Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
or at least a small piece of it.
Now, that’s a backyard. I feel so relaxed just looking at it.
that’s ugly?
chainsaws, gunshots at all hours, coonhound hunting at 2:00 a.m., frequent power losses, no broadband, weird neighbors, mice, skinks, ladybugs, and wasps in the house and other joys of country life — but nothing that would ever make me leave ๐
Y’know, you REALLY need to mow them sunflowers. They’re gettin’ almost to TREE size.
but I don’t own a lawnmower.
But actually I wish I did have some nice, big flowers — that’s one thing you don’t get in the woods.
I don’t either. (Of course that’s because I’m in an apartment, but… don’t have the money for a house, don’t need the space, don’t want the hassles, and don’t plan on staying too much longer.)
This fun site is a voyeur’s delight. In the site owner’s words:
Warning for those, like me, who are on dial-up, lots of photos — but it’s worth it.
That’s a great idea for a site! I’ve bookmarked it so I can get back on a day when there isn’t quite as much going on.
Although actually the bookmark thing is tricky since I’m on a temporary computer….
and I can tell you how to keep your bookmarks to transfer to another computer.
Such neat photos, thanks
Here’s another one: PostSecret.
Warning: highly addictive and frequently very emotional.
I LOVE that site! Except sometimes it hits a little close to home…
That site always reminds me I am too tactless to have any secrets and that even if I did, I am too boring to have any worth exposing.
But if you ever do have any secrets you’ll spill them here first, right?
Not to worry — I am a bottomless pit for other people’s secrets but have no capacity for keeping my own (e.g.,
AndiF, this is wonderful. What a tribute to the people in the photos! What grace! People being people! They look like photos I have of my family 50 years or more ago. I agree they must be Americans. You should publish the site on one of the big genealogy sites and see if anyone recognizes any of the folks.
So you have your own darkroom? Super! I used to do a lot of darkroom work at the big univerisity where I worked in Ohio. It’s great fun.
This site is a beautiful ‘tip ‘o the hat’ to times past in a different America….for some of us better….for some of us worse.
Thank you!
I totally missed the phrase “In the site owner’s words:”
Silly me. Well… whoever that site belongs to, my hat’s off to her. It’s great.
But the rest of us get to giggle ๐
And it is a wonderful site — probably so much so that the dazzle made it hard for you to read.
I AM an Entertainer!
Thanks Andi, I could hardly tear myself away. I kept hoping to recognize someone. Of course Abe Lincoln was unmistakable. I put famous names on everyone else. Lucky there are none of me, but I did see my 1966 hairdo.
That picture must have been taken right after the Rub-A-Dub-Tub was built.
My dad designed it and he and my grandfather and uncles built it. The beams were Redwood and stood about twice as high as the house. And those were the heaviest ropes I’ve ever seen holding it up. The wood sides rotted too fast. So, not long after this photo, the sides of the Tub were replaced with some kind of solid fiberglass product.
But the part about making it twist and spinning was our favorite. We did that all the time. And It would wear out the rope. And they’d drag the tub up above the point of the wear. So over time the tub would get higher and higher. Until they had to replace the ropes.
It’s more than a childhood memory — we had it from the time I was eight until we moved to Kansas when I was 13. It was a powerful part of my life for 5 years — the last 5 years of childhood. And thinking about my dad deciding to build “something”. Then designing it (and I can remember finding his doodles with different ideas during that period). Remembering everyone coming over to build it. Thinking about all our cousins and friends playing with us on it.
Those are my favorite childhood memories. And some of the things I am most Thankful to have experienced.
Also, If the photo is too big maybe someone could grab it and reduce it and send the smaller version to me.
I’m on an emergency computer that doesn’t have anything at all added to it. So I don’t have a graphic program.
But if someone could do that work, I could upload the reduced image to photobucket and link to that instead of the gigantic one.
but if you want it resized, what size you want it to be?
And I can email it to you so you can load in your photobucket album.
Also, if your drive is okay, you should be able to put it into another case and boot up from it. As long as the case has room for two drives, all you need to do is to you can put it in the second slot and then switch the master and secondary drive cables (or switches, depending on how it is set up or tell setup to boot from the secondary drive if that option is available).
Andi, I just spent about 15 minutes writing a pretty comprehensive answer to all these issues, when this (shitty) computer rebooted and I lost it all. I shouldn’t be too surprised since that spontaneous rebooting thing is the reason our daughter gave up on it. It’s sad that a totally new operating system didn’t fix the problem. I’m just glad I wasn’t in the middle of burning a DVD when it happened.
What you said is sort of what we did. Except for switching to booting from my old system. I don’t want to get into possible NTFS or Windows Activation issues until I get all my data backed up. I spent most of last evening making sure that all data was moved to somewhere in My Documents. Which it mostly was. And I got rid of lots of totally unnecessary stuff.
(and if the image doesn’t bother you — it’s OK with me. you’re the one on dial-up.)
most likely culprits are either bad memory chips or overheating.
Although it’s possible that there is a problem writing to the drive which is causing the rebooting so switching to booting off your drive (when you can) might fix that — but drive problems seem more likely to bring about “frozen” systems or bsod.
And the overheating issue is why I’m kinda off AMD chips (going back to a question from yesterday) right now. We’ve got 3 or 4 AMD computers here and all of them have had to be babied past overheating problems. (and no, we don’t overclock anything. far from it)
(sigh. computers, gotta love ’em)
Sorry to be repeating stuff — I skimmed yesterday’s diaries but didn’t read them that closely. Anyway, you clearly don’t need any advice from me.
Speaking of yesterday’s diary, did you see Puget4’s thanksgiving day meal comment and photo? If not, it’s definitely worth a visit (and click to get the enlarged version of the photo).
I did see it. And I’m totally impressed that she thought of taking a picture of it before eating.
And the comments were fun.
Oh no, I just bought an AMD chip. Do you mind if I ask some questions? Like, when your problems started, how you determined they were overheating issues, what kind of cooling you’re using, etc.?
If you don’t have time to answer, that’s cool, I’m just still a little worried about my new system because it’s my first home build and I’m still learning. ๐
I’m probably not the best witness, because while I do believe our problems have been with AMDs (pretty well documented but not linked here) problems with overheating. A lot of people (including Omar in some comments on yesterday’s cafe) totally disagree.
Also, my computer (the one that died on Thanksgiving) was the only computer I ever built from the ground up myself (I’ve done a lot of upgrades and installations). And I have to admit, it was never a success. It until mister did a complete reinstall (including his magical windows tuning) about 6 months ago, my life was plagued by random shutdowns and reboots.
Since his work on it, things have been pretty stable until the day before yesterday.
So, I really don’t know if AMD chips were the root of the problem, or my own general incompetence. I suspect both.
My motherboard had a couple thermometers and a nice software program that displayed the temperature of the CPU and in the box. We had 3 fans sucking and blowing into a fairly large box. But, my computer has always run much hotter than his (an Intel). We also opened it and blew dust out fairly regularly.
My problem is that I really like programming; this kind of thing feels like a distraction to me (since things got so much more complicated than DOS bat files). I know it’s important. Even very important. I just kind resent having to know so much about stuff I don’t care about.
Thanks for the reply. Every piece of info I pick up from other people gets added to the mental file and is always useful at some point.
Your setup sounds similar to mine. I’ve got an MSI K8N Neo4F mobo with an AMD Athlon 64 (3200 Venice core), and I’m running MSI’s DigiCell & Cool & Quiet applications. With those, I can constantly see the temp of my chip (32C right now), and my system (37C), as well as individually adjust the CPU fan and Northbridge fan. I also have 3 case fans, 2 of them hooked up to a front panel that has individual temp readouts and controls. Plus my graphics card has its own fan and software to mess with. The hottest I’ve ever seen the AMD chip run is when I game (lower end gaming) and it gets to about 40-45C; it boots at about 29C. But I don’t think those temps are problematic. How hot was yours when the trouble set in?
I wonder if there isn’t a compatibility issue for you somewhere, with the reboots, or if maybe your mobo doesn’t like where/how you connected your hard drive..hmm.
Anyway, I’m sorry it’s a hassle for you, but it sounds like at least your mister might enjoy it so that’s a better context than it could be! ๐
What’d I do?
Excessive jargon-filled tech talk in a space occupied by human beings — much grosser than my doggy line.
We’re just going to have to agree to disagree on that one. I’m a lifelong geek, and even though I’m not the marrying type, I’d never stop proposing to the woman who figures out the right time to whisper into my ear in French about overclocking. But my kinks are all strictly limited to human creatures and various toys, so bestiality and tech talk reside at opposite ends of my personal grossness scale.
I do understand I’m not normal, though, so I’ll do my 5 minutes and STFU (even though the penalty is properly TWO minutes, Your Holy Dotitude, but I wouldn’t want to jeopardize my eternal salvation by correcting you.)
Did you ever see “My Cousin Vinny”?
It was five minutes because it was a flagrant foul.
You right, though, I should be more forgiving but then I work for software company where tuning oracle and uml modeling are considered sexy chat.
(laughing and holding my side while wiping off the monitor)
I knew what you meant, and I must say I agree. The possibilty of this conversation is why I held back on talking about my trauma until I felt better.
I used to really enjoy geeky conversations. But at some point — about the time processors went over 1gig/hz and XP came along — it stopped being fun. At all.
and wonderful picture. Are you the serious-looking big sister?
Yes — That’s me. I think that my next sister must be taking the picture (judging by the perspective and the gap between me and my next-after-that sister). I don’t remember that day particularly, so I don’t know why I looked so serious. I might have been responsible for keeping the kids under control.
That is amazing!
My Grandfather and Uncles were (among other things) boat builders. So the top (which you can’t see) was constructed with boat-joints. And the knots were some kind of sailing knots. It was a very well-constructed toy. Oh, and it was made from original-growth redwood, which you cannot buy anymore.
They dismantled it and put it in the garage when we moved. They rented the house for 5 years thinking that we’d be moving back. And somewhere in that time of of the tenants stole the redwood beams. One of our minor family tragedies.
My dad was a bit of a workaholic and he had to commute for almost 2 hours each way to work (we lived in northern Marin County, CA and he worked in an Atomic Research Laboratory at a naval base near Candlestick Park in South San Francisco). So we didn’t always see a lot of him. But, he was always coming up with ideas for our entertainment. And when he was around, it was great.
Here’s a link to a scanned newspaper article about my uncles and one of their boats.
It’s also an interesting piece of Marin history (from about 1948)
so kansas claims to be a luddite
but a techy guy who was a stud might
convince her that her this bud is right
that calling a digital camera good is bright.
[as chaucer would say rhymed doggerel not worth a turd but you did ask]
Ha! Okay, I’m outta here. Going looking for that stud to convince me. Too bad I’m not thirty years younger. I could stand in the middle of a busy street, with a digital camera in my hands, bat my eyelashes, and say, “Golly, does anybody know how to work these things?”
Oh you poor ole broad — just make a trip to the old techies home and you’ll be golden ๐
Or try the right type of street, wearing the right clothes and it’ll still work.
Follow the link
(laughing) I guess I missed that! How cool that you wrote that for her.
Lol! I had forgotten that I actually asked “What rhymes with Luddite.” Hey, you may be slow, but you’re bright.
just waiting till I knew you were around — I wasn’t going to put up my stellar literary effort only to discover you were out doing a book tour of the dumpy industrial cities of the northeast and wouldn’t be back until you could remove the rust.
Because I’m out doing a book tour of the dumpy industrial cities of the northeast and won’t be back until I can remove the rust?
My bad — using my crappy comebacks for excuses; katiebird will end up blaming me for your sloth. Of course, if Gore had been elected in 2000, that book would be writing itself.
Or she could just as easily ask me why I’m not out building porch-roofs.
At least kansas will eventually have a book to show for herself — it looks like my poor son will be porch-roofless for another week or so. Of course, he’s the one who went out motorcycling, not me.
Fallon go or keep her for breeding. Since I have begun to make connections with organizations dealing with the disabled, I could have placed Benjamin about 20 times now. His sister Fallon has a more dominant working personality, she isn’t afraid of firearms either and tried to attack the fireworks on the 4th because she thought they were potentially dangerous to the family. She just turned a year and in a few months I can have her hips certified, she has the ideal personality, size, and intelligence to breed future therapy/working dogs from. I have been getting inquiries about her too though now. I don’t have a beau for her either but I haven’t really looked around. UGH! I hate having to decide something like this without a working crystal ball!!
is to pick some sort of deciding factor I can’t control that can go one of two ways and then let that decide — otherwise I’ll just dither forever. (In a situation like yours, I’d do something like “if someone calls who is a good possibility by some_deadline_date, I’ll let her go).
I need to sit down and make a list. I would say that being able to find the necessary sire for her is my biggest uncontrollable. #1 I’m in kind of an isolated area and then….#2 Often military who have been to Germany will obtain a very good working Shepherd while they are there and there may very well be a couple of them right here.
You’re welcome — it’s nice that my congenital inability to be able to make decisions in approach-approach and avoid-avoid conflicts could be useful to someone else.
Can yu find a place for her where they’ll allow you to retain breeding rights? Or is it smarter/easier to keep her for awhile longer and breed her?
Ah, decisions…what fun.
found to do the desired work. Most of the dogs working for the disabled are “fixed” because it is a bad morning when you need your dog to get the ringing phone for you but he is out with his Sheila.
Ah…I guess I would never have thought of that if you hadn’t told me!
Morning everyone and katie, from the west coast, here is a pic of me as a child with my little friends, I think I may have been crying, but could have been something in my eye.
Wow! This is another of those mystery images. Can anyone see the image?
Because I can’t.
But, when I highlight her comment and view the source code — I can see the img tag in there.
Why doesn’t it display? This is exactly what Olivia’s garden photo was doing a couple of days ago.
Also, I tried pasting the URL into the location bar, but I was just forwarded to your search page.
I think Olivia’s photo was linked to a blog entry also. Does the photo live anywhere else that you could link to that instead?
I can see it now. It’s a very cute newspaper picture.
Not a newspaper pic, just a very old photo of me and friends that I scanned…from about 1949, pictures were very grainy.
I can see it, it’s darling.
Katie and Andi, can you see this one, the previous I grabbed from my site, where it is hosted, maybe that is why, let me know, very curious…

I am the baby on the right, left is sister Sonnie with mother.
Just about to get some work done around here, finally…need to find my tripod, which it looks like will be essential if I’m going to do holiday lights photography. Tried to shoot the tree down in San Jose, and it’s a bit blurry; I’ll at least try to make it semi-visible in Photoshop Elements later this weekend…
Got soooo many damn bags to unpack…well, at least the toys can all stay in their bags for next weekend. We may pull out a couple of items to take with us to Starbucks for their toy drive, since we want to go get some Christmas Blend coffee. Today is also laundry, and finally getting to recycling center and Goodwill. Also want to get an extension cord or two if we can.
Dinner tonight — most likely Fresh Choice for soup/salad; I could use something healthy.
Okay, time to get stirring…have a great day… ๐
Good Morning, Cali — Good to see you. Maybe we’ll see you later?
I swear that I did not tell some evil wingnut blogger who wished evil upon my husband that he miss his next promotion because of his big mouthed wife that………..I could push Rummy down and fart in his face and the Army is so short handed that my husband would still get promoted. No, I didn’t do that! That just isn’t like me. I think I had better go make an Xmas ornament or something……go find some pine cones!
I’m sure you’d never do anything remotely like that at all.
Good Morning All,
Gooserock and Florida Mom come back today. Fish for supper tonight!! Salmon probably….I hope. Yeaaaaa!
In honor of his return and in tune with his sharing of photos, here’s the Olympics this morning,
IN SUNSHINE with a goodly amount of snow. Always a welcome sight in these parts.
Click to enlarge
We have to get someone to remove those poles — it’s really inconsiderate of folks to mess up our view.
How’s this? ๐
Click to enlarge.
the chainsaw tool in photoshop to clean that up. I assumed you told your neighbors you’d entertain them if they cut the damn things down.
The chainsaw tool is an extra that I had to pay dearly for. I also used the earplug tool so the neighbors wouldn’t hear them fall.
The kitchen is heating up. My brother is chopping up stuff for the cranberry chutney I stole (and here admit) from Cabin Girl’s FBC post a few weeks back. My husband is playing with the baby.
Life today is good.
whom I cannot refuse….here is a pic I posted at the end of yesterday’s final cafe:
Tempeh (none / 1)
Nope, still in the refrigerator. I took a tofu burger patty to my friends for my dinner. Here’s a pic. Click to enlarge. The plate next to mine belongs to a norman human being enjoying a fantastic meal. Plates are the same size. Darn perspective!
Click to enlarge
Going Clockwise:
I am actually hungry for fish. Those are words I never thought I’d speak. Gooserock, the main chef in this house, will be back tomorrow.
Even when I preview…..
“with” in the subject should read “wish”
Yup that’s why we all need either the edit function or a time machine.
Now that you’ve reposted it, I hope we get an afternoon crowd in to appreciate it. I think it’s brilliant.
do you have a “to die for” recipe for carrot soup or at least one you like? I have a slough of carrots and need to use them.
I’ll be using soy milk and vegetable broth.
I don’t have one that isn’t low fat enough but I found one that is similar in moosewood that you might like to try.
This sounds wonderful! I bought a food processor at the local thrift store so I think I’ll try it out with this. I can cut and paste ingredients as necessary.
Thanks much. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Cut and Paste?
mister likes the recipe, but he’s thinking maybe chicken stock instead. And maybe no yams.
if you don’t use the sweet potatoes then you’ll need to use regular potatoes or else make a roue because it won’t be creamy otherwise.
He says, “Everything in the world has to start with a roue, so I would do that anyway”
But, I still don’t get cutting/pasting.
He didn’t hesitate to participate in this conversation!
(not that he’ll actually visit in person)
Cut the Bay leaf
Paste some sag.
Cut the dill,
Paste nutmeg.
You get the idea. ๐
Ahh, I hoped that’s what you meant. We love carrots in over here, so I think we’ll probably be using this recipe soon also.
(Thanks Andi!)
to ask his thinking on an edit button? I’m sure he has a good reason for not having one.
I have spellcheck isn’t that enough?
Seriously though, editing leads to mischief. You can edit your diaries but not your comments.
I knew you had a good reason.
Lean in a bit closer, ah that’s good.
Votre installation semble semblable au mien. J’ai un mobo de MSI K8N Neo4F avec un AMD Athlon 64 (noyau de 3200 Venise), et je cours DigiCell de MSI et me refroidis et des applications Tranquilles. Avec ceux, je peux constamment voir la température de mon morceau (32C en ce moment), et mon système (37C), comme ajuste individuellement le ventilateur d’unité centrale de traitement et le ventilateur de Northbridge. J’ai également 3 ventilateurs de cas, 2 d’entre eux se sont accrochés jusqu’à un panneau avant qui a différents afficheurs et commandes de la température. Plus mes graphiques la carte a avec son propres ventilateur et logiciel à salir. Le plus chaud que j’ai jamais vu que la course de morceau d’AMD est quand jeu de I (jeu d’extrémité inférieure) et il se répand à 40-45C ; il initialise à environ 29C. Mais je ne pense pas que ces temps sont problématiques.
I’ve opened the Lounge a little early since we’re so close to 100 comments.
It isn’t totally set up for the show, but we’ve got plenty of clean tables and some recorded music.
Let’s move over there!