Well, so maybe it’s not a good idea to come in here with this today, but there are only a few days left to American Indian Heritage Month and only a few hours left to the weekend….FWIW, another couple 1,000 words, to be taken with a spoonful of sugar if necessary.
[WARNING! The following piece, while it addresses some very serious issues and contains a number of legitimate “action items,” is also riddled with heretical humor which may be offensive to some readers. Parental supervision may be advised.]
What the Fuck Is Your Problem, Babe!?
Ok, I admit. I’ve been sitting here asking myself the same thing. What the fuck is your problem, babe? Why can’t you just sit down and write that damn thing? That “Attitudes of Gratitude” thing? Do something constructive!
What the fuck is my problem? I’ve wracked my brain for an answer. Scoured the lines on my face in the mirror, checked under the table, the desk, the living room chair, cleaned up the office and am starting to feel like George Bush looking for WMD or the GOP trying to find a Black man from the City of Chicago to run against Obama. To be honest, I really don’t have a problem: I’ve got a decent (extremely flexible) job, money in the bank, wonderful husband, students galore, a few good friends, closet full of haute couture, car’s paid for, fridge is full. What the hell.
When in doubt, look it up.
So I went to Jeeves and typed “what the fuck is your problem?” Lo and behold, there it was! (Naw, you ain’t gonna like it, but geez, sometimes you gotta step back, stop and learn to laugh at yourself, and then none of it seems as dramatic as it was when you were crying over the millions most recently bilked from the tribes, see Abramoff, Scanlon, DeLay, etal ad infinitum!)
White People. That’s my fucking problem. White People who don’t get that it’s not my problem, it’s theirs. I found at least one white guy who agrees (there are a lot of them, you know, and yet far too few, and many more who know it, but are afraid to say it: the problem that dare not speak its name).
It’s not about Indians, it’s not about Blacks. The problem is white people, and until that problem is addressed, I can post all the “action items” and educational resources in the world on the subject of “what can I do? say a powerless few.” It would amount to telling Marie Antoinette to slap a bandaid on her head.
I haven’t yet read Robert Jensen’s recently released The Heart of Whiteness, but I’ve heard about it. Excerpts from the book which argues that, when it comes to racism, white people are the problem, were published this September in The Houston Chronicle under the title “The new White People’s Burden: Take a hard look in the mirror”.
And in fact, this is nothing new: people of color have obviously known it all along, and a lot of white people have been saying it for quite awhile as well. It is the underlying assumption behind the journal Race Traitor, co-founded in 1992 by John Garvey and former Harvard history professor Noel Ignatiev. It’s certainly not new to me, either, and I have been publishing articles in that journal since around 1995 in which I have repeatedly pointed to precisely this problem.
Frankly, since I personally have had increasingly less contact with white people since then, I haven’t really felt so much like I had a problem. But ever since Katrina, I’ve really had a problem. Going out in the world has been a serious problem for me, I confess.
And it was Jensen’s Houston Chronicle article that helped me understand why. Sheesh. How can anyone be so stupid as to miss the obvious? Yeah, sometimes I don’t feel like the sharpest tack in the drawer. Anyway thanks to Jensen for figuring it out for me.
Here’s what he writes:
As devastating as the physical destruction brought by Katrina has been, it may turn out that one of the hurricane’s most enduring legacies is the way it made visible the effect of racial and class disparities on who lived and who died, who escaped early and who suffered from being left behind.
Such realities have always been clear to those on the bottom of the hierarchy, of course, and to others willing to face the reality of white supremacy predominance. But now all of white America has an opportunity to see what racialized disparities in wealth and well-being look like, in painfully raw form.
Fair enough. We all know that.
But this question really gets to the heart of what my fucking problem is:
Will we take that opportunity, or turn away out of fear? Do we have the courage to face the meaning of what we have seen?
There you have it: my fucking problem in a nutshell. Apparently, America’s answer to this question is an emphatic: NO. I really thought, I sincerely believed, that, even if white rednecks in Texas kept believing “this was working out very well” for “those people” “in that part of the world”, the rest of us, would get up off our asses, our keyboards, our couches and chairs, and take to the streets in a frenzy of public outrage. That didn’t happen. The fact that it didn’t is a fucking problem.
OK. So the guilt trip’s not working. I get it. (And in fact, the still unwritten “Attitudes of Gratitude” piece was planned as an attempt to shift the paradigm from one of guilt to one of gratitude). But let’s look at what Jensen proposes:
We can pretend that we have reached “the end of racism” and continue to ignore the question. But that’s just plain stupid. We can acknowledge that racism still exists and celebrate safe forms of diversity and multiculturalism while avoiding the political, economic, and social consequences of white supremacy. But, frankly, that’s just as stupid. The fact is that most of the white population of the United States has never really known what to do with those who are not white. Let me suggest a different approach.
Let’s go back to the question that W.E.B. Du Bois said he knew was on the minds of white people. In his 1903 classic, The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois wrote that the question whites were afraid to ask him was: “How does it feel to be a problem?”
Du Bois was identifying a burden that blacks carried — being seen by the dominant society not as people but as a problem people, as a people who posed a problem for the rest of society.
Du Bois was right to identify “the color line” as the problem of the 20th century. Now, in the 21st century, it is time for whites to self-consciously reverse the direction of that question at the heart of color. It’s time for white people to fully acknowledge that in the racial arena, we are the problem.
The moral task of white America is to do something that doesn’t come naturally to people in positions of unearned power and privilege: Look in the mirror honestly and concede that we live in an unjust society and have no right to some of what we have.
We should not affirm ourselves. We should negate our whiteness, strip ourselves of the illusion that we are special because we are white, steel ourselves so that we can walk in the world fully conscious and try to see what is usually invisible to us white people. We should learn to ask ourselves, “How does it feel to be the problem?”
That is the new White People’s Burden. Instead of pretending to civilize the world, let’s try to civilize ourselves.
In an earlier piece in which Jensen addresses the issue of racist Indian mascots (and in the broadest sense, a subject I have touched on elsewhere in some of my posts to this forum, i.e., the “power of naming and claiming” (LaDuke, Recovering the Sacred, he also speaks to a matter that has generated considerable confusion in my recent postings on the subject of the past:
Let’s start with the past, which people often want to avoid. It’s history, they say. Get over it — don’t get stuck in the past. But this advice to forget history is selective; many of the same folks who tell indigenous people not to get stuck in the past are also demanding that schoolchildren get more instruction in the accomplishments of the Founding Fathers. It is commonly asserted, and undoubtedly true, that Americans don’t know enough about their own history (or that of the world). The question isn’t whether we should pay more attention to history. The relevant questions are: Who gets to write history? From whose point of view is history written? Which historical realities are emphasized and which are ignored? So, let us not take the seemingly easy — but intellectually and morally lazy — path of selectively contending that “history doesn’t matter.” Everyone knows it matters.
And in this context, Jensen also provides insights into related issues that have come up in the context of recent discussions out here on the blogs:
I am not asking anyone who is white to feel guilty about this. I do not feel guilty about this. I feel incredibly pained and saddened by it, just as I feel pained and saddened by other acts of brutality that litter human history. But I cannot take on guilt for events that happened before I was born. Feeling guilt for things outside my control would be illogical.
However I can — and should — feel guilty about things I have done wrong in my life, over which I do have control. I should feel guilty not simply so that I feel bad, but so that change is possible. Guilt is healthy when it leads to self-critique, to moral reflection, to a commitment to not repeating mistakes. We can feel that guilt both individually and collectively. We can see what we have done wrong or failed to do right, both by ourselves and with others. That brings us to the present.
… One easy place to start could be eliminating a nickname and logo to which a significant number of Indians object. All that white people would have to do is accept that simple fact, and change the name and logo. It would cost no one anything, beyond the trivial expense of changing the design on some stationary, uniforms, and university trinkets.
But wait, many white people say, isn’t systemic poverty on reservations more important than a logo? Of course it is. Are there more pressing problems for Indians than the Fighting Sioux design? Sure. But there is nothing to stop anyone from going forward to address other problems and, at the same time, taking the simple step of changing the nickname and logo. It’s not an either/or choice.
In the course of the past week, I have been asked countless times why I reacted so strongly to the casual metaphorical use of a term like “trail of tears,” and many have understood why. But some have not. Jensen’s discussion of the use of Indian images as mascots in team sports might help to clarify:
Why should Indians have the right to make the decision over how their name and image are used? Because in the absence of a compelling reason to override that right, a person or group of people should have control over their name and image. That’s part of what it means to be a person with full humanity. And in this case, the argument for white people giving Indians that power is intensified by the magnitude of the evil perpetrated by whites on Indians.
To acknowledge all that is to acknowledge that the American nation is based on genocide, on a crime against humanity. The land of the free and the home of the brave, the nation that was born as the vehicle for a new freedom, rests on the denial not only of freedom, but of life itself, to a whole group of people — for the crime of getting in the way of what the European invaders wanted for themselves, the land and its resources.
And finally from one white male to his fellow fighting whites (see also below), Jensen issues an invitation:
I am calling for white people to acknowledge that we have no right to choose how Indians are named and represented. We have no standing to speak on the question. Our place is to shut up and do what we are told. Let me say that again, for emphasis: We white folks should shut up and do what Indians tell us. Let’s try it, first, on this simple issue. We might find it is something we should do on a number of other issues.
And if we do that, individually and collectively we will take a step toward claiming our own dignity and humanity. The way in which white America refuses to come to terms with its history and the contemporary consequences of that history has material and psychological consequences for Indians (as well as many other groups). But in a very real sense, we cannot steal the dignity and humanity of indigenous people. We can steal their resources, disrespect them, insult them, ignore them, and continue to repress their legitimate aspirations. We can try to distort their own sense of themselves, but in the end we can’t take their humanity from them.
So call him a windbag. Tell him to fuck off. Whatever.
(If you still don’t get what the problem is, maybe this will help. Otherwise, I give up. Go play in the street or something.)
But, if you want to take his advice, here are a few suggestions for getting started:
First of all, educate–yourselves, your children (their teachers!), your neighbors, friends and enemies.
One of the best resources I know for unraveling the lies that American history teaches all of us is James Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me. Check out his site, he’s since published a number of additional titles that are equally valuable. You may want to consider purchasing this and other titles from another grumpy old white guy Thomas Metz, director of the Honor Resource Center and proprietor of a bookstore/website. Tom has been diligently engaged in the attempt to deal with his fucking problem and mine for a lot longer than it’s been fashionable to do so, and in addition to providing a wonderful resource with a carefully “vetted” selection of titles for educating white people, he’s been doing a lot for the Native peoples in southern Wisconsin. Check out his site. It’s marvelous and worthy of support. Tom is truly an unsung hero.
Do the mascots piss you off as much as they do me? Want to piss off your Redstate friends, family and foes this holiday season? Send `em some Fighting Whites paraphernalia. Proceeds go to the Fighting Whites Scholarship Fund which, by 2003, had raised $100,000 in scholarship funds for Native students.
Systematic poverty piss you off? Sure pisses me off. And it pisses me off especially on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Been working on this particular problem for a number of years, but, hey, my resources are not unlimited. You can help me get over your fucking problem this holiday season (and throughout the year) by putting one of the many, many organizations and private individuals who have declared themselves Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation on your shopping list. This is an incredible site and a tremendous resource for anyone sincerely interested in taking a bite out of the problem. You can spend hours browsing there and looking for individuals and organizations to match your interests. I would advise against contributing to any of the government agencies that are also listed on the site, however, and make a sincere attempt to support Indian-owned and-or operated groups and projects.
Ha! And for you Froggy food freaks and gourmet gurus out here in the Pond, this is the hottest tip since Columbus. The White Earth Ojibwe Winona LaDuke’s Native Harvest store. You can max out your credit card, impress friends, family and neighbors with exotic culinary delights that are in fact the most domestic of all: wild rice, maple syrup…and the packaged gourmet soups are exquisite. This is a 100% Native owned business that provides jobs for community members based on a truly innovative model for establishing a sustainable economy on the reservation.
http://www.nativepeoples.com/ great magazine also a site to go to for information and donating toward wood stoves for example on reservations is Southwestindian.com
And as far as I’m concerned ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’ should be required reading for everyone and in studied and taught in all schools.
I really appreciate these links–especially the woodstove thing b/c heating in the winter is a big issue. Every year, people seem to freeze to death in their homes on the rez b/c they can’t afford the heating bills.
I hope other will follow suit and contribute links of this nature. I’ll take them up in the next diary, which I hope will consist exclusively of “action items”.
Thanks much.
(Key word: “should.”)
I’m not sure it’s so simple as saying we white folks just have to shut up and obey, certainly not when there’s significant disagreement among the people you’re supposedly obeying. We still have to decide how (or anyway whether) to name and represent, and more generally what to believe. There are ways to try not to make those decisions in a vaccuum (or in a Wurlitzer), but you’re still deciding.
That said, I’d agree that the mascot case ought to be obvious.
Considering how many whites are oblivious to the problems they’re creating for their offspring, its not really surprising they’re willfully ignorant of any particular minority group.
And even those who do see the problem are reluctant to step up and face those who don’t or won’t.
As long as some minorities break through all the adversity and ‘make it’, America can keep on believing that we have achieved the end of racism.
One might say “If we’re willing to let our sons and daughters marry a minority, isn’t that enough to prove we’re colorblind?”
Its progress. But no, its not enough.
Its a neat society we’re raised in. We’re taught that competition is the solution to all problems. There are winners and losers. And winners really can come from any race.
But for everyone else, if we think they’re for us, we’re for them. If we think they’re against us, we’re against them. And if they are neither, we don’t care about them. After all, its a competition, and we have to worry about our own. If you’re not one of us, and you’re not gonna help us win, its a losing proposition to waste time helping you.
My take — white people aren’t the problem. The system is the problem.
But its hard to argue that white people don’t benefit most from the system. Not all white people do. And when we help some minorities and leave behind others (including some poor white people), we plant the seeds for the next generation of this whole mistrustful mess.
If we as a country helped everyone succeed, regardless of race or region, we’d all be better off.
Its understandable when each group comes out and asks for help for its own. But that just feeds the us – vs – them mentality toward others in need, who feel left out.
None of this is against what you wrote. I like what you wrote. This is just more grist for the conversation.
The white people who benefit most from the status quo honestly don’t give a damn what race anyone else is. They’ve got theirs, and as long as no one threatens to take it from them, they’re happy. They’ve got their private lots in their private communities, along with the ‘winner’ minorities.
The middle class whites are worried about losing what they’ve got. They’re more worried about the hispanics and Indians (natives of India) than they are of Native Americans or others. They’re generally not motivated to help out anyone who might take their jobs, unless they have confidence the favor will be returned. Blacks worry them too, but more for the cultural influence they have on their children than for job competition.
The lower classes of all races are played against each other. Works better for the powerful that way. If they united based on their common concerns, those concerns would have to be addressed. If they can all be kept jealous of the pittance each is given by society (govt mostly), or more likely the injustice of the allocation, all the better to the powerful.
And the system churns on…
I agree with almost everything you mentioned but here comes the ‘but’..you mentioned it’s the system not white people so much…but in a nutshell white people are the system.
I don’t mind a ‘but’ 🙂
I didn’t say it to say white people are innocent.
I’m just not sure that a single white mother raising three kids is any more culpable than a single black mother raising three kids or a single native american mother raising three kids.
And any blame allocation that doesn’t make it clear that that is not what its saying is doomed to fall on deaf ears, because it won’t pass the fairness test.
I don’t think this is a system that can be fixed by white people alone. It needs to be fixed by a majority of people — or at least a well publicized and sizeable minority of people. It doesn’t have to be all whites.
Heck, itd be better if it wasn’t. We’ve had enough of white people telling minorities how to live. The bureau of indian affairs comes to mind. The projects come to mind. The “white people” solutions have failed before, what has changed to make anyone believe they’ll work now?
I think all races have ideas on how to solve the problems they live with. If the ideas appeal to American’s sense of fairness, they’ll get support. I’m not saying that’s easy. But for heavens sake, the gdamned Estate Tax is opposed almost entirely by people who will never ever be affected by it, because they’ve been sold the idea it violates their basic sense of fairness.
So, speaking specifics to make the point:
I don’t have the answers. But I want to help find them.
if we are going to have any success because that’s what allows whites to treat non-whites as if they are invisible. If you are white, you never have to acknowledge that people are judged and treated differently for no other reason than their physical appearance. And if you are white you never have to acknowledge the effect of America’s cumulative history of bad treatment that got us where we are today.
So while your statement about the single mothers is true (and has a lot to say about class privilege), the fact is that the system was built by whites for whites and it won’t be changed unless whites take that “hard look in the mirror.”
I agree with AndiF, but I do see the force of Yaright’s arguments.
I am trying to articulate something here and I may not be very good at it, so bear with me…
I think there is a problem when all issues are explained in terms of economics. I do think that Marxist analyses are essential and necessay, but, seeing everything through the lens of class marginalizes the problems relating to race, gender and sexual orientation, to take just three such instances.
A lot of of racism, sexism, and sometimes even homophobia, can be explained in terms of the economic system, BUT, not everything about these prejudices fit into that model. The imponderables that go to make a raced and sexed identity within a white privilege- patriarchal, heterosexual society tend to get short shrift when we focus exclusively on the issue of class.
This is not exactly on target re Stark’s diary, and i am sorry for that….
It just won’t get traction. I can see the appeal, but honestly? Its a non-starter.
How would you propose we contend with white privilege? I’m assuming there is more to it than saying “I’m sorry”, so what exactly does it involve?
You don’t? Really?
Tell that to the white kid in a wheelchair.
Tell that to the goth chick, or the studded skater dude.
Tell that to the bald chemo patient.
Tell that to the white folks wearing the wrong gang colors.
Tell that to the orthodox jew.
Tell that to the kids wearing hand-me-downs at the preppy school.
Tell that to the family living in the trailer court when they walk home through the ‘good’ neighborhood carrying their groceries.
Some of those situations are optional, some are economic, and some are just as permanent as race. But in every one of them white people are judged by other white people solely on appearance. And depending on the situation, the effects and outcome are the same. To the person involved, even the feeling of being oppressed for no good reason, but knowing they’re part of a larger group made up of people they’ve never met, but feel kinship with is the same.
Am I equating a studded nose with being a minority? Gawd, I hope not. But I am rejecting the oversimplification that all whites are same, and benefit from “white privilege”.
I’ve been privileged to grow up in both South Minneapolis and a small town without a single minority (except later, when a family with an adopted Korean girl moved in). Privileged, because these circumstances taught me things about race I would never have learned growing up in either one alone.
In south mpls, I was often beat up by a pair of bullies — a white boy and a black boy. They were a team, and best buds. My most memorable crush was a black girl, but I knew my racist grandfather (a WWII serviceman) would never approve — and I thought it was silly and sad, but accepted it as ‘just is’. We were just friends at school. I wish I knew what became of her — I’d love to send her a amethyst necklace (that was her favorite gemstone) just to say I’ve never forgotten her.
In small town MN I noticed right away how racist everyone was. Nice folk, but since they never met a black person, they felt free to say things that I’d never heard said aloud in mpls. Blacks were “bad”, tho that was all talk, since almost no one every met one in person. Migrants were the ‘bad’ minority. Indians were so disregarded I didn’t know they were anywhere near our town for many years.
But the school was exactly the same. Instead of dividing along racial lines, we divided on economic position and how long your family had been in town, or how closely related you were to a famous former athlete. It was sad, since the adults were no different than the kids. When you spend your entire life in a 50 mile radius, your world is awful small. As renters, we immediately ranked above the trailer court people, and the folks on the wrong side of the tracks (literally). I was still pestered by bullies, excluded by some groups, welcomed by others. Really, it was just like Mpls but with less diversity (racial, but also in thought and opportunity).
My mother experienced the same thing. Even tho it was her original hometown, she had a very difficult time finding work. While going to vo-tech, she came up with an unrelated idea for a business. She put together a business proposal, and went hunting for loans at the banks and such. An unemployed woman with children, going to school as an adult? Yeah, you can guess how far that got. So after training to become an accountant/computer programmer (cobol…shiver), she got a job as a nurses aide at the local nursing home. Because that’s all anyone with her background is qualified for. Not educational background — family background. (oh, and the city eventually did open up a cross between a bus and taxi service to shuttle the elderly from their homes to the grocery store, or the post office, or to pay their bills — my mother’s idea). Scary, I haven’t even thought about this for years — I’d forgotten how entrepreneurial she was, probably because she was never given an opportunity to prove it.
None of that disproves white privilege. It could very well have existed in both South Mpls and Small Town MN. But if ‘white privilege’ means something more than historic or current equal/economic opportunity, respect, and human rights someone will have to explain exactly what else it does mean.
I’m not claiming the above makes me an expert on race relations. It certainly doesn’t. But its why I believe there is more to prejudice than race, and its why I know white people don’t view all white people the same. And that Korean girl? She was very academic, spoke perfect english (adopted as a babe), and was the daughter of the top tier (doctor or dentist I think) and immediately made it into the top social circle — in school and out. Only the older (50+) folks even thought twice about her race. I talking with her about race. She just wanted to be treated like everyone else, and not as a racial ‘token’. She was no different than any of us, except her looks. She grew up in the same kind of house, with the same experiences and opportunities.
Everyone deserves that opportunity. Not to cast off their culture, but to embrace it and still be treated as no different than anyone else. And that applies as equally to blacks and whites and native americans as it does to white norwegian american iron workers and white appalachian georgian hill people.
Beyond that, I’m at a loss as to what a good hard look in the mirror is going to reveal.
The more like the people in power you are, the better you’ll be treated. That’s true if you’re a white person in a majority white town, or a black person in a majority black town, or a korean person in a majority korean district.
We all belong to more than one group. I was raised in an orthodox jewish family in a christian neighborhood in the 1950’s. I was a young girl in the 1950’s. I know about being judged and I know about being a member of minority and I know about being denied options and access because I was a girl and a jew. My grandparents were immigrants. My father never finished the 8th grade. He died when I was 12 and my mother had to raise us and make a living. I understand about class and struggle.
But I am also white and I get all the privileges that go with being white which means that the attitudes and assumptions that are built in and applied to minorities like blacks, asians, and native americans will never be applied to me. I get advantages in how I am treated by the police, by employers, by store clerks, by politicians, by medical facilities.
As a white person, I am the “norm” and everyone else is the other. Perhaps I am unrealistic to expect that those in power will actually be willing to confront their own advantages but if they don’t, then I don’t see what impetus there will ever be to make a change. Power is not going to migrate from those who have it to those who don’t unless those who have it are willing to share it. And to do that, they first have to acknowledge that they hold it.
I think we all can come up with specific actions to correct specific wrongs.
I don’t see how a sense of collective vague guilt does anything positive. Guilt is good for inspiring people to take an action, not to dream one up. Unwarranted guilt inspires rejection and rebellion.
You were born white.
You were born with original sin.
So what? Nothing anyone can do about either situation. At least religions create a list of implications and corrective actions for the latter. The former doesn’t even have that.
AndiF, I really believe we want the same thing. But if we’re serious about accomplishing change, I think more is called for than vague guilt. Feeling guilty doesn’t let us off the hook — there are still injustices to correct, and feeling guilty is not a prerequisite to fixing them. Knowing exactly what they are is.
but we do disagree on one thing — I don’t think this has anything to do with guilt. I don’t find feeling guilty to be the least bit useful; in fact, I think that feeling guilty is the one of the main dodges for actually making change — it’s like those empty apologies that are never accompanied by anything that would actually ameliorate what is being apologized for. I think this about accepting moral responsibility for change and to do that we have to get people (and in particular white people who are the power holders) to understand and acknowledge the America that the history of this country has created.
You really think that there is nothing white people can do to combat racism?
Or, do you really think that, when people point out that whites still today benefit from and are complicit in racist structures, institutions, and individual behavior (either their own or others’) that is racist, that gives them opportunities and benefits that nonwhites do not have – you think that means they’re asking whites not to have been born white?
(I’m guessing you didn’t read my really really long posts above)
Of course there are things we can do to combat racism. We’ve done many of them. Racism still exists, so obviously we can try to do more. What would you propose we do?
I’m saying that other than saying ‘treat everyone the same’ (which we have), I’m not sure what we can do to fix ‘white privilege’ — without specifics.
That’s all.
Yes there is racism. All of it is wrong, and much of it is illegal.
The fact that not all of it is illegal says we haven’t written down and passed laws to correct some of it.
The fact that some of it is illegal and still happens means we haven’t educated enough people about their rights under the law, or enforced the existing laws enough.
Maybe vague sweeping statements such as “whites still today benefit from and are complicit in racist structures, institutions, and individual behavior” is useful to you, but it indentifies zero correctable actions.
Do we want to complain about racism?
Do we want to feel good about identifying ongoing racism?
Or maybe do we want to actually do something to correct racism?
Some folks say we need to do the first two, to make the ‘guilty’ understand there is a problem. There’s some truth to it. But that sentence doesn’t accomplish the goal. Without specific examples or categories of injustice, you won’t make anyone understand the problem who doesn’t already know there is one.
And for those who know there is a problem, most of us are ready to move on to fixing specifics. So what are they?
I read the whole thread. I was not impressed with your posts. There are a lot of people out there who just want us to shut up about racism. They figure the problem has been solved, or close enough it doesn’t really matter much. You’re singing their same tune.
I’ll say again: whites still today benefit from and are complicit in racist structures, institutions, and individual behavior.
I’ll say further: that is a bad thing. Whites have a responsibility to figure out how and why they are complicit in racism, and what they can do about it. Each of us has this individual responsibility. We do not get to pawn it off on someone else by demanding they give us an answer key, or else we’re not going to take action.
You are criticizing me now for making the general statement that whites are still complicit in and benefit from racism, instead of describing specific instances and prescribing specific corrective actions. I call bullshit. Invoking the don’t-talk-about-unsolved-problems rule of public debate, which contends that it’s rude to bring up problems if one doesn’t have a full and effective solution to propose, is a good way to shut down debate, but I’m not going for it.
You say you’re ready to move on to fixing specifics. And yet you’re waiting for me to tell you what those specifics are and how to fix them? I call bullshit again.
Go identify your own corrective actions and implement them, if YOU care about racism, beyond just suppressing discussion of it so that you won’t feel too much ‘guilt’.
What if you see that white single mother’s children paging through their elementary school yearbook, giggling, pointing to each face in turn and saying “Good” if it’s a white face and “Bad” if it’s a black face?
Then is that white single mother culpable?
with what went down this weekend between BT and DailyKos over the Sheehan brouhaha and was actually prepared to just write your ass off altogether, and then this.
This is an excellent, excellent diary. I’ve said several times elsewhere that victim blaming has is nearly high art in this society. Atrocities which benefited this country’s elite are referred to as “destiny” while victims are told to shut up and get over it. What people don’t get is that the residue of this poisons the very soul of this country and results in debacles like the Iraq War receiving societal approval. Until this country comes to terms with its true heritage, its hands-down brutality towards people of color, particularly Native Americans and African Americans, we are doomed to have more Bush’s in office; more needless wars fought against non-whites; more Katrinas.
jockeying for higher victim status for some folks (author of diary not included in this assessment).
Women get ticked over blacks; Latinos get ticked over blacks…it gets to be a bad habit like the circular firing squad.
Frankly we all have been screwed by the system as it is now.
Chattel slavery was brutal, disgusting, and dehumanized the entire country, not only its direct participants. So in order to justify this supreme madness, the myth of black inferiority was created. This myth lasts to this day.
Another system, that of white superiority, justified the hoarding of societal resources to a subset of one group of people.
The problem today, as marginalized groups all vie for redress, is that pretty much all people of color suffered under the doctrine of white superiority. Yet the separate myth, that of the inherent unacceptability of blacks, remains an additional burden on us.
This is difficult for me; I completely dislike pissing matches between oppressed groups and believe this entire country has suffered for the societal ills which birthed it. But it is yet undeniable that there is a special hatred of blacks.
You may be right, we may all be just flatly FUCKED by now.
And I know you know I know it’s not about the “battle of the most martyred minority” (copyright SRLR).
But blksista, tell me you didn’t at least get a smirk outta this and I’ll eat my collected internet raves, rants and rampages (1996-2006).
Thanks for the additional links.
oops, how’d that get there…this was supposed to respond to Blksista downthread, obviously.
I just wish we would all stop fussing and cussing and trying to keep each other from speaking our truth. Whatever that is. Whether on DKos or Booman.
And then, some people are plain ignorant, it defies description–or levity…
Oh my, i have to agree so much.
However, I think educated people may often be the worst offenders. I’ve found that some otherwise very educated people can hold some very stupid ideas. It’s as if to say “I’ve been educated, therefore I’m more informed than you. Shut up and listen…”
however, I get a fair amount of anti-intellectualism on my end.
There is silliness on both ends of the spectrum. Anti-intellectualism is bad too… it all boils down to if once searches and how quickly one gives up the search, for answers. Good ol’ “Joe-Blows” give up because they don’t want fancy airs and they already know all they need to by use of common sense (everythign i need to know, I learned in Kindergarten). On the other side of the spectrum are people that stop looking for answers because they go for the fiurst answers that make sense to them. Amatuer scientists are some of the worst at this, since they start assuming that if it’s not rational it doesn’t exist. Then, they proceed to throw spirituality out the window because it doesn’t fit their logical world order. A lot of MD’s fall for this trap A LOT
Hey, I’m an old white guy and I got lots of chuckles from your “ranting”.
I’m always pissed off that people refuse to attempt to understand The Other starting with that Other’s self-description. This may not only be the white person’s problem, but it is definitely the majority problem.
I am really impressed by a book written by an old friend of mine, Allen Huemer who also has a Lakota name I can’t pronounce: “The Invention of Race.” Race is a political concept, not a scientific or biological one. The idea of race was invented by Europeans circa 1500 to justify and rationalize their conquest and exploitation of the “new world” and its native inhabitants. The notion that the new world was inhabited by “Indians” is the first use of this new invention, and began a refusal to understand the tribal identities of native inhabitants.
Allen and I were both fortunate to learn many things from Peter Catches on Pine Ridge, though Allen much more than I. When we were doctoral students he wrote about the nineteenth century alliance between the Lakota, Cheyenne and Arapaho that defeated the U.S., and I wrote about the European universe of the mind that came to the new world wanting to find a wilderness in which to create their theocracy and then who had to first create that wilderness through the systematic genocide of the people already living here.
from what I have observed, the caste system in India is primarily a form of racial segregation
how does your theory that “race” was developed in the 1500s by Europeans stand up against the racial practices of India and other ancient cultures ???
Whew! Bet you’re not alone in that boat.
Sorry I blew up, can we consider the rest all just part of one long rough (really rough) draft? <duck, cover, run>
but I will admit that I’ll be keeping a close eye on any future incidents and that you have lost some credibility with me (but who am I anyway, who cares?). For all of the issues that these political blogs may or may not have, they have been incredibly effective in challenging the nightmare which it currently empowered. I do hope that you choose in the future to use more care and not widen the unproductive fissures between BT and DK. Just my opinion.
Trust me, there are a number of people who have lost some credibility with me, too. I don’t recall you being one of them.
I dunno. I just posted a comment in Jerome’s diary attempting to clarify something: I am a writer. By profession.It’s how I make my living. The blogs are my hobby. I am, both in my professional writing and in my hobbyist endeavors, a polemicist: there was a time when that was a “respectable” job! It seems to have lost some of its charm (although in other countries and other languages, it is still greatly appreciated).
“Starkravinglunaticradical” as a screen name is a rhetorical device intended to signal to readers that what is coming from this “address” might not be entirely “kosher” or even considered “sane” by some people.
But I’ll be honest, my published writing does not differ greatly from what you see here. The advantage there is that I just tell people who take offense, “Hey, take it up with the editor who published it.” I’m still to this day receiving hate mail on an article I first published in 1995. What a shelf life!
I don’t have a problem with your writing; I disliked the manner in which your DailyKos diary was used to widen a fissure between BT and DK. It even got to a point at which a very good commenter, Cruz del Sol, flamed multiple DK threads because s/he was upset at your treatment which you discussed at length here at BT. I troll rated two DK commenters who took the opportunity to malign the trail of tears in the midst of the brouhaha, so its not as if I think all of those comments were warranted. But I did not care for your tactics. Just my opinion.
Sorry I blew up, can we consider the rest all just part of one long rough (really rough) draft?
That sounds like a very healthy attitude to me!
People who are 100 percent right are not to be trusted ^_^
from guys like Ignatiev and from Tim Wise.
It takes conscious whites to educate other whites. He usually writes columns for ZNet and other progressive ‘zines.
See http://www.timwise.org/ for a complete line-up of his work, speeches and planned appearances. The dude whacked Dinesh D’Souza at one debate.
Check this one in response to Katrina: http://www.lipmagazine.org/~timwise/framingthepoor.html
Even some Asians have Got It, refusing to get sucked into the ‘model minority’ BS.
See http://www.nathanielturner.com/chinatownblues.htm
The obvious question here is – >
To which white people are you referring? Do you include Jews, homosexuals, women, transexual/intersexuals? Many of these people are white and , believe me, as an intersexed individual I can attest to being looked down on by all creeds, sexes, colors, and nationalities. Call that “equal opportunity”, if you want.
The problem isn’t “whiteness.” If hispanic people (of which which I’m an quarter but don’t look it) were the majority and didn’t like anybody that didn’t like look or think like them then everyone would be complaining about “the browns” or something like that. The problem is power and history.
We Americans have a bigoted past and we still haven’t gotten over it.
I’m not a color. I’m an individual.
Maybe I can say this because I’m both of mixed race and mixed sex, so I don’t affiliate with anyone.I just see all this crap as being ridiculously arbitrary. But, i know that if i’m angry at people just because so many people have problems with their gender and sexuality I’m going to wind up very lonely.
I’m not sayign don;t be happy with whop you are or with whatever culture you have. I would like to ask you not say “it’s white’s” It’s not. it’s people.
Anyway, that’s my fucking problem. However! The funny thing is; If you just simply take out “whiteness” and substitute something that is NOT an arbitrary color (most white’s aren’t so white..they’re different hues of pink, beige, whatever.. just like everyone else), your post was a good one. Yes, be educated..and QUESTION what it is that makes us “white”, “black,” or “male” and “female”, etc.
It isn’t JUST white people…
Here’s a real-life example. A high school has a name and mascot that would be considered offensive to Native Americans (“Rickards Redskins”). debate takes place in the predominantly-black school regarding whether a new mascot should be considered. Overwhelmingly, the student body rejects any change, stating that they see no problem with leaving the mascot as it is and that anyone who does is “overreacting”.
Racism, sexism, and ageism cross all sorts of lines. No population is without guilt and we all have work to do.
Nicely said!
White people are the system unless you live inside the city limits of Atlanta, GA, the African-American Capital of the Friggin’ World. You go to pay your water bill, black person behind the bullet-proof class. Called for jury duty, the lawyers on both sides, their clients and the judge are black. The sheriff is black, the mayor, the city council still has some token whites but it’s predominately black.
Go to the city hospital because you’re poor and on Medicaid and the doctors and nurses are mostly black, then Hispanic, Asian, white; the clients are — the surpise! the actual demographics of the city, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians. Check that out — poor white people in proportion to poor people of color. It’s a rainbow in there.
In a city, it’s easy to think most poor people are black. Out on the rez, it looks like red people have the shortest end of the stick. I’ve just spent the last six months in rural Virginia and I’m here to tell you, poverty is an equal opportunity unemployer; it afflicts the full rainbow.
Now, you can say, hey, white people invented this system and I’ll agree totally. I spent most of my life being a minority “white” in a predominantly black city. In my childhood, the minority ruled. That was bad and led to all kinds of abuses, corruption and inequalities. I fought for civil rights and black empowerment. Julian Bond, Maynard Jackson, Andrew Young, they all said they were going to change the system.
Imagine my surprise when they just moved into positions of power and nothing changed! City hall is still chock full of abuses, corruption and inequalities. The problem is not what color is in power; it’s a system that is corrupted by money.
So long as a land developer, white or black or burnt sienna — and Atlanta has a lot of rich black real estate moguls — can bribe their way to a zoning easement… So long as a corporate officer — white or black or casino red — can influence a Congressman’s vote… So long as some people think they are better than other people, even people of their own race then we’ve got a problem. The problem is in the system not in racial divides.
Here’s my take on your whole diary: As long as we label the source of a problem white or black or brown or red, we are playing into the oppression of Those Who Rule. They’ve been playing this race card for hundreds years and we keep falling for it. We keep dividing our side into warring tribes while their friggin’ tribe chuckles all the way to the bank.
It’s not race that divides our society — it’s class. Economic class. Those Who Have against Those Who Have-Not. And before you say, yes, but, Those Who Rule are white let me remind you of Condiliar Rice and her shoe shopping spree while people, poor people in New Orleans drowned. I’m not denying that urban poor are predominantly black. I’m just insisting that poverty and injustice is spread out across the board in ways that don’t always show up on the evening news.
You, Stark, you think everything would be great if red people were in charge instead of stupid white people? I know different from my life experiences. Not a hundred years ago, we can’t go back. But right now and right here, everything that divides us in our fight against Them is counter-productive.
I’m at least a 1/4 Cherokee and back there in my gene pool I’m Scot, African, Italian, Russian, Armenian even, Gawd knows what else. I choose to call myself a Celtic-Cherokee because that’s what shows the most in my face and in my attitudes. But, I’m not signing up for that empowerment group because people who think they are mainly white aren’t my problem. Let’s EAT THE RICH! They come in all colors like we do. White is NOT the problem; it’s green — the color of money and envy and prejudice and pride, that’s OUR problem.
>end rant
Now I’m going to watch mindless tv and lower my blood pressure. Welcome to the Pond, Stark, you’re a valuable new member. Hey, you even got a rant out of me and that doesn’t happen very often.
Excellent diary, Stark. Apropos of some of the discussion above, I would widen your formulation and say that all those of us who have privilege — white privilege, male privilege, class privilege, straight privilege — we are all the problem. And that progressive social transformation cannot and will not happen until we’re all willing to examine our own privilege, listen to what oppressed groups have to say about their own oppression, and take steps to stop perpetuating the problem.
An excellent book for white folks to read on this subject is Jane Lazarre’s Beyond the Whiteness of Whiteness: Memoir of a White Mother of Black Sons. Lazarre is a wonderful writer, and she uses her own personal experience to analyze the construction of whiteness and white privilege. Highly recommended.
Not to overstate the already too obvious, babe. You really mean white people are really the problem for people of color? No shit?
As a great seaman, who happened to be white, once said, “well, blow me down!”
Course not, I was just parroting the white guy who wrote the book and the articles I cite from. ;^)
How dare you demean parrots!
Mine hasnt stopped squawking since he read your reply. He demands an apology. In the parrot world the politically correct and sensitive term is “aping” the white guy. 😉
What you got against squawking parrots?
Apology my ass. Your parrot should thank me for giving him something to squawk about. 😉
And tell your parrot that the appropriate term in the ape world is “to mimic.” (Really, I looked it up.)
Race and class—one more case of no either/or. They are both problems. There is racism, and there is behind it and in front of it, manipulation by class.
I’m happy to say I missed the whole tornado that apparently blew through the blogs over the weekend.
I also believe that if anyone thinks racism is not a problem distinct from class, but intertwined with it, the example I would provide is Native peoples, and particularly the cultural blindness over stereotypes in sports teams names and mascots. We gloss over the Washington Redskins, but the olives would pop out of a lot of martinis over the Washington Negroes (or worse.) Why? Thinking about that is a start to grappling with racism.
Look, I know I’m not black or Native, because nobody treats me as if I were. I rely on blacks and Natives to tell me what their special problems are regarding how they are treated. What’s behind that treatment is a lot of stuff, but it’s certainly true that it is used by the ruling class to remain dominant. I can identify on class grounds then with blacks and Natives,etc. And with Jews and Arabs when they are discriminated against. In the full knowledge that some of my ancestors–no further back than my grandparents actually– were considered by some the same as black because they were Italian, and that other ancestors who were Slavic were the next racial target of Hitler, who intended to wipe out the Slavic “race” once he perfected his techniques on the Jews.
We’re all in this together. And we’re all different. How hard is that to figure out?
The problem with this whole “we shouldn’t just talk about race but about class! it’s the poverty, stupid!” thing (and I’m not implicating you here, just attaching this to your comment because it’s relevant) is that too often, it becomes, “Shut up talking about race, because my white privileged ass is way more comfortable talking about the poor. I can always give them money at Christmas. I’m NOT a racist! I’m NOT a racist! LALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”
Race and class are absolutely twisted up and twined together inseparably. But we’ve got to talk about both of them. And if people are going to use the poverty discussion to try to shut off the race discussion, then damn it, let’s just talk about race for a little while. We’re never going to get anywhere unless we do.
Just in case it’s escaped some people’s notice, I’d like to say that so-called “white people” are not a monolithic entity.
And as for the dynamics that underlie the institutionalization of hate or intolerance based on ethnic or religious or racial factors, those dynamics always spring from the forms of fear and self-loathing that invariably create the stupid superiority complexes that “legitimizes” the suppression or outright elimination of others in the minds of the aggresors. And this sort of myth of superiority in it’s turn generates the rubric of denial, which in turn makes people reluctant to look into the mirror and acknowledge the truth of what they see there.
Maybe I’m an aberration or something, but I don’t think of my friends as my “white” friends or my “black “friends or my Chinese, catholic latino muslim shinto dem repub foreign domestic friends. I’m fully cognizant of the fact that for the most part white European invaders began committing atrocities against the indigenous peoples here in the Americas a long time ago and that those atrocities are even now continuing in various ways. But is this behavior a function of “whiteness”? I think it’s a function of fear that’s been weaponized, morphed into an irrational mechanism of self protection. And this sad story, this tragic sage, is almost as old as mankind itself.
As I read alot of the wonderful conversation on this diary, I keep thinking of a book I just read, “The Soul of Money” by Lynne Twist.
One of her basic themes is that we need to move from a mindset of “scarcity” to one of “sufficiency.” I see so much of the problem we’re talking about being motivated by a fear that “there’s not enough for everyone, so I’m going to get as much as I can and screw the rest of you.”
If I really believed that there was enough for everyone, how would I act differently? That’s what I’m going to try to work on myself for awhile.
Gosh, Stark! If it weren’t for the one profanity in the title, I didn’t know this was yours!
Just kidding.
I like this one…
From The Queen of Conflict Avoidance.
Tsk.Tsk. Dear. You are not a very careful reader: this is the first time I have ever used profanity in a title.
do you include yourself?
Do you include topics such as misrepresenting ones heritage as a means to attack someone else for (minor) misuse of historical metaphor?
Do you think about “condescenscion” and “hypocrisy” in your neauveau missionary efforts to save the children with Djembe?
Um, RedDan, could you be clearer about what exactly you’re talking about? Are you trying to suggest that Starkraving isn’t really Native American? If you are making such a serious accusation, you ought to be prepared to back it up. If you aren’t, you should clarify what you are saying.
Your final sentence completely mystifies me: the only Djembe I know of is the West African drum, which seems to have nothing to do with Starkraving or this diary. Maybe other readers on this site understand your references, but to me, it’s completely opaque.
This kind of vague hostility is unhelpful and unsettling. Please, either clarify or retract.
It was revealed that starkraving MAY BE Dr. Lilian Friedberg, MA, Ph.D., teacher of Djembe, history professor and author.
here in comments at Kos
That contention, made by edrie, was seemingly confirmed by starkraving herself (“It’s Dr. Friedberg to you, Idiot”).
Previously, starkraving portrayed herself as an American Indian activist, and used that portrayal to make some really serious attacks on some pretty damned progressive people.
IF (and I repeat, IF) it is, in fact, true that starkraving is not who she claims or implies, then I think that is a serious shame, and a really damaging bit of hypocrisy…especially since it really puts a blot on what is otherwise good historical overviews and leftist perspectives on history, society, and power/privilge.
IF these revelations are not, in fact, true, then my apologies, my immediate retraction, and public self-abasement will ensue.
She is claiming German-Jewish-Ojibwe heritage and has written for some mag called Indian Quarterly.
For what it’s worth.
Well, we got another diary coming on here, looks like I’m being ‘Ward Churchilled’ here, Boo (that’s when they start attacking your “Indianness” as a very last resort).
I’m sorry Booman I am being pursuing me over here now. I tried to stop that. Jerome posting my diary over there certainly didn’t contribute to my containment efforts.
I have repeatedly clarified my hyper hyphenated identity as a German-Jewish-Native-American-Female-African-Drummer not only in discussions here in this forum, but over there and furthermore in publications and not least of all on my website.
Everytime another one of these strategies for attacking either my person, my writing, my political motives, my shopping habits or where I do my laundry emerges, someone steps into a whole ‘nother can of ignorance worms. Volumes have been written on who is entitled to claim “indian” identity and who is not.
I really don’t have time to go into it right now: suffice it to say that I am accepted AS INDIAN by the American Indian Community–oops, better be careful: what is “the” American Indian community, does that mean I am speaking for every single one of approx 3 million Indians in the country (certainly not, and yeah, you bet, I’m sure you can go out there and find a 150 Indians to come in here and agree with you; the Indians I know are too busy keeping food on their tables to bother with this kind of crap).
I am registered as an “Indian” as opposed to “non-Indian” member of the American Indian Center in my home town and similarly as an Indian (Ojibwe) member of the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers, based on documented lineage through 5 generations of “Minnesota Chippewa” and COMMUNITY ACCEPTANCE. I have friends and relatives on reservations throughout the country and in Canada. But really what it boils down to is that it’s not for anyone but MY community to decide who is Indian and who is not.
Since this thing has now degenerated into a full-blown exposure and publicization of my personal and professional identity (yes, I did include in one of my diaries a link which if people followed did reveal who I am). This bullshit of “digging around in my underwear drawer” , as I said to someone else when I first saw signs of this and was vaguely threatened with professional ramifications, is just beyond the pale.
But Ok. I’m responsible. I’m the one who opened the can of worms by embedding a link which some people did follow when it was first posted. It’s really another thing for people to take that information and post it publically in Me-bashing threads on Dkos, and to not stop there, but to bring it over here, but oh well.
So here it is:
My Website, where you will find ample clarification for many of these things:
(Anyone who is seriously interested in working himself into a tizzy is advised to read the essay “Drumming for Dollars”, that’s the now three times published article for which I am still to this day receiving hate mail, over a decade after its first publication in the above-mentioned publication edited by former Harvard professor, Noel Ignatiev.)
So while we’re at it, here a list of Internet writings on many of these subjects, penned under my own name. Is that enough, or shall I post my entire CV here (with the caveat that anyone who wants to continue stalking me first read every single word of published writing on said CV, just so we’re kinda sorta on the same page with some of this stuff and I don’t have to write a ten-page footnote before we can even engage in an intelligent discussion on the subject).
Frogpond, I am sorry–I really did not intend for this to get carried over here.
At any rate, if you’ve liked what I’ve posted so far, you may also enjoy some of this stuff (haven’t checked the links in a while, hope they still work).
As I have always said, only thing more threatening than a cleaning lady with a PhD is a black woman with a law degree,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Lilian Friedberg
(but you can still call me Stark!)
Election Results Challenge Our Faith in America and Its People
An Open Letter to the NYT (and by Implication) the Rest of the US Media Who Are Trying to Whitewash the Election Scandal
Worse than Watergate? Yep. Worse Yet. Worse than Hitler
I Love the Smell of Cold Turkey in the Morning: A Week in the Life of America
God Bless America! Letters from the Heartland: Open Letters to George W. Bush October 14 – Nov 3, 2004
The Death of Democracy in America: The Foundering Fathers and the White Roots of Peace
On a final note: if people claiming to be “white” were to have invested as much time, effort, energy and thought into just who they are and what that identity means, we might not be having this conversation.
Your link to “Cold Turkey” should be fixed – Clark’s site archived it to:
Folks, Democrats need a whole container ship of Whup-Ass at this point. Why do you think the neo-cons resort to name-calling? F-E-A-R that some stark raving lunatic liberal will show some leadership and get an opposition party moving!
Re-reading the piece today, gotta say, not a bad “hack job” for a suspected “freeper,” eh?
And you know, about that whup ass. One of the things I’ve been saying ever since the election fraud was swallowed by the dems (at the time I contributed $100 to Boxer, 50 to bbv, uh, let’s I think I sent Conyers 50, and I believe another 50 to helpamericarecount and another 100 to the cobb campaign: so what does that make 350 bucks, 150 of which went directly to the dems; bout the same as my hubby and I sent to Katrina relief).
But as I stated in a thread over on Dkos (perhaps here too) I have stopped sending money to the Dems (and I have written Durbin, Obama, Rush, Conyers and Boxer as well as the DNC to inform them of the fact. In fact, when the DNC recently sent me a request for contributions and the same day I got one from the ACLU, I sent the ACLU 25 and wrote a letter to the dems telling them why I was sending money to the ACLU and not the dems).
When Harry Reid invoked rule 21, I rewarded the dems with a 15.01 contribution to givemhellharry. At this point, I am still supporting the dems with my vote and with my support of their agenda in letters, sigs on petitions and the like (got my yellow feathers sent, for example). I am, however, no longer supporting them financially and will not do so until I see some motherfucking whoop-ass. Big time. I have said it again and again: people are underestimating the level of evil with which we are confronted in the “person” (I use the term loosely) of GWB and Co.
The dems are losing money and votes to this politics of politeness and half-truths.
Unfortunately, in the aftermath of this shitstorm I have not even been able to FOLLOW what has been going on in the political scene since Thursday, so am perhaps lagging behind in any urgent political actions that may be on the table.
However, what I have finally gotten around to is getting the following letter (w/check) in the mail.
(Anyone who wants to question that, the true identity of the “granny” is indeed embedded somewhere in those writings, go find her and ask whether the check’s arrived. But give it a couple days, hope to get out to the PO in a bit here–I sure could use the walk, I tell you that much).
So, I dunno. People can decide for themselves who’s damaging the interests of the Democratic party at this point.
The dems have my vote at this point, and my time and writing efforts: my money is going directly to the interests that are most important to me.
American Indian Quarterly, btw, is not just “some mag”: It is a peer-reviewed, academic journal, widely considered one of the two top publications in the field of American Indian Studies in the United States.
Here is my published article from that journal
for academics with muse access, here
The article has since been reprinted in The Holocaust: Theoretical Readings
Blogs discussing the article, here, here
Anyone interested in delving deeper into these matters may also do so here, here you can even go in and listen to the 1 hr 15 minute lecture version of the paper (which includes further elaboration on the “personal identity” issued, held at the University of Wisconsin Madison, sponsored by Wunk Sheek (the Native American Student Association), the Departments of American Indian Studies and of German, Al Awda, and the Alternative Palestinian Agenda.
Woah! How’s that for a little round of “ego-surfing”! Yeah.
Thanks for your clear reply, RedDan: I now understand your original comment, having followed your link to the DKos comments.
I did google “Lilian Friedberg”, and found a reference to an article she’d written for, I believe, Indian Quarterly, in which she’s described as mixed German, Jewish, and Objibwe. I believe StarkRaving has described herself this way on this site.
I know a lot of mixed-race folks who will tell you that, in our society, the non-white part defines you. In the book I recommended upthread, Jane Lazarre’s Beyond the Whiteness of Whiteness: Memoir of a White Mother of Black Sons, she describes her sons’ refusal to identify as bi-racial, even though their mother is white. They consider themselves Black.
I support any mixed-race person’s self-definition as a person of colour. I see no reason at all for anyone to do otherwise.
“apologies, immediate retraction, and public self-abasement.”
Dr. F., aka “Stark”, has indeed all of the qualifications, genetic relations, accomplishments, passions, pain and past that she claims.
There’s nothing to “out” here. DailyKos is not ready for her anger or her point of view. Stark has a tremendous amount of knowledge and perspective on myriad issues. She walks the talk every day. She suffered more than any thinking liberal I know from the devastating election result last year and I am just happy that she is able to write again. Please, Boomers, let her speak.
I trust that my clarifications here are sufficient, and that the self-abasement will soon commence.
Migh I suggest that you begin by posting your real name, your profession, your ethnic identity (with proof?) and, inasmuch as this is available, a publications list.
The revelations are, in fact true. You are Dr. Lilian Friedberg, you do teach Djembe, and you are a historian.
The details of your genetic makeup, specifically with respect to your “ethnicity of choice” are not particularly convincing or compelling.
No abasement, rather, more vitriol.
Alas, Bughouse, see below…I have spent the past twenty years studying with some of the most accomplished masters of this tradition. While I was living in Germany, it was my profession. That profession was destroyed by “identity politics” in this country. That’s why I had to go back to school and get my MA from the University of Chicago, subsequently my PHD from the University of Illinois.
In the course of my twenty-year involvement with these traditions, which includes 4 trips to Africa, I am very proud to say that, as a result of my efforts, at least–at the very least–approximately 100 K USDollars in funds have gone directly into the hands of Indigenous people in the source culture, specifically the Malinke people of Guinea West Africa. I am also very proud to say that through my work and my efforts hundreds (perhaps now even thousands) of inner city African American youth have been exposed (and in some cases fully trained) in the intricacies of this tradition. It is my sincerest hope that this work will provide them tools to go out into the world with a sense of dignity and pride in their identity, that they will go far….very far….like Harvard far, Yale far, Princeton far….Naw, I wouldn’t wish it upon them to become “professionals” in this field. That road is too rocky and underpaid.
I fled this country in my absolute horror over Ronald Reagan’s re-election in 1984 and sought political refuge in Germany. It was a wonderful opportunity to explore the patrnal “German-Jewish” aspect of my identity, but ultimately, the Indian in me prevailed as I am tied tied tied tied TO THE LAND, this Land and no other.
Both Jewish and Ojibwe identity is traced through the maternal lines, and I do believe that too played a part in why it was better for me to live amongst the descendants of those who exterminated my maternal ancestors than it was to live amongst those who exterminated by paternal ancestors–though I must admit, it is decidedly more painful to live amongst the descendants of my mothers’ murderers than it was to be a Jew among Germans. But, I did pick up a bit of wisdom from this German man I once knew who said, “The best path is not always the easiest.”
Flippantly and in the classically heretical tone for which I have since become infamous, I have put it this way:
I’m a German-Jewish-Native-American(Ojibwe)Female-African-Drummer, so don’t fuck with me, cause I got genocide written aaaaaaaall over my genealogy. 😉
Peace out,
Damn. The weekend is over and I seriously have work to get done here.
Flexible job indeed. Not that flexible! !!!!!!!!
It sounds pretty good.
gefilte fish with frybread and chitlins (w tribute to my black hubby), topped off w a chunk of commodity cheese (in memory of my mother and the welfare line).
I think both of those had places of honor on my
“Most Offensive Foods Poll” I did forever ago, I am pretty sure I did it here.
Maybe I should do it again, since this place is so much bigger, I think gefilte fish may have had to share a seat with its evil frosty cousin, lutefisk.
I am a Russian/Turkish/German/Spanish/Iranian Jewish Professional Scientist who grew up on a farm, worked my way through college and graduate school as a commercial fisher, carpenter/mason, and groundskeeper (mowing the lawns of the university I went to.)
I have read a bunch of your work (linked via here, Kos, and other places).
I think you are severely full of yourself, extremely disingenuous, and a condescending, hate-filled arrogant fool.
You may, indeed, have a drop of non-European blood in your veins…or you may just be a liar. I really have no way of knowing if your mother was part Ojibwe, and absent a DNA screen, there really is no way to tell. Frankly, having read a bunch of other things you have written, I simply do not care – I would not care if you were a full-blood Ojibwe – you’re still an asshole.
You may have “chosen” your community, and it may have chosen you in return…fine and dandy…but that certainly does not give you license to adopt your “ethnicity” as a bludgeon to beat people with – especially people who have never done anything to hurt you, have never done anything to offend you and yours, and whose only “sin” is apparently not conforming to your own twisted priorities.
You dare upbraid a woman who lost her son? You dare scold someone for trying to help their sick friend?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
And for someone who is oh-so-holy and oh-so-much-more-correct than just about everyone under the sun, you seem to misunderstand the clearly stated intent and usage of the ratings system.
Zero is for trolling, not for disagreement or dislike.
hate-filled arrogant fool.
That is why I troll-rated you. Not for disagreeing with me. If you continue to make these kinds of attacks, I will troll-rate you again.
go to your corners.
sorry dad.
Hey Stark — no “alas” necessary — I do actually remember now reading you describing yourself as an African drummer, but I had forgotten that in replying to RedDan, I was so taken aback by the sheer loopiness (and nastiness) of his comment.
Interesting to hear about your work with Djembe, and your travels within the various paths of your heritage.
Hope this latest (mini?)-shitstorm hasn’t gotten you down, and that you managed to get some work done today!
Peace out, and keep your stick on the ice.
you seem to be caught up in the color of a person’s skin. The problems you describe are related to economics and exploitation. Capitalism is based on exploiting the lower class, without racial distinction
It isn’t about the color of a man’s skin. It’s about how much money can be squeezed out of his labor
At first I thought, why bother? I’ve had my say. But don’t you understand how insulting it is to tell a person who has seen, heard, felt, tasted, touched race-based rejection, ignorance, discrimination, and hatred, that they’re wrong?
Why can’t there be class war and racial discrimination simultaneously in your way of seeing the world? Because in the world itself, there clearly is both.
racism serves economic exploitation
economic exploitation doesn’t serve racism
it’s like chicken pox. The problem is the underlying virus, not the red spots
we drop the labels, color, sexual preference and all that I don’t believe much will change. I try to remember on a daily basis that there is only one race and that is the human race. I know that is simple but it is how I feel.
I have a sister that as recently as two days ago went off that the white race in the United states is declining and we all better look out because between “those people” crossing the borders and “Ragheads” in the middle east that want to “destroy the white race” we(the white people) are doomed to extintion. It turns my stomach to hear her talk that way. I don’t say anything anymore because of past experience with her on these subjects. My f’ing problem is that then, by not saying anything I become part of my problem.
Stark this is a thought provoking diary and I greatly appreciate it.
I missed the “stark” wars over the weekend on Dkos but there are still a few smoldering embers extant there. Must have been a doozie.
I did not miss Winona LaDuke when she spoke in Minneapolis recently. I have a synopsis of her main points on my website, scroll down to find them. White Earth is battling the state of Minnesota over the funding of genetically modified wild rice, a real threat to their heritage and way of life.
If you think about it, after religion, race has been the principal factor behind so many invasions, wars, conflicts, murders, rapes and injustices of every kind, stripe and flavor. Now here it is compelling people to flame each other and hurl slings and arrows of words against one another. Whites did not invent the use of race as a instrument of evil, but they did, in a way, perfect it when it was combined with Nationalism and Capitalism during the slave trade and the invasion/discovery of the New World.
And what I see as missing in much of this debate/argument/flame out is an appreciation for the fact that what we have here is fundamentally, a paradox. One pair of eyes sees a national ethos which has systematically killed, maimed, imprisoned and generally ruined one culture and enslaved a good part of another. Another pair of eyes sees a national myth based on freedom, opportunity and rugged individualism. As a paradox, both perceptions are valid. But because perception in housed in the individual, both think they are absolutely right and the other is absolutely wrong.
Paradoxes are maddening to resolve, if not impossible. In my book Becoming Mr. Henry , I propose an approach to paradox which is grounded in compassion and a kind of spirituality. It is only through love and acceptance of the suffering endured in America that we will ever be able to move beyond this very difficult, traumatic history. We have to be able to accept the dualistic reality of our history, its terrible and strong parts, in order to really understand it and take a new path forward.
So, in this sense, whites are not the problem (beneficiaries though many of them may be at this point), people of color are not the problem (historical and contemporary victims though, many of them, may still be at this point). The real problem is our enduring humanity, which seeks to make sense of the world by carving communities into “in-groups” and “out-groups” and proposiing legal and actual power distinctions between them.
And the only really helpful response from any of us is to work on bridging this ridiculous paradox through compassion and love, and trying, in our unique ways, to be part of a genuine solution that transcends distinguishing between groups at all.
This one kicked ass! Reccommended!!
Okay, I’ll probably get troll-rated to Hell, but I’ve been watching this diary for a whole day now, and I’m dismayed that nobody has said it straight-up, although a few people have danced around the obvious point: racism is racism.
People from minority groups don’t get a pass. Focusing hatred against specific groups based entirely on skin color is fundamentally wrong, and it is not acceptable just because the accuser claims to be a victim. In this case, for a person who is basically white and part Native American (just like me!) to specifically single out “white people” as evil–is evil.
I supported this author strongly in connection with the recent flap on DKOS. I regret that support. This person here is just outrageously holier-than-thou. Lilian, maybe we should have a spitting contest about exactly how many “less-privileged” folks each of us has helped. You get dibs on Africa. I make some claims on the Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Kashmir, and about 20 other regions around the globe.
Basically, babe, you are full of it.