Judy Belushi wants revenge. “Bob Woodward is getting it from all sides … After the ‘SNL’ player OD’d, Judy Belushi Pisano encouraged all of his pals to talk to Woodward, who, like John, had grown up in Wheaton, Ill. [Woodward then wrote ‘Wired,’ a negative bio of John Belushi.] She now tells us: ‘Woodward was the wrong guy [to write that book. I was foolish.’ …”

“It was my first experience of getting tricked by a journalist,” says Belushi’s “Continental Divide” co-star Blair Brown. “I really felt betrayed, and it made me question all of his other work.”

Have any of you ever been tricked or misquoted by a journalist? Should the WaPo fire Woodward’s ass? And, can any of the rest of you remember an excellent TV series that Blair Brown starred in? OPEN THREAD: