I had a flashback while reading the Newsweek for November 14th, 2005. The story that tweaked my memory was “In The Bunker With Cheney”, which begins with The V.P. berating Senators at the Weekly Republican luncheon for overwhelmingly passing the McCain Amendment against torture by American troops and agents. The magazine quoted Senator McCain as shouting back at Cheney, “This is killing us around the world.” And it is, it truly is. Once presumed to be the good guys, we are now presumed to be defenders of oppression and torture. When we lecture China on “human rights”, we are now perceived as hypocrites. We have lost our moral authority around the world. And still Cheney persists.
Admiral Stansfield Turner, director of the CIA under Jimmy Carter, recently referred to Cheney as the “V.P. for Torture”. And yet Cheney persists in defending the indefensible and the unholy. It’s rare to see a lifelong politician and bureaucrat stand up in public for something so patently evil and unpopular, when any congressional measure could so easily be negated with a secret Presidential Finding which would define Al Qaeda as a “Clear and Present Danger” and authorize torture of its members, in secret. Of course the Administration would then have to take personal responsibility for such a finding, but I still found myself wondering, why the hell is Cheney defending torture so publicly?
That was when I recalled a cold and wet Wednesday evening in L.A. over a decade ago when Clint and Dave stopped by to dry out and warm up. They were cops in LAPD and their boss had them parked all shift long at Tommy Burgers on Rampart, ticketing J-Walkers. The heater in their car didn’t work so when they took their dinner break they came in out of the cold to our Hollywood home and entertained us for 45 minutes with cop stories. Just before they went back on duty they told a story that may be apocryphal – as so many cop stories seem to be – but I think it has a ring of truth. See if you agree.
Two experienced cops (not Clint or Dave) had just begun their evening shift. About six blocks from the station house, just before four in the afternoon, while they were pulled up at a stop sign a late model sedan approached the intersection. The white male driver looked directly at the cops, smiled broadly and rolled right through the stop sign.
It looked to the two cops as if the driver were challenging them to pull him over. Half expecting a chase to ensue the cops “lit him up”. But the driver immediately pulled to the curb. He kept his hands in plain sight on the steering wheel. He produced his license upon request. The driver had no wants and no warrants and the car was clean. When asked why he had run the stop sign the driver offered no excuse. “I was distracted,” he said.
It sounded reasonable, but this guy was setting off every alarm these cops had developed over years working the street. The two cops couldn’t say why, but both felt the hair on the back of their necks standing straight up. The guy was “hinky”, they were certain of that.
A search of the car turned up nothing. Where was he going? “To pick up my daughter. My ex-wife is leaving on a business trip tomorrow so I get Cathy for the next six days straight. We’re going to Disneyland tomorrow and to a ball game afterward.” He produced two third base line tickets for Saturday’s Angel’s game.
Again, it sounded reasonable but … continued below:
the cops couldn’t shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong with this guy. They called the suspect’s ex-wife. She confirmed that he was supposed to pick up their daughter ten minutes ago at her home two blocks away. No, he had never been violent toward her. The divorce, she said, was amicable.
At this point a sergeant arrived on scene. He listened to the cop’s concerns and then ordered them to cut the guy loose and get back to work. Reluctantly the two cops complied, but when handing the driver his ticket one of cops demanded to know why he had smiled at them. “You were challenging us,” said the cop. The driver apologized but insisted his smile was meant as no challenge. “My brother wanted to be a cop. His wife said it was too dangerous. When I saw your car I started thinking how much happier he would have been had he chosen your job over the bitch who is now divorcing him. That’s what distracted me.”
Yet again, it seemed a reasonable explanation. So why did both cops have such a pain in their gut over letting this guy drive off? Why had he baited them? Why had he dared them to pull him over? They hesitated. The driver asked pointedly if there was anything else. No, said the cop. Was he sure? Yes, said the cop, I’m sure. The suspect returned to his car, waved, and drove slowly away. Three hours later the call came in – a double 187. Inside a modest bungalow were two bodies, a middle aged woman and a fourteen year old girl named Cathy, both shot once in the back of the head. Parked in front of the house was the stop-sign-runner. He surrendered without resistance.
“That chicken-shit”, said Clint “didn’t even threaten to shoot himself.” While Clint laughed at his own joke Dave shook his head sadly. “He wanted to make the cops his accomplices,” said Dave. “He gave them a chance but when they didn’t arrests him, he figured they were partly to blame for what he did later. I guess he thought that made him a little less guilty.”
And that, I realized, is what Cheney is up to. Call it “Guilty Behavior” or “behavior indicating knowledge of guilt”, his defense of the unholy makes sense only if crimes have already been committed. If not, why such a public battle that further weakens an already weakened administration?
But if the Senate reverses its course, if the Republican dominated House should turn down the McCain amendment then every politician in Washington and every one of us by connection will become accessories after the fact with whatever crimes against humanity this administration has already committed. We will be allowing Cheney and Bush to later excuse their own guilt by saying “But you okayed it”, just as they whine when Democrats complain about the conduct of this war to date.
All of us will say later, “We didn’t know what was being done in our name.” But history will ask, “How could you not have known?”
And there is no good answer to that.
Americans don’t want to know what is going on in our name. 60 million people voted for Bush, and they really really don’t want to know. It’s all about the Cognitive Dissonance: We are good people, we only vote for good people, therefore they can’t be torturing. Or if they do, then it is only a few bad apples. Or it’s just frat-boy fun. Or it’s not real torture, just scary stuff, but no organ failure, doncha know. Or it’s only the worst of the worst of the terrorists.
If it were any other way, then the 59m of the 60m who are not psychos would have to feel guilty themselves, and we can’t have that here in America.
As for Cheney, he really enjoys the power. And what is power if it doesn’t include torture? I mean, can you really consider it power at all without torturing?
I disagree. That 61% has now dropped to 35% approval. Those numbers indicate Americans do know, and are expressing their disapproval. IMHO, Cheney is rapidly becoming irrelevant, as are the rest of the administration’s minions, in affecting policy surrounding the WOT.
Hell of a cop story! That gave me the willies, and I couldn’t stop reading until I found out what happened.
We are all responsible. (As Jerome A Paris titled his diary yesterday.) We need to scream at the top of our lungs to stop this torture policy.
Isn’t it the damndest thing how passive we are? In Europe, there’d be huge demonstrations and massive letter and phone campaigns.
But, from the hinterlands, I must tell you that a hell of a lot of people are talking about torture and how much it troubles them. The woman who cared for my mom in her dying days told me how much Cheney’s stand bothered her. I even know someone who’s so “hinky” — to borrow a word — about all the discussion of torture that someone somewhere on the West Coast is telling revisionist stories about how interrogations were done in decades-ago service in military intelligence.
My point is that, even if we’re a docile bunch about protesting, people are indeed talking about this everywhere, and in many different ways.
I’ll write to my Congressman, Norm Dicks, again. He’s a hawk just like John Murtha. And he lives in a hawk district (Bremerton Naval Shipyard, etc.).
But on Friday the Seattle Times published his concerns, and in Sunday’s paper, the local newspaper published Dicks’ statement that the war was a mistake. He said he disagreed with Murtha’s specific plan, but agreed with Murtha’s knowledgeable statements.
My guess is that Norm Dicks also knows generals — he has to because of his district. Surely they’ve talked to him off the record.
He’s no Jack Murtha, but he has stood up. And that counts for more than I can describe.
He also used to serve on the Intelligence Committee and, my local paper said, was in on many of the intelligence briefings leading up to the war.
Amy Goodman’s interview with William Sampson today should be heard by everyone in Washington. He was tortured and imprisoned for 2.5 years in Saudi Arabia.
I’m watching on Free Speech TV just now. Beyond belief.
And what a calm, articulate, bright person! (It helps when people who have such stories are able to tell them so well.)
Listen or watch here.
It would be better for us all if this were an accurate picture of what is up. But it is not.
Cheney has been running this game for 40 years.
He’s not crazy.
He’s not “trying to get caught”, either.
He’s a pro.
Pros…successful pros anyway…in ANY field believe that what they are doing is “right”.
And “we”…the American people, the sleeping majority…are not those cops in this story, either. Because “we” did not have a fucking clue. CheneyCo put a up an incredibly sophisticated cloaking device around their vehicle…control of the media…and then proceeded to break every damned traffic law in the book. And THIS cloaking device projected an image of a nice executive in a company car smiling out of the window at the cops as the limo came to a perfect, full stop at each and every stop sign in town.
Meanwhile, behind the smoked windows in the back seat…
The Man has been hard at work, taking names and ripping assholes.
Bet on it.
And…as far as a creature like Cheney CAN believe, anyway (Imagine what his poor daughter went through!!!)…he believes that he is right.
That he is fighting for the American way.
Y’know…Hitler thought that HE was right, too.
Fighting for the “German” way.
They’re the ones who are REALLY successful. REALLY good at being bad.
The believers.
Intelligent, powerful believers.
Not some poor crazed asshole who purposely and flagrantly runs a stop sign so that he can feel as if fate has excused his actions if a cop doesn’t stop him.
HIm we can deal with.
But THIS guy…
Man, this motherfucker is a PROBLEM.
Cheney 24/7 until he is taken down.
Leave Butch on up there if we have to.
He’s an empty suit.
Dick is the Man.
24/7 until he folds.
Pardon me for nit-picking over words but Hitler did not believe he was right. He KNEW he was right. God save us all from people who KNOW the truth, because they simply don’t want to hear any debate.
And yes, I am aware that SHRUB also KNOWS he is RIGHT,
But I was trying to avoid that Hitler/G. Bush analogy
that trivializes Hitler while inflating Bush.
I am not so sure that it DOES trivialize Hitler.
George W., Bush is part of an ongoing plot that has been infinitely more successful…and is infinitely LARGER…than were Hitler’s efforts.
Yes, Hitler was both the theorist and the leader of those efforts, but that is one of the reasons that they were so limited.
THIS one is more of a group effort, and has been in place since before JFK’S assassination. Butch is just a cog in that machine.
But the PermaGov just keeps rolling along.
If you were to tot up the casualties…Vietnam, the Middle East, the various catastrophic societal events that have taken place in the Third World over the last 60 years or so the major causes of which can be DIRECTLY traced to the policies of the PermaGov here in America and its tactic of economic imperialism enforced by both overt and covert military force…Hitler was a fucking PIKER in comparison. Yes, his policies were horrific. But they were no more “racist” than the actions and policies of America over the last 50 years on the world stage. And because they were so…easily identified (I mean, HITLER just FLAT came out and SAID what he planned to do.), they were easy to fight.
Remember, the Devil’s greatest trick was to convince humankind that he did not exist.
You dig???
I hear it in the cop story because of two experiences. Some years ago I supressed the “hinky” (love that!) feeling and got hoaxed into printing an fake obit. If I’d followed my intuition about the hoaxers, I wouldn’t have put that obit in the paper so quickly. But, like the cops, I only had that feeling, and superficially everything was fine.
So, yes. The crimes are done, and Cheney’s leaving office before too long. The other experience tells me that he’s destroying as much as he can on the way out because things didn’t work out the way he wanted, and he’s angry.
A powerful man I worked for did that. He was expecting to be promoted to dean of a medical school, but someone else was appointed. He was furious! He began giving away all the department’s assets to other units in the institution, going around the regular staff by signing papers outside the office. The financial devastation was only fully revealed after he left. For a long time, I’ve thought that what Cheney’s doing.
I’ve contacted my senators and representative about the McCain amendment, and will do it again. But, in truth, I think it will be included in some legislation, and I think it will be soon. The first duty of every politician is to get re-elected, and every one of those congress critters has been getting an earful from their constituents during the recess. If george vetoes it, they’ll override it in a heartbeat.
Please consider my predictions as fantasy, because I really don’t like to make predictions. Otherwise, just .02 from an individual perspective.
Good story and good post. Cheney’s support for toture is sickening. The Senate should attach that ban to every piece of work they can.