Hersh, whose New Yorker article “Up In The Air” is rippling across the blogosphere (
but not in the MSM — [editor’s note, by susanhu] Crooks & Liars has video of Hersh on the Today show, and Hersh just appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball), is of course employing irony when he describes Bushco’s view that “the world’s our playpen.”
In his powerful essay, “Cheney’s history needs a revise,” in the Los Angeles Times, Tim Rutten condemned “the linguistic evasions of our home-grown torturers, their accomplices and apologists” — specifically targetting Vice President Cheney and Porter Goss, the director of the CIA.
(And in that list I’ll include Donald Rumsfeld, who’s on my teevee set as I write this and who denies there are “roving death squads” in Iraq. See E&P’s “Journalists Report Evidence of Hundreds of Sunnis Executed in Iraq,” via Howie in Seattle.)
CIA’s Goss … told USA Today: “This agency does not torture. We use lawful capabilities to collect vital information, and we do it in a variety of unique and innovative ways, all of which are legal and none of which are torture.”
Fortunately, some of the people forced to work for Goss have consciences stronger than their stomachs. The interrogation techniques they described to ABC News don’t sound particularly “innovative or unique,” though they do sound exactly like torture …Tim Rutten‘s column, L.A. Times, Nov. 26, 2005
“[C]onsciences stronger than their stomachs” … that’s why former CIA employees like Larry Johnson are vocal about condemning torture.
Sy Hersh described these consciences today to Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!. First, a bit of background. At the conclusion of his New Yorker piece, Hersh wrote:
Meanwhile, as the debate over troop reductions continues, the covert war in Iraq has expanded in recent months to Syria. A composite American Special Forces team, known as an S.M.U., for “special-mission unit,” has been ordered, under stringent cover, to target suspected supporters of the Iraqi insurgency across the border. (The Pentagon had no comment.) “It’s a powder keg,” the Pentagon consultant said of the tactic. “But, if we hit an insurgent network in Iraq without hitting the guys in Syria who are part of it, the guys in Syria would get away. When you’re fighting an insurgency, you have to strike everywhere—and at once.”
(From the reprint at Uruknet)
I searched Google News for any reference to these S.M.U.s, and found nothing except for three links to Hersh’s own article. Amy Goodman is the first journalist to ask Hersh about these units:
AMY GOODMAN: Last question, and that has to do with your last section of your piece on this composite American Special Forces team, known as the S.M.U., special mission unit, in Syria.
SEYMOUR HERSH: Well, there’s more than one. There’s many of them. You know, there’s more than a handful of these units. Some are in Syria, some are other places. These are combined teams that have been set up, so not any one service isn’t involved. And I think, you know, obviously we think that this government believes that when it comes to a high-value target, you know, a potential al-Qaeda or believed al-Qaeda target, we can do anything we want anywhere in the world.And the world’s our playpen.
Then Hersh talks about how the intelligence community feels about these operations:
HERSH: And I can tell you right now, inside the American intelligence community, and I’m talking about high up in the community, there’s a great deal of concern about these kind of operations, because our troop go in and do what they do to people they think are Iraqis — I mean, al-Qaeda. And it’s very rough. And they don’t clear it with either the State Department or the ambassador in the country or the C.I.A. chief of station. It’s a formula for chaos. And it’s going on now. And it’s been going on for quite a while, many months. And it’s a new sort of step-up in the war. And Congress? Do they want to know? I don’t think so.
AMY GOODMAN: And the S.M.U.s, where else are they? The special mission units?
SEYMOUR HERSH: In places where we think there’s – you know, certainly in Iraq, and other places in the world where we think they can do some good. …
I gasped as Hersh kept talking. And so will you. Below the fold, there’s worse that is yet to come, and which we U.S. citizens (and world citizens) will have to brace ourselves for:
Really. Brace yourselves:
AMY GOODMAN: By the way, do you believe that the secret prisons are in Romania and Poland, as Human Rights Watch believes, that the Washington Post won’t name, but exposed?
SEYMOUR HERSH: Well, Amy, I’m actually doing some more work on it. But I will tell you this, the C.I.A. prisons are there. There have been prisons, the C.I.A. has run prisons for many, many years around the world. And I’m sure terrible things happen. But that’s actually not where the real game is. They’re somewhere else.
SEYMOUR HERSH: Other places. I’m — let me do my reporting, and I promise I’ll publish it, and I promise I’ll come and talk to you about it.
AMY GOODMAN: Okay, well, Seymour Hersh, I want to thank you for being with us. His latest piece is in The New Yorker magazine; it is called “Up in the Air: Where is the Iraq War Headed Next?” Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, thanks for being with us.
The real game?
What in the name of god does that mean?
Sy Hersh must write this next story. I hope he can. I pray the New Yorker lets him. They already held him back on the Abu Ghraib story. Let’s see if they come through this next time.
And, don’t miss the entire interview at Democracy Now! where you can watch, listen or read the transcript. (I always prefer to listen, especially to Sy Hersh, because he has a great voice to match his reporting skills.)
P.S. About those death squads that Rumsfeld is pshawwing about, Hersh writes:
The fear is that a precipitous U.S. withdrawal would inevitably trigger a Sunni-Shiite civil war. In many areas, that war has, in a sense, already begun, and the United States military is being drawn into the sectarian violence. An American Army officer who took part in the assault on Tal Afar, in the north of Iraq, earlier this fall, said that an American infantry brigade was placed in the position of providing a cordon of security around the besieged city for Iraqi forces, most of them Shiites, who were “rounding up any Sunnis on the basis of whatever a Shiite said to them.” The officer went on, “They were killing Sunnis on behalf of the Shiites,” with the active participation of a militia unit led by a retired American Special Forces soldier. “People like me have gotten so downhearted,” the officer added.
The ‘real game’ …. my take? Not in the European “secret” prisons, not in the middle east, in is in South America, most notably in Columbia, with incusions into Venezuela, and other various and scumdry dealings…..
Which would explain Cheney’s direct involvement in the “secret” military bases being set up in Paraguay, no?
Say what?
It has issued several very clear statements to the effect that the gunmen deployed to that nation are there solely for the purposes of fighting terror.
Do you have a link for this?
It’s interesting, to say the least, that the US claims that lotsof funding for terrorists come from this tri=border area. Interesting because back in the ’70s and ’80s the US govt. actively supported all the main money-laundering networks in the southern cone of South America, the most prominent of which had been set up and were run by operatives of the notorious P2 (Propaganda Due) cabal based in Italy but with illegal funny-money enterprises all around the globe. These South American money scams were also instrumental in funneling money to the violent regimes in the region who the US supported against Democracy.
Not only is there concern about Bolivia amongst the US warmonger gang, the resurgence of liberal-left democracies and the attempts by thosecountries to seize control of their own economies through regional cooperative ventures like Mercosur threaten to destroy the US’s previously simple access to looting raw materials from the region in ways that have kept those countries poor.
And, linked also to this somewhere along the line is Chavez and the Venezuelan oil fields. Just like the “death squad” methodology we now see taking place in Iraq, I think it’s entirely possible that the US is looking to reintroduce this same murderous scheme back into Latin America again, just like they didin the ’80s.
Do you have a link/source for this?
I’m not naive enough to pretend that this kind of shit has been going on for years, I remember the origins all too well. The difference is not the tactics, or even the scale – it all disgusts me – it is the sheer and utter craziness of those in charge.
I remember struggling to wrap my brain around chaos as a desired outcome. “Oh my God! It’s neocon Helter Skelter!”
These fuckers make Manson look sane.
I wondered why the existence of these “black” CIA facilities was disclosed at that meeting with Congressional Repubs that Cheney addressed. (Funny how Trent Lott’s remarks about that meeting, along with Frists’s reversal on that letter he was writing demanding an investigation, have disappeared from the MSM reportage so completely).
Now these cryptic comments by Sy Hersh reinvigorate my suspicion. I’m virtually certain that whatever mysterious things Hersh is referring to, it’s going to be a very ugly thing.
Fort Benning Georgia (aka The School of the Americas) and other US military installations… MK-ULTRA never stopped and they are training the next group of Manchurian Candidates.
I hope that Sy really watches his back these days. He is treading into very dangerous places. Really, a bodyguard would not be an overreaction. The people who do this dirty secret stuff do not want to be exposed and they will stop at nothing to keep their secrets.
Bless you, Sy Hersh
One has to wonder whether he’s found out that they know he’s onto them, and he specifically said that so if anything DOES happen to him, others will pick up the trail. Sort of like Hugo Chavez speaking out about his belief that the US government has him in their crosshairs.
Now if it was Bob Woodward, I’d say it’s just hype for his next story, of course…
…publicity seems to be the best way to avoid assasination or kidnapping. If the public knows that you’re on to something that the powers-that-be would rather not have disclosed, and you’re suddenly silenced, all kinds of questions start to be asked, and inevitably someone else picks up the trail.
Publicity is probably why Sibel Edmonds is still alive after these past few years. Or she’s got some good bodyguards.
we are rapidly approaching the day when they won’t even care if it is blatantly apparent that they killed someone in a payback/hush-up scenario. These people are no better than shakedown mafia artists after all.
And they are fairly confident the media won’t really investigate, with the added bonus that any rumors about what they may have done make them seem mysterious, powerful and threatening.
But I hope you are right and his fame will protect him.
Is there any country in the world that would give asylum to Sibel Edmonds, so that she could go there and finally say what she knows? It would have to be a place she could stand to live in for the rest of her life of course. Or maybe her travel is restricted these days?
I was just thinking the same thing. I hope he has copious notes, etc. in a safe deposit box. Not that I don’t trust these people, but . . . there’s a lot of evil they would like to protect here.
Whatever Sy has I hope he has a copy of what he has written/will write about “the real game” with someone he trusts. That way if anything happens to him there will be evidence. These are scarey times and sometimes I wonder if we should get better prepared for the big one.
Damn, I slept in this morning & missed this — will have to catch the repeat later. Amy always asks the good questions, eh?
I’ve no idea what “the real game” refers to, but Hersh doesn’t write fluff — it’ll be explosive & scary no doubt. Pure speculation: secret prisons on US soil?
{As far as Paraguay, we have built a humongous air-base in the Tri-border area (where curiously the Rev Moon has extensive holdings atop of S. Am.’s largest aquifer) at Mariscal Estigarribia. Numerous joint military exercises have been held, & of course, we aren’t planning any permanent base there. I believe that Paraguyan military high-brass met in Washingtron w/ Cheney earlier this year. The Bushies have been making noises about “terrorists” in the area for a while now. Feith thought S. America would make a good target in the wake of 9/11. There was also a recent news report that confiscated Chinese-made TOW’s were recently confiscated from a Bolivian army depot, presumably in advance of the possible election of Evo Morales.}
p.s. The Supremes just denied Sibel Edmonds’ appeal.
Do you get Free Speech TV and or LINK TV like I do? Love it.
Btw, HERSH IS ON HARDALL TODAY — he’s on now and it’ll be repeated at 4pm PT.
Can’t run that stuff on my computer, but we can catch it later on access tv or another radio station from the foothills. I already snagged the transcript.
I only had half an ear on the Matthews interview & taped it, but didn’t hear anything new, did you? They’re talking about his article now on Olberman w/ the Bush’s Brain author & the religious destiny theme. It’s cool that all this is getting such play.
I meant that I get to see Amy on my television. I subscribe to DISH satellite, and it comes with a lot of atypical channels such as Free Speech TV and LINK TV + UC Santa Barbara and some other cool ones.
FSTV runs Amy’s show at 5am, 9am, noon, 4pm, and 9pm. LINK runs it at 8am, 3pm, and one other time.
So, there are at least 8 times daily when I can watch it on TV — which is a neat way to do it since she uses a lot of good video footage.
Nothing much new on Matthews … it wasn’t an in-depth interview like Amy did.
Sorry I missed Keith… was picking up my daughter. I’ll try to catch him later.
I think it’s especially terrific that Hersh got on the Today Show. People like him need to get more more mass television programming.
P.S. If any of you ever subscribe to DISH, please use me as your referral and I’ll get a referral discount! (We got in in 2000 when we moved here, and would never go back to cable.)
check out rev moon and paraguy aquifers