I posted this a while ago at my own Blog (B4 I found the pond!) and thought it might be relevant.
We have all read the ongoing fish story (it keeps getting bigger and bigger!) of Republican Randy “The Duke” Cunningham getting a nice profit of $700,000 from Mitchell J. Wade, “the defense contractor whose firm, MZM Inc., saw its number of government contracts soar in the months immediately after the home sale.”
Cunningham, obviously feeling a little seasick from the accusations, has hurled noxious reasoning at the situation in claiming that he is the most ethical human on the face of the earth:
“My whole life I’ve lived aboveboard,” Cunningham said. “I’ve never even smoked a marijuana cigarette. I don’t cheat. If a contractor buys me lunch and we meet a second time, I buy the lunch. My whole life has been aboveboard and so this doesn’t worry me.”Sure you buy them lunch, just like I am buying your story. Now the sharks are circling in a feeding frenzy around a deal that involves the “rental” of a 42 foot yacht, “The Duke-Stir”, owned by Wade.
Cunningham since April 2004 has been living on Wade’s yacht in Washington. The congressman said that in lieu of rent, he paid more than $8,000 in dock fees and $5,000 for upkeep on Wade’s boat.We can set aside the dock fees, because Cunningham rented space for his own boat at the Potomac River marina for years before he moved into Wade’s boat. According to Cunningham’s accounting, that $5,000 over the last 14 months amounts to $357 a month.
Unless we are missing something, this looks like a sweetheart deal, with Cunningham paying far less than market rent, to say nothing of the true maintenance and depreciation costs of a fancy boat.
$357 dollars per month for a luxurious yacht? “Sweetheart deal”? You have got to be kidding right? Why even bother charging at that price? Around here that will get you a cardboard box in a park to live in.
Now, I am in a pretty generous mood today, so I will be nice enough to allow Cunningham the luxury of claiming the docking fees as a “legitimate” part of his rental fee. That would make $13,000 for 14 months of living on the “Duke-Stir”. Being in a generous mood I will say that is about $930 per month. ($928.57 per month, to be precise)
Considering my wife and I pay about 2 grand per month on our mortgage that $930 per month seems a little bit skewerd for a luxury yacht charter?
Heck! My friends and I are looking at paying about a grand to charter a fishing boat for a day. It’s a nice fishing boat, but it is not a yacht… So my mortgage really seems WAY too generous a comparison.
I found a nice charter service running out of Annapolis, Maryland, to try and do an honest comparison of how much a yacht would typically cost to charter. I chose only the yachts on the list that were within a few feet of the 42 foot Duke-Stir’s length.
Name————-Length—7 Days—14 Days
Ray Sea Lady——-39——2745—–4886
Wind Walker——–43——2196—–3909
Carolina———–43——3111—–5538To make this comparison as fair as possible I have also chosen the least expensive yacht on this list of comparable yachts, the Wind Walker, to base some (not so) fun calculations on.
At $3909 for a 2 week charter you would have to figure that it would come in at $7818 for 28 days… But continuing to be in a generous mood I will call that the full monthly charter cost. (Man! Am I ever generous today, huh?)
That means that to charter a yacht like the “Duke-Stir” it would cost $109,452 for 14 months, at the minimum by my more-than-generous calculations. Subtract the generous $13,000 that Cunningham claims to have paid in “rent” and you are looking at what is an extremely generous gift to Cunningham from Wade of…
Keep in mind that this generously low calculation of Wades “Duke-Stir” gift is just tip of the iceberg when compared to the titanic $700,000 house warming gift that will sink Cunningham.
Kind of makes you want to hurl when Cunningham says, “My whole life I’ve lived aboveboard,” eh? It is time to throw this ethically challenged Republican overboard. Feed him to the circling sharks. I am certainly being more than generous in that thought than he deserves…
Update: This is an excerpt from a signonsandiego.com news story where they do an indepth evaluation of the actual value of Cunningham’s home:
Cunningham previously lived in the same slip aboard a 65-foot yacht called the Kelly C. Coast Guard records list Cunningham as the owner of the Kelly C.
In 1998, when Cunningham was living aboard the Kelly C, he used his position on the defense appropriations subcommittee, which oversees the District of Columbia’s budget, to earmark $3 million to refurbish the waterfront where the yacht was docked.
Shortly after Congress approved the funding, Cunningham told Copley News Service he was fulfilling his duties as a member of the subcommittee.
It was not, he said then, because the beautification project would benefit an area he calls home when he is working in the nation’s capital. It was, he said, because then-Speaker Newt Gingrich “said he wants to make D.C. a shining city, and so I said, ‘OK, . . . I want to clean up the waterfront’ . . . not for Duke Cunningham,” he added. “I haven’t got a nickel invested.”
As Cunningham’s office tries to deal with questions about Wade’s yacht, a controversy continues to swirl around the sale of the congressman’s Del Mar house. Real estate professionals in San Diego have questioned the sale’s circumstances, saying their review of the comparable sales do not support the price that Wade paid Cunningham in November 2003.
Go read the entire story… It has a nice pic of the luxury yacht, Duke-Stir. It also makes a mockery of Cunningham’s “aboveboard” life.
With Katherine Harris now tied into MZM it just seemed relevant, and since everyone seems to downplay the free use of the boat “The Duke Stir”. They have obviously never tried to charter one. They are outrageously expensive. It adds up to about another $100,000.00 to pad his retirement.
NEW YORK (Sept. 30, 2005) — Veritas Capital, a leading private equity firm focused on the defense and federal sectors, announced today it has completed the previously announced agreement to purchase selected assets of MZM, Inc., a provider of services to the national security community. Financial terms of the acquisition have not been disclosed.
… acquired through a newly created subsidiary, Athena Innovative Solutions, Inc. James C. King, a former three-star general who became president of MZM after Wade stepped down in late June, has been picked to head Athena.
Veritas Capital is a private equity investment firm headquartered in New York. Founded in 1992 by Robert B. McKeon, Veritas invests primarily in defense and aerospace related companies. Veritas’ portfolio of companies include, or have included, DynCorp International, Integrated Defense Technologies, Vertex Aerospace, McNeil Technologies, The Wornick Company, and TRAK Communications, among others. Veritas is dedicated to providing the highest level of critical services and equipment to the defense and federal sectors around the world.
New York-based Veritas has close ties to the government and military.
“We are particularly enthusiastic about the involvement of the Veritas Capital Defense and Aerospace Advisory Council with Athena. Having access to and receiving guidance from members of the Advisory Council such as the Honorable Richard Armitage, Gen. Richard Hawley, Gen. Barry McCaffrey, Admiral Joseph Prueher, Admiral Leighton Smith and Gen. Anthony Zinni will enhance the company’s commitment to corporate integrity and will provide us a unique strategic perspective as we grow the company.”
Its advisory council includes Richard Armitage, a former deputy secretary of state in the Bush administration; Gen. Barry McCaffrey, who headed the Clinton administration’s war on drugs; and Gen. Anthony Zinni, who headed U.S. military operations in the Middle East in the Clinton administration.
≈ Cross-posted from SusanHu’s story :: Cry Me A Briber ≈
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Veritas sounds like it has another “Carlyle Group” thing going on. Hiring insiders to get the acess. Insiders that support the whacko policy of “war for profit”, of course.
Add the mercenaries, and the U.S. DoD and the Pentagon can fight their personal wars of democracy without approval and oversight of Congress.
We should keep track of the so-called security corporations, which are nothing less than French Legionnaires, British Ghurkas or Attila’s Huns.
Not empire building, rather destruction of civilization or the spread of disease and death.
GANNON WAR II ¶ OPEN a 2nd FRONT of ATTACK ¶ Who We Missed!
Biological and Chemical Weapons (BCW)
Remarks of National Intelligence Council Chairman
John C. Gannon
November 16, 1998
Be sure to look at the timeline of ANSER Homeland Security coming into existence.
| ANSER | ANSER Homeland Security | John C. GANNON | INTELLIBRIDGE CORP. |
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Good job, CM1! If you didn’t write this diary, then I would have been more than happy to do so.
A few good quotes, courtesy of The Unauthorized Randy “Duke” Cunningham Page
Oh, I remember both of these incidents:
Funny how it’s not patriotic to criticize Shrub, but you could talk about shooting Pres. Clinton:
There are many more quotes, of course, but this one is perhaps the best:
Which shows he was crying yesterday only ‘cuz he was caught.
What a foul, nasty, filthy piece of work. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Anyone questioning his getting campaign donor ADCS a Pentagon contract “can go to hell” [Union-Tribune 12/15/1997; 6/25/2005].
When people start talking like that you know the guilty verdict is just up on the horizon.
I know that I wrote this when the “House scandal” was just fresh, but I think that too many people people ignore the real value of the boat. I also think that the left Blogosphere should spend any downtime due to lulls in political activity rehashing scandals and keeping them fresh in the voters minds over the next year.
Reminding everyone about all of the scumbags in the GOP will only help in the leadup to ’06 and ’08. Susanhu’s diary yesterday tying in Harris to MZM is just another reason to throw some more gasoline on the fire. Sit back and watch the GOP burn! lol
Good riddance to bad rubbish for sure. He was my congressperson. Many times I emailed him about issues and the responses were so condescending. I took great pleasure in his fall yesterday. May he rot in prison.I look forward to supporting Francine Busby next year.
Many times I emailed him about issues and the responses were so condescending.
Just make sure you send him one extremely condescending letter to welcome him to his new prison digs… Make sure to mention that his wife is sleeping with real “Liberal” men (and women too!) while he is locked up. (snicker)
Oh you are truly evil…lol! Thanks for the idea. I am going to send him a real nice Bon Voyage card.
Glad to see the relevant information is now published at Daily Kos!
Brent Wilkes & Mitchell Wade – Bagmen in the Successful Plot to Take Over the United States and Enrich GOP Officeholders
I hope you are sitting down when you read this. The Duke Cunningham scandal goes much deeper than just the $2.4 million in bribes being reported by the media. There is a lot the media is not telling you.
The. Biggest. Scandal. Ever!
Phony Front Companies Cycle Millions Back to GOP! ◊ by Sherlock Google
Sat Dec 10, 2005 at 09:48:20 AM PDT
link is to story only » separately you can read the 350+ comments
My diaries at dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
The Duke Of Hurl! ◊ by Connecticut Man1
Mon Nov 28th, 2005 at 11:12:22 PM PST
Mon Nov 28th, 2005 at 08:44:05 PM PST
Also @BooMan read my diaries on the corruption and spy network Israel – Mossad – AIPAC – Congressional Bagmen plus the – archived diaries -.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The. Biggest. Scandal. Ever!
Phony Front Companies Cycle Millions Back to GOP! ◊ by Sherlock Google
Sat Dec 10, 2005 at 09:48:20 AM PDT
Sherlock Google may be writing on this now. But Cannonfire (and another Kossack. I forget who?) were covering this last week… And were asking for help to dig up as much as possible on this story because there are so many leads to follow. I guess Sherlock Google is as good a good blogger as any if you are hoping someone will answer the call and start digging into a story that is really busting at the seams.
It is huge.
Great stuff!
I added indirect link to Cannonfire as was commented by wanderindiana as diarist at ePluribus Media.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY