Our dial-up friends will love us so much if we remember a couple of things:
l. Please no photos over 400 px.
2. Please try to post them in the first comment of a thread. Over to the left as far as you can manage, in other words.
Bless you and all your children and/or pets.
NOW. . .after a hard day of shopping for inexpensive gifts or making them ourselves (SEE EARLIER CAFES FOR GREAT IDEAS!), let’s take a stroll along the beach. (How long do you think it’s going to take for ejmw to show up?)
Spouse still on the shit list, but he’s doing dishes so he may get a reprieve. I spent most of the morning in bed with tummy trouble, seem to be feeling better now. And I had an email from Barbara Boxer today, and she wasn’t asking for money! 🙂
Got some thunderstorm activity in the area…and I hate thunderstorms…maybe I’ll go back to bed for a bit… 🙁
But, I just spent the day working on these lists, and it will never fit in better again (although as soon as the holidays are over, I’m going to work the link into my signature).
Hey, those are cool things! Love the mosaic flower pots and the garden stepping stones. The kids and I made those about 5 years ago and they put in all kinds of cool beach glass and shells and then wrote their names. And we moved in such a hurry that I forgot to dig them out of the backyard when we left. 🙁
http://shop.thehungersite.com/store/search.do ducttape mentioned charity sites that have such things as goat kits etc and while many are not cheap I thought I would post this thread for people who maybe can afford something like this. Besides going to the hungersite also means your daily click which costs you nothing helps to feed someone as do the other sites there such as the Literary site which provides books for free with your clicks, Humane Society and others there. That site also has an amazing amount of gifts which when purchased also contribute to the hungersite or which ever site you happen to buy from. Fair trade gifts, ethnic gifts-world artisans, Goat Kits, Feed a Wild, Rescued Horse Kit, School Lunch Kit and so on. The site is also oriented toward peace and have an answer to the yellow ribbon car magnets in the form of a baby blue car magnet that advocates Peace.
A site like this is doubly important to someone like myself who really can’t afford to contribute to charitable causes so my daily clicks make me feel that in some small way I am helping do my part for a greater good…and is the first thing I do everyday after I log onto the computer.
I do that first thing after I log on, too, Chocolate Ink; every site, every day. Shopping through those sites to support them is an excellent suggestion.
http://www.care2.com/ This is another site of charity clicking that’s great and has all kinds of of other cool stuff also-petition sites to sign etc. The charity clicking has one for Baby Seals, Tigers, Jane Goodall, Children, Breast Cancer and several more. Also has a massive site for trivia quizes.
As most of you know we’re moving next week and expecting to close on a house the day we arrive. Yesterday evening, Hubby told me the mortgage broker had presented a lender’s offer that required $5K more than we have and 7-1/2% interest. Good grief!
I’m so proud of myself because I didn’t get hysterical and fall into despair. Instead I remained optimistic and resolute that the broker would find a better offer. Privately, I shed a tear or two and prayed — on my knees — like I haven’t done in years.
Today, she got back to us with 100% financing at 6-1/4% at a monthly payment under what we can afford! Whew. I mean, WHEW! We are so due a break from trauma and misfortune.
that God/dess answers all prayers and sometimes the answer ISN’T no.
The only reason we had any problems at all is because of Wells Fargo, our previous mortage lender. Hubby has a credit rating above 800 but his record is besmirched because of complications during the sale of our house in the Atlanta suburbs. The buyer’s mortgage lender was also Wells Fargo and the closing attorney was assigned by Wells Fargo. The closing was postponed 5 times by Wells Fargo! It finally closed on the last day of September and the attorney sat on the transfer of payments for 5 days after that! So what does Hubby get? A late mortgage payment red flag on his credit record.
We are so pissed: certified letters have been sent, evidence presented and the record will be corrected. But that wasn’t going to happen right now when we needed it. All of the national lenders looked at that red flag like it was a black ball. But, our broker found a local investment company that was willing to look at Hubby’s record and rate it accordingly. She’s going to get invited to dinner at our new house, that’s for sure.
A White Tree Frog
Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their “dumpy” appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles.
here I am feeling sorry for myself and you send me off to be depressed by a site that tells me I am a “common toad” which walks “about slowly, sometimes making short jumps, in search of insects, worms and other invertebrates. This makes it of great help to farmers. At the end of autumn it buries itself in the soil where it remains until good weather arrives again.”
Yup, that cheered me up — I eat slimy food, appeal to guys who wear gumboots caked in manure, and spend a big chunk of my life with dirt up my nose. But at least it’s clear now why I get lumpy pillows.
Pacific Tree Frogs like to eat a variety of bugs, including crickets, flies and spiders, though they aren’t fond of larger beetles that can bite their lips. Courting males have a high pitched ribbit that is often heard as the classic Hollywood “woods at night” sound effect. Pacific Tree Frogs tend not to climb as much or high as most tree frogs, usually not going more than two feet up into vegetation.
<a I’m a White’s Tree Frog! Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their “dumpy” appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles.
These bizarre creatures are well known for their weird brooding habits. They mate in the water, and as the eggs are released the male fertilizes them and presses them to the back of the female. The skin grows around the eggs to enclose them where they will develop over the next 80 days. The young emerge out of the back of this toad as a bunch of tiny froglets!
I suppose the ‘bizarre creature’ part kind of fits… I do brood. And ‘mating’ in the water is fine by me. Hmmm… Mine seems to be all about sex… What else is new? 🙂
or Pixie frog as it is often called (because of it’s latin name, not because it’s as cute as a fairy!), is one of the largest frogs in South Africa. Usually, they hang out in open grassland, and if there are any to be found, they’ll sit around in puddles. When startled, these frogs will blow up like balloons to scare away the intruder! In the dry season, they will burrow into the ground. These guys eat lots and lots of really big bugs, fish, mice, lizards, and even other frogs.
Thanks for the concern — it’s really very nice of you. I’m just practicing my whining skills for when I get back home tomorrow night and start the competition with my husband over who suffered more by my being gone all week.
I hate hotel beds. I hate that it’s never completely dark, either. You’ve got that annoying light coming in under the door, or you’ve got the bazillion watt parking lot lights creeping in through a crack in those ugly ass drapes. And there’s always someone else’s pube somewhere in the bathroom and that makes bedbugs seem like pleasant company.
I used to be a maid at a ski resort in Colorado. People would leave me joints on the pillow for a tip instead of money. I didn’t even smoke pot either. I really could have used a buck or two.
Did you notice this had nothing to do with your post? Sorry, you mentioned whining and I just took it and ran.
Clearly you were reacting to the competitive whining aspect of the post and wanting to see how well you might stack up.
Frankly you are good enough that neither Jim nor I want you in the competition. But I think I’ll steal the pubes in the bathtub — that should stand up pretty good against his cooking for one while I get to go out to eat plaint.
may have to get an extra suitcase just for our pillows; I’m not sure I can sleep on “regular” ones ever again. (Then again, I napped on the couch with a “regular” pillow, so perhaps there’s still hope…)
when possible, so we either load our own baggage or checking in/picking up is a breeze. (The spouse was able to check his big bag; I couldn’t check mine because I had all the books we bought and it put me over the 50lb. Amtrak limit.)
We’ll probably have to fly for our June vacation, unless I talk the spouse into taking a floating holiday or two the week afterwards; we’re heading up to the Northwest to spend a few days in Portland and Seattle, then it’s on to Alaska via cruise ship. Now just got to decide which day to leave/ship to take…spouse picks next year’s vacation time tomorrow evening…
Well I’m much open-minded about the amount of luggage I take on vacations, not matter what means of transportation I’m using. I’m only parsimonious for business travel.
Check baggage…perish the thought! When I travel, I am out that door and in the car before the rest of the passengers are even halfway to the baggage carousel.
My mother used to laugh when the boys and I would come visit her in Florida, because we had one carryon suitcase and a backpack with plane entertainment in it.
I thought you said we weren’t in Kansas any more. This feels waaaay too much like Kansas or Columbus to me!!
Puget Sound is paralyzed by veritable millimeters of snow. Meanwhile Florida Mom, Puget4 and I are preparing to sit down to candle light, big bowls of 0.75-alarm Committee Chili, and the Simpsons on CBC TV.
(Oh jeebus–CBC news break says the Conservatives are promising to cut the GST down to 5%. Come on Canadians, you don’t have the guts to be like Republicans.)
Actually, most years we lived there we never had more than a few inches on the ground at a time, and it was common for weeks of winter to pass without the ground covered. If we ever find our photo albums however there’s one showing trails we dug around the back yard so the Twa Totos could get out and do their thing. Sea of white, two furry tails poking up.
The exam was a bear…12 or 14 pages of essay questions, masquerading as a “case-based short-answer” test. I am so relieved. Plus, I did an extra credit project, and there’s very little left to cover on the final exam in 2 weeks, so it’s looking pretty goo. Thank goddess, because my oncology final is going to be a nightmare.
Kansas, are you here?
Can you clue me in a little about how art will be posted Sat. morning? I’m planning on posting some of my work but don’t know the details yet. Like how many can be posted and so on.
Btw, do you know where the term “Okee Dokee” or is it Okie Dokie came from ;oP
…and I wouldn’t call you useless. You’re very useful to me when I need to inflate my street cred and tell my friends that I rub elbows with famous authors ;o)
I’ve always spelled it okey-dokey, though I have no idea whykey-dhyky. And, yeah, where DID it come from? Maybe someone less lazy than we will google it. IS anyone less lazy than we? Well, than I. You are, no doubt, wildly industrious. Though I note you didn’t look it up, either.
And hey, you inflate my street cred when I tell my friends I rub elbows with people who went to Crawford!
And now I’m going to go get some bed cred. Wait, that didn’t sound right. Sleep. I meant sleep.
Good for you!!! I thought it was beautiful and true, as I also said in my comment under your “rant.” I’m not sure I’ve EVER heard it said that way before. I think you hit at a bedrock truth that is rarely admitted.
I’m spiderleaf and I’m a snarkoholic… oh wait, wrong thread… 😉
Hey kansas, any interest in linking to the other threads today so peeps can browse the thrifty suggestions at their leisure?
Don’t you EVER go to Snark Anonymous!
Good idea about linkage. Will do. Back in a flash.
Here’s the link to our first Thrifty Gift cafe today:
LINK: Gift Tips #1
And here’s the link to the second Thrifty Gift cafe:
LINK: Thrifty Gifts #2
Our dial-up friends will love us so much if we remember a couple of things:
l. Please no photos over 400 px.
2. Please try to post them in the first comment of a thread. Over to the left as far as you can manage, in other words.
Bless you and all your children and/or pets.
NOW. . .after a hard day of shopping for inexpensive gifts or making them ourselves (SEE EARLIER CAFES FOR GREAT IDEAS!), let’s take a stroll along the beach. (How long do you think it’s going to take for ejmw to show up?)
Spouse still on the shit list, but he’s doing dishes so he may get a reprieve. I spent most of the morning in bed with tummy trouble, seem to be feeling better now. And I had an email from Barbara Boxer today, and she wasn’t asking for money! 🙂
Got some thunderstorm activity in the area…and I hate thunderstorms…maybe I’ll go back to bed for a bit… 🙁
But, I just spent the day working on these lists, and it will never fit in better again (although as soon as the holidays are over, I’m going to work the link into my signature).
Here is a link to lots of amusing crafts and other activities for children from the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library. So There!
And we’ve got stuff for Adults as well. This is one of our craft projects for adults:
The Froggy Bird Bath (really):

The project is called Exercise Your Mind. There are 23 different projects listed right now.
Hey, those are cool things! Love the mosaic flower pots and the garden stepping stones. The kids and I made those about 5 years ago and they put in all kinds of cool beach glass and shells and then wrote their names. And we moved in such a hurry that I forgot to dig them out of the backyard when we left. 🙁
Too funny that it’s a frog fountain.
Yikes! It’s 5:30 and I forgot to work today! 🙂 I’m off to the library near you that’s open til nine.
Fun w/ an FM transmitter and DMX lighting control…Christmas Extravaganza…
This is waaaay ‘over the top’… (Windows Media Player)…bet this guy’s neighbors love him!
http://shop.thehungersite.com/store/search.do ducttape mentioned charity sites that have such things as goat kits etc and while many are not cheap I thought I would post this thread for people who maybe can afford something like this. Besides going to the hungersite also means your daily click which costs you nothing helps to feed someone as do the other sites there such as the Literary site which provides books for free with your clicks, Humane Society and others there. That site also has an amazing amount of gifts which when purchased also contribute to the hungersite or which ever site you happen to buy from. Fair trade gifts, ethnic gifts-world artisans, Goat Kits, Feed a Wild, Rescued Horse Kit, School Lunch Kit and so on. The site is also oriented toward peace and have an answer to the yellow ribbon car magnets in the form of a baby blue car magnet that advocates Peace.
A site like this is doubly important to someone like myself who really can’t afford to contribute to charitable causes so my daily clicks make me feel that in some small way I am helping do my part for a greater good…and is the first thing I do everyday after I log onto the computer.
I do that first thing after I log on, too, Chocolate Ink; every site, every day. Shopping through those sites to support them is an excellent suggestion.
http://www.care2.com/ This is another site of charity clicking that’s great and has all kinds of of other cool stuff also-petition sites to sign etc. The charity clicking has one for Baby Seals, Tigers, Jane Goodall, Children, Breast Cancer and several more. Also has a massive site for trivia quizes.
As most of you know we’re moving next week and expecting to close on a house the day we arrive. Yesterday evening, Hubby told me the mortgage broker had presented a lender’s offer that required $5K more than we have and 7-1/2% interest. Good grief!
I’m so proud of myself because I didn’t get hysterical and fall into despair. Instead I remained optimistic and resolute that the broker would find a better offer. Privately, I shed a tear or two and prayed — on my knees — like I haven’t done in years.
Today, she got back to us with 100% financing at 6-1/4% at a monthly payment under what we can afford! Whew. I mean, WHEW! We are so due a break from trauma and misfortune.
Oh,thank goodness! I’m so glad it turned out okay.
that God/dess answers all prayers and sometimes the answer ISN’T no.
The only reason we had any problems at all is because of Wells Fargo, our previous mortage lender. Hubby has a credit rating above 800 but his record is besmirched because of complications during the sale of our house in the Atlanta suburbs. The buyer’s mortgage lender was also Wells Fargo and the closing attorney was assigned by Wells Fargo. The closing was postponed 5 times by Wells Fargo! It finally closed on the last day of September and the attorney sat on the transfer of payments for 5 days after that! So what does Hubby get? A late mortgage payment red flag on his credit record.
We are so pissed: certified letters have been sent, evidence presented and the record will be corrected. But that wasn’t going to happen right now when we needed it. All of the national lenders looked at that red flag like it was a black ball. But, our broker found a local investment company that was willing to look at Hubby’s record and rate it accordingly. She’s going to get invited to dinner at our new house, that’s for sure.
What kind of Frog are you?”
A White Tree Frog
Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their “dumpy” appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles.
And for more mischief – frog lovers of course!
Frogland Check out the art gallery…
here I am feeling sorry for myself and you send me off to be depressed by a site that tells me I am a “common toad” which walks “about slowly, sometimes making short jumps, in search of insects, worms and other invertebrates. This makes it of great help to farmers. At the end of autumn it buries itself in the soil where it remains until good weather arrives again.”
Yup, that cheered me up — I eat slimy food, appeal to guys who wear gumboots caked in manure, and spend a big chunk of my life with dirt up my nose. But at least it’s clear now why I get lumpy pillows.
I’m a Common Toad, too. If I gave you half of my worms, would that cheer you up?
well, you are just so sweet — or are you just worried that the Blue Dot will decide to forgive your transgressions?
I want my transgressions put on the front page, please. 😉
Pacific Tree Frogs like to eat a variety of bugs, including crickets, flies and spiders, though they aren’t fond of larger beetles that can bite their lips. Courting males have a high pitched ribbit that is often heard as the classic Hollywood “woods at night” sound effect. Pacific Tree Frogs tend not to climb as much or high as most tree frogs, usually not going more than two feet up into vegetation.
Very appropriate quiz… 🙂
<a I’m a White’s Tree Frog! Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their “dumpy” appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles.
You are a Surinam Toad:
These bizarre creatures are well known for their weird brooding habits. They mate in the water, and as the eggs are released the male fertilizes them and presses them to the back of the female. The skin grows around the eggs to enclose them where they will develop over the next 80 days. The young emerge out of the back of this toad as a bunch of tiny froglets!
I suppose the ‘bizarre creature’ part kind of fits… I do brood. And ‘mating’ in the water is fine by me. Hmmm… Mine seems to be all about sex… What else is new? 🙂
Me, too. CROAK.
Sorry about eating other frogs, guys.
Poor kansas, I hope she set the vcr to tape Survivor.
Oh great, everybody gets to be home but me. And nobody cares that I’m stuck in hotel room with — oh the horror, the horror — lumpy pillows.
I just saw on CNN about the bedbug infestation in NY hotels. I know they’re blowing it out of proportion, but I hope you’re not in NY.
Just punch your pillow a lot, sleep tight and don’t let the (should I say it) – Nah you get the point.
Nope, I’m in Reading, MA — and the bedbugs here don’t bite people because this is technology land and all the bugs are busy screwing up software.
Well I hope whatever has you there you will be through with soon and be back home.
Thanks for the concern — it’s really very nice of you. I’m just practicing my whining skills for when I get back home tomorrow night and start the competition with my husband over who suffered more by my being gone all week.
I hate hotel beds. I hate that it’s never completely dark, either. You’ve got that annoying light coming in under the door, or you’ve got the bazillion watt parking lot lights creeping in through a crack in those ugly ass drapes. And there’s always someone else’s pube somewhere in the bathroom and that makes bedbugs seem like pleasant company.
I used to be a maid at a ski resort in Colorado. People would leave me joints on the pillow for a tip instead of money. I didn’t even smoke pot either. I really could have used a buck or two.
Did you notice this had nothing to do with your post? Sorry, you mentioned whining and I just took it and ran.
Clearly you were reacting to the competitive whining aspect of the post and wanting to see how well you might stack up.
Frankly you are good enough that neither Jim nor I want you in the competition. But I think I’ll steal the pubes in the bathtub — that should stand up pretty good against his cooking for one while I get to go out to eat plaint.
may have to get an extra suitcase just for our pillows; I’m not sure I can sleep on “regular” ones ever again. (Then again, I napped on the couch with a “regular” pillow, so perhaps there’s still hope…)
that’s real dedication but I am a minimalist packer whose goal is to avoid having to check baggage at all costs.
when possible, so we either load our own baggage or checking in/picking up is a breeze. (The spouse was able to check his big bag; I couldn’t check mine because I had all the books we bought and it put me over the 50lb. Amtrak limit.)
We’ll probably have to fly for our June vacation, unless I talk the spouse into taking a floating holiday or two the week afterwards; we’re heading up to the Northwest to spend a few days in Portland and Seattle, then it’s on to Alaska via cruise ship. Now just got to decide which day to leave/ship to take…spouse picks next year’s vacation time tomorrow evening…
Well I’m much open-minded about the amount of luggage I take on vacations, not matter what means of transportation I’m using. I’m only parsimonious for business travel.
Check baggage…perish the thought! When I travel, I am out that door and in the car before the rest of the passengers are even halfway to the baggage carousel.
My mother used to laugh when the boys and I would come visit her in Florida, because we had one carryon suitcase and a backpack with plane entertainment in it.
She did and boy was she ever happy at the ending this week.
kb,I missed the only Open Thread that’s been up since you asked me to post the photo. We’ll Try Tomorrow.
I thought you said we weren’t in Kansas any more. This feels waaaay too much like Kansas or Columbus to me!!
Puget Sound is paralyzed by veritable millimeters of snow. Meanwhile Florida Mom, Puget4 and I are preparing to sit down to candle light, big bowls of 0.75-alarm Committee Chili, and the Simpsons on CBC TV.
(Oh jeebus–CBC news break says the Conservatives are promising to cut the GST down to 5%. Come on Canadians, you don’t have the guts to be like Republicans.)
at least that’s what my mom-in-law always thinks as soon as the first flake floats by her window.
Hey Gooserock…if a quarter-inch of snow feels like Columbus to you, you’ve been gone waaaaaay too long.
[Can’t use a subject of ‘!’]
Any snow feels like Columbus.
Actually, most years we lived there we never had more than a few inches on the ground at a time, and it was common for weeks of winter to pass without the ground covered. If we ever find our photo albums however there’s one showing trails we dug around the back yard so the Twa Totos could get out and do their thing. Sea of white, two furry tails poking up.
I got an A on my immunology exam and I’m so excited I just had to tell someone (the Cabin Boys have already high-fived me, thanks)!
Two more weeks of this…and then a break. Hallelujah.
WOOHOO! ::claps hands, stomps feet, high-fives all around:: Way to go CabinGirl!
Thanks, Indy! Party at the Lounge tomorrow!
I am so impressed — especially since I’m sure I couldn’t even read the questions on the exam, let alone answer them.
The exam was a bear…12 or 14 pages of essay questions, masquerading as a “case-based short-answer” test. I am so relieved. Plus, I did an extra credit project, and there’s very little left to cover on the final exam in 2 weeks, so it’s looking pretty goo. Thank goddess, because my oncology final is going to be a nightmare.
Glad to hear that everything is looking pretty goo ;o)
It’s after 9:30, I can’t spell, but I dun gud in mye imyounawlagy class!
Does that mean we all call you if/when we get the bird flu???
Major congrats…
Reach around Ms. Cabin and give yourself a pat on the back for me ;o)
Thanks, Super! It’s such a good feeling, because I have been going crazy trying to keep up with everything this month. Two more weeks, Two more weeks…
A is for Allll Riiiight!!!
CabinGirl, I’m thrilled for you.
Kansas, are you here?
Can you clue me in a little about how art will be posted Sat. morning? I’m planning on posting some of my work but don’t know the details yet. Like how many can be posted and so on.
Thanks :o)
Hi, super. I’m here, more or less, but I’m useless. All I know is what boran2 posted this morning:
“Post photos of your original artwork in the saturday morning painting thread on 12/3 @ 9:00 eastern!!!”
Okee Dokee :o)
Btw, do you know where the term “Okee Dokee” or is it Okie Dokie came from ;oP
…and I wouldn’t call you useless. You’re very useful to me when I need to inflate my street cred and tell my friends that I rub elbows with famous authors ;o)
I’ve always spelled it okey-dokey, though I have no idea whykey-dhyky. And, yeah, where DID it come from? Maybe someone less lazy than we will google it. IS anyone less lazy than we? Well, than I. You are, no doubt, wildly industrious. Though I note you didn’t look it up, either.
And hey, you inflate my street cred when I tell my friends I rub elbows with people who went to Crawford!
And now I’m going to go get some bed cred. Wait, that didn’t sound right. Sleep. I meant sleep.
Night, All. . .
G’night Kansas
Good Morning!
I am! ::waving from behind a palm tree::
What say we hang out here and watch the sunrise on the beach before I open up the new place?
I’d love to!
(I just wrote a rant over here and feel kind of exposed).
I need a break.
and well-stated post. I don’t see it as a rant at all.
Thanks Andi.
Most of the rant was packed into the last two words, I guess. (forcibly stopping myself from ranting on)
(I’m at work — so, sadly, I’ve got to move on myself for a bit)
Good for you!!! I thought it was beautiful and true, as I also said in my comment under your “rant.” I’m not sure I’ve EVER heard it said that way before. I think you hit at a bedrock truth that is rarely admitted.
Thanks very much kansas. (sigh)
I hate, hate, hate that this is an issue.