Now the long weekend is really almost over 🙁
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Here’s that pumpkin fudge cake:
It was yummy! For holiday orders, operators are standing by.
It’s gorgeous! Do you deliver?
Sorry, only FedEx. 😉
I do have an account ya know… 🙂
hah, I thought you wrote “blog weekend.” Must be reading too many blogs!!
Part of me is sad that the weekend is over…part of me is glad to be off the highway.
Several hours of ‘terminally stupid drivers’ and I was ready to park the truck for the night. Terminally stupid defined = passing us at a double yellow line, cresting a hill, on possibly icy roads. Not 1 car but 3…and we were the 5th vehicle back in line! They all pulled in front of us…gee – oncoming traffic! Duh!
Having a hot toddy, checking Booman diaries and email, avoiding thinking about work tomorrow….
Hi Sally!!! Glad to get the chance to say HI this weekend!
Glad you made it back in one piece…unlike many of those poor souls on the Greyhound bus that crashed in Santa Maria. And the spouse wonders why I bug him to get enough sleep; fortunately he drives far fewer hours and gets more breaks than the standard Greyhound operator, but I still worry…
tomorrow in the a.m. — both of us are kinda not thinking about it much…the spouse more than me, I’m thinking, since he really didn’t do any of the prep work and hasn’t paid a bill or kept track of money/budget since I’ve known him…..
GAK! I’m thinking it’ll be ok, but just want it to be over with — the lawyer has said we should be prepared to explain our HIGH balances….
Hello? 7 years? Shitass boyfriend who charged a car and other various and sundry? Then a single momhood? In grad school…still in grad school, got married had another kid worked 2 years and have been unemployed for the last 13 months….think that might convince? I dunno. I have no earthly CLUE what to expect. Just want it to be done. Urgh.
Probably should go to bed so’s I can get up nice and early, get the kids off and get downtown by time to ???
Having been in similar circumstances before, I can sympathize. It took us a very long time to get out of it; hopefully you can get back on your feet in less time than it took us.
So old friends, sort-of-ex, daughter, daughter’s boyfriend had a Thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat yesterday, and then the sort-of-ex and I had another thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat (leftovers) tonight. No arrests for littering in the meantime, luckily.
But it brought back memories. When I lived out in the woods in WA state back in ’69/70, there wasn’t any trash pickup out in the woods, so on one occasion, I (ahem) made a bigger pile out of a pile of garbage that was already in place off a small road. Months later, after moving back to Texas, I got a letter from Snohomish county informing me that they had found an envelope at the bottom of the pile of garbage with my name on it . . . so I can testify that this method of busting litterbugs rings true.
I don’t know if there were any 8X10 glossy photos taken, but I didn’t return to pick up my garbage, so there may still be a warrant out for me in WA. If I end up getting arrested next time I’m up there, Susan or Darcy may have to come bail me out . . .
if I can make it up to Everett, that is.
And maybe you and I will be sitting there playing with the pencils on the group “W” bench . . .
…ya go away for a few moments and ya miss the “revolution” … did folks not get enuf turkee….?
Boo it is this simple…
If you want people to not critisize Kos and his outfit…on your blog … do as Armando recommends and keep a “firm hand” on posters.
No need to fret…
This is the ONLY reason people have post here because is it NOT ALLOWED on DKos. Otherwise there would be LOUD dissention on DKos if it were not for the regime’s “firm hand” policy towards free flow of ideas.
I have always said that the number of clicks or registered users are not indicative of the “love” of Kos. Kos has limited himself because no one trusts him … neither posters nor politicians. He has shat all over his posters and he is a loose cannon towards politicians. IMO Kos has shown his number one priority to be profits above all else…. from pictures of Mary Ann’s ass stuck into the faces of all of the women on his blog to fp’ing a takedown of Kaine just days before his election…all in the name of protecting profits for the precious blogads. He is no different than the paid shills like Armstrong Williams and others who are paid to “plant” ideologies…(for petessakes Kos wrote a front page praising Coburn and Club for Growth meanwhile he has bashed NARAL at every chance he could get)
The question you should be asking is WHY people are critical of Kos. If I were to answer it would be cause I get a wave of nausea everytime I read in the MSM that Kos is the “voice” of the liberal blogosphere… because he is neither liberal nor does he speak for the vast majority of the left blogosphere. I have already seen Kos “quoted” on certain subjects as though he were representational of the left blogs… there is nothing so further from the truth… particular since his crew is fully engaged in keeping peoples opinions and voice silent… and don’t get me started on his backwards-assed views on women and reproductive rights.
His blog has many voices albeit it is getting increasing difficult to speak outside the “party line” without being pummelled and banned into oblivion. But for the most part if you can separate the undercover politico shaft from the real grains of truth and wisdom there is still some good stuff being written.
If Kos does not want to be critisized then he should stipulate when giving interviews that he is speaking on behalf of himself ONLY and does not speak for the entire left blogoshere. It seems that the DLC/NDN are enamoured with the number of clicks Dk recieves and have erroneously related clicks to Kos’s own ideology… it reminds me of the Matrix… they think that their their ideologies simple “plug in” to anyone who happens to click on the site. It should be called the “Orange Matrix”. This is all a part of the DLC/NDN mapping and matrixing the “Left Wing Noise Machine”… which wouldn’t be such a bad thing … if only they were Democrats.
So after all that I still don’t get …what was the point? Are you going to start the “Firm Hand” policy if anyone speaks negatively about Kos?
There was a post here over the weekend that I struggled to ignore. I simply didn’t see why Booman and everyone has to obsess over Markos and crew.
But if there is an example of why DailyKos is such a waste of Internet bandwidth here it is: A Democratic Karl Rove.
Another example of Armando (or Markos) expounding on why it is OK that the Democrats have no agenda. Worse, Armando is willing to sacrifice a nation and lives in his goal to achieve some sort of electoral victory. Agenda and principals only get in the way, apparently.
I find the whole site a disgusting collection of whining and juvenile ranting. Enough of Kos already, everyone needs to grow up and develop. A move in the right direction would be to eliminate the comment grading here: it is a form of group think and group censorship that should have no place in community that thinks itself “progressive”. Trolls are best ignored, and bad comments are best shot down with logic, not sniping.
You think that is bad…
…have you heard their argument that “dead women will be good for Democrats”. It seems the that the DLC/NDN “Do Not” Think Tank has come up with this little gem… that over turning Roe v Wade would some how be good for Democrats cuz I guess people will get disgusted stepping over women’s bodies and flock to the party that abandon them in the first place… go figure
Washington Post reports that Bush will make a Major Speech about Immigration. Pardon my Ho Hum, but what’s he going to trot out? Same Old Same Old. It’s the same Guest Worker plus Border Protection proposal he trotted out before. This from the self same president who couldn’t find the funds to increase the number of Border Patrol agents before now, so why will this get much ink and air time?
My guess is that Bush is picking up a new Republican line for the 2006 elections. Republicans seem to be really big on border protection–the southern border that is.
Will he talk about “national security” along the border? Probably, but under his proposal we could just as easily have “guest terrorists?” Seems to me that a terrorist we actually caught at the border was coming in from Canada. Will he talk about “border enforcement?” That’s likely too, but unless I’m losing memory faster these days than I think I am, I could have sworn he’s said this before and then never ponied up the money.
Will he talk about employers who like the Halliburton subsidiary who rounded up workers from Texas and Mexico to work in Louisiana, and then fired them when “Lo and Behold They’re Illegal!” before they were paid for the work? I seriously doubt it.