Mmmmmmm…. breakfast
After reading DT’s gross food diary I decided to dedicate my first FBC to yummy breakfast foods…
yum biscuits and gravy this is not “pretty food”… but you are bound to lick your fingers after a plate full.
Another of my family’s favorite breakfast is cooked rice for breakfast. There was nothing better as a child to have cooked rice with butter and sugar drenched in evaporated milk… don’t ask where this came from… so far I have only seen my family eat it this way.
Breaking the fast is celebrated throughout the world. Our UK cousins go for the “Full English”
I could never get past the baked beans for breakfast… they are forever associated with hot dogs to my stomach.
One of my favorite places to have breakfast is in Turkey. They served a flat-ish bread, white soft cheese, tomatos (that taste like tomatos), olives and oranges (that tasted like oranges from 30 years ago in the US)…. and of course the best coffee in the world. .
Another favorite was made for me by a Malaysian friend. It was a kind of a rice porridge with strips of chicken, fresh ginger and lettuce… there is nothing better to start a chilly day fortified with a belly full of fresh ginger…
I could go on and on… breakfast is my favorite meal of the day… sadly it is not something I celebrate often … I usually just have a coffee and pastry in the morning at my desk… while opening my emails….
What is your favorite breakfast….?
Good morning, Parker!
Favorite breakfast…belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Or crepes with baked apples and cinnamon inside.
Usual breakfast…poached eggs, and oatmeal with peach butter from the local organic/heirloom orchard swirled in.
Ohhhh lovely
WoW CabinGirl, That sounds great — both ideas. My usual breakfast now is Kashi cereal with milk and a cup of coffee. My traditional favorite breakfast, however is toast and melted cheese (which I could eat a loaf at a time).
peach butter?
Peach butter is like apple butter, only better. Cinnamony, not too sweet, and peachy.
mmmmmm…..peach butter……always grab some when in amish country…or at reading terminal market.
Yummy! I often do a bagel with melted cheese myself. Anything with cheese…
cheese. . . .
Now, I have a slice on my sandwich every Saturday afternoon.
And that’s it.
During the two for-work trips that I made to Belgium, one interesting thing I learned is the Belgians don’t eat those waffles for breakfast — they have them for tea at about 2:00 p.m.
Which made me happy — I liked eating them then much better. I love breakfast food, just not for breakfast. I don’t like starting the day feeling full and heavy but I love breakfast stuff for dinner. If I was home, I’d post my favorite whole wheat waffle recipe which we only make for dinner.
Andi! Good Morning!!
Where are you today?
Good morning to you. Are you feeling better?
I’m in Reading, MA, which is part of the technology ghetto along rte. 128.
Andi, Yes — I feel much, much better. No dizziness at all.
I’m wondering if it wasn’t related to a bit of dehydration? I usually drink a liter of water in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. But, for some reason (distraction?) I didn’t on Monday. I think I drank only a little more than a liter all day.
And it seems to me that could have made all my fluids a bit thicker and thus my clogged ear.
Yesterday, I made sure to drink a bit more water than normal and today — I feel better!
Water is often the first thing I try.
What AndiF said. Dizziness gone, etc?
Hi Kelly! Yes I feel much better, thanks.
(I owe it all to water)
i like breakfast for dinner too….i have lots of memories of being at the jersey shore during a hurricane and having a big breakfast dinner with the lights out.
have you ever had brussels waffles? we used to have a belgium waffles and ice cream store on the boardwalk in wildwood nj and we served brussels waffles….ive never seen them anywhere since….they are very sweet with a lot of corn syrup in the batter….i loved them served with vanilla ice cream and spiced peaches.
well I had waffles in Brussels, does that count? And they were sweet (I suspect it wasn’t corn syrup, though) and served with jam.
Breakfast is a favorite dinner around here…especially if we go out to Cereality!
Favorite? Isn’t something I’m focusing on with food lately. But, it probably says something that I consider Biscuits and Gravy to be just about the most dangerous meal on the planet.
I first had it when I spent a year living in Topeka (the name means “a fine place to dig potatoes”), KS. They served it as one of the breakfast choices in the State Office Building cafeteria.
I thought it was almost worth living in Topeka to have access to that cafeteria. Not quite however, and that’s probably another story.
Oh boy that good huh… my uncle would have said that the cooks “Jumped in with both feets”
They really know how to make Biscuits and Gravy in Topeka. There used to be (I’m not going to look it up to see if it’s still there) a place called Poor Richard’s where you could get them in the middle of the night (this is the first place I ever saw people ask for gravy for their french fries). Can you imagine eating a giant platter of Biscuits and Gravy then going to bed?
Can you imagine
Yeah … it is like going to Ben’s Chili Bowl in DC after partying all nite and eating their french fries smothered in CHILI…whew… pleasant dreams…
That’s half of how I gained a lot of weight my senior year in college. . .the other half was all the beer that went before the 3 a.m. breakfasts.
I lurve hot grits w/melted cheese on them.
Parker, this is so cool to wake up and find your first Cafe here!!
Cabin the Younger would agree with you…his eyes light up whenever we’re somewhere where he can order biscuits and gravy!
i never got the appeal of bisquits and gravy….nor do i get chipped beef on toast…..blech.
Well I had a great grandmother who made biscuits from scratch twice a day for breakfast and dinner. My great grandfather was highly pissed off if he had to eat “light” bread (aka store bought bread). This was rural, rural, rural Oklahoma…
She had a huge metal can with a lid for her flour in which she kept also her sifter. I remember oneday she threw out a new package of flour because there were no meal bugs in the flour… her reasoning was “If the bugs don’t eat it why should we”… very smart woman.
She was the first environmentalists I had even known before I knew there was such an “advocation”. She became quite nervous at the fact that people were “taking more out of the earth… than putting back”. She washed paper plates because the concept of throwing them away to her was foolish and wasteful….
And red-eye gravy, made with coffee, is the best, imo. Served really really hot.
I grew up eating rice for breakfast, with hot milk poured over and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. It tastes like rice pudding. We still use up leftover rice that way.
Today is my son’s 18th birthday! And I’m taking him in a few minutes to get his authentic, adult-type drivers license. Then he’ll drop me off and I’ll watch him drive away to school, alone in the car for the first time, and my heart will be in my throat all day. Not to mention every time he’s out in the car for the next year or so.
that the day’s of muscle cars is over. Our 1968 pontiac tempest (and this ain’t no GTO) had a 350 cu. in. engine and could do 120 mph without so much as a shudder. Ah, the rubber I laid.
Good thing Indy isn’t up this early or she’d jump all over that last sentence. I have much too much class to do that.
We bought him a 95 Volvo WAGON! This thing is bulletproof and built like a tank. I read online reviews from owners who said that they’d been hit by semis or rolled over 6 times and walked away without so much as a scratch.
I’ve been laying down laws like absolutely no cell phone use while in the car. No passengers without my prior approval. And no loud music. Geez, next I’ll have to remove the bubble wrap I encased him with when he was 2.
My ex had a Volvo wagon, and he can vouch for it’s safety-he drove it into a tree (moral of the story: don’t go to the bar for hours and then and drive home during a hurricane), and walked away with cuts.
The car wasn’t so lucky.
Hard to believe a moral like that actually needs a story but I guess that’s probably partially why the first words in it are “My ex…” 😉
Thankfully, that happened 7 years post-marriage. I saw the train coming from a long way off and got off the tracks, if you know what I mean…
I am capable of showing restraint, you know.
Big congrats to your boy on reaching legal manhood. He looks smart, hopefully he’ll minimize the dumb mistakes we all have to make in order to learn.
mmmm… I am going to have to try the cinammon…
Happy Birthday to your sone… there is a dynamic about boys and cars… that stays with them for the rest of their lives… perhaps it is a hold over from the hunter gatherer days.
Boyz ‘n’ Cars. . .I always felt my son was born with car keys in his little fist and that all those years before he got his license he was just waiting for the marmot to arrive.
Happy birthday to your son!
A Happy Birthday to your son! An 18 year old driver – isn’t it weird being able to remember being the 18 and now being the mom? I get “time vertigo” sometimes, especially when “classic rock” is playing on the radio!
Had an experience with the other end of the driving spectrum – this past weekend I rode with my 79 year old dad driving. He did pretty well, but…
…and I stopped riding with him driving 20 years ago. The last time I was so frightened I kept gasping and clutching the arm rest on the door. He floors the gas pedal and then slams the brakes to achieve an average speed of 45. He came soooo close to rear-ending or being rear-ended that I broke out in a sweat.
Sounds like you’ve raised him right and he’ll do fine…
Congrats on raising a good and responsible kidlet!
Rice with raisins, milk, and sugar was one of my favorite breakfasts when I was a kid. Major league comfort food.
I would go to the local ABC store and get half a papaya with a lemon slice, and a musubi (rice ball wrapped in seaweed.) Great healthy breakfast!
mmmm having mine now….stoneyfield yogurt, crushed pineapple and grape nuts….in a little while ill have some scrambled eggs….when i want to lose weight fast this is one of two breakfasts i eat…the other is oatmeal cooked in milk with a banana, some raisins and vanilla and 2 scrambled eggs on the side….it takes me an hour to eat a breakfast like this so i cant do it on the run…if im on the run i have a myoplex lite protein bar and a quick glass of milk.
on the weekends i dont eat like im on a diet…that would be sacriledge…so breakfast is pancakes and bacon and pastries and strata and bread puddings and every other special thing i can manage…..and there is usually whipped cream involved. with a cherry. i usually head into the kitchen yelling “eggs!!!!! i need eggs!!!!!…..cotton is the eggman coming today? he has brown eggs and white eggs and large eggs and medium eggs. i love the eggman.” anybody know what movie that is from?
if im on the road im treating myself to an egg mcmuffin
when i visit my parents my dad always makes scrapple….nice and crispy served with ketchup on a bagel.
if im in philly my favorite breakfast place is the morningglory diner….i love their fritatta even if it does take hours for them to make the damn thing. forget the melrose….everybody who knows DOES NOT go to melrose…their breakfasts suck…but their buttercream cake is soo good.
if im in jersey its the penn queen diner….huge breakfasts and they will make anything special i want… their decaf coffee is soooo good….im not a coffee drinker but i love theirs.
when i lived in the south i was forced to eat those damn grits….ugh…..that is the grossest thing ever. id take the kids to waffle house alot cause it was cheap…..but the food is so greasy id spend the rest of the day on the toilet.
my dad is part norwegian and his dad used to make this norwegian breakfast on special sundays….new years morning in particular before we got ready for the mummers parade (we lived on the parade route in south philly)….it was boiled cod, boiled potatoes, raw onions, bacon, and bacon grease…..all piled up on your plate and mushed together….i called it compost.
my italian mother sometimes makes polenta for breakfast…..fried mush she calls it….its as bad as grits to me….cant we just eat leftover pizza and ziti for breakfast? when she was little she says the big family special breakfast was brains and eggs…..luckily that tradition died. one tradition i look forward to is christmas morning breakfast…its leftovers from the 7 fishes dinner from the night before….nothing like warmed up fried calamari, shrimp scampi, and all the other fishy things.
ductape my dad makes the rice thing….its leftover cooked rice with milk, sugar and cinnamon…..he says they ate it during the depression.
and i must have tea….right now my favorite is bigelow vanilla hazelnut…with half and half….not fat freee either (which is nothing but non fat milk, sugar, and algae)…usually im an earl grey girl but this vanilla hazelnut has me hooked.
Anna, you always cheer me up.
And don’t you mean: “Edible panties taste like crack”?
haha thats a good one 🙂
My Italian grandpa used to relish that breakfast. I was horrified by it then and nearly swallowed my tongue when I read your post. I got a good look one morning at what grandma had in that pan and nearly tossed my cookies… it looked as bad as it sounds.
That was when my brother explained to me that it was all part of the same animal that we ate… cow. Instead of making me feel better about brains, it turned me off to meat. I was very very young (6 or 7) and my mother had something to say about that. I didn’t go veggie until well into adulthood but never forgot those brains sizzling in the pan.
Anna, you give me a giggle when I least expect it.
when i was getting my agriculture degree back in the 80s…as i took a class, i’d stop eating that food…i mean when you study the poultry industry and realize that eggs are chicken vagina juice…or you cant sleep at night because you can still hear the screams of the pigs as they are herded up the ramp to their deaths….you just cant keep eating the food….by the time i was done i was a vegetarian…but then i moved back to the philly area and im sorry but i cant be a vegetarian when there are cheesesteaks to be eaten.
Our food tastes are so opposite. I love grits. Loathe anything hazelnut. Can’t fathom fish for bfast. I hope this doesn’t mean I’d like the taste of edible panties!
Of course the perfect bfast food is pie. I prefer fruit, fresh from the fridge.
Now I know what to get Kansas for Christmas — a rainbow sampler box of edible panties.
I just discovered how hard it is to laugh out loud and go ewww at the same time.
i wonder if they make fish flavored panties
More practice going lol and ew simultaneously.
Well my childhood favorite was Mom making baked rice pudding with lots of cinnamon and raisins for breakfast. (A basic custard and rice)
As an adult I’m a bacon junkie and French Toast for breakfast person. Although I only eat it out about once a month because of cholesterol and salt.
Sometimes I love those giant cinnamon rolls dripping in icing and cinnamon.
hmmm….cinnamon….I see a pattern here! ;^D
Mostly I eat scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, fruit, and black coffee.
Sallycat, if you love bacon and are adventerous, try some Morning star farms veggie bacon. I do it up in a drop or two of olive or canola oil and it crisps up beautifully. My carnivore husband loves it on club sandwiches. It is lower in salt and has no cholesterol. It’s the absolute best brand of veggie bacon.
I like it, too. And SallyCat, do you ever put a drop or two of vanilla in your French toast recipe? Yum.
I can’t imagine making it without vanilla….and then dusting with cinnamon just before the final turn on the griddle!
All this talk of food…I’m heading for the cafeteria in about 10 minutes for real food! The campus always has bacon and if I’m lucky they’ll have french toast this morning!
Thank you for hosting Parker.
Your rice for breakfast pulled me in. We would eat it that way too – still do!
I remember as a kid having bread toasted and pulled into bite-sized pieces with milk and sugar. A few years ago I realized my mom must have made it when we were out of cereal until “payday” and shopping. I thought it was a delicacy!
Isn’t that funny… because these “real” foods are so much tastier and CHEAPER than the boxes of empty carbohydrates… I swear the increase of box cereals is relative to the increase of ADD in chidren.
Gee, guess what? All these talk of yummy scrambled eggs made me just go make some. I’m actually trying them with a bit of cream cheese in them this morning, as someone recently suggested to me. Usually, it’s just a lil milk and perhaps a dash of soy sauce.
And biscuits and gravy?? YUM!!
Oh, and green tea with peach, that’s yummy too. Though this morning it’s just water.
Ohhhh…. an omelette stuffed with cream cheese tomatoes, green peppers, mushrooms and sprouts… (let me pull out A in P’s x-mas list!!!!)
Good morning to all! The best breakfast, cold pizza, but it has to have been sitting in the box all night. (College practices die hard, even when you’re 40 something.)
Beat me to the punch here. Cold pizza is fabulous. But hot fresh garlic cheese bread is even better. Or if I’m going out and someone else is doing the cooking, Mexican breakfast eggs with chorizo sausage, refried beans, and Spanish rice, all on a tortilla with hot sauce.
Mexican breakfast eggs with chorizo sausage, refried beans, and Spanish rice, all on a tortilla with hot sauce.
Aye aye aye… Dios mio !!!!
Does hanging out at the Cafe this morning count as taking seconds?
Mmmmm…breakfast…the spouse and I are going out to breakfast this morning, after he gets his paperwork done at the clinic to get back to work next week. (He has to wait till afterward to get his coffee anyway.) Usual breakfast around here is cold cereal and juice; occasionally I’ll have an English muffin with light cream cheese instead. Working days, breakfast tended to be a donut and milk at work, which is one reason I’m glad to be gainfully unemployed; it removes the temptation.
My favorite home breakfast is my version of an Egg McMuffin:
Take 1/4 cup of egg substitute (Second Nature eggs are good — no connection with our own Second Nature AFAIK), put it in a glass custard cup sprayed with olive oil cooking spray, and microwave for about 1 minute 20 seconds. (You can add a few herbs before cooking.) While the egg’s cooking, toast one English muffin (Orowheat muffins are good, and high in fiber). When the egg is done, put it on the toasted English muffin, and add one slice of cheese (you can also add a thin slice of ham or Canadian bacon if you want), then put back in microwave and heat for about 10 seconds (to help melt the cheese).
Great, now I’m hungry…can I hold out till mid-morning? We’ve got some fresh fruit salad and cottage cheese in the fridge…think I’ll have that to tide me over…
The idea of confronting solid food first thing in the morning makes me barfy. I want caffiene, caffiene, a glass of milk and then some more caffiene.
Later around 10 or 11am, I start to feel hungry and will then have a poached egg, a slice of toast and a fruit juice like red grapefruit or tomato.
When we’re on the road, Hubby likes to get out early and then about 11am we find a Cracker Barrel. He actually keeps a Cracker Barrel location map in his glove compartment! He orders up this huge feast; I think it’s called the Old-Timer’s Favorite. It’s got everything: eggs, pancakes, grits, biscuits with gravy, bacon, sausage and fried apples. Makes me queasy just watching him dig in. Recently, they added something new — thick slices of sour dough bread with a biscuit-cutter hole in the middle where they plop an egg and grill the slice on both sides. Really yummy.
I used to do that for my kids; I used a cookie cutter shaped like a star and that thought it was so cool.
Egg-in-a-nest! CtY had one this morning!
I agree, caffeine for 2 hours, then breakfast.
That’s what it’s called; I couldn’t remember!
I also used to make them something I called Baby Benedicts: In a small bowl, put in a layer of toast that’s been cut up into cubes, sprinkle with crumbled bacon, put a poached egg on top and pour on some Hollandaise sauce.
Eggs Benedict is one of my Brunch favorites. A couple of years ago I was making some for myself and Hubby. I had already broken the eggs for the sauce when I discovered that I didn’t have any lemon juice. But, I did have ruby red grapefruit juice and I thought, hey, it’s almost the same — it’s citrus, it’s acid, it should work. And, boy, did it! It makes the Hollandaise slightly sweet and adds a coral-colored glow to it. Now, that’s the only way I make it!
mmm…eggs benedict. maybe I need to make that this weekend…and I have the Ruby Reds already!
i always called that eggs on an island
And we call it rocky mountain toast, though I don’t know why.
What is your favorite meal or snack of the day?
When writing this it was a toss up between breakfast foods and snacks… Breakfast won because I make embarrassing snacks that I am too ashamed to say in public…. well the least offensive one involves microwave popcorn. After popping I put it in a bowl making sure to sift out the unpopped kernals… then I grate real cheddar cheese over it and popping it back into the microwave for a minute… this is absolutely shameful… but that is as far as I go confessing my glutonous sins.
It sounds divine! But, your fingers get messy, don’t they?
Oh the better to lick them my dear…
Edible fingers taste like cheese.
I confess to having made popcorn with a bit of bacon grease thrown in.
We can move on to snacks mid-day!
And I have a list of really disgustingly yummy thinks that are ‘cravings’ at home….
you twisted my arm… ouch.
thats actually pretty healthy
when i make microwave popcorn i either add some meted butter, olive oil, garlic and parmesan cheese or melted butter and caramels….now thats disgusting
one day my girlfriend who lives in this building also brought home marshmallow popcorn….she had already eaten one bowl of it herself and she finished mine….thats was just toooooooo tooooooooo much….i want tot kick her little size six ass right out of the house.
I’ve always wondered why they don’t make microwave popcorn in more flavors than just butter or caramel. Like herbs and parmesan. Or cheddar and bacon. Yum.
cheddar and bacon
ohhhh…. you are giving me ideas…
I already do the cheddar but adding bacon…. SINFUL!!!!
the spouse and I need to get better sleeping habits, especially with him returning to work next week, is so I can get back on better eating habits, especially in the breakfast department. When I miss breakfast for whatever reason, I end up eating waaaay too much at lunch, and it’s usually stuff that’s not all that healthy. Having something light in the morning keeps me honest the rest of the day, especially if I have some protein; we also keep the Brown N Serve Lite sausages on hand, as they microwave up quickly and make a great protein source.
Ha. Caffeine. I know you’ll all be ready to start throwing eggs at me (pls not again!)…my favorite breakfast: coffee and cigarettes. (don’t even start. I’m a happy smoker dammit, hand-rolled samson).
But it’s fun to LOOK at the food. 😉
Anyway. It’s there such a thing as a BooMan filter? Or just a blog filter. Like something that restricts access.
I’m checking out to get some work done here.
A couple of days ago I was in a car with my ex and he rolled down his window a little bit (it took YEARS to train him to do even that much) and smoked in the car. I started to feel the old anger and resentment rise and then I thought, wait a minute, anger and resentment can probably kill me even faster than smoke can. So then I thought, what the hell, I’ll just enjoy this brief chance to get to smoke again! So I did, lol. The resentment disappeared and we had a good-humored morning conducting some business for our son. And I figure if his smoke ever kills me it won’t be because of that one cigarette, it’ll be the other ones over the almost l6 years we were together.
Am am in awe of people who can talk to ex husbands/wives. And that you could get in a car and drive around with him — wow!
That would be absolutely impossible in our family.
Well, I’m lucky, even if he is a Republican. He’s a basically decent person and he loves his son.
Well, even so — it’s extremely brave and admirable.
On another note, if a person was going to read a book by T.J. MacGregor, where should they start.
Anywhere. She’s consistently terrific. But a person could wait and then start with the one I bring her the next time we get together for coffee. If a person reminds me.
Ummmm! That sounds like a good idea. I’ll try to remember to do the reminding!
im hooking mine up with dates….he hasnt had sex in at least 5 years.
as long as he takes care of my medical benefits i will allow him to live.
Ha! I would have fixed my ex up, too, if I could have. Fortunately, he’s now happily remarried.
Now that’s a great way to get the ex out of your hair!
I work for ex, live in his business location, but ride around with him in car, no way….just kidding, sort of, but I just don’t like to be that close to him…at family functions I try to always be placed at the other end of the table, at Thanksgiving Dinner, everyone rushed to sit, leaving only one place vacant, that was next to ex…under my breath I was instructing my daughter to shove down the row, she didn’t get it, but others did and I managed to sit at the other end.
How’d I do… as a first timer : -)
and I could never play her on tv (she’ much too nice for my acting skills to be convincing) but I say that there is no way you could really be a first-timer — you are much too skillful.
Oh you are making me blush 😉
Now that is an accomplishment.
Thank you Dah-ling
Parker, you have done just splendiferous… I knew you would…time to start part 2….diary is getting huge…great job….
We’ve all got drool marks on our keyboards and sticky keys where we stopped to snack on breakfast…
A cafe with sticky fingers from food is the best! 120 comments by 10:30 am pacific…pretty durn good!
I’m also a no breakfast person, but I do the coffee right. Lavazza espresso beans and my Gaggia machine.
Eceptions are made for a lazy Sunday brunch by the marina downtown. No, that’s not me with the yacht — I’m just watching (and drinking mimosas).
LOL… strongest coffee possible here.. not only hold the spoon up but acid etch it. Today it is Medaglio d’oro as I am out of beans… and have been lazy…
Then I have more coffee… 😉 If I am by the bay I usually order a Ramoz Fizz (or three…), a couple places make them as well as the Omni Royal in the French Quarter <sigh> once upon the time the very best! Who knows now.
Then later after lots of coffee I have some sour dough toast… and coffee… 😉
Thought I’d drop in a say hello…;) I read these diaries but don’t post…
Today it is Medaglio d’oro
Must send emergency care package to MarisaCat immediately! Medaglio d’oro is completely unacceptable. You will not be in your usual fine form today.
Marisacat! How nice to see you here. I’ve never heard of a Romoz Fizz. Must look it up.
LOL well I have the recipe from the Omni Royal in NO… so here is the recipe.. 😉
1 egg white beaten til very frothy
1 tsp powdered sugar
3 drops orange flower water (crucial)
juice of half lime
drop vanilla extract
2 tlbsp whipping cream
2 oz gin
2 tblsp club soda
1 cup cracked ice
orange slice
combine all ingredients but the orange slice in a cocktail shaker or jar with a tight lid (LOL that is how I do it myself), shake til thick and creamy. Makes one drink.
I just multiply for a quick shaker of drinks to serve and adjust when I remake it… 😉
My favourite kind of breakfast?
A buffet with a mix of American and European breakfast foods. I love the healthier type of foods at at a typical euro breakfast buffet, but I also love my eggs and bacon… lol
What am I more likely to have for breakfast?
So far this morning I am about 6 cups into the first pot of coffee, and a banana that I shared with my 2 year old, as well as a few whole wheat crackers.
Time for another coffee, I guess? lol
Brave man, sharing a banana with a two year old — that’s usually a good way to get yourself a banana facial. 🙂
I usually don’t eat till midmorning. Tea’s enough for me to get started.
Weekend late breakfasts, seafood, when I can get to fresh local or regional oysters. Weekdays I alternate between chicken or turkey and sardines or smoked wild fish.
And anchovies–yummm–bacon of the sea!
Now that is a healthy breakfast… I’ll go now and slither into my greasy corner….
hmmmm…. oysters in the morning… I guess that is why this is a “weekend” thang 🙂
bacon of the sea! lol.
it seems I’m a little late to this thread, but I only just woke up and had coffee, so I’m here now, and I have to include this link to an essay I have written on the History of Breakfast. Enjoy. (It’s currently #3 on google, so lot’s of people are able to share in all this “knowledge”.)
Wow, really. He posted a comment on Susan’s front page coverage of Bush’s speech. I was sooo tempted to reply, “Welcome, New Member! Be sure to stop by the FBC and tell us about yourself.” LOL!
Too funny! “And have you been interested in politics before now, New Member?”
Never too late for breakfast :o)
I’m the Sunday chef around here. I’m always up early anyway. I like the quiet of the house and comfoting feeling of the monkeys happily sleeping in :o)
First coffee. I love coffee.
My favorite breakfast to make on Sunday is French Toast. I like to use a heavy bread like oat nut or 7 grain and double dip it in mixed eggs, half and half and a little vanilla. I personally have to take each slice on my plate one by one and add first melted butter :oP, then sugar, then cinnamon. Ohhhhh Yesssss!
…and when I’m feeling motivated enough, I’ve been known to make this for a late, late night dessert too ;o)
Half ‘n’ Half, yessss. But I just don’t know about you guys who put cinammon on it. Maple syrup, that’s the way to go.
When I am doing a brunch I make my special Martha Stewart(luv her) french toast.
It is cutting a loaf of french bread in about 2 inch slices. Then you hollow out the center from the “top” crust leaveing bread on both sides. The pocket is stuffed with bananas, then dip in favorite batter…. enuf said.
MMm…how ’bout with raisin bread?
I’m not crazy about french toast with wheat bread. Good, stale italian bread is the best. And for me it’s melted butter, thinly sliced bananas and real maple syrup…which I hide from the rest of the family. They use Log Cabin. nyah nyah.
at least from the kids. They use too much, and they don’t appreciate the difference anyway. Mine, mine, all mine!
My wife and I decided a few months ago that we’d have breakfast out together every Friday after we walk my son to school, and who cares if we’re a bit late for work?
It’s worked out splendidly. We have systematically determined the best quiche, best pancakes, best coffee latte, and best breakfast place in town. (If you’re in Boulder, our verdict is split between Walnut Cafe and Burnt Toast). And it’s truly that “quality time” we all look for but often miss.
Everyone looks forward to Friday, but we really do now. It atones for all the other days I breakfast like Parker, powering down a bagel while I’m checking my email.
can everyone stop talking about coffee now, please? Please? Aaaarrghghghghgghghhghghgghghg.
I just quit it a few days ago. Put the garage-sale find espresso machine and grinder in the garage, because I’m serious this time, or at least my doctor is. No headaches (unlike previous attempts), and it’s already easier to get up in the morning.
But I’d kill all of you for a cup of joe right now. Help!
If you don’t need to do a complete caffeine cleanse for some reason, you might try taking a little chocolate, which should help take the edge off. Good luck, I know kicking any chemical habit is hard.
I am trying to purge caffeine (and soda) completely to see if it helps with some anxiety and acid reflux issues. So I guess I’m swearing off chocolate indefinitely as well. While I really appreciate good chocolate (no, there is no such thing made in America), that won’t be such a big deal for me.
I don’t think I have any lingering caffeine needs now, just a psychological need to have a cup of hot comfort at the ready. It doesn’t help that the modern workplace is basically geared towards coffee consumption. Gotta make those workers predictable and alert.
My wife doesn’t drink coffee, she just likes the smell of it. Maybe I can get there too…