Here’s the first photo of W’s and Condi’s love child! OMG! They’ve come out! Finally! And it’s on the WH Web site!
I think Scottie’s press briefing is about to start. It’s difficult to tell from the White House Web site (with video), and I see no notice about the briefing up at the Washington Post. Froomkin usually has this up, then writes about each briefing, and the WaPo often has live video. When it starts, it should be on C-Span or C-Span2, and is often carried in part on CNN and MSNBC.
While we wait in unanimated suspension, here’s the link to Tina Brown’s new column in the WaPo on Bob Woodward — “Anonymous Sources And a Known Quantity.”
… Contrary to some of the postings from the grassy knoll, I believe Woodward when he says he didn’t think the leak he heard about Valerie Plame’s job was important at the time. He probably did see it as gossip, somewhere between macho knowingness and just another routine drive-by shooting from the Bush crowd. The problem is that when Woodward hears political gossip it’s not a couple of lowly hacks at the office water cooler — it’s a transaction between one Big Beast at the heart of the power jungle and another. He hoarded the info for some larger reportorial purpose because that’s what Big Beasts do. …
And, below there’s some tawdry stuff on Judy Miller and the NYT from the NY Post (and the truth about that WH photo):
NY Post, e-mailed to me:
December 1, 2005 — YOU can take a guy out of The New York Times, but you can’t take the Times out of the guy. In a hotel bar in Columbus, Ohio, the other night, Post reporter Leela de Kretser overheard a drunken Southern gentleman ask another man what he did for a living, and get the reply, “I used to work for The New York Times before I caused it to implode. Perhaps you’ve heard of me.”
Stunned heads swiveled over to see infamous fabulist Jayson Blair handing over his business card. Blair ended up regaling several reporters — who were in Columbus covering the story of slain East Side dancer and Ohio native Catherine Woods — with his thoughts on the Judy Miller debacle. “I kept rooting for Judy to [bleep] up the paper more than I did, but not even she managed that,” Blair said. “It was like, ‘C’mon, Judy, c’mon!’ “
Later, Blair, who was in Columbus to talk to a lawyers’ group about mental health, had a twinge of conscience about his journalistic sins. “I shouldn’t have done what I did,” he said. “Is this gonna be in PAGE SIX?”
Update [2005-12-1 15:4:50 by susanhu]: BradBlog has this just in:
Good lord is this woman a whack-job or what? In a recent exclusive interview with BBC Judith Miller “apologizes” for helping lead the drumbeat that resulted in an endless war and thousands dead and wounded for life.
She said: “I’m deeply sorry our intelligence community got it wrong.
“I am deeply sorry that the President was given a national intelligence estimate which concluded that Saddam Hussein had biological and chemical weapons and a active weapons programme.”…
P.S. The photo caption:
President George W. Bush is seen Thursday, Dec. 1. 2005 in the Eisenhower Executuive Office Building in Washington, as he poses for photos with U.S. Rep. Jessie Jackson Jr. and his children, Jessie Jackson III and Jessica, following the signing of H.R. 4145, to Direct the Joint Committee on the Library to Obtain a Statue of Rosa Parks, which will be placed in the US Capitol’s National Statuary Hall. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is seen at left. White House photo by Paul Morse
That picture is scary… that tiny angelic face next to the monster Bush. I wouldn’t let that oaf hold my kid.
Anyway, looking forward to hear Scotty shoot some pickles out of his ass. (sorry for the crass imagery, but that is the newest office slang that my hubby came home with… every time bullshit is detected, that term is bandied about)
It keeps getting postponed. It’s getting kinda late in D.C. 3pm.
But the link is still up top at the White House Web site. Haven’t checked the WaPo lately.
ha ha, best laugh of the day on that one.
I agree with you about letting him hold my child. When Darcy was little, it was so amazing how instinctively and fiercely protective I got to protect her from people I didn’t trust.
MSNBC just showed the video.
The child was out in the audience and Bush leaped forward, grabbed the child and hoisted him in the air.
He did it so fast the parents couldn’t have reacted.
Very aggressive and clearly exploitative.
That poor child is going to need a good shrink, and fast, lest he be scarred for life. At the least, he’ll probably have nightmares for weeks.
Like everything else Bush does, that pose is so phoney–holding the kid as if he were a sack of potatoes. But then Bush wouldn’t know how to relate to a real human being.
On the plus side, it looks as if someone’s been doing something about Condi’s image. Her hair no longer looks like a patent-leather helmet, although her taste in clothes is still pretty abysmal. <meow>
Don’t apologize.
Crass? Maybe. Funny? Definitely!!
Short version: “I am deeply sorry that other people screwed up.”
Susan, I just saw that this site is now listed as #l0 on the Advertise Liberally site! That is the best I’ve ever seen it do. I think the highest I’ve ever seen up to now was 17. We’ll need lots of sleaze to keep those numbers up while the Booman’s away. 🙂 But seriously, congrats to you for providing so much solid news and analysis that so many people want to read.
Just keep Dick Cheney away from that child although he does prefer the more tender newborns for afternoon snacks.
The White House Web site home page still has the briefing up — that it’s coming.
The site says:
“December 1, 2005 | Last Updated 3:18 p.m. (EDT)”
I can’t believe it. I think the White House made a promise and didn’t keep it! That’s not like them.
Or did we miss it entirely. I can’t play the video at the WH. Can any of you?
Say, Amy Goodman is going to be on Hardball. She’s a pistol on Hardball.
OMG! Don’t even wish that on Rep. Jackson’s kids! In fact, I wouldn’t take any young child within 100 feet of that monster!
Better that they get a bit older: old enough to ask an impolitic question, but too young to realize it.