It was stunning to hear Bush quote Sen. Joe Lieberman (d-Conn) in his propaganda speech at Annapolis. Yesterday, Lieberman appeared on Don Imus‘s radio/MSNBC show. A couple times, Imus questioned Lieberman’s sanity and sense (see the Crooks & Liars video). (Say, do I have to put a D next to his name? It should at least be a small d, don’t you think?)
Now this from David Sirota:
Moveon Considers Backing Primary Against Lieberman
The Hartford Courant reports today on how Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) continues to self-servingly pursue an image of Bush administration apologist on the Iraq War. For years, Lieberman has stabbed his party in the back on high-profile issues – but now, finally, Lieberman may have overreached, and might feel some consequences.
The Courant specifically notes that now openly says it will consider supporting a primary challenge to Lieberman: … Read all.
Now that is what I am talking about.
Dump the chimp chump!
It’s about time.
No doubt, elected Democrats will scream and whine about Moveon’s aggressive posture, as they have previously screamed and whined anytime anyone points out the party’s flaccid behavior on other issues. But then, political movements don’t exist to make politicians happy – they exist to actually achieve substantive policy changes. That’s what Moveon is all about.
Nicely stated. Time for change. It couldn’t happen to a “nicer” guy.
I’m totally willing to get behind this. The Dems have become so pathetic that those of us with progressive agendas will have to work to rebuild them — but let’s not forget that we got into doing politics to improve the society we live in, not to build a party.
But my major complaint about Lieberman isn’t his wrongness on the war, but his tendency to stab other Dems in the back.
Lieberman deserves to fall. He’s more interested in the the interests of Israel than those of the United States. This propensity of his represents a conflict of interest. He’s not exactly a neocon but he’s a neocon enabler. He’s the worst sort of pseudo-liberal. He is not of any help to the Democratic Party or progressive politics of any stripe.
I suppose, given the example of Scooter Libby and his ilk that my remarks will be considered by some to be “anti-semitic”. Although not true, I’ll accept that risk.
I say, crank up the steam roller.
on Sirota’s post:
The link in the quote above is from a Salon interview with Eli Pariser. Highly, highly recommended read.
I am giving money to MoveOn again if they do this. While Joe has a decent voting record on social issues, his reality distortion field on Iraq cannot be suffered any longer. And he does more damage to the Democratic Party every time he opens his mouth than an army of Rove-bots could.
I’m not from CT. Is it worth me emailing MoveOn about this anyway, or just urging my friends in CT to do so?
Geesh! Why doesn’t he just follow the lead of Peres, & go off to form another party with his neocon buddies?
As one who grew up in CT… fucking FINALLY!!!
I’m always a little embarrassed that Darcy and I used a lot of gasoline to go see him speak during the 2000 campaign at a community college between Seattle and Tacoma — which required about a three-hour drive each way.
But, overall, it was a great rally … lots of Democratic congresspeople in Wash. state spoke. Lieberman’s plane was very late, so we heard LOTS of speeches.
I forgive myself though because I was desperate to keep George Bush from becoming president.
Coincidence? I think NOT.
whew, fingers hate Joe, must control…
Funny you should bring that up. As a matter of fact, Joe does mention “the article”. Gee whiz – according to Joe – with four visits to Iraq under his belt – it sure looks like everything’s going quite swimmingly.
By the way – what the hell is this “victory” that the neocons and Lieberman keep speaking of? Will someone please define “victory” for me? (For the smart-alecs out there – I’m referring to “victory” in the context of this war – not the standard definitions supplied by Websters.)
What an effing loser. No, let me change that. What an effing LOSER! Check out the last comment from Imus – nice summation.
I intend to donate to MoveOn with a reference Lieberman.
I’d suggest this is a national cause, rather than solely a Conn cause, since there are a number of D senators building quisling voting records who could use some enlightenment, including one from my state.
Lieberman is a national Democratic disgrace. I cringed when I heard Bush quote him. He has gone well beyond being a weak Democrat and has become a GOP supporter. He’s heavily funded by corporate interests as well as being a neocon Israel supporter.
It’s time to purge these people from the Party and not allow new ones in. That includes doing what we can to defeat Casey in PA. Working in our own states is important but it’s not enough.
could it be Joe is angling for the VP slot? Not where you may think.
Steve Clemons over at the Washington Note raises that Joe may be positioning for the VP slot on a McCain ticket.
see the piece
‘Three Iraq Occupation ‘must read” Articles’
Really Joe undercuts so often, he should consider sitting an an Independent; that would allow him to swing back and forth.
Thanks for mentioning that Lieberman is a national cause – not just a cause for CT.
After the 2002 elections, Minnesotans incurred the wrath of the nation when Norm Coleman won the Senate seat. (Forgive us – but we only had a couple weeks to find a new candidate and run a race against Coleman after Wellstone’s untimely death. While Coleman had every friggin’ member of this administration – along with their wives – traveling to MN on a daily basis to raise funds and rally around him.)
Should Lieberman be the party’s endorsed candidate, and should Lieberman win the election, citizens of CT should hunker down for quite the backlash from the rest of the country. Trust me. I witnessed the verbal/written attacks against the people of MN in 2002.
Hmmmm . . .Norm Coleman or Joe Lieberman. I’m not quite sure which of the two is more harmful.
Looks like Joementum won’t be holding the umbrella mutch longer.
Well, you can’t really use any sort of ‘D’ . big ‘D’ is for Democrat.. and small ‘d’ means someone who democratic. The best Joe can hope for is emocrat, I think. No spelling error.