Update [2005-11-28 18:46:52 by susanhu]: I’ve changed the title of this piece from Scarborough Country OPEN THREAD to the Scaredy-borough Country Open Thread, for the reasons stated above in Larry’s new story.
Previous post: Do you like Joe or hate Joe? Call me a wuss — or something worse — but I find him mostly tolerable compared to the wingnuts on Fox. Last month, a week after Fox’s Tony Snow took over the show and wouldn’t shut up, Bill Maher had Joe Scarborough on and he was refreshing, reasonable and restrained compared to the rabid rat Snow.
Oh, did I tell you that Larry Johnson will be on Joe’s show tonight? It airs at 10pm ET / 7pm PT.
Update [2005-11-28 18:24:48 by susanhu]: From Larry:
[See Larry’s NEW STORY ABOVE on the cancellation of his appearance tonight on the Scaredy-borough Country show.]
Crooks & Liars has been alerted by Larry, and will no doubt have clips for us. And, C&L has linked Jane Hamsher’s latest piece on the CIA Leak case.
Gave up tv! Sick of all the progaganda!
first jpol goes on the radio and accuses James Jesus Angleton of creating the Oswald legacy, and then Larry Johnson goes on Scarborough. Now, say what you want, but don’t say we have a narrow focus.
Frogs attack from the center and the flanks all at once! We don’t F around ;o)
For any action minded frogs (remember BJ’s Operation Yellow Feather) a few of us are brainstorming over Here
on Tampopo’s idea for a twelve day protest of Scalito.
We need your frog legs to get your frog asses over there and help ;o)
Joe Biden’s doing better on that subject, btw. (Wonder if he got an earful for saying there’d be no filibuster. Probably. So now he says there might be one! )
death of, and that is Joe WTF Biden doing better on some subjects. At least I admit that I have PMS and once a month things just don’t come out of my mouth right. Is Joe transgender? If he is he ought to know he can just come out with it…….we are the right party for that! He doesn’t need to hide it any longer.
oh fuck it, I love you ;o)
Is Joe transgender? If he is he ought to know he can just come out with it…….we are the right party for that! He doesn’t need to hide it any longer.
STOP IT! I’m trying to eat my lunch finally at 3pm!
Hey, Guys….
I’d feel a LOT more comfy if we didn’t mention sexual minorities when in this context :p
not that i’m complaining about YOU guys. π
I think America is about to find out how “not minority” our transgender people are. I have walked around here down South for a week now and looking at people……it was like the first day when I was a kid that I realized that for every single person I met someone “did it”. Oh God, every time I shook someone’s hand it was because someone “did it”! What a revelation! Now this, and I’m living in the South……what the heck do they do with transgender people down here? You are either a Southern Belle or Bubu….there isn’t any middle down here. If everybody down here just threw their clothes off one day the red vote could be greatly decreased due to heart attack down here!!!!
I know it :p as i live in TX myself π the issues of the BATHROOM omg.. i’ve so wondered why it’s OK for women to use men’s bathrooms (thanks to a lawsuit in houston TX 10 or so years ago) but if someone who -looks- like man but dresses as a woman were to use the restroom, the pistols will be drawn and the woman WILL be intimidated.
I think just the way you do, however, MT. I think if it were seen as ‘normal’ the number of “inbetween’ genders and sexes would astound us. All we see are the courageous ones.. or the ones of whom find it’s just too painful to be denied to express their true selves
and finally successfully owning all my rights that women before me fought so hard for. I feel betrayed that in my culture this reality has been denied me. Lies and deceptions just because “other” people can’t deal with them really pisses me off……and now how many generations upon generation have all agreed to tell big fat fucking lies about this. OBGyns must know this stuff like the back of their hands……the Pediatricians who tend to newborns all know this stuff, but it had to be hidden from all the rest of us??? There was a girl in my neighborhood growing up that all knew was different, nobody ever ever told us though that 1 in 100 people were just like her! I know a whole lot more than a 100 people too! In the middle of the mall during Xmas rush there’s like 2,000 people in there…….so 200 of them would be shockingly different to most of us if we KNEW! It’s just the worst kind of insanity for an educated populace!
that’s driven me nuts too. It would be so easy to teach this stuff in sex education course or biology. But…. greys do not fare well in a ‘black and white’ , ‘us vs them world’.
Biden might be Rove’s new main squeeze, now that Guckert’s been outed.
he’s squeezin that’s for sure!
Actually, Biden’s vanity and narcissism are so pronounced it may be he’s just “squeezing himself” in front of the mirror.
He is is own biggest fan, after all!
You just made me laugh for five minutes. Thanks!
Here I go again .. that’s the funniest post.
Oh stop!
It couldn’t have been more than two or three minutes ;o)
on Maher…….he’s a total idiot! He went on and on about how Bush can recover in the popularity polls because Reagan and Clinton both did. Holy Shit Joe, Reagan and Clinton never had a 9/11…..they never had the whole nation just heart sick and in tears and willing to do whatever it took to right the wrongs and handing them their hearts and souls on platter and they never took such things and times and opportunities and lied their fucking asses off and then lied their fucking asses off a bit more and people died and died and died and blood splattered the whole planet and we lost all credibility with the whole world. Bush is never going to recover, in fact I think he will go down in history as the most despised and hated president the United States has ever had.
LBJ did a lot of decent things along with Vietnam and we can barely gaze upon the good that he did because the horror of Vietnam will never go away! Bush hasn’t even done anything decent for the nation along with the horror he has brought us all. Whew, glad I could all that off of my chest.
“What one great thing has Bush done for this country in five years?”
This is a disturbingly difficult question for them. 90% of the time, after a long pause, the answer will be “he led the country after 9/11” or something similar. I point out that any President who didn’t “lead the country” after an attack on our soil would be dangerously remiss, and that indeed Bush’s proximate actions were not leaderlike. In short, “being a leader” wouldn’t count even if he had done so, because that’s his job.
The sad thing? Replace the word “Bush” with “Clinton” and “five” with “eight,” and then I can’t answer that question well.
umm Clinton paved the way for Democrats to break away from having to be so generous?
Clinton came through with a balanced budget.
But yeah, that’s about all I’ve got…
like American Ogres?
When the best things about the previous President are things that he didn’t do that the current one has…
this. When you are President and the most powerful man on planet earth……..isn’t it the things you didn’t exploit when you could have just as important as what you did……even if one of those things was Moncia? He still ought to have his ass kicked for that one, I had an Uncle who would have done it too but he passed on.
Family and Medical Leave Act.
who remain emotionless and just the facts maam.
That’s a really good point. Bush’s approval ratings were tanking pre 9-11, and are likely just about where they’d be if there had never been a 9-11.
Hell, without 9-11 Bush is a one-termer. And without the need to to try to triangulate the “security” voters, Kerry isn’t the 04 nominee. McCain vs Wellstone, now that would have been a quality race.
(don’t dare start thinking “what-if”, or I’ll be tempted to just drive off a bridge on the way home)
Wellstone :o(
a national spirit ;o)
I totally agree..I can’t watch him for more than 2 minutes and then start screaming at the TV and am forced to turn the channel. His entire body of work is disgusting. He is a big fat liar on most subjects. The fact that MSNBC has almost locked into the Right wing machine (except for KO who is Awesome), Scarborough, Tweety (last week he had on the Ex-Governor of, I think it was Virginia..and after the Moron finished pimping for the Bush Admin and his support for the war and said the Bush Admin didn’t even mislead us into Iraq..Tweety turned to the other panelist some Dem supporter and said “I bet you have one Dem leader that was as strong as this guy” What a pig. Then we have Fucker Tarleson..another useless pile. Between that and FOX News and with Arron Brown gone and Wolf taking up 3 hours on CNN..the entire Cable News programs seem very, very, slanted to the far right…and they have the nerve to call it a Liberal media. I guess if you repeat something enough people will think it is the truth. btw/ “Missing White Alabama girl in Aruba” aka. Greta Van Ho.or the .Let’s boycott Aruba show and inflame Americans and question all the laws of every other country and their activist judges..The US is the most arrogant country in the entire world. Did you hear the latest Alabama wants to put “God bless America” on their license plates. I hope the Irving Berlin Estate makes them pay a hefty royalty.
I meant to write…”You don’t have one dem leader that is as strong as this guy”. I also forgot Critina Rosby…what’s up with her voice? She is trying to compete with Greta in regards to her show being a TV version of the National Enquirer or better yet..the National Examiner or Globe. These shows are so BAD for America. Totally using the “Bush Scare tactic” to get people to tune in. I miss Aaron Brown every night at 7pm. I am hoping he ends up over at CBS nightly news.
I feel sorry for Keith Olbermann — who’s got a great news show — having to introduce Rita’s show.
Jerry Policoff gave Keith lots of praise today on the radio interview.
(Her show is completely embarrassing… she keeps trying to inject more and more sexual storylines to get better ratings which, last time I saw them, weren’t very good.)
yup..i agree..KO has no peer on that news channel or any other cable news. Not only that, he makes his show entertaining..once people find him they won’t ever leave. I have turned so many of my friends on to him and they love him. They had no idea he existed. I tivo him everyday now. But boy, do I miss getting my real news from Aaron Brown. CNN are fools. Rita Cosby is a total nit wit.
I have never seen Joe, since I, like many others here, gave up on cable tv long ago. However, my knee jerk reaction is that even FOX can smell the foul stench of GOP decay on the wind and are now trying to make an attempt to seem a WEE bit more moderate.
That may seem cynical but what the hell? Fox themselves is as cynical as they come. Good ol’ Repurt :p
Scarborough is like a waffle with good and bad nooks and cranny’s…..he was very good and tough during Katrina, but now has fallen back to the ‘save our wonderful Pres. or the party time’….and he has his facts wrong about a lot of things like the Plame affair as most of the pundits do..
I used to like waffles! Did you mean that Joe was like a waffle or a waffler?
Joe? Eh…take him or leave him. Somedays he surprises me with what he has to say but it usually turns out to be a backhanded compliment when he says something nice about liberals.
Thanks Susan for the headsup on Larry’s appearance on Scarborough. We all know Larry can give pretty good smackdown. Should be interesting banter between Joe and Larry. Have I said how good it is to be home?
Well, I hope you had a fun trip! (I mean, that it wasn’t so horrible that that’s why you’re glad you’re home.)
It should be fun.
And, ahem, I used to mostly watch Aaron Brown at 7pm. Now that he’s gone, and Anderson Cooper’s taken over — and I do not blame Cooper for this but the CNN management — that show has gotten so light. Stuff about “indigo children” and crap like that….
Aaron Brown was sometimes irritating but at least I knew if I listened to his show, I got a rundown on many of the top stories, as well as what the coming top stories would be. I can’t say that about Cooper’s show.
Sure I had fun…just exhausred and happy to be able to read Booman and sleep in my own bed not my sisters couch in the familyroom that is open to the kitchen where everyone congregates at all hours. I am beat!
I miss Aaron Brown too. He was fair most of the time. Anderson Cooper had his shing moments during Katrina and that is why I think he got Aaron’s spot.
I hope you don’t customarily sleep in the nude.
(Glad you’re home too!
(Rant: Now what’s going on … I turned to MSNBC at 1pm and they had that Dan Abrams on. And now he’s on again at 3pm! I knew they were messing with their schedule, but he should be on like maybe for 5 minutes, not two hours. … and now there’s nothing to watch because Lou Dobbs bugs me, and Brit Hume (FOX) is the biggest asshole ever and C-Span has a bunch of Heritage people on talking about the great plans for the Iraq war.)
Nah…gave up sleeping nude awhile back. Teehee! Sorry you cannot find any good news this afternoon Susan. Gues you’ll just have to write one of your amazing diaries.
I like Aaron Brown also. At least with him I felt like I was really getting the news and his demeanor just said trust me.
He’s a very smart man… and a real journalist.
He cut his teeth at KING Broadcasting, where I once worked too. When Brown worked there, KING news did the most thorough investigative reporting pieces, and he was a part of all of that. He learned so much there. Later, he went to KIRO in Seattle… then on to ABC in NYC.
Of course, these days, KING’s news is just like all the rest. The original owners are gone. They had standards.
I miss a lot of the old journalist and reporters. Back in the 70’s & 80’s I always felt I was getting the truth when news was reported. Back then I didn’t realize even the networks had their own little spins. But dammit, back then when you watched the news the whole show wasn’t someone giving theirs or the corporate views. I don’t watch fox, although my family does. I just have to get up and leave.
It’s truly unfortunate … newer generations have never seen excellent local television news programming.
although thanks to Franken and the blogosphere, I have a low opinion of him already. I don’t watch TV, just The Daily Show + Colbert Report, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Office, and Battlestar Galactica whenever the TiVo collects them. I’m sure Larry will acquit himself well.
Those shows are on television.
Wasn’t that their early marketing slogan?
Ok, you caught me. I should have said, “I don’t watch TV.”*
*Except for all the shows I watch.
I still want to know more about the dead staffer found in his office.
found dead in Joe’s office?
Of all the rightwingers, I think Scarborough is the most fair. That said, I usually disagree with him on most things. But he was the first to call the first Bush-Kerry debate for Kerry, which surprised me, given his employer.
I also blogged about Scarborough’s respect for Bobby Kennedy over here. Say what you will – he’s maybe the best of the worst..! π
I wish I had heard Jerry’s radio interview. Glad to hear him going after Jim Angleton. I wrote a couple of long research pieces on why I thought Angleton was one of the prime movers behind the assassination and those articles are now part of our book The Assassinations. John Newman also talked about Angleton at the recent DC conference that Jerry and I attended, which I wrote up on Robert Parry’s site.
Scarborough is better than many of the wingnuts at talking therational talk every so often. But, nevertheless he’s as crazy as the worst pof them. His punitive religiosity is always just at or below the surface ready to render condemnatory judgement on others, and he can’t manage to use fact=based argument to defend his opinions. He always resorts to obfuscation or diversion to defend his positions, or he deliberately mischaracterizes what his debate opponents are saying.
He’s just another one who, if I had kids, I’d never let him go near them for fear he’d contaminate their minds with his crackpot dogma.
This has nothing to do with Joey, but I just heard that Randy Cunningham has been frog-marched out. He copped a plea to corruption charges and immediately resigned. Lots of talk about tears and “I’ve brought shame upon myself.” Good.
He was just shown on C-Span blubbering away.
and now the prosecutor is talking about the charges!
Will Cunningham make it into Keith’s “I’m sorry, so sorry” Hall of Fame? Actually, his resignation letter was rather touching and I felt a little shocked that he’s 65. I mean, how much time is he going to get for that long list of charges? Even if the judge has pity for him, the sentencing will be locked into the guidelines. Uh-oh, I’m feeling sorry for the scumbag…
Jimmy Swaggart already used the crying and bringing shame upon himself and all that shit up, it’s gone Randy, there isn’t any left for you. Please STFU Randy……I’m trying to eat here!
had a SERIOUSLY traumatic experience of some sort during his childhood while a John Wayne film was playing on the TV.
Never recovered.
He’s still channeling whatever lame hero the Duke was making believe he was acting when it happened.
“Whadda buncha maroons!!!” Bugs Bunny, the anti-Duke and the REAL hero of W.W.II. Too bad it wasn’t Bugs on the tube instead of John Wayne when that situation occurred to Scarborough. Maybe he would have turned out to more like George Carlin than John Wayne.
But no such luck…
“Head ’em up and move ’em out, pilgrim. It’s time for the last roundup.”