This is an extended version of a column appearing in the Dec. 2 edition of The Moscow Times (tomorrow).
Cross posted at Empire Burlesque – Chris Floyd’s Blog
The recent revelations about the virulent spread of death squads ravaging Iraq have only confirmed for many people the lethal incompetence of the Bush Regime, whose brutal bungling appears to have unleashed the demon of sectarian strife in the conquered land. The general reaction, even among some war supporters, has been bitter derision: "Jeez, these bozos couldn’t boil an egg without causing collateral damage."
But what if the truth is even more sinister? What if this murderous chaos is not the fruit of rank incompetence but instead the desired product of carefully crafted, efficiently managed White House policy?
Investigative journalist Max Fuller marshals a convincing case for this dread conclusion in a remarkable work of synthesis drawn from information buried in reams of mainstream news stories and public Pentagon documents.
Piling fact on damning fact, he shows that the vast majority of atrocities now attributed to "rogue" Shiite and Sunni militias are in fact the work of government-controlled commandos and "special forces," trained by Americans, "advised" by Americans and run largely by former CIA assets, Global Research reports.
We first reported here in June 2003 that the U.S. was already hiring Saddam’s security muscle for "special ops" against the nascent insurgency and re-opening his torture haven, Abu Ghraib. Meanwhile, powerful Shiite militias – including Talibanic religious extremists armed and trained by Iran – were loosed upon the land. As direct "Coalition" rule gave way to various "interim" and "elected" Iraqi governments, these violent gangs were formally incorporated into the Iraqi Interior Ministry, where the supposedly inimical Sunni and Shiite units often share officers and divvy up territories.
Bush helpfully supplied these savage gangs – who are killing dozens of people each week, Knight-Ridder reports – with American advisers who made their "counter-insurgency" bones forming right-wing death squads in Colombia and El Salvador. Indeed, Bush insiders have openly bragged of "riding with the bad boys" and exercising the "Salvador option," lauding the Reagan-backed counter-insurgency program that slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians, Newsweek reports. Bush has also provided a "state-of-the-art command, control and communications center" to coordinate the operation of his Iraqi "commandos," as the Pentagon’s own news site, DefendAmerica, reports. The Iraqi people can go without electricity, fuel and medicine, but by God, Bush’s "bad boys" will roll in clover as they carry out their murders and mutilations.
For months, stories from the Shiite south and Sunni center have reported the same phenomenon: people being summarily seized by large groups of armed men wearing police commando uniforms, packing high-priced Glocks, using sophisticated radios and driving Toyota Land Cruisers with police markings. The captives are taken off and never seen again – unless they turn up with a load of other corpses days or weeks later, bearing marks of the gruesome tortures they suffered before the ritual shot in the head. Needless to say, these mass murders under police aegis are rarely investigated by the police.
Earlier this year, one enterprising Knight-Ridder reporter, Yasser Salihee, actually found several eyewitnesses willing to testify to the involvement of the U.S.-backed commandos in 12 such murders. The offer was shrugged off by the Interior Ministry’s spokesman – an American "adviser" and veteran bones-maker from the Colombian ops. In the end, it didn’t matter; Salihee was shot dead by a U.S. sniper at a checkpoint a few days afterwards.
The Bushists may have been forced to ditch their idiotic fantasies of "cakewalking" into a compliant satrapy, but they have by no means abandoned their chief goals in the war: milking Iraq dry and planting a permanent military "footprint" on the nation’s neck. If direct control through a plausible puppet is no longer possible, then fomenting bloody chaos and sectarian strife is the best way to weaken the state. The Bushists are happy to make common cause with thugs and zealots in order to prevent the establishment of a strong national government that might balk at the ongoing "privatizations" that have continued apace behind the smokescreen of violence, and the planned opening of Iraq’s oil reserves to select foreign investors – a potential transfer of some $200 billion of Iraqi people’s wealth into the hands of a few Bush cronies, the Independent reports.
The violence is already dividing the county into more rigid sectarian enclaves, the New York Times reports, as Shiites flee Sunni commandos and Sunnis flee Shiite militias in the grim tag-team of their joint endeavor. It’s all grist for the Bushist mill: an atomized, terrorized, internally riven society is much easier to manipulate. And of course, a steady stream of bloodshed provides a justification for maintaining a substantial American military presence, even as politic plans for partial "withdrawal" are bandied about.
There’s nothing new in this; Bush is simply following a well-thumbed playbook. For example, in 1953 the CIA bankrolled Islamic fundamentalists and secular goon squads to destabilize the democratic government of Iran – which selfishly wanted to control its own oil – and pave the way for the puppet Shah, as the agency’s own histories recount. In 1971, CIA officials admitted carrying out more than 21,000 "extra-judicial killings" in its "Phoenix" counter-insurgency operation in Vietnam. (The true number of victims is certainly much higher.) In 1979, the CIA began sponsoring the most violent Islamic extremist groups in Afghanistan – supplying money, arms, even jihad primers for schoolchildren – to destabilize the secular, Soviet-allied government and provoke the Kremlin into a costly intervention, as Robert Dreyfus details in his new book, Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam. Later, Saudi magnate Osama bin Laden – whose family firm helped kick-start George W. Bush’s business career – joined the operation, and his men were sent to America for "anti-Soviet" terrorist training, as the BBC’s Greg Palast reports. And of course, these examples only scratch the scorched-earth surface of America’s double-dealings in this deathly shadow world.
This bi-partisan policy has been remarkably consistent for more than half a century: to augment the wealth and power of the elite, American leaders have supported – or created – vicious gangs of killers and cranks to foment unrest, eliminate opponents and terrorize whole nations into submission. The resulting carnage in the target countries – and inevitable blowback against ordinary Americans – means nothing to these Great Gamesters; it’s merely the price of doing business. Bush’s "incompetence" is just a mask for stone-cold calculation.
This is scary shit. I hope you’re wrong, but deep down I fear that you are right on the money.
It’s extremely well documented by a prominent and experienced journalist. The chance that it’s wrong is miniscule.
Does that make it even scarier?
BUSH Think Creation :: “Order out of Chaos”
Links To Skull & Bones Society!
Creation – In My Image :: Whose Image?
Caesar’s or Neocons?
Skull and Bones from Yale University, probably the most powerful secret society in America. Sutton explains the Hegelian-Masonic motto “order out of chaos”, an act of creating wars to create a need for peace.
Son just like mom … disconnected. All Ye Faithful
Is George Bush the Christians’ Christian?
George Bush a TOOL of VP Cheney | Karl Rove and Corporate Power?
Posted earlier in diaries @BooMan ::
● The Iraqification of Katrina ◊ by Nag
● GALLUP Poll Shows Racial Divide on Storm Response ◊ by Oui
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
And it is not really surprising. After all, there was a reason for sending John Dimitri Negroponte as Ambassador to Iraq. He’s done this before.
Rewarded for his services throught the appointment to Director of National Intelligence.
More on him in Wikipedia.
More on Negroponte here as well. No it’s not really surprising but that doesn’t make it any less bearable.
I have no doubt that this is true. There is now much reason to fear for the lives of the kidnapped Christian Peacemaker team who helped expose the torture at Abu Ghraib. Revenge is george’s raison d’etre.
If murdered mercenaries will arouse Americans, just imagine the response if something happened to “Christian Peacemakers.” I don’t think Iraq is the only country under attack. Our own disintegration is already well under way.
Couldn’t have said it any better myself.
I’ve been saying all along that the idea that the debacle in Iraq is the result of incompetence of the Bush gang is wrong, and that the longer we assert that meme the longer it wil take for us to realize that the chaos and violence in Iraq is exactly what Cheney and his neocons want.
In short, the mess in Iraq represents success for Cheney & Co, not failure. (I always remember that these creatures are psychopaths. This helps me overcome the tendency to want to believe they’re not as diabolical as they seem.) They are as diabolical!
I just call them evil!!!!!!! plain and simple. All of them and I do not mean to leave one of them out.
Advances in technology present new challenges to the covertists, however by now, the imperialist/exceptionalist/Manifest Destinist doctrine is so ingrained into the psyche of the US voting class that significant American objection is unlikely; Blackwater was on the ground in New Orleans from Day One, when the cleansing opportunity window first opened.
& more:
Riding Shotgun With the Bad Boys: The Salvador Option
Hah! Gandhi! Fancy meeting you here. I’ve just finished a post about this very topic; and not seeing that yours was here I posted mine here too. Oh well… at least it won’t get missed, one way or another. And my post is a bit different than yours! But of course! what else are online friends for??
‘Amazing’ Progress: Death Squads Spreading In Iraq!
This administration is just as guilty of treason as the old Nixon White House was. People need to call it what it is. Treason.
Bush dug much deeper into the trash pile to rescue John M. Poindexter, a retired U.S. Navy admiral who was Ronald Reagan’s national security adviser.
Poindexter is a convicted felon. In fact, he’s a five-time loser, in the sense that he was convicted of five felonies, all of which arose from his efforts to hide the truth of the Iran-Contra scandal from Congress. For that he was sentenced to six months in prison.
However, his convictions were reversed on a technicality in 1991, so, legally, he has a clean record. But we all know what he did.
For those of you who’ve forgotten, in the 1980s, Iran was considered our enemy. However, that didn’t stop Poindexter and Oliver North, among others, from cutting a deal with the Iranians: We’d sell them guns if they’d release American hostages. In some circles, selling arms to our enemies would be considered treason, but in the Reagan-Bush administration, the culprits came out looking like heroes.
Most of the profits from the gun sales were given to the so-called contras in Nicaragua, who were fighting a civil war. The kicker there was that Congress had passed a law explicitly denying American funds to the contras. Poindexter and North thought that was a dumb law, so they broke it.
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
Judith Miller and John Poindexter
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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Puts a rather different spin on Colin Powell’s “pottery barn” remark, eh?
How about this revision: “If we can’t own it, we’re going to break it.”
Pretty well sums up US foreign policy since 1945.
Thanks, ghandi.