Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
We need some volunteers to host FBC on Guest Host Wednesdays, so let me know if you are interested and what weeks you can be available.
Here’s the list so far:
Parker 11-30
dblhelix 12-7
Andif 12-14
Sallycat 12-21
Caliscribe 12-28
We need some volunteers to host FBC on Guest Host Wednesdays
I am interested!!!!
Please forgive me. This is OT, too. But I’m running out the door.
Thanks to Boo Tribbers for help with dKos review thing for book. That is a lot of exposure, and means a great deal. I always feel like I take a lot more from this site than I give. You guys are the best.
My scheduled changed today (have to run to do accidental activist stuff immediately). But thanks so much. You know who you are.
I was more than happy to recommend your diary at the orange site, and even happier to see it hit the Recommended list. I hope that translates into more folks buying and reading Direct Actions.
I always recommend SusanHu, BooMan, and others when they post over there. They class up the place, as do you.
Great, Parker, do you want to do the hosting this Wed.
So I just bring the coffee and crossaints and let people at ’em….
Boo-yah — Party with Parker!
Burger Kind outfit and wear it while hosting the Froggy Bottom. Oh, if only you had a picture of you in it.
Dec 7th still unattended? I’ll do it if you need someone. Is 9:30 EST the normal hour to open up?
{{Pressure}} – Parker will be a hard act to follow.
to come up with a cafe diary that will live in infamy.
Naw… you will have more time to prepare… although visions of crossaints are now dancing in my head…
Sorry I missed this earlier and I will change to you and Boran can do later in Jan if he wants…
Boran I hope you see this change….
Yes, and I will be happy to do a date in January.
My schedule is frantic until the middle of the month…and guest hosting on Solstice would be cool!
Only dropping in briefly today….back to back meetings later today….and why do they want me to be prepared???
Winter is here!
Over here for 12/21!!!
I’ll volunteer for the Dec 14th.
A hillside of white oaks 11/24/2005
hooray — party with AndiF!
BTW — I noticed your comment in the other thread about the thank you card from LF. My first reaction upon receipt was Please. Don’t. Spend. Money. OTOH, it was quite classy — considering that they are closed right now!
Yeah, I thought the same thing but then I figured it was a small cost and from their point of view, it is both good manners and good marketing to thank your donors.
good marketing to thank your donors
You’re right, it’s the first rule of fundraising and often overlooked.
I can think of several donations in the past year (non-urgent) that were never acknowledged directly, but my goodness, I sure seemed to acquire ‘new friends’ via unsolicited mailings in a hurry. As a result, LF has moved up my priority list like a Recommended Diary.
another old picture with an old car in it for you to research.
you (your family) still had that Flying Cloud around. Wouldn’t that be fun? Exempt from emission testing to boot.
When I was high school, my stepfather bought an old 1930’s fire engine to put in front of his army surplus store as an advertising gimmick. It still ran and he let me take it on short drives every now and again. What a hoot.
I tell what’s even cooler, though — I dated a guy whose dad had a restored 1940’s Criss Craft. I think that was the most gorgeous thing on land, water, or sky that I’ve ever been in.
It still ran and he let me take it on short drives every now and again. What a hoot.
Did it have a working bell/horn? Did you terrorize the community? Did people pull over, ha-ha?
I love vintage-everything. Also, what some view as ‘old junk’ is potentially worth a small fortune in parts or restored.
About seven years ago, I’d stop by the NASA auction near my house. I am always on the lookout for things like parts for vintage polish notation HP calculators (govt research facility – perfect!). They’d have about 100-200 ‘lots’ up for auction — piled high on crates — you take the good with the bad. One day before the auction, you’re allowed to “inspect” the individual lots, which amounts to giving them the once over by eyeballing.
I would find myself wanting the most insane stuff. NASA exhibit — that’d be cool to reconstruct in the yard! Satellite equipment — why not? I’m glad now that I managed to exert some self-control…
I found one crate with two Collins 51S-1 shortwave (vacuum tube) radios. One was in pristine cosmetic condition. I picked up the lot for around $300 with the knowledge that at the time the radios were selling for around $2k-$3k on eBay. I managed to get a power cord. Both were working! The shoddier one did blow out most of its 45 year-old-tubes when I powered up, but I confess that I was so enamored with these old radios glowing in the dark that I decided to keep them!
They, of course, will come in handy during the next disaster — I will be better equipped/prepared than FEMA.
Did it have a working bell/horn? Did you terrorize the community? Did people pull over, ha-ha?
It had everything but the ladders. The horn was amazingly loud. I’m sure I broke all kinds of ordinances whenever I used it.
I like old things — particularly old hardware but I have a small house that doesn’t encourage packratting, which is good since both my husband and I are very bad at throwing things away..
ACE TYPE V, patent October 6, 1914 was the first radio my mother (she’s 83 now) ever listened to, earphones only.
This radio has only one tube, but needs both a low voltage and higher voltage power supply. I’m sure it still works, but I wouldn’t dare hook it up until I verify the actual voltages.
I’ll take a couple of digital shots and post when I have access to upload.
Hi Everyone, I typed myself into right arm pain yesterday(a gazillion comments), so I may not be able to do so much today, but I know with you all the cafe will not lack for attention.
How’s the weather in your neck of the woods, it’s cold here in Socal, but sunny, 46 right now, that’s cold for here and to reach a high of 66…Wow, I’ll be wearing my warmies today.
Up to Thanksgiving we had mid-60s to low-70s even. Very unusual. For Thanksgiving we had 30s-40s and slushy snow in the morning. Today, we are back to the low 60s — I’m wearing shorts!
It’s 63 degrees here in Rochester…Saturday I was out running errands and doing fishtails in the parking lot of a store…fishtailing is fun…sliding through stop signs into an intersection..not fun!
Hi, Diane. You were great yesterday. Great timing & everything. I didn’t participate much, ’cause I was otherwise occupied, but I was there in spirit.
One other thing–on a debraz diary this weekend you mentioned something very cool, that you used to see complete clothing designs in your dreams and then be able to make just what you had dreamed. Can you say more about that, like describe something that came out of a dream? I just loved hearing that.
Thanks for asking about that Kansas, and I will shortly go and get one of the design and scan and post….I also had this experince in spades when I was in my early 20’s and had just been given a promotion to public relations person for a company that had none before and my first task was to prepare a company newsletter…well it seemed mundane at first, the company was CPI a trust administrator, and I wasn’t sure how I could make anything fresh out of that. But I went to sleep the first night and had a dream all about it, first of all I thought of Creative, Perceptive and Innovative, to be used with the initials and spashed across a view of the earth….All the copy plus all kinds of ideas about the company was written during the dream as well. In the morning I went to work and did a mock up, I showed it to the VP and he said come with me….we went up to the Ivory Tower as we called it, the Prez’s office and VP said tell him about it. I did and he was just dazzled, stood up and pulled money out of his pocket and said go out to dinner tonight and celebrate and be ready mon. morn to present this whole thing to the meeting of the sales group. He said they were the best ideas he had heard since coming to the company to head it a few years back.
Now I’ll go and get those drawings…..by the way I pretty much learned to tole paint in my head and in dreams…I think it is an untapped source that everyone has…
Wow! You could talk about this stuff for months and I wouldn’t get tired of it. Now I can’t wait to see what you scan in.
What are your dreams up to these days?
Kitty lie over, close to the wall.
You to be drunk, and me to be sober,
Kitty lie over, close to the wall.
‘Mornin’ all. Now that’s an Irish song that rarely hears the crack of dawn. More common would be “When You’re Sick, Is It Tea You Want?” (‘Sick’ doesn’t mean flu.)
An assortment of water birds are huddling in the saltwater bay where we walk the Twa Totos. We don’t get a lot of serious winter cold here, but frost and glare ice are very frequent hazards around Puget Sound because the temperatures often hover at the super-slick freezing point.
I see the thermometer is reading 32.000 F just this moment. Wish me and Puget4 luck climbing the steep grade out of our development. Two years ago some kids were sledding down the middle of the street after a rare snowfall, and had slicked it up thoroughly. I made it within 10 feet of the top but, wheels slowly rotating, gradually began sliding back out of control, then the car rotated several times and I almost slid off the unguarded side down a nasty hill. We’ve learned not to speed to shoot through the climb, so that if it is too slippery, we’ll lose traction safely low on the hill.
Just a drive-by comment to say good morning to all. I have less than 15 minutes left in lunch and then my 1st Honors American Lit. class arrives. I have some stuff to do before then, so toodles for now.
And howdy. It’s good to be back. I’m still buried in work and family stuff, but wanted to stop back in and say hi. Hi! Okay, done now. Actually not. I haven’t had my tea yet. Perhaps an Orange Pekoe?
I’m maybe a little bit non-linear this morning. I haven’t had time to do much writing for a week or two and that tends to make me punchy. My wife refers to it as leaking weirdness. Which is why I get to write the holiday letter but she has veto power, wouldn’t want to scare the relatives.
Today’s time saving idea, reading my online news while putting in a couple miles on the treadmill. We’ll see how that goes. If it works, maybe I’ll have time to finish up the World Fantasy notes I’ve been promising.
I hope everyone is well and not too put out by all the blogging about blogs (both Kos and Booman in both places) that I noticed going past this week. I didn’t have time to stop and read them, but maybe that’s better for my blood pressure. Hopefully they were all sweetness and light and mutual back-scratching. Hey, I didn’t read them, so I can pretend, right?
Anywho, good morning again. We who are about to tread, salute you. That was almost saute you, but it sounded kind of painful.
I’m in Ginger Peach mode myself this morning…good to see you!
Good morning to all! I would love to host but those are all days that I’m at work and I can barely put in a few comments as it is. I hope that everyone had a good holiday!
SallyCat and I will both be at work and it isn’t stopping us ๐
Really, though, if you get a couple of diaries ready over the weekend and then put it up first thing in the morning, then all you need to do is to sneak a look in now and then to make a comment or two and see if there so many comments that a new diary needs to be opened. Just think of it as the same as work schmooze time.
It might work on the 28th. Hmm.
I just put caliscribe for the 28th, maybe you would like to do it in jan…no pressure tho, just if you feel like it and have the time…I will do another sign up sheet late DEc. so….
come on, boran2, how can you resist that date?
Sorry, I had to go attend to something. (See what I mean about work.) But I suppose so. Diane, put me in. (12/7) Now how do you get that nice menu at the top of the thread?
Email me and I will send you an invitation to join the yahoo group site for the cafe hosts, and the files are on there to just copy and paste…OK and thanks Boran.
Boran, I am so sorry, but dbhelix raised her hand earlier and I didn’t notice for the 7th so I have changed order, but if you want to sub any Mon. let me know..
I’d be happy to do any day that is uncovered, thanks.
for 12/28 — great chance to dump all the leftover holiday goodies… ๐
Time to get stirring around here again…still got a ton to do before we get in the new bed this weekend…
Question for the cafe, you may have noticed that the Welcome Diary I put up yesterday has become quite full, what do you all think about another one today and if so any volunteers to put one up….I am pretty tired today, so it would be great to have someone else put one up, if you all think it’s a good idea.
I’m really sorry I can’t help out on this, Diane. I have to be gone again.
The pages diplayed oddly, so I’mjust tacking on ym query here. Can someone explain how the Recommended list works? How does one get un-recommended?
Curious & confused.
See up in the top right-hand corner? There’s a box there that says Recommend This Diary. Just click on that to recommend. Then if you change your mind. . .or as in the case of these cafes, you want to help clear an old cafe off the rec list. . .the next time you see that box it will give you the option of unrecommending.
Hope that helps!
Yea, I get that. I was surprised to see one of mine on the list last night & it disappeared this morning. Just confused about the process.
Its based on time and the number of recs….more recs push higher up the list and knock lower ones down, then it stays there based on a timing schedule, like 24 hours or something like that…course if people hit unrec. that also pulls it down, that’s how we keep the cafe current, unrecs pulls the old ones off.
This is all what Boo has said other times, so I think I have it right…
Ah, thanks for the explanation — I was just wondering.
Continued from Upthread:
This was a design I made in my 40’s when I was into those sorts of outfits for wearing out to bars, I made this for a new years eve party in a silver threaded material, very hard to sew but looked pretty splashy.
This I made in black…the picture acquired a stain in the intervening years, but you can still see the design.
Another design, I did this one in creamy white and had a very dark tan when I wore this. People wanted to buy my clothes off my back or have me make designs for them, but I decided not too, because I didn’t want everyone dressing like me, attention hound that I was then.
Is it too late to be a rich and famous fashion designer?
Yes, I think it is…I thought about doing something like that, then, but when you look at set-up costs, possibilities of selling, all the ins and outs of that, too much work, besides at that time I was deep into my antique business, where I was doing my own refinishing and repairs, plus all the selling, buying, etc. a market I knew and profit margin was very high.
PS I also designed a bra with unique construction, taking “Howard Hughes engineered design” some steps further along, that would be fabulous for women, but never pursued that for the same reason…too much work..
You are one of those people who are almost too talented in too many areas, if that’s possible. It’s like you need several lives to try everything you actually could do. It’s really interesting to learn of the various paths you actually had the talent to go down, if circumstances had only. . .
They are so elegant, Diane. This is tres cool. Thank you a lot for going to the trouble of letting me see these.
I am here ,though,I just got too upset,for too many reasons to enumerate.
We are glad that you checked in to let us know you are okay…
Whatever the upset – here’s a hug to help get you through {{{ShyCat}}}
Hopefully things will settle down…if you need to share, email one of us…we’re here for you.
Hi Shycat, I have been wondering about you as I have not seen your name,,,hope you are ok..hugs to you…
Hi, Shy. I can’t leave without saying that I hope you get to click the Unupset button. Maybe that’s partly what this place is, the Cafe I mean. Thinking of you as I go out the door. . .
It’s good to see you around again.
You’re Shy(cat), after all… ๐
Glad to see you back… ๐
It has been a very stressful few months-I was so energized by all of you going to DC– and I felt useful.
That is pretty silly,but true.
Because I have SAD, and have to guard myself from pain at times,especially in the waning months of sunlight.
And getting very discouraged by all the wars( hot,cold,pie and otherwise).
Be good,all of you nutcases ,I am watching you!
My son has problems with SAD. This year, we’re tryng to keep him more physically active (endorphins, yeah), and might even take a long weekend somewhere warm this winter if he gets too down. If you have any sggestions on things that work, I’d love to hear them.
Maybe we all need to plan a Boo-niversary party for March just to keep busy and happy?
My suggestion is hard physical exercise-it was the ONLY thing that ever worked for me.That includes anti-depressants and the whole shebang.
Lightboxes CAN help, but only if the depressed person is undepressed enough to be able to use them.That would be a job for Supermom.:).
The major problem with depression -or SAD is that the one who is suffering it,has no hope.
Another thing I have found that helps is B-complex vitamins.
It is hard to get him to move AT ALL once it takes hold. I feel bad because it has taken so long for me to figure out what the problem was, but this year we’re working together to beat it or at least keep it manageable. Knowing this, we start swim lessons on Saturday morning, and winter lacrosse camp on Sunday morning.
I wish he would do yoga with me…have you tried that?
I echo shycat’s suggestion about lots of exercise, but would add that it’s especially helpful if it’s outdoor exercise like x-country skiing or hiking during daylight hours. Get as much sunlight as possible. Lightboxes never helped me though I used one religiously for an entire winter. What helped me the most is getting outdoors during daylight hours, letting the sun hit my eyes as much as possible, and getting exercise. Don’t let him sleep until 11:00 because that’s just wasting sunlight. Seriously, I know it sounds weird.
BTW…it sure helps to live down here now where it’s not cloudy so damn much of the winter.
When I danced for 5 or 6 hours a day- (NO not THAT kind of dancing,you naughty things) –it disappeared.
but as you age,it gets so much harder to keep up that kind of routine-muscle aches and such.
But who KNEW?-It’s a weird thing to see- your vital child almost turning into a zombie.
I am glad to see that you are on top of it,unlike my parents who chose to beleive that I was a slacker.
not the SAD variety–still, “nonstarting” is a classic symptom.
What most of us don’t realize is that every single action–the least movement or thought–causes both reward and punishment. Even raising your hand to scratch an itch, while it’s rewarding for the anticipation and relief, is punishing for the physical effort to lift and the mental effort of steering.
With depression we lose ability to experience reward. Then the whole spectrum of life shifts towards the dark as we become disproportionately burdened with all the drawbacks of every “molecule” of activity, and deprived of the benefits.
It’s really an insidious affliction, truly a form of Hell on earth.
Other natural consequences include irritability and worrying.
Even with medical treatment for the physical causes, there’s likely to be a need to learn to break disease-caused habits of activity and thought. A person might remain irritable for example out of the engrained expectation of interaction being more frustrating than rewarding.
I meant to say something in reply to this several hours ago.
I just wanted to thank you (I think) for this description. It seems very true to my experience with family members who suffered from severe depression.
And to say that I really, really wish there was a place like the BoomanTribune and the Froggy Bottom Cafe 22 years ago when dealing with a loved ones depression was the all-consuming focus of my life.
I just got off the phone with my Seattle Sister. She suffers from it as well.
I wish I knew of something that would help.
Shycat, never heard of that disorder and immediately did a search, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and then my thoughts went to, does this only affect people in cold climes, would it occur in sunny areas like Socal. Curious about that, very interesting.
It was MUCH better when I livedin Southern CA and Texas-because of the latitude.
I think maybe this thing is the source for the famed depressive cycles of Northern Europeans- not to mention my Irish ancstors.
Related to the number of hours of daylight, I believe.
I was definitely concerned about it, moving to Puget Sound from central OH, but 5 years along and I’m doing fine.
Oh I’m often depressed, but only for economic reasons that apply 365 days a year! How could winter be a problem!?
i wanted to mention something i think i read in Beyond Prozac years ago….that people who have the kind of depression that responds to meds like prozac experience SAD but instead of jan and feb being their bad month, august is the bad month….when i read that a light bulb went off in my head…august was always my bad month…and i pointed it out to my boyfriend who is also clinically depressed …he is practically suicidal every summer …just the self awareness of it….knowing that august will be over soon and so will the blues helps make it thru that period.
and never ever tell a depressed person that they have no reason,excuse– blah blah to be so.
That is akin to telling a paraplegic in a wheelchair that they could get up and walk if they really wanted to.
I have had this for my whole life, so it’s not a subject that I am unfamiliar with.
BUT,when you are on the top of the honour roll and blah blah,it is VERY hard for other people to understand.
SAM-e. I’ve taken this over-the-counter stuff for several years, as have a number of close friends. Everybody I know taking it is happy with the results.
It’s been in use in Europe for some 25 years, I believe.
Here’s one article I found via google SAM-e
If you try SAM-e, expect some 7-10 days before noticeable improvement. The cheapest source I know of is SAM’s club. (I manage not to set foot in Walmart, but SAM’s is a tad more difficult to avoid, due to limited funds.) So disguise yourselves as rightwing nutjobs and sneak into SAM’s. I’d be delighted to find another source at the same prices.
that my friends and I are taking SAM-e for SAD, rather than clinically diagnosed depression.
Wow-i have never heard of it- thanks for the info!
I didn’t think that much of SAM-e when I tried it a few years ago. It seemed to trigger horrible panic attacks.
That stopped when I stopped taking it.
So, I’d watch it for the first week or so.
I’m home at last! And of course, the first thing to do is turn on the PC and check in at the FBC.
Weather is icky. I hope it doesn’t get much worse.
It looks like I missed out on some interesting conversations. Book signings, fashion dreams, and I probably missed a lot more.
just went down between F1 and F2… all future typos will be attributed accordingly…
Hey everyone! I know I am late with the 4’s. . .but I have just been home a couple of hours and it has taken me that long to get through the 3 diaries I’ve read.
Anyone feel up to getting me a Smirnoff Twisted Mandrin Orange? My neice got me hooked into that while I was out of town. Nummy! Turn about is fair play. . .she tells me I gave her the first taste of wine coolers when she was 12. . .OMG. . .what was I thinking? Bad Aunt Shirl, bad!
Hope everyone has had a lovely holiday and still enjoying themselves.
I’ll be slapping those 4’s momentarily.
Been a busy day today, though didn’t really get a whole lot done. There may be a delay in getting the new bed frame delivered, so I hope to delay getting the mattress set delivered as well (they’re supposed to call sometime Thursday to set the time period).
Finally started reading Lonnie Barbach’s The Pause this evening…and THANK YOU SallyCat for the recommendation! I can see a lot of what I’ve been going through the last year or so may actually just be menopause-related — and the book says that women who’ve never been pregnant may hit “the Pause” one to four years earlier than the average, and that would fit as well. Spent quite a bit of the evening reading passages to the spouse; he’s learning quite a bit more about the subject than he planned. ๐ (There’s a chapter in the back for men; I hope he’ll read that when I’m done with the book.) I’m thinking about possibly switching gyns after I get this series of tests done (I’ll go through with the ultrasound, just to make sure there’s nothing odd); I’d like to find one that’s familiar with menopause issues.
Okay, time for me to get to bed…see you folks in the morning…