30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
Ooh, I know, I know. Tawdry celebrity gossip. I know I shouldn’t ever go to places like newsoftheworld.co.uk, or thesun.co.uk, but every so often I just can’t resist.
just watch CNN for awhile. Remember the good ole days when celebrity gossip was confined to Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood? It has infiltrated everything!
(I have a sick obsession with the Surreal Life on VH1)
But that would require me to turn on my TV, which is currently only hooked up to a PS2. When my wife started grad school back in 1995 we figured we could do any two of three, watch TV, sleep, study/write. It was an easy decision and we’ve never looked back. OK, not strictly true. The Daily Show and Whose Line, are both tempting and staples of hotel stays, but there’s nothing else that I really want to see.
and I have no guilty pleasures… just pleasures that not all might be down with… or that might not be good for me (smoking being one of them… but beer & cigs while out at a club just can’t be beat… well, until I die I guess…)
The only thing that bothers me is my smoking…but I don’t feel guilty unless it bothers my friends. Then again, I don’t smoke in the house just my car and patio so it’s away from most people.
Guilt is to time consuming…better to have fun and indulge – skip the guilt – more time for fun!
And I agree ‘toys’ are not subject to guilt just fun.
Sally, I would never have imagined you as a smoker. I think cuz you’re so natural and back to the earth in the way that you are. Wow. Now I don’t feel quite so badly about it… 😉 Guilty though, no.
I feel such the hypocrite at times… buying organic and locally, going for grass-fed meats when I do eat them, shying away from chemical-crap-foods, etc. Then, there’s my cigs, and my beers. Ah well, one day. As you said, I’m not quite there yet, nor am I strong enough at the moment to even consider giving those up… I’ve got other more important things to work on at the moment.
And guilty over toys? HAHAHA… I am PROUD of that damnit!
I have so many guilty pleasures I hardly know where to start. Oooh, wait, I know where to start.
I’m a speed junkie — no, not that kind of speed. High performance sportscars, baby.
I haven’t been able to indulge this passion in years because I became both too sick and too green at the same time, but I don’t even really have a favorite brand. So long as there’s five on the floor, scenery whipping by so fast it’s blurry, and my ass is cradled in soft leather while the radio rocks the house, I’m ecstatic. But I do love those new Mustangs so much that I cannot even allow myself to go test drive one because I’m afraid I’ll just drool and write the check.
The sound that picture just evoked from me was absolutely pornographic, but I don’t know how to spell it, so you’ll have to settle for this mundane reporting of its occurrence. 😉
so I might as well list some guilty pleasures: “Daydream Believer” by the Monkees; “The Biggest Loser” on NBC (two-hour season finale in less than two hours!); corny-ass “Mystic Pizza”; working out major life crises via entire conversations with my cat; all those PBS and A&E British inspector shows; occasionally pretending that my husband is George Clooney during sex; weighing in at Weight Watchers on Monday at 6:30 p.m. and then going home and eating Doritos and ice cream non-stop till bedtime, and then starting WW over again Tuesday a.m.; the occasional cigarette; fruity, girly-girl cocktails; blogging when I should be giving my kids a bath; and playing with my kids when I should be working.
Hey! You did it! This is great. Did you see the music discussion upthread? Or down, depending.
Guilty Pleasures. What a fun theme that would be for a whole Cafe some time. Some of mine are Pringles, McDonald’s coffee, crying EVERY TIME at the end of Out of Africa, and watching Survivor. And I am NOT embarrassed. :P.
My sister was on a flight with Davey Jones of the Monkees a couple of months ago. It was a little plane from Pittsburgh to Harrisburg and she said it was all she could do not to hum “Daydream Believer” out loud during the flight.
Hi, maryb! I have a cousin who goes by that nickname, so this feels a little weird. Fortunately for you, you are not one of my relatives. Welcome to the pond! Especially since you are not one of my relatives.
My ten year old daughter is suddenly fascinated with songs that use a lot of synthesizers for weird sound effects. Does anyone here have suggestions for music for her? I am thinking the 80’s is the era, but I can’t think of many examples.
I’m tragically unhip, but I think that’s called Techno? There’s tons of it out there. My kids are into irish punk, ska, reggae and things I have never heard of….but like!
Heh, let me comb through a certain section of my memory banks.
anything by A Flock of Seagulls
there’s Talk Talk, The Fixx, and The Cure
After the Fire’s Der Kommissar
Nena’s 99 Luft Balloons
let’s see
almost anything by Berlin or Devo
she can try Roxy Music or OingoBoingo
Bow Wow Wow had some weird sounding stuff
Soft Cell’s Tainted Love is legendary
Gary Numan’s Cars
M’s Pop Muzik
Is this the right alley? Hope it helps, I can recommend more or something different if you want. I, um, do not feel guilty about liking this stuff but I am frequently embarrassed by it. 🙂
Finally an American that understands good (European) music (and then she’s embarassed?). Not that there is not great music here, but it is almost impossible for any but the biggest names to break into the American market. Too bad, as people here miss out on a lot of great acts.
Your listing above looks like a pretty random sample on my iPod – you’re missing New Order, though, which was among the greatest electronica bands back then.
The Art of Noise should also be mentioned, along with Yello and Propaganda.
Heh, I get teased a lot because some Americans don’t know how to appreciate the finer things in life and thus my taste in a wide variety of things is generally unpopular here. But me and you, Ask, we could toss back a few hefeweizens and dance like no one was watching. 😉
You could try some of the old German electronic bands from the 70’s and 80’s, such as Kraftwerk or Tangerine Dream.
But of more recent times, try downloading “Eple” by Röyksopp (from their album Melody A.M.).
You can listen to a sample here.
Anything by Ultravox or OMD (Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark). Other good ones, Mannheim Steamroller, Ray Lynch, Human League, Tears for Fears, Eurythmics, and Buggles.
That’s so cute and kind of disgusting all at the same time. He looks naked, which brings up a most unfortunate vision of Karl Rove. Oh, ManE, how could you?
Also, has anyone heard from Damnit Janet since after she got her creeping crud rash diagnosed as poison oak? I remember her saying she couldn’t take the shots due to allergy but I don’t remember anything after that. Hope you’re okay, too, {{Janet!}}
We heard from DJanet afteward and she was doing much better. But, yeah, it would be nice to get a more recent report. If we yell loud enough will she hear us?
Isn’t she getting ready to move, I think, very soon?
I’ve also missed her posts the last week or so (there have been the occasional ones), but figured she’s busy packing, etc.
Well, well..
I had read the thread (much) earlier, but should have scrolled down to discover that the issue was thoroughly clarified by the regulars. Silly, really, to believe that it wasn’t…
It was nice today. Around 50F and so pleasant that I wouldn’t even have had to shave that poor sheep to make a jacket lining, lol. We did have a fire somewhere over around Enterprise today, which freaked me out at first, but the smoke has cleared now so it probably wasn’t forest.
How’s things down closer to the border? Can you guys finally wear pants without sweating to death again? 😉
It was actually the weekend from hell. My husband has so much unused vacation time that he has to use or lose by the end of the year that he has been taking every single Thursday and Friday off for the past month. Since he already had those two days off for Thanksgiving, he decided to take Tuesday and Wednesday off as well. That makes a SIX DAY WEEKEND of togetherness. Which just made it abundantly clear to me that I am one of those women who should not be married. I was ready to open a vein by Thanksgiving day, and by Friday I my eyes just glazed over and I became catatonic, barely nodding when spoken to.
I had fun with my daughter. I’m glad she doesn’t know that I posted a (tiny unrecognizable, right?) photo of her sleeping on the net. And if she knew that I have secret plans to get her and Man Eegee together someday she’d have a fit.
I found this one of me and two of the kids taken at the ocean at about 3 PM one afternoon as massive thunderstorms blew in and it got as dark as midnight. I was pregnant here, but even that doesn’t fully explain why I’m dressed like I live in the People’s Republic of China.
I used to go outside right before storms and lie down on the sidewalk so I could watch the patterns the clouds made. And ignore my mom yelling at me from the porch.
You know, if I could, I’d pack the both of you up right now and take you for some fantabulous girls’ weekend (and no, I don’t mean that kind of girls’ weekend) somewhere really sinful, and then maybe after a couple of days of laughter, wine, wit, and song, we could have this “sexy” conversation in the lighthearted and celebratory way it was intended.
We better be careful, though. Isn’t Indy the girl who likes to run around the town square naked? ‘Cause I’m the girl who gets undressed in the closet…in the dark.
Hi Man Eegee & everyone (I am actually overwhelmed by your concern)
I’m home now, and feeling better — I’m not dizzy. But I am still very concious of my right ear. Not in a pleasant way. It’s not painful, like an earache, it’s more like a distraction.
But, it’ll be nice to be on a couch instead of an office chair tonight.
I actually get dizzy alot due to my wimpy inner ear, which is apparently a family trait. I’m one of those who gets dizzy from turning around too quickly and don’t even get me started on carsickness…even when I’m driving.
I have a tendency to carry around an extra couple drops of water in my inner ear, which makes me dizzy and feeling pukey sometimes. When that happens I just take a decongestant (non-drowsy)and if I’m feeling stuffed up I usually take Rx guafenesin (sp?) which thins down the mucus and lets my body absorb it better. Yum. Anyone ready for dinner now?
Thanks Second Nature! Now I don’t feel like such an ear-freak. I broke my eardrum as a toddler and I’ve always blamed that on my poor balance (although they claim that I made a full recovery). I’ve also wondered recently if it has something to do with this dizzy weird/ear feeling.
I’m going to write down everything you’ve said (later after I’m done with the couch). Because it sounds like good advice.
Maybe in a little while. The couch is calling to me. And I don’t think anything but a nap will please it. (not me, I’d like nothing better than to sit up typing).
They are both great photos. I love kids who love to get dirty.
Long, long ago, I used to take the son of friend of mine off her hands to give her a break. We loved to get messy much to his mother’s dismay. Together we came up with the motto “Dirty feet are good feet.”
Evening all
I was wondering if anyone has any info on Tampopo’s anti-Alito action. Will there be a second diary tonight and/or efforts to reach out to other blogs? I got nothing from dKos last night but then again I’m a nobody over there and maybe it’s too soon after the last you know what between thems and ussins.
I’ve been slacking here in the cafe today, I will be posting something late tonight (after midnight since this is my 2nd diary today) on the Anatomy of a Cross-Blog Protest, hopefully it will jumpstart some ideas.
Cocktails are being served!
Looks wonderful….but it’s only lunch time here on the left coast!
Still working…<pouts>
Save me a nice hot toddy for later…maybe a Tuaca and Coffee…
sad for us huh?
Here, have a raspberry smoothie to hold you over
I’ll sip on one of those smoothies while I finalize this report….
I was gonna opt for a beer, maybe one of the new Leinie Apple Spice line, but those look beter.
Still working here on the right coast too! 😉 Although not at this exact moment.
This bar looks frighteningly like the one in The Shining. Makes me think of those creepy little twins and the blood spilling out of the elevator.
I hope you’ve seen the bunny version, it was Oscar-worthy.
That is a scream! And the twins look exactly the same as I remember them. REDRUM!
I’ll take an Extra Spicy Virgin Mary. . .and I wouldn’t mind having the drink too. . . . ;o)

</center> Ahhh, yes. That’s the ticket.
Hi everyone. How is Tuesday going for you?
I just ate a Payday, I couldn’t resist! What are your guilty pleasures? (a reminder that this isn’t the Toy Shopping thread) hehehe
Ooh, I know, I know. Tawdry celebrity gossip. I know I shouldn’t ever go to places like newsoftheworld.co.uk, or thesun.co.uk, but every so often I just can’t resist.
just watch CNN for awhile. Remember the good ole days when celebrity gossip was confined to Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood? It has infiltrated everything!
(I have a sick obsession with the Surreal Life on VH1)
But that would require me to turn on my TV, which is currently only hooked up to a PS2. When my wife started grad school back in 1995 we figured we could do any two of three, watch TV, sleep, study/write. It was an easy decision and we’ve never looked back. OK, not strictly true. The Daily Show and Whose Line, are both tempting and staples of hotel stays, but there’s nothing else that I really want to see.
Paydays are nice and should not be eaten!
And if we cannot reference our guilty pleasures to anna’s entry, then what is left that is not also illegal?
well that’s no fun at all then… 😉
and I have no guilty pleasures… just pleasures that not all might be down with… or that might not be good for me (smoking being one of them… but beer & cigs while out at a club just can’t be beat… well, until I die I guess…)
The only thing that bothers me is my smoking…but I don’t feel guilty unless it bothers my friends. Then again, I don’t smoke in the house just my car and patio so it’s away from most people.
Guilt is to time consuming…better to have fun and indulge – skip the guilt – more time for fun!
And I agree ‘toys’ are not subject to guilt just fun.
Sally, I would never have imagined you as a smoker. I think cuz you’re so natural and back to the earth in the way that you are. Wow. Now I don’t feel quite so badly about it… 😉 Guilty though, no.
I feel such the hypocrite at times… buying organic and locally, going for grass-fed meats when I do eat them, shying away from chemical-crap-foods, etc. Then, there’s my cigs, and my beers. Ah well, one day. As you said, I’m not quite there yet, nor am I strong enough at the moment to even consider giving those up… I’ve got other more important things to work on at the moment.
And guilty over toys? HAHAHA… I am PROUD of that damnit!
Here’s a great column for ya Spidey, Sallycat too:
I Don’t Want to Stop Smoking from the NYT no less.
A sentiment I embrace…but never indoors.
<pouts some more> that’s a subscription article in NYT – my free login doesn’t work….
Actually I do want to quit…just not strong enough…close but not yet.
Nerdy Link
Camel Cigs = 40+ yrs
Bourbon = Eagle Rare 101 …hic
Cafine = 2 pots a day…(high test)
Visine = 1 bottle a week
Beer = COLD
Sex = Anytime…Anywhere….(when I was young)
Making Repugs Feel Guilty = ALWAYS
peace all ; )
you lurking in the corner Mr. iPig. I think you should direct a new MoveOn commercial using your guilty pleasure list
Otherwise I got no prob w/ this list…maybe add drivin’ fast, but that just cost me large…luckily I don’t have a Z…yet.
Good to see ya!
Peace Bro
A few adjustments here…
– Switch the Bourbon to 15 year old single malt Scotch
– Put Sex back on the anytime / anywhere list
– Cigs only 34 years here…
Yep – that’s a list I can live with….
and I don’t smoke.
Sex, on the other hand… 😉
I have so many guilty pleasures I hardly know where to start. Oooh, wait, I know where to start.
I’m a speed junkie — no, not that kind of speed. High performance sportscars, baby.
I haven’t been able to indulge this passion in years because I became both too sick and too green at the same time, but I don’t even really have a favorite brand. So long as there’s five on the floor, scenery whipping by so fast it’s blurry, and my ass is cradled in soft leather while the radio rocks the house, I’m ecstatic. But I do love those new Mustangs so much that I cannot even allow myself to go test drive one because I’m afraid I’ll just drool and write the check.
My retirement-mobile, dreamin’s free, just what the doctor ordered…Oh Yeah!
The sound that picture just evoked from me was absolutely pornographic, but I don’t know how to spell it, so you’ll have to settle for this mundane reporting of its occurrence. 😉
I believe anna can recommend a toy that will translate that sound for you.
so I might as well list some guilty pleasures: “Daydream Believer” by the Monkees; “The Biggest Loser” on NBC (two-hour season finale in less than two hours!); corny-ass “Mystic Pizza”; working out major life crises via entire conversations with my cat; all those PBS and A&E British inspector shows; occasionally pretending that my husband is George Clooney during sex; weighing in at Weight Watchers on Monday at 6:30 p.m. and then going home and eating Doritos and ice cream non-stop till bedtime, and then starting WW over again Tuesday a.m.; the occasional cigarette; fruity, girly-girl cocktails; blogging when I should be giving my kids a bath; and playing with my kids when I should be working.
Great to have you overboard.
Hey! You did it! This is great. Did you see the music discussion upthread? Or down, depending.
Guilty Pleasures. What a fun theme that would be for a whole Cafe some time. Some of mine are Pringles, McDonald’s coffee, crying EVERY TIME at the end of Out of Africa, and watching Survivor. And I am NOT embarrassed. :P.
My sister was on a flight with Davey Jones of the Monkees a couple of months ago. It was a little plane from Pittsburgh to Harrisburg and she said it was all she could do not to hum “Daydream Believer” out loud during the flight.
Welcome! Welcome! Hope you’re having a lovely time.
Hi, maryb! I have a cousin who goes by that nickname, so this feels a little weird. Fortunately for you, you are not one of my relatives. Welcome to the pond! Especially since you are not one of my relatives.
My guilty pleasure candy bar is Butterfingers. I am helpless. Only the higher power of truffles can save me.
Lips are Red
Bruises are Blue
the number of cafe diaries
on the list is two.
(please unrecommend the previous diary, thanks!)
Fee Fie Foe Fump
Two diaries on the rec. list
make marmotdude a grump
(here’s the link for the stragglers to unrecommend)
My ten year old daughter is suddenly fascinated with songs that use a lot of synthesizers for weird sound effects. Does anyone here have suggestions for music for her? I am thinking the 80’s is the era, but I can’t think of many examples.
Perhaps it is someone’s guilty pleasure? 🙂
I’m tragically unhip, but I think that’s called Techno? There’s tons of it out there. My kids are into irish punk, ska, reggae and things I have never heard of….but like!
About.com 80’s music
Good info here…but lots of pop-ups
Blondie and Donna Summer both used lots of synthesizer stuff….
Heh, let me comb through a certain section of my memory banks.
anything by A Flock of Seagulls
there’s Talk Talk, The Fixx, and The Cure
After the Fire’s Der Kommissar
Nena’s 99 Luft Balloons
let’s see
almost anything by Berlin or Devo
she can try Roxy Music or OingoBoingo
Bow Wow Wow had some weird sounding stuff
Soft Cell’s Tainted Love is legendary
Gary Numan’s Cars
M’s Pop Muzik
Is this the right alley? Hope it helps, I can recommend more or something different if you want. I, um, do not feel guilty about liking this stuff but I am frequently embarrassed by it. 🙂
Tainted Love is an awesome song… 😉
Finally an American that understands good (European) music (and then she’s embarassed?). Not that there is not great music here, but it is almost impossible for any but the biggest names to break into the American market. Too bad, as people here miss out on a lot of great acts.
Your listing above looks like a pretty random sample on my iPod – you’re missing New Order, though, which was among the greatest electronica bands back then.
The Art of Noise should also be mentioned, along with Yello and Propaganda.
Heh, I get teased a lot because some Americans don’t know how to appreciate the finer things in life and thus my taste in a wide variety of things is generally unpopular here. But me and you, Ask, we could toss back a few hefeweizens and dance like no one was watching. 😉
I’d love that! It’s a date.
But for now – just a Paulaner or similar as soon as I get out of this office. Cheers
Berlin! definitely!
Howard Jones is the ultimate synth guy from the 80’s… good messages too.
::hangs head in shame:: How could I forget HoJo?
I’d like to get to know you well
Like to get to know you well
Like to get to know you well
So we can be one, we can be one together…
I just loved the line… don’t try to live your life in one day…
good times, good times… 😉
You could try some of the old German electronic bands from the 70’s and 80’s, such as Kraftwerk or Tangerine Dream.
But of more recent times, try downloading “Eple” by Röyksopp (from their album Melody A.M.).
You can listen to a sample here.
Anything by Ultravox or OMD (Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark). Other good ones, Mannheim Steamroller, Ray Lynch, Human League, Tears for Fears, Eurythmics, and Buggles.
Are you feeling better? I hope you’re hanging in there
That’s so cute and kind of disgusting all at the same time. He looks naked, which brings up a most unfortunate vision of Karl Rove. Oh, ManE, how could you?
(Ditto what he said, Kb.)
He looks like a fetus with a frog face. He’s not even green, for pete’s sake.
Ew. Poor katiebird. She’s going to feel so much worse after seeing this.
Awww, I’m OK
Are you reacting to this?
He’s a slacker. It aint easy bein’ green, ya know. 🙂
Much better. Sorry, ManE. Nice try, though.
I guess now isn’t the time to share the pic of Cheney in the buff
Now how did that get there?
I can handle the ape picture it was the visual of ‘he who shall not be named’ naked….
Need mental eye wash!!!!
[whistling angelicly]
Well I thought it was sweet, ManE.
I hope you’re feeling better, Katiebird!
Also, has anyone heard from Damnit Janet since after she got her creeping crud rash diagnosed as poison oak? I remember her saying she couldn’t take the shots due to allergy but I don’t remember anything after that. Hope you’re okay, too, {{Janet!}}
Yeah, well you would think it’s sweet. 🙂
We heard from DJanet afteward and she was doing much better. But, yeah, it would be nice to get a more recent report. If we yell loud enough will she hear us?
Yeah, well you would think it’s sweet.
You tryin’ to start somethin’, Kansas? Don’t let your fingers post checks your ass can’t cash, now. 😉
How convenient of me to step away from the keyboard for a few hours! Yeah, start somethin’. . .then hide.
Isn’t she getting ready to move, I think, very soon?
I’ve also missed her posts the last week or so (there have been the occasional ones), but figured she’s busy packing, etc.
Well, well..
I had read the thread (much) earlier, but should have scrolled down to discover that the issue was thoroughly clarified by the regulars. Silly, really, to believe that it wasn’t…
We love you anyway. Join us at the campfire!
How’s the cold treating you in Flag?
Thank ewe again!
It was nice today. Around 50F and so pleasant that I wouldn’t even have had to shave that poor sheep to make a jacket lining, lol. We did have a fire somewhere over around Enterprise today, which freaked me out at first, but the smoke has cleared now so it probably wasn’t forest.
How’s things down closer to the border? Can you guys finally wear pants without sweating to death again? 😉
it was a balmy 31 degrees yesterday morning, I thought my nipples would never thaw…oops wrong thread again 😀
Isn’t she on major countdown toward moving day? She probably doesn’t have any time to visit with us 🙁
D’oh! I’m sure you’re right. I miss her, I think she’s a riot.
How was your long weekend? I hope you had a nice time with your daughter and she didn’t have to threaten you for posting those pictures on the net.
It was actually the weekend from hell. My husband has so much unused vacation time that he has to use or lose by the end of the year that he has been taking every single Thursday and Friday off for the past month. Since he already had those two days off for Thanksgiving, he decided to take Tuesday and Wednesday off as well. That makes a SIX DAY WEEKEND of togetherness. Which just made it abundantly clear to me that I am one of those women who should not be married. I was ready to open a vein by Thanksgiving day, and by Friday I my eyes just glazed over and I became catatonic, barely nodding when spoken to.
I had fun with my daughter. I’m glad she doesn’t know that I posted a (tiny unrecognizable, right?) photo of her sleeping on the net. And if she knew that I have secret plans to get her and Man Eegee together someday she’d have a fit.
speaking of posting pics…
I found this one of me and two of the kids taken at the ocean at about 3 PM one afternoon as massive thunderstorms blew in and it got as dark as midnight. I was pregnant here, but even that doesn’t fully explain why I’m dressed like I live in the People’s Republic of China.
right this minute, young lady!
oops, sorry I don’t what came over me — I suddenly found myself channeling my mother.
Ha ha ha. Get in the house during a thunderstorm? Surely you jest.
I used to go outside right before storms and lie down on the sidewalk so I could watch the patterns the clouds made. And ignore my mom yelling at me from the porch.
I knew you and Second Nature were my kinda people. My roommate hides in the bathroom, but I love to be out in the middle of a good thunderstorm.
This explains alot about us, don’t you think?
Storm junkies are a funny breed. Something in the energy of the air, though, all intense and sexy. Hey — that’s us, intense and sexy. 😉
Well…intense anyway.
You speak for yourself, Debbie Downer, I think we’re both sexy as hell. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
and sexy! Yeah!
Did I sound convinced of my own sexiness?
I’ve come back late to this discussion. I was fine on the thunderstorms but I’m gonna fail miserably on any discussion of sexiness.
It’s pretty clear I was just faking it, right? Of course, I’ve had lots of practice…
you looked pretty sexy in that picture with two kids on your lap so I don’t think you were faking it — I think you were faking faking it 😉
Well, I was 28. How can you possibly not be sexy at 28? Especially in retrospect.
You know, if I could, I’d pack the both of you up right now and take you for some fantabulous girls’ weekend (and no, I don’t mean that kind of girls’ weekend) somewhere really sinful, and then maybe after a couple of days of laughter, wine, wit, and song, we could have this “sexy” conversation in the lighthearted and celebratory way it was intended.
Hey, I’m game.
We’re just teasing. Really (okay, almost really).
But let’s just put me down for “intense and goofy”.
I’m up for that weekend, though.
We better be careful, though. Isn’t Indy the girl who likes to run around the town square naked? ‘Cause I’m the girl who gets undressed in the closet…in the dark.
Wow, I better keep my distance from that sentence because there are flirty-dirty jokes packed into it like clowns in one of those circus cars…
think we have any room for jokes this close to the margin.
I know you’re both big teases, I love that about you.
and a telephone call….
They are frantically trying to pack…they need to be in Portland by 12/9 (IIRC). So they have a house to pack, 2 kids and dogs, and DJ has poison oak.
I’ll email or call her tonight…and update everyone tomorrow…
(yikes — the attention)
Hi Man Eegee & everyone (I am actually overwhelmed by your concern)
I’m home now, and feeling better — I’m not dizzy. But I am still very concious of my right ear. Not in a pleasant way. It’s not painful, like an earache, it’s more like a distraction.
But, it’ll be nice to be on a couch instead of an office chair tonight.
You are the best friends ever!

that you’re feeling better 🙂
I actually get dizzy alot due to my wimpy inner ear, which is apparently a family trait. I’m one of those who gets dizzy from turning around too quickly and don’t even get me started on carsickness…even when I’m driving.
I have a tendency to carry around an extra couple drops of water in my inner ear, which makes me dizzy and feeling pukey sometimes. When that happens I just take a decongestant (non-drowsy)and if I’m feeling stuffed up I usually take Rx guafenesin (sp?) which thins down the mucus and lets my body absorb it better. Yum. Anyone ready for dinner now?
Thanks Second Nature! Now I don’t feel like such an ear-freak. I broke my eardrum as a toddler and I’ve always blamed that on my poor balance (although they claim that I made a full recovery). I’ve also wondered recently if it has something to do with this dizzy weird/ear feeling.
I’m going to write down everything you’ve said (later after I’m done with the couch). Because it sounds like good advice.
feeling good enough to play
Maybe in a little while. The couch is calling to me. And I don’t think anything but a nap will please it. (not me, I’d like nothing better than to sit up typing).
I’ll be back soon.
Have a nice rest. We can always play some other day.
Step-kidlet at age 20 mos!
apples don’t fall far from trees….
Like mother like daughter
Grandkidlet – age 17 mos – and yes Mom was watching…
They are both great photos. I love kids who love to get dirty.
Long, long ago, I used to take the son of friend of mine off her hands to give her a break. We loved to get messy much to his mother’s dismay. Together we came up with the motto “Dirty feet are good feet.”
Evening all
I was wondering if anyone has any info on Tampopo’s anti-Alito action. Will there be a second diary tonight and/or efforts to reach out to other blogs? I got nothing from dKos last night but then again I’m a nobody over there and maybe it’s too soon after the last you know what between thems and ussins.
I’ve been slacking here in the cafe today, I will be posting something late tonight (after midnight since this is my 2nd diary today) on the Anatomy of a Cross-Blog Protest, hopefully it will jumpstart some ideas.
You are the man Manny, frozen nipples and all ;o)
If you haven’t yet seen the diary “One Man’s Quest For Peace Through Selling $6 Magnets” by ppdove, go see it now.
The magnets are great! As I commented over there, I saw some and have to get them!
out to the back porch, the FBC Campfire is lit