Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Let’s Dance!.
Can you Sing?
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe from this morning)
May the 4’s be with you

Kansas and Katiebird met earlier tonight to prepare for the next meeting of BooBooks.
Wow! It looks like they’re prepared, are you?
We’re still setting up for tonight, but come on in!
till puget4 shows up to explain herself, you can go with mine which are 2 possibles:
I thought it sounded cute I like the idea of cutting and pasting food. Somehow.
PS. I barely got that first comment posted before this (xxx) computer spontaneously rebooted. We’ve been tweaking some settings and the BIOS since then.
Bear reminds me of most famous Dutch strip series:
Olivier Bommel by Maarten Toonder.
Heer Bommel
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Those of you who were around a couple nights ago to hear of my splinter conundrum will be happy to know (or not, for the future kids’ sake) that saplings are no longer gestating underneath my fingernail. It came out today.
However, I did bash my thumbnail today, and it is now best described by the color Revlon refers to as ‘Plum Attraction’.
sigh. I’ve lost that one once before, and it looks like it’ll probably happen again.
completely bereft and abandoned — I once had a piece of lava embedded in my palm for two weeks and I went into mourning when it finally came out.
(Since the lava got there because I fell while hiking at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, my husband pointed for those two weeks that I broke the law because I removed rocks from a national park.)
So I guess you had quite a problem playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.
well of course — I take making jokes very, very seriously.
Since the results are so successful.
inspired by the quality of the other jokers around me.
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to my right!!
(well show)

you find those??? Would love to get a set for the spouse and me…we don’t really have any official beer glasses, and he loves those Guinness commercials…
from an ebay auction but it says that bidding is closed. Maybe you can find out something from them or something to search for.
I really do. I’m going to miss the little guy.
I actually had a similar situation as yours happen to me at the Petrified Forest. I never even thought about it being illegal!
Honestly, ej, this is very poor eye-hand co-ordination on your part. You were supposed to use the hammer to hit the nail that had the splinter under it, so then that nail would come off and you could more easily lift the splinter out. Duh. Also, you could have screamed bloody murder, even more than you probably already did today.
p.s. Poor baby!
Actually, no hammer was involved (this time…last time, that is exactly how I lost my thumbnail).
It involved a weight room accident…
Injuries in gyms and weight-rooms are the worst.
The next thing you know, you’re actually afraid to go in again.
After that, it’s down-hill all the way.
(I was once thrown from a treadmill and never got on again)
it unfortunately gives me a very convenient excuse not to go.
Someone actually sent me a video recently of a person being thrown from a treadmill. Was that you?!?
That had to be one of my most humiliating experiences. If it had been caught on video, I’d probably have died on the spot.
I found it!
WARNING! There are popups on this site (grrrrr). Ignore and close them if you don’t have a popup blocker…
Well picture the same thing happening to a really, really fat girl. And that would have been me.
Luckily my accident wasn’t on an endless loop.
I calculated it this morning. And I am NOT obese anymore. I’m merely overweight. So the really, really fat comment was about the me of 3 years ago. Not now.
It can’t be much more humiliating than having a seriously tipsy covert Karaoke video of a stunningly poor singing performance repeatedly shown to anyone needing a laugh by your own Father CAN IT? Sorry, It brought back some uncomfortable and disturbing memories ;o)
My Mother in law happened to witness this and did her best to sooth my tender feelings ;o) by saying the only thing she could. She said that the important thing is that I looked good ;o)
That is the only machine I refuse to use in the gym. This totally justifies my irrational aversion to the treadmill.
Also, you didn’t really hit your digig, which would have been much more painful.
digit. digit. digit.
I’m so glad someone else does that.
Digigies love company.
I am so very sorry.
(I don’t know what else to say. My muscles are contracting in sympathy)
helping my 17 year old son rake leaves in the back yard.
And then he watched the movie Donnie Darko, which I had already seen. He seemed quite affected by it.
Tonight I am watching the movie Manticore on the Sci Fi channel (finally a reason to pay all the money I do for cable). It was written by a neighbor of mine and is set in present day Iraq, i.e the war zone that the US has created. See here.
I don’t hear any music in here yet. I’ll provide some to help liven the place up!
I’ll offer up this blast from the past (well, relatively). These are the lyrics to American Jesus by Bad Religion.
The song was released in 1993. I haven’t checked out their latest stuff, but I think I might have to…if they were saying this 12 years ago, I can’t imagine what they’re saying now!
because i’m blessed by nationality
i’m member of a growing populace
we enforce our popularity
there are things that seem to pull us under
and there are things that drag us down
but there’s a power and a vital presence
thats lurking all around
we’ve got the American Jesus
see him on the interstate
we’ve got the american Jesus
he helped build the president’s estate
i feel sorry for the earth’s population
‘cuz so few live in the U.S.A.
at least the foreigners can copy our morality
they can visit but they cannot stay
only precious few can garner the prosperity
it makes us walk with renewed confidence
we’ve got a place to go when we die
and the architect resides right here
we’ve got the american Jesus
overwhelming millions every day
(exercising his authority)
he’s the farmers barren fields
the force the army wields
the expession in the faces
of the starving children
the power of the man
he’s the fuel that drives the clan
he’s the motive and conscience
of the murderer
he’s the preacher on t.v.
the false sincerity
the form letter that’s written
by the big computers
he’s the nuclear bombs
and the kids with no moms
and i’m fearful that
he’s inside me
depending on time zone…
Didn’t get near as much done as would have liked; spouse spent most of the day camped out on the computer. I did get clothes put away, including yesterday’s purchases, but we didn’t get to recycling or Goodwill so the living room still looks like a bomb hit it. 🙁 Heading out to Fresh Choice in a bit for dinner, after we bring up clean clothes from the laundry room (great, more clothes to put away). Will miss most of the Stanford/Notre Dame game on TV, but will monitor on radio; not holding out much hope for the Cardinal anyway.
Spouse has promised that we’ll get going earlier tomorrow so we can get stuff done…I’ve heard that before. This place HAS to be clean by Thursday, so I can get the new bedframe delivered and we can assemble it for our bed delivery on Saturday. (We may end up staying overnight at a local motel Friday night so we don’t have to sleep on the floor; we’re not as limber as we used to be!)
Speaking of new bedframe, need to check and see about donating our old one…back later this evening…
Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste…
OK, sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’ve been reading BT for a while now, probably at least once a day. Some of you may remember me from DKos. I haven’t posted there in ages… most because it’s just so damned crowded.
It looks like it’s proper etiquette to introduce oneself here in the FBC before throwing comments around so here it is. I don’t consider myself a lurker so much as I just don’t have the fucking time to post anywhere regularly. Hardly even call my Mom enough to keep her happy. Then again, who does?
Anyhoo… my name is Jim Savage. I’m 41, divorced, and have an ALMOST 16 year old son. (Don’t dare call him 15 anymore, no siree.) I work for an oil company, in an east coast oil refinery for the past 13 years and I am the Grievance and Negotiation Chair for our ~650 member Local. Think you’ve got tough? Try being a Union Rep, working for an oil company, during this particular administration. Ugh.
I was a Dean supporter, still am, and spent countless hours, dollars, and energy trying to get him the nomination. Even took a week vacation to go to Iowa and wear a ridiculous orange hat. OK, I’m lying. I didn’t really wear the hat… it’s a “souvenir” now. Once Kerry won the nomination, I worked my ass off for him. Even though he’s wrong on the war and even worse on health care. Won’t do that again, I don’t think. I don’t mind working my ass off for a losing cause (remember I’m a Union Rep working for an oil company during the Bush administration), but I do like to be able to fucking sleep at night.
I’m a veteran of the United States Marine Corps… four years, infantry. I’ll talk more about that in the future, I suppose.
Anyway, it’s good to be here among friends and I look forward to getting to “know” everyone.
And I sincerely hope you eventually get the time to post somewhat often…judging by your background (sorry to judge after just one post, but you lay a lot out there!), I’d say that a lot of us around here would be very interested to hear your point of view on a variety of things.
Pull up to the FBC bar, and let me get you a beer (or whatever your virtual drink of choice).
Beer would be just fine, thanks. I’ve been putting in 80+ hour weeks non-stop since Katrina (as opposed to our “normal 60+ hour weeks pre-Katrina), and still have my Union responsibilities, which is another full-time plus job in itself, hence the lack of time. Seeing a small light at the end of that long-ass tunnel now… must be the train. Thanks for the welcome.
I prefer to think of the light as friendly dragons!
Above it was clowns to the left and jokers to the right – here it’s beverages to the left and food to the right!
Glad you de-cloaked! Whatever topic you choose to share we’ll look forward to reading and sharing with you!
Thanks! Wasn’t able to check out your “other side” due to a content filter here at work… or your pic posted above. I’ll check ’em out in the morning.
Hi Savage and welcome to the cafe and the site…nice of you to give an intro, we beg and beg but lately not so many people come forward.
I hope you will have time to post more in coming months, sound like you will have a lot to add…again, welcome.
It seemed like the right thing to do, especially since it’s posted on just about every Cafe. I hope I have time for a whole lot more than just posting in the coming months… it’s been a rough year or so. OK, I’m done whining. 🙂
Hi, Jim, welcome to the frog zone!
I was in Iowa, too, but only for caucus weekend (and the alleged scream, of course). I actually did wear my orange hat, because it was so damned cold that weekend. God, it was cold. If I had all the money I gave to Dean then I wouldn’t be broke now. . .but I’d do it again, it was soooo damned much fun.
Our hostess tonight was a Deanie baby, too. In fact, if you look closely at her jackets, you’ll still see a Dean button on the lapels.
Thanks! I was there for the caucus also. Here’s a (kinda) funny account of the trip. It contains my “best ever” published quote…
Jim Savage, a no-bullshit union negotiator who works at the Sunoco Refinery, has been manning the Philly4Dean steering committee since July. An ex- Marine with a history of voting for third-party candidates, Savage decided it was time to get serious about unseating Bush, whom he characterizes as “the worst fuckin’ president in my lifetime.”
He’s brought along the balm that can make a man forget the knee-cracking miseries of a 20-hour bus ride: six cases of beer. He cracks open his first of the day as the buses point west on the Schuylkill.
At first everyone looks at him incredulously. But within minutes half the bus is nursing ice-cold Yuenglings. “This is what I call watering the grassroots,” says Savage with a gravelly chuckle.
That was NOT a misquote.
lol! You are definitely welcome at the frog pond.
I’ll second that.
Good to know you take third party candidates seriously.
Good to know you take third party candidates seriously. And, of course, beer.
Yeah man lol
I’m guessing it won’t take long for Booman to notice this comment. He’s a beer man himself ;o)
After reading that, my only question is “What took you so long to introduce yourself?”
Welcome to the pond!
Thank you. Nothing but lack of free time, actually. I stop by to give a quick once-through here and a few other blogs just to keep up on what’s going on and what people are saying about what’s on. Anyway, I’m “de-cloaked” (as it was put above) now and I’ll try to post semi-regularly, at least.
Welcome to the pond Jim. I look forward to hearing more from you.
Thank you. Friendly bunch here, eh?
Welcome Savage,
Glad you’re here. I’m about your age. I’m 43, married (for now!) I have three kids, one of which is a 15 yr old daughter who lately spends less and less time here and more and more time with little dudes that always get the pleasure ;o) of meeting me and getting the “you better respect my daughter” talk ;o)
I’m always interested in Veteran’s take’s on things when they feel like sharin it of course.
I look forward to your comments, diaries.
Thanks for the welcome. I’m sooo glad I didn’t have a daughter (or daughters). I’m positive that she would have been “Daddy’s little girl” until just about your daughter’s age, then hate me forever and a day when she began spending time with the “little dudes.” Uh-uh. No way. I’d see myself at 15 in every single one of them and I’m sure it’d get ugly. 🙂
Here’s a short version of this veteran’s take on things… these clowns have no clue of the trust they have broken with the men and women under their command. The reason they have no clue is because they actively ducked their chance to serve. I walked into a Marine recruiter’s office on October 23, 2003. The Marine barracks in Beirut had literally just been bombed. I left my job at lunch time at drove to the recruiter’s office out of a (misguided or not) sense of duty to my country. Bush/Cheney et al have no fucking clue what that means. If I don’t stop here, it won’t be the “short version” at all.
Well you see my dilemma then don’t you?
On your service. You meant 19*83* right?
I can see you have some pretty strong feelings about the current mess they have us all in. I appreciate the response.
LMAO Yes, of course. 1983. Geeze.
I suppose that little “preview” button actually serves a real purpose, eh? 🙂
And glad your first name is Jim, not Michael… 😉
Okay, which version of “Sympathy for the Devil” were you thinking of? Rolling Stones is the original, of course…but Blood, Sweat & Tears did a cover that is absolutely awesome…
His first name is Michael, but he’s no Savage! Weiner Nation, indeed! I prefer that any disrepute that comes to this good name comes the old fashioned way… I earn it! Mr. Weiner can besmirch his own name, thank you very much. 😉
I was thinking Stones, but you’re right, the Blood, Sweat & Tears version is awesome. Thanks for the welcome!
Hi folks, long time no ribbet.
Just finished driving Florida Mom back 9 hours from my brother’s house in Oregon. Puget4 who stayed behind made us a big bowl of dense welcome-home vegetable soup to help flush away evil fats and animal meat toxins, and I made a run to get some fresh local fish before its afternoon disappearance from the shelves.
We spent 3 1/2 days with high school through New Deal agers screaming away madly at each other (family considers polite to discuss only religion and politics for the first 2 days), munching and drinking nonstop, and playing guitars, pianos, whistles and of course singing of blues, musical theater, Irish trad and rock.
I took only the video cam so there won’t be any stills. Besides, I thought that Puget4 could put the still camera to good use back here.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous everywhere except here at our Puget Sound house and there at our destination, where two weeks of rain and fog remained uninterrupted. It was nice to arrive home finally to see the sun breaking out.
Now off to decompress. I guess the thread about the orangemen won’t be the best place for that. What is it about the orange vs. the green anyways?
“family considers it polite to discuss only religion and politics for the first 2 days”
Hmm. . . I’ll have to remember that the next time I visit the Northwest. I would not want to offend the natives.
Welcome home, Gooserock!
Your family sounds like so much fun.
Finally got a reasonable connection here in our little town of 250. (We are 30 miles from the nearest town of 3,000+).
The weather was clear T-Day and rainy and snowy yesterday…today it was perfect! Snow on the ground, clear blue skies. We went Christmas Tree hunting into the forest…found the perfect tree as usual! Rules are cool…tree must be under 6′ from another larger tree, and less than 6″ in diameter. Helping thin some of the forest…
Off to play in the other diaries for awhile…
Back with some pictures to rival Andi’s kidlet pic on Monday this coming week! ;^)
The dishes are done. The baby is asleep. Thanksgiving dinner was a success. I was worried about the timing, but every finished when it was supposed to finish.
And what did you think of the chutney? I’m just about to make a sandwich with some of that, myself.
Hi! I’m back!
My three little monkeys just came out of the bedroom with sneaky little smirks on thier faces like they were scheming or something. I don’t know what thier up to but when I asked youngest monkey Allie (12) what was up she said they were discussing Global Warming!
I don’t know whether to shed a tear of gratitude for such socially conscious kids or put a listening device in the room LOL
Hi, supersoling!
I guess global warming must have fit into it somewhere, but it seems unlikely to inspire 3 sneaky smirks.
Of course, that’s just my opinion.
Hi Katiebird :o)
Well I suspect it has something to do with Xmas but when Allie’s first thought for an excuse was Global Warming at least it showed what was kicking around in the front of her awesome little brain.
So I guess I’m right on both counts ;o)
Ahhh, the old pretend you’re talking about Global Warming while you’re really making Christmas plans! Of course, it fools me every time!
in a story I wrote for a fan-fic site; the main character was walking in the halls of his castle, and noted that “the nursery was quiet…too quiet.”
Or when my brother and I were making noise, my folks at least knew he hadn’t killed me yet… 😉
I’m hoping so…
Hi sherman!
Hi! (Cough) What’s going on?
I’m just finding more friends who are going through shitty-life times… Really shitty times, so the iPodi is cranking… My way of dealing.
I’m sorry about that. Is there anyway you can help them?
I’m just trying to be a pillar of support… Which I can be… but if you speak to me personally, I’m so falling apart…
Oh, Dear. That’s so good, though that you can be strong for them even if it’s a very rough time for you.
at the moment. I just hurt for them all..
I think I know what you’re going through. One of my sister’s is having a rough time. And sometimes it tears me apart. Also some of what she’s going through touches way to closely on some of my past problems. And it still feels a little raw to talk about it now.
Hugs for you, hon…that’s a payback for your hugs for me before Thanksgiving over at SP… 🙂
Empathy can definitely be a bitch…
Can I say that sometimes we compensate for our own troubles by carrying the weight of other’s problems?
you can say that…
Yea well it’s not good. But you know that and I ain’t trying to play Dr. Super but your friends are lucky to have you. Are they picking up any of your slack?
Hi :o)
You a night owl?
Not usually. Only if i’m working on a deadline with a job someone is pushing for. Otherwise, mindight is about my time.
But…..there have been some cool discussions in the last couple of nights that kept me going til 2 or 3.
I’m up for a bit. Haven’t gone to bed before three recently… not good
Working til 6am here. Ugh.
Ugh and a half
Used to it, bro. I’ve been working these shifts for thirteen years now. A “real” Monday to Friday job would probably kill me.
I wasn’t here when you introduced yourself. I’m very glad you came back.
Thank you. As you can see, the community here stepped in to make up for your absence. 🙂 Friendly place… looking forward to posting here.
This is a great group of people and we take that “Welcome Newcomers” slogan very seriously. Most of us were newcomers here not that all long ago. And we can remember how much an enthusiastic welcome meant.
It sounds like you are very busy, but it’ll be fun to see you whenever it fits in.
In my case it was zander and I’m a little sad she’s not around these days.
you guys are wonderful…
I miss Zander too, wonder if she will ever come out of hiding again…
To Zander if you are lurking, come back, please!!!!!
Second that call to Zander. A little piece of the pond goes when special people like her leave.
Well, it certainly was enthusiastic — and much appreciated also. Looking forward to being a more active part of the community.
Hey Savage,
I’m done for the night. I hope 6 o’clock rolls around fast for ya
Thanks, man. It’ll be here soon enough. And… and… and… are you fucking ready for this? I’m not due back in until 6am Monday. 24 WHOLE FUCKING HOURS OFF!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!
I’m just now checking in at the FBC. We had “Thanksgiving” at my house tonight. Old friends and my daughter and her boyfriend (he’s like a son-in-law). Good food, good company. Much enjoyed reading this thread, but I figured it was too late to comment, since everyone else seems to have gone to bed.
But you might still be around, so “Welcome!”
(My best friend was our union rep for a while. Keep up the good work. Union forever! from a proud AFT member.)
Thanks for the welcome. You guys are great. Glad to hear you had a nice day.
I’m assuming you’re a teacher, so I’ll thank you for that also. School has never come easy to my son and we’ve been very fortunate to have had excellent, caring teachers his whole life. The single most underpaid profession in the nation, in my opinion. Also the most demonized, alas.
i teach at a community college. I originally went back to school intending to teach high school but I couldn’t hack it. I love teenagers, and the kids were great, but if I’d stayed I’d now be in prison (or dead, this being Texas and all) for having to strangle some administrator – or perhaps a parent or two. Drove me into grad school so I could teach at the college level.
My job is so much easier, and I’m paid better too, than the K-12 folks. I don’t know how they do it. My hat’s off to them too.
Now if I could just do something about the disrespect aimed at community colleges and those of us who teach in them . . .
What’s on the iPod tonight Sherm?
I’ve got Bush at the moment… also Catherine Wheel, Depeche Mode, Elliot Smith, and Michael Hedges… Along with the Beatles, Doors, Janis… it’s a mix…
Eclectic one aren;’t you? ;o)
I like to describe myself that way… 😉
People that can’t be put in a box and easily described are so much more interesting.
Just thank you for being you… Really…
You OK?
Just weird times and all… But I am OK…
That’s good Shermanesqe :o)
Listen, I’m gonna go now and see if I can dream up a paint job for the race boat I’m working on tomorrow. I see colors and shapes best just before sleep ;o)
Real nice spending time with you
Hope to catch up with you tomorrow Hon…
I’m like that. No real favorites. It could go from Icubus to Rage to James Taylor, Soungarden, Boston…..
Then again I could stick with the blues for awhile from time to time. Most good rock is sped up blues anyway.
Ecclectic is a word I like…
You notice how bad my spelling is? It’s for shit :o)
sometime…listening to some of my classical selections right now, but I’ve got a good range of Led Zeppelin, some Rush (the Canadian band, not Limbaugh!), Carly Simon, Simon and Garfunkel (together and solo), Judy Collins, Joni Mitchell, Pat Metheny, Yes…and even (she blushes) NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and ABBA…talk about eclectic…
I’m fading fast — but still here. . . .
Wasn’t yelling at ya
I was yelling at Shermanesqe :o)
If you’re fading why don’t you call it a night. I’m gonna watch the comedy channel with my son.
(yawn) Sorry.
I’d like to go to bed. But, just as I was about to slide away our daughter came home and she’s uh, not fading away.
How old is your daughter if it’s cool to ask?
She’s 23. And home from St. Louis for Thanksgiving. Now that she’s shown us the 100 or so photos she took today, it’s things are a little calmer.
Should I shut off the light?
Bye now :o)
Damn, I hope I didn’t miss this…
I didn’t get far before you came back in :o)
but everyone else is probably in bed…gotta wait till the spouse brings up the laundry, or at least a pair of PJs — it’s too damn cold, even with the heater, to sleep nekkid tonight… 🙂
well, I just popped in here, was about to start whining about feeling so deprived cause I don’t even have an iPod
(and hubbie’s gonna kill me if I don’t get off this net soon….)
anyone still up?