The angel of Mercy came to Donkeytale in a dream. “Arise, knave,” she commanded as an unearthly music flowed from her radiant hair.
“No longer can our Father bear the din of noise which has befouled the earth.
“Do not speak for they will not listen. Do not reproach for they are beneath reproach.
“Do not show love for they love only themselves.
“Do not teach that WORDS are EVIL and ACTIONS the work of FOOLS.
“Do not beggar their disbelief with wisdom for you do not possess even a hint of it within yourself.
“Stay calm and silent, like the hawk waiting for the mouse to move.
“And yea, the mouse will surely move about in his deluded self confidence and rise up as if he were a lion, for he truly believes that he is a lion.
“The mouse, too, is a fool who will find himself inside the belly of the hawk in his time.
“Sit you silently beneath the stars and study as a hawk. Study the wind as it blows in every direction but let it not ruffle a single feather.
“For your time has not yet come.”
and with the mouse polling at 34% the hawk will not have to wait much longer.
The hawk is gonna get to devour one sickly mouse.
And lo, in 4 years, give or take 2, if the hawk doesn’t learn the lessons of the past, and doesn’t speak out, and doesn’t earn the support of the other creatures…
… the hawk will find itself confronted with a real lion, and will be revealed to the rest as merely a vulture, feeding off the carcass of the mouse, but easily chased away.
What the Chinese, er..I mean the lion, call a Paper Tiger