to “Mean Jean,” was widely touted as a referendum on the administration’s handling of the war. During his appearance on the “Hardball” show following his defeat, (as he did during his campaign), Hackett unambiguously supported an immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Here’s what he said:
[NBC Correspondent David] GREGORY: All right. But those are generalities. So, what should the mission be? You define it for him [Bush].
HACKETT: I think right now the mission is, WE PICK UP AND WE GET OUT OF THERE as efficiently and cleanly as possible [emphasis mine].
GREGORY: Right away, bring troops home today?
HACKETT: I think that’s what we’re moving toward anyway.
But when he appeared on Hardball as a candidate for Mike DeWine’s Senate seat, on the November 23rd edition of the show (transcript not yet available), Hackett seriously undercut his own position by resisting support for “immediate” withdrawal, even backing away from supporting Murtha’s resolution to do so. Oh Paul—we thought we knew ye. If Hackett thinks Bush & Co. are “chickenhawks,” maybe we should start calling him, and his ilk, “chickendoves.”
Sadly, as fractious and fractionated as the Republicans have become, as low as the president’s poll numbers may be (or may be likely to go), and as graphic as the picture of the party in power’s corruption is becoming, the Democrats still haven’t figured out how to capitalize on their adversaries’ weaknesses. And if Rep. Ford’s and candidate Hackett’s performances on “Hardball,” are any indication, they won’t be ready to do so until they’ve figured out how to minimize their own.

Mr. Aussenberg is an attorney practicing in his own firm in Memphis, Tennessee. He began his career in the private practice of law in Memphis after relocating from Washington, D.C., where he spent five years at the Securities and Exchange Commission as a Special Counsel and Trial Attorney in its Enforcement Division, during which time he handled or supervised the investigation and litigation of several significant cases involving insider trading, market manipulation, and management fraud. Prior to his stint at the S.E.C., he was an Assistant Attorney General with the Pennsylvania Department of Banking in Philadelphia and was the Attorney-In-Charge of Litigation for the Pennsylvania Securities Commission, where, in addition to representing that agency in numerous state trial and appellate courts, he successfully prosecuted the first case of criminal securities fraud in the state’s history.
Mr. Aussenberg’s private practice has focused primarily on investment, financial, corporate and business counseling, litigation and arbitration and regulatory proceedings. He has represented individual, institutional and governmental investors, as well as brokerage firms and individual brokers, in securities and commodities-related matters, S.E.C., NASD and state securities regulatory proceedings, and has represented parties in shareholder derivative, class action and multi-district litigation, as well as defending parties in securities, commodities, and other “white-collar” criminal cases.
Mr. Aussenberg received his J.D. degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and his B.A. degree in Honors Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Immediately following law school, he served as a Reginald Heber Smith Community Lawyer Fellow with the Delaware County Legal Assistance Association in Chester, Pennsylvania.
He is admitted to practice in Tennessee, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia, before the United States Supreme Court, the Third and Sixth Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the United States Tax Court, as well as federal district courts in Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. He is an arbitrator for the NASD, New York Stock Exchange and American Arbitration Association, has published articles (“Stockbroker Fraud: This Kind of Churning Doesn’t Make Butter”, Journal of the Tennessee Society of C.P.A.’s,; Newsletter of the Arkansas Society of C.P.A.’s; Hoosier Banker (Indiana Bankers Association), and been a featured speaker on a variety of topics at seminars in the United States and Canada, including: Municipal Treasurers Association of the United States and Canada, Ottawa, Canada; Government Finance Officers Association; National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, Washington, D.C. ; Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants, Memphis, TN; Tennessee Association of Public Accountants, Memphis, TN (1993)
Mr. Aussenberg has two children, a daughter who is a graduate of Columbia University and holds a Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University and is currently a student at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and a son who is a graduate of Brown University and is working with a conservation organization in Marin County, California while he decides what to do with the rest of his life.
Mr. Aussenberg is an avid golfer whose only handicap is his game, an occasional trap shooter whose best competitive score was a 92, and an even less frequent jazz drummer.
The duplicity of Harold Ford and other Dems I understand and sadly, expect, but if this is accurate about Hackett, (and I have no reason to suggest it’snot), then it’s very disturbing. For someone like Hackett to reverse course so completely before he even becomes a part of the political machinery is a terrible sign indeed.
The story…look at how those stupid, uncoordinated Dems foul things up again by saying two different things, being yellow, turning chicken and so forth. One possible ‘mis cue’ that doesn;t pass theBottom line for me? progressive liberal test and ‘off with their head’. I’d rather have a Paul Hackett than a Jean Schitt (intentional spelling).
Change the party and make the litmus tests on abortion, prayer, gays, etcand I can hear the same shrill cries of
off with their heads’ on the Repub side. They don;t give their guys much leeway either..toe the line.
I’ve got a different idea. When somebody shows character, guts to run in an impossible (by the numbers) district andcomes close to pulling it off, or gets elected in a conservative state (like TN) how about we, the wever we are community, show some stamina and stay with these reps and candidates instead of well, dissing them at the first sign of a so-called dis loyalty. I worked for an oficeholder at one time and I didn;t agree with everything he supported but so what..I agreed with 75% and that’s betterthan his replacement who is a brown shirt thin lipped jerk. I’m pretty fed up with all the litmus tests someone has to go thru with the left wing. Let them fly a little, it’s not the end of the world. Let’s stay in it for the long haul. Elect Dems and if they betray 50% of their promises, goals, etc..then dump em. But not at every opportunity.
That’s kinda funny, to me.
Settling for someone who betrays up to (but not more than!) 50% of their promises/goals/etc?
No thanks.
I get that the overriding concern of some Dem voters is to oppose the conservative movement. And unfortunately, the compromises they’re willing to make to do so are not going to accomplish their goals.
Or maybe they will — if their only goal is to have representation that is ‘not Republican Party’. Maybe they’ll get lucky, and pick up a few seats with more Landrieu’s and Lieberman’s and the like. For a while, anyways. Even then, there is a huge difference between winning in 2006 and keeping those seats in 2008.
Yes, the Republican voter demands their candidates “toe the line”. For Republicans, its not about the personalities, its about the platform. If their guys cross them, they’re booted. People will ultimately overlook the individual transgressions of even key Republicans — because they are loyal to the platform, and can find other tools (like McCain) in the party for the next election.
And as uncomfortable as it is to say, the Republican’s absolutely have the Dems nailed for 2006/2008 with the one attack that has teeth — Dems as a party don’t seem to stand for anything. There is no platform to be loyal to. And some folks (not just Phil) are absolutely, positively, 100% comfortable with that. Evidently these candidates can do or say or promise anything to win. As Phil points out, if they deliver on 1/2 those promises, some voters will give them a pass on the rest. If those voters are lucky, the candidates will actually believe most of what they campaign on, but its really kinda optional, as long as they aren’t campaigning as Republicans.
I dunno. How about the Dems actually come up with a ideology as compelling as “conservatism” instead? How about they solidly stand for something. Sure, it might not be a ringing endorsement of all the agendas of its constituent parts. But it should be aligned with those agendas, not simply jettison them to better appeal to the other side’s voters… Did Democrats vote for Reagan because he softened the Republican stance on abortion, or taxes, or anything really? Or did he just expand the Republican propaganda to encompass common-sense and Democratic issues?
Bitch about Republicans all you like, but you can’t say they don’t feel represented by their party. Why exactly would anyone think we could win without representing our voters?
Gadfly: As I watched event unfold last Friday evening, I was wondering if I was missing the point of the Republican resolution. After reading this, I know I didn’t. You are right; when it came time for a vote the entire Democratic side of the House should have refused to vote on the resolution. The message would have been very powerful indeed. However, the 180 that seems to have taken place this week, may put the GOP Reps in a rather awkward position themselves. No??
The establishment Dems and Ratpubs are largely mirror images of each other. Left becomes right, right becomes left, but all of the movements are precisely the same. Whichever group is in power, that’s the “real” side of the mirror and the other side is the reflection.
You could take 95% of them, insert them in the other party and inform them that it would without a doubt be in their best interests to change their rhetoric and positions, and they would fit in just fine. They are PROS. American League, National League…same game, slightly different rules.
One league has been winning for about 10 years…since the other league’s star player got caught in a totally bogus sex scandal. But the power is shifting now. Soon the OTHER league will start winning more interleague games.
So it goes.
Until we either invent a new game or DRASTICALLY change the rules of this one.
There is now a NEW game in town…radical Islam…that is raiding both the potential patrons and the coffers of this one, and an all-out fight is in progress. Maybe the new game’s success will force this game to reform…the Black Sox, Charlie Hustle and and the steroid dopers have NOTHING on the corruption endemic to American politics…and maybe it won’t. We shall see. But until some sort of basic reform happens or the entire league collapses, it’s the only game in town.
Personally, I refuse to bet on this game because I believe that the fix is SO in that only a real insider has the slightest chance of winning on it, but that’s just me. I am however, an avid watcher . Not just because the home team’s success or failure has an immediate and serious effect on my life, either. It is a fascinating game, and the corruption is part of what makes it fascinating. Watching the spitballers and bat corkers and drug users and sign stealers in Washington do their thing is an amazing spectacle.
They don’t call that show “Hardball” for nothing, y’know…
P.S. Love your act…that hat. those glasses…
And you’re a drummer, too. I’m a drum FREAK. Played with…Buddy Rich, Mel Lewis, Billy Hart, Tito Puente, every damned latin percussionist in NYC, and a hundred other great drummers that you REALLY have to be into the music to know. Talked with Papa Jo Jones a number of times about time; base my whole approach to MUSIC on time…
And you are a financial LAWYER!!!???
Who calls himself Gadfly?
LOVE your act.
MORE freaks in the mainstream!!!
That’s MY motto.
I will not vote to give one more soldier to the George W. Bush/Dick Cheney war machine. I will not give one more dollar for a war riddled with conspicuous profiteering.
Tonight I speak as one who has at times been the only Member of this Body at antiwar demonstrations calling for withdrawal. And I won’t stop calling for withdrawal.
I was opposed to this war before there was a war; I was opposed to the war during the war; and I am opposed to this war now–even though it’s supposed to be over.
A vote on war is the single most important vote we can make in this House. I understand the feelings of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle who might be severely conflicted by the decision we have to make here tonight. But the facts of US occupation of Iraq are also very clear. The occupation is headed down a dead end because so long as US combat forces patrol Iraq, there will be an Iraqi insurgency against it.
I admire how she stands up for her principles here and doesn’t just go along with the politics of the moment. The heart of her remarks are powerful:
Let us consider some history. The Republicans make great hay about Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons against the Iranians and the Kurds. But when that attack was made in 1988, it was Democrats who moved a resolution to condemn those attacks, and the Reagan White House quashed the bill in the Senate, because at that time the Republicans considered Saddam one of our own.
So in 1988, who abandoned the Iraqi people to tyrants and a thugs?
In voting for this bill, let me be perfectly clear that I am not saying the United States should exit Iraq without a plan. I agree with Mr. Murtha that security and stability in Iraq should be pursued through diplomacy. I simply want to vote yes to an orderly withdrawal from Iraq. And let me explain why.
Prior to its invasion, Iraq had not one (not one!) instance of suicide attacks in its history. Research shows a 100% correlation between suicide attacks and the presence of foreign combat troops in a host country. And experience also shows that suicide attacks abate when foreign occupation troops are withdrawn. The US invasion and occupation has destabilized Iraq and Iraq will only return to stability once this occupation ends.
We must be willing to face the fact that the presence of US combat troops is itself a major inspiration to the forces attacking our troops. Moreover, we must be willing to acknowledge that the forces attacking our troops are able to recruit suicide attackers because suicide attacks are largely motivated by revenge for the loss of loved ones. And Iraqis have lost so many loved ones as a result of America’s two wars against Iraq.
In 1996, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said on CBS that the lives of 500,000 children dead from sanctions were “worth the price” of containing Saddam Hussein. When pressed to defend this reprehensible position she went on to explain that she did not want US Troops to have to fight the Gulf War again. Nor did I. But what happened? We fought a second gulf war. And now over 2,000 American soldiers lie dead. And I expect the voices of concern for Iraqi civilian casualties, whose deaths the Pentagon likes to brush aside as “collateral damage” are too few, indeed. A report from Johns Hopkins suggests that over 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion, most of them violent deaths and most as “collateral damage” from US forces. The accuracy of the 100,000 can and should be debated. Yet our media, while quick to cover attacks on civilians by insurgent forces in Iraq, have given us a blackout on Iraqi civilian deaths at the hands of US combat forces.
Yet let us remember that the United States and its allies imposed a severe policy of sanctions on the people of Iraq from 1990 to 2003. UNICEF and World Health Organization studies based on infant mortality studies showed a 500,000 increase in mortality of Iraqi children under 5 over trends that existed before sanctions. From this, it was widely assumed that over 1 million Iraqi deaths for all age groups could be attributed to sanctions between 1990 and 1998. And not only were there 5 more years of sanctions before the invasion, but the war since the invasion caused most aid groups to leave Iraq. So for areas not touched by reconstruction efforts, the humanitarian situation has deteriorated further. How many more Iraqi lives have been lost through hunger and deprivation since the occupation?
And what kind of an occupier have we been? We have all seen the photos of victims of US torture in Abu Ghraib prison. That’s where Saddam used to send his political enemies to be tortured, and now many Iraqis quietly, cautiously ask: “So what has changed?”
A recent video documentary confirms that US forces used white phosphorous against civilian neighborhoods in the US attack on Fallujah. Civilians and insurgents were burned alive by these weapons. We also now know that US forces have used MK77, a napalm-like incendiary weapon, even though napalm has been outlawed by the United Nations.
With the images of tortured detainees, and the images of Iraqi civilians burned alive by US incendiary weapons now circulating the globe, our reputation on the world stage has been severely damaged.
If America wants to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people, we as a people must be willing to face the pain and death and suffering we have brought to the Iraqi people with bombs, sanctions and occupation, even if we believe our actions were driven by the most altruistic of reasons. We must acknowledge our role in enforcing the policy of sanctions for 12 years after the extensive 1991 bombing in which we bombed infrastructure targets in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions.
We must also be ready to face the fact that the United States once provided support for the tyrant we deposed in the name of liberating the Iraqi people. These are events that our soldiers are too young to remember. I believe our young men and women in uniform are very sincere in their belief that their sacrifice is made in the name of helping the Iraqi people. But it is not they who set the policy. They take orders from the Commander-in-Chief and the Congress. It is we who bear the responsibility of weighing our decisions in a historical context, and it is we who must consider the gravest decision of whether or not to go to war based upon the history, the facts, and the truth.
(my emphasis)