jpol is appearing on TV News Lies Radio in a minute or two. They are having some technical problems figuring out the new call-in technology.
Update [2005-11-28 13:2:34 by susanhu]: Or try this link — it works for me on a Mac, and I’m listening! Jerry is still coming on … there he is! P.S. The archived audio of Jerry’s appearance will be available: Go to this page and scroll about three screen lengths, and you’ll find Jerry’s name and the spot where his audio will be archived.
And here is link to Roger Feinman’s reports — “CBS News, ABC News and
the Lone Assassin Theory” — that Jerry mentioned at the end of his interview, and that his host asked that we post for listeners.
I couldn’t open the file, Boo. Is it because I’m on a Mac and Windows Media hates me?
I use a linux but ive used macs and XP.. there’s a great program called VLC that run just about everything.. and is cross platform!!!
Just download the .dmg file and you shouldnt have probs anymeh! π
Thanks, Syniel!
After I went to the other link, it opened and played in ITunes.
But I’m going to download the app you mention because there are some shows — such as Ed Schultz’s — that I can’t listen to on any of the AM stations he provides. (One day I wanted to listen to Larry Johnson on Ed’s show, but couldn’t. And we don’t get Air America on local radio, unless I’m in my car and drive east far enough so I can pick up the Seattle station.)
I so hope i helped π
oooh I should mention…. with this app you will have to copy the link location and open it up manually.. let’s see … right.. you would save the link location to your hard drive.. then use “quick open file” and navigate to the link. that’s the easiest method. But i’ve found I can play just about any format (including video) with vlc. π
I’ve tried the copy and paste the link method. Some sites don’t provide a complete link — e.g., NPR — so it’s rather difficult to do that.
(Do you have more secrets?!)
Oh yes.. ouch those are harder. π Those require interaction between the browser and whatever client software you have installed in order to make it work. For example.. if it’s a rm (realmedia) file you have to have both a realplayer client and a PLUGIN for your browser (often you just need to DL a generic plugin and it works for all browsers) . Often the plugins come standard on whatever browser you use ..but if not you have to look for them.. i don’t know MAC well at all but the process of installing them should be the same.
let’s see, you need to be aware of what browser you use mostly.. i would use Firefox sinc eit’s so commonly used everywhere..and that makes it easier for plugins to work with it. Then you need to hunt and peck sigh for plugins you need. Plugins for the media (wmv.. asx..etc), quicktime, and downlaod all the .dmg files you can for them (google to find them)
VLC will be able to play most anythign you can throw at it.. including DVDs, DIVX,MPEG2 etc. even if you dont have a dvd decrypter loaded but you have to be able to type in or navigate to the url π i think if you right click the link it might give you an option for it too.
I’m afraid that’s as useful as I can be π i do not know mac well at all… but i think the process will be the same for you as it was for me.. it’s a matter of finding the right plugin, making sure you have the right client programs, and making sure your broser supports them.
Thanks for all your tips … I’ve copied and pasted all, and will try them out.
There are some awful, blatant instances — such as MSNBC’s videos — that refuse to recognize my operating system. Even though I have Windows Media. That’s pretty damn silly, imho.
I’ve downloaded the latest versions of Real Audio, Windows Media Player, and ITunes. On sites where they’ve got audio worked out, i have no troubles … in Seattle (NPR) and MP3 sites such as the archives for Air America —
If the MP3 is set up properly, my ITunes just pops up and plays it. Ditto Real Audio files. I have the most trouble with Windows Media files.
Grrr … it’s the only regret i have about getting my Mac, but I think it shouldn’t be an issue because I have the proper audio apps.
Anytime, Susan π I’m no i hope that helps
Please tell me if you find this link —->
at all helpful.
You can try other media links here, if my link doesn’t work.
This one worked for me.
Thank goodness! I have such troubles listening….
major plugs. Very nice.
This one worked…Plugging BMT!
finally Jerry is on.
and has that wild screen stuff on that goes with the music. I’m listening to him while watching alchemy random.
Should we all take a drink everytime he says BOOMAN?
Vodka:30, baby!
We aren’t going to be able to pick up the kids!
Hell, I won’t even be able to make it to the mailbox in another 15 minutes at this rate! π
I had spent more time on that Plame piece now. But I had to go to sleep. Daou linked to it and now this.
Just sent you something hot by e-mail
going to be able to follow up on that until at least tonight.
to say things like that in public. If you change though I’ll beat you.
That’s the cutest post ever, Tracy. Yeah, he’s so self-effacing. LOVE THAT! AND HIM!
Now you all are famous too! “Drinking everytime ….”
they’re trying to get their last bid to sell you in there since you have cut them off from checking on your credit for the next five years!
I was still in the ovary! I bow to my elders and their collective wisdom!
You are as old as you feel (or act, in which case I am a pre-teen).
I don’t have any alcohol in the house.
Thank god TV News Lies puts up archives! I need to listen to this at least two or three times more … I always miss so much the first time I listen to something truly worthwhile.
(Damn, it’d be great to get a transcript … that’s a lot of typing though … )
Let’s ask Jerry if he can ask TV News Lies for our own copy of the audio. For a keepsake!
as evil, but I have never heard them spoken on the air waves before like this. Very powerful conversation taking place right now about Cheney and his denial of all that he is responsible for.
Such a great wrap up! You have earned all the fine and good decent things said about you too Booman!
Thanks for all the comments. Lotsa fun.
Jesse wants to do it again, and Booman, you are welcome too.
That was great (although I missed the end when one of my clients called).
Bad client!
btw, I just checked and the archived version isn’t up yet — it probably takes a little while. (IF ANY OF YOU find that they’ve linked the archived audio, please let us know. I want to listen to it at least twice more … Jerry gives so much information that I need to catch up on, being the ignorant slut I am, that I want to be sure I remember what he said.)
JERRY: You are great on the radio. You’re interesting. You’ve got a fast grasp of the facts and the issues. Truly amazing. You could have your OWN radio show.
thank you Jerry for all the plugs. You did a great job.
Legal ? asked in this diary re: concentration camps, internments, etc…
(Yeah, a little bit of diary whoring on my part..)