see and check for yourself
here is the oddites and problem that needs resolved..
 or exposed IF CENSORSHIP
 (all due respect to the folks at ‘boo’ as this problem is either within or possibly outside control of B.Tribune?)

1)upon visiting
 history professor at Michigan University
his blog “Informed Comment” was referenced by
Steve Clemons site
as providing good details about the al-jazeera bombing report

 @ a ‘Kos’ spin-off

a)this report is not archived in time sequence,
at the site!! as is the next ‘timeline’ on Fallulah
as referred to in my post on a CNN RePort in GDiscussion.
and more disturbing when you go print preview on this
blog report OR TRY TO PRINT IT…


it has happened 3 times,

….and i just thought about
dragging the text into an e-mail
 and to try to save it for HardFile !

here is Juan Coles’ blog entry with the link to Booman Tribune

I hope someone else can try it to see if we
have multiple cases and witnesses
to Tom-FooLery ?surrounding this report being flagged or targetted??

2nd instance where a GREAT STORY IS NOT in the archived time sequence
 and you can only find it by chance if someone else mentions it !(coming…)

JUAN COLE:Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Bush as Press Assassin?
Baathist in a Mirror

The Mirror broke the story on Tuesday that a secret British memo demonstrates that George W. Bush wanted to bomb Aljazeera’s offices in Doha, Qatar, in spring of 2004. The subject came up with Prime Minister Tony Blair of the UK, and Blair is said to have argued Bush out of it.
Despite attempts of British officials to muddy the waters by suggesting that Bush was joking, another official who had seen the memo insisted, “Bush was deadly serious, as was Blair. That much is absolutely clear from the language used by both men.”
The US military bombed the Kabul offices of Aljazeera in mid-November, 2001.
The US military hit the Aljazeerah offices in Baghdad on the 9th of April, 2003, a year Bush’s conversation with Blair.* That attack killed journalist Tarek Ayoub, who had a 3 year old daughter. He had said earlier, “We’ve told the Pentagon where all our offices are in Iraq and hung giant banners outside them saying `TV.”’ Given what we now know about Bush’s intentions, that may have been a mistake.

Fatima Ayyoub, the 14-month-old daughter of the Al Jazeera correspondent, Tareq Ayyoub, is seen in front of a photograph of her father who died in a U.S. missile attack in Baghdad. — Reuters

When the US and the UN shoe-horned old-time CIA asset Iyad Allawi into power as transitional prime minister, he promptly banned Aljazeera in Iraq. The channel still did fair reporting on Iraq, finding ways of buying video film and doing enlightening telephone interviews.
There have long been rumors that the Bush administration has pressured the government of Qatar to close the channel down.
One of the misdeeds attributed to Syria or pro-Syrian forces is the attempt to assassinate the Lebanese journalist and fixture on LBC, the Lebanese satellite channel, May Shidyaq (Chidiac). If the British report is true, Bush really is just a Baathist in the mirror.
Aljazeera is a widely misunderstood Arabic television channel that is mainly characterized by a quaint 1950s-style pan-Arab nationalism.

 It is not a fundamentalist religious channel, though it does host one old-time Muslim Brother, Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Its main peculiarity in local terms is that it will air all sides of a political issue and allow frank criticism of Middle Eastern politicians as well as of Western ones. It is the only place in the Arab media where one routinely hears Israeli spokesmen (speaking very good Arabic, typically) addressing their concerns and point of view to Arab audiences.
Most of Aljazeera’s programming is presented by natty men in business suits or good-looking, chic Arab women in fashionable Western clothes. (I see the anchors every day and am stricken at the idea of them being blown to smithereens by an American “accidental” bombing!)

 A lot of the programming is Discovery Channel-style documentaries.
The news is often criticial of the United States, though the journalists like controversy and are perfectly capable of asking fundamentalists and nationalists from the region very hard questions. The channel is one of the few places where you can sometimes see frank debate among Sunni Arab, Shiite and Kurdish Iraqis (the Lord knows we don’t see it on US news!) Some Aljazeera journalists may have been sympathetic to radical Muslim groups, but mainly on nationalist and anti-imperialist grounds. These people don’t look like adherents of political Islam for the most part.

Ironically, after one of the early-morning Aljazeera news broadcasts EST on Wednesday that discussed the Bush plot against the channel, the next show was about recently released American movies, including “Jarhead” (about a Marine during the Gulf War), which showcased the films enthusiastically and may as well have been an infomercial. It was jarring, the effusiveness about American soft power after the admission of the dark side of US military power.

Plotting to assassinate civilian journalists in a friendly country is certainly against the law, and if Bush is ever impeached, this charge will certainly figure in the trial. Who knows, maybe the murder of Tarek Ayoub will be added to the charges. His daughter must be 5, now.
There is a detailed and very valuable timeline of Bush administration- Aljazeera relations at Booman Tribune.

oops, I had misread the date as 2004 in an earlier version
posted by Juan @ 11/23/2005 06:35:00 AM 37 comments
ALERT! comment…slueths?
Let’s also not forget this incident:

Al-Jazeera’s Basra hotel bombed
Jason Deans
Wednesday April 2, 2003
A hotel in Basra being used as a base by al-Jazeera’s team of correspondents in the city was shelled this morning, the Arabic TV news channel has claimed.
The Basra Sheraton, whose only guests are al-Jazeera journalists, received four direct hits this morning during a heavy artillery bombardment, according to the Qatar-based broadcaster…
Another accident, I’m sure.

BOOMAN STORY THAT COULD BE flagged for real-time censorship!
Bush V Al-Jazeera: Fact or Fancy?
by jpol
Sat Nov 26th, 2005 at 07:58:11 PM EST
2)Fallulah- Its’ Not Just The White Phosphorus…
important *keeper
diary from BooMan Tribune.

Fallujah: The Big Picture w/Update

by Steven D
Mon Nov 28th, 2005 at 02:06:23 PM EST

With all the ongoing discussion and debate over the use of White Phosphorus munitions by our troops in their attacks on Fallujah, and the controversy over whether that use as described by US military sources was legal under American and international law, I believe we have lost our focus on what is the far more significant and important question: namely what really happened to the citizens of Fallujah when American forces besieged the city in April, and then followed that up with a more extensive assaults in September and November, 2004.
The questions regarding the deployment of white phosphorus munitions in the attacks on Fallujah are certainly interesting in their own right (Were they used? How? Against who? Was it legal?), and they have ignited anew the moral and ethical issues regarding the manner in which we are waging war in Iraq.
Ultimately, however, much as its deployment operates on the battlefield, the debate about white phosphorus only serves to obscure the reality of the Fallujah saga. Because in the big picture, it isn’t whether our military’s use of certain weapons was illegal or immoral, but whether the attack on the city itself was illegal and immoral.
My training was as a lawyer, an advocate. And as an advocate I take a position and support it with the best evidence I can muster. And the evidence that I’ve gathered makes it clear to me that despite what the Generals and Bush loyalists have told us, we do indeed target Iraqi civilians, and we do so indiscriminately. We do so with white phosphorus to choke and burn and terrorize them, and with thermobaric bombs* to destroy their homes, crushing all who may be inside under the rubble.
But we also target them with sniper rifles and .50 caliber machine guns, with mortars and tank tracks and every other weapon we have available in our arsenals. We even use hunger, and thirst, and the deprivation of medical care as weapons. And all against those whose only crime was to live in a nation governed by Saddam Hussein at the time George W. Bush was President of the United States.
And that is the true significance of the assault on Fallujah and, indeed, of the Iraq War as a whole. It’s all bad, from white phosphorus to starvation tactics to the destruction of an entire city reminiscent of the way Nazi soldiers operated when they met resistance in WWII.
Simply put: The biggest threat out there is not them, it’s us.

1st incident referenced,— please post REPLY.

pertinent observation? from tonights news
and in what are the chances of, and the implications of,
 a major feat of synchronicity, monolithic mimicry, a so
to say a,…media-matrix-mirror
S I M U L T A N E O U S L Y !

what does that say about obsessive top-down-reality-control ?
FOUND ! in YahOO ‘image search’ for PALESTINE HOTEL TANK it gave me the image plus this rePort which is a clearinghouse for links to journalist dispatches, incident reports about the war on the press, a war on truth.A WAR ON YOU A WAR ON ME A WAR ON LADY LIBERTY
the French need to tow the statue back…
blindfolded and gagged by scalaWAGgers

Iraq: two journalists were killed when a US tank shelled Baghdad’s Palestine Hotel on April 8 2003

US swells Iraq media death toll
Patrick Barrett
Friday April 23, 2004,2763,1200911,00.html

Iraq: two journalists were killed when a US tank shelled Baghdad’s Palestine Hotel on April 8 2003

The US military has been blamed for the deaths of almost a third of all the journalists and media employees killed in Iraq since the start of the war last year.
The total number of media workers killed in Iraq this week rose to 28 including 24 journalists, with the shooting by American soldiers of two employees of US-funded TV station al-Iraqiya.
US forces have been confirmed as responsible for seven deaths, including employees from the BBC, Reuters, Arab TV stations al-Arabiya and al-Jazeera and Spanish station Telecinco. In addition, the US military has been implicated in the shooting of two further media employees, the ITN correspondent Terry Lloyd and an Iraqi cameraman employed by the US ABC network, who was shot in Falluja last month.
According to figures compiled by Associated Press and press watchdog the Committee to Protect Journalists, half of all the journalists and media workers killed during the hostilities in Iraq have died since the beginning of this year.
A total of 19 media employees have been killed since George Bush formally declared the end of the war against Saddam Hussein’s regime at the beginning of May last year.
Controversy over the extent to which the US military has been responsible for the deaths of media employees operating in Iraq comes as reports surface of mistreatment meted out to employees of al-Jazeera by the US military.

In one case, al-Jazeera cameraman Salah Hassan has accused the US of detaining him for a month, during which he claims he was beaten, verbally abused and kept in solitary confinement.
Hassan, who was arrested in November last year following an attack on an American convoy, claims he was addressed only as “al-Jazeera” or “bitch” by US soldiers and at one stage was forced to stand hooded, bound and naked for 11 hours and repeatedly kicked when he collapsed.
He was eventually released on a street outside Baghdad still dressed in the vomit-stained jump suit US guards had forced him to wear during his incarceration.

Hassan’s case and the arrest of 20 other al-Jazeera journalists has served to aggravate the already strained relations between the US military and the Arab news channel.
Last week the Doha-based station accused the US military of “threatening” the media in Iraq and pressuring journalists into presenting a US-biased view of events in the country, after a spokesman for the US military accused the station of being “anti-coalition”.
US commanders have been furious with al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya for repeatedly broadcasting footage of civilian victims of the violence in Falluja, where Iraqi rebels are fighting US Marines. The US had claimed that the majority of those killed and wounded had been armed insurgents, but al-Jazeera ran reports that US snipers had fired deliberately on women and children in the town.

Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt said viewers should switch off al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya and watch a “legitimate, authoritative, honest news station”.
“The stations that are showing Americans intentionally killing women and children are not legitimate news sources,” he said.

Other allegations circulating in Iraq suggest that US soldiers have deliberately shot at Arab journalists and demanded the removal of an al-Jazeera reporting team from Falluja as a condition for a recent cease-fire in the town.
A spokesman for the coalition said he was unaware of Hassan’s case but that the coalition and the US military’s relationship with al-Jazeera was the same as with any other media organisation.
“It’s entirely open. There is no question that they go and target journalists or cameramen or whatever,” he said.
All of the 14 journalists and media employees to die in Iraq this year have been Iraqi or Arabs working for Middle Eastern or western media companies.
The latest journalist to die, Asaad Kadhim, and his driver Hussein Saleh worked for al-Iraqiya, the TV station set up by the coalition to help promote press freedom in the country.
Mr Kadhim and Mr Saleh were shot on Monday by American soldiers as they drove away from an interview with Iraqi police. Jassem Kamel, an al-Iraqiya cameraman who was wounded in the shooting, claimed a US soldier punched him in the face before he was given first aid.

The incident follows the shooting of two journalists from al-Arabiya by US soldiers at a checkpoint in Baghdad on March 18.
A Ukrainian cameraman working for Reuters and a cameraman for the Telecinco TV station, Spaniard Jose Couso, were killed in April last year when a US tank fired on the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad.
A Kurdish translator working for the BBC was also killed in April last year when a US aircraft bombed a convoy of US special forces and Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq.,2763,1200911,00.html

Journalists in danger
22.04.2004: ITN shuns Iraq medal
15.04.2004: Japanese journalists captured in Iraq
14.04.2004: Iraqi kidnappers release French journalist
14.04.2004: US military ‘pressuring’ journalists
14.04.2004: French demand release of missing journalist
14.04.2004: Kidnaps blow to rebuilding efforts
08.04.2004: Reuters issues Iraq safety plea
23.03.2004: Stop ‘needless’ Iraq deaths, says Reuters boss
13.01.2004: US military ‘brutalised’ journalists
07.01.2004: 42 journalists killed in 2003
ITN’s Terry Lloyd and crew
22.03.2004: ITV journalists ‘killed by US troops’
22.03.2004: Wife of missing cameraman fights on
10.09.2003: Mirror defends Lloyd story
10.09.2003: ITN rejects new Lloyd claims
10.09.2003: Lloyd killed by US helicopter fire, claims Iraqi
27.05.2003: MoD opens ITN Iraq inquiry
16.04.2003: Wife of missing ITN man in fresh appeal
15.04.2003: Lloyd ‘caught between crossfire’
03.04.2003: Powell responds to wife of missing cameraman
03.04.2003: US and UK ‘know what happened’ to Lloyd and his crew
25.03.2003: Wife in plea for missing ITN cameraman
24.03.2003: BBC takes care after journalist’s death
24.03.2003: Colleagues mourn ITN reporter’s death
24.03.2003: ITV stands down crews after Terry Lloyd is killed
24.03.2003: Terry Lloyd obituary by David Mannion
24.03.2003: Terry Lloyd obituary by David Nicholson
BBC’s John Simpson survives attack
11.11.2003: Libby Brooks talks to John Simpson
09.04.2003: Simpson: journalists ‘taking a hammering’
07.04.2003: Simpson recovering from ‘friendly fire’ attack
07.04.2003: Simpson: ‘I saw the bomb come down’
Journalists under attack
12.12.2003: Iraq strike injures two journalists
13.06.2003: Thompson was ‘thorn in MoD’s side’
30.05.2003: BBC brings in ‘safety tsar’
02.05.2003: Watchdog condemns Iraq deaths
25.04.2003: Powell defends attack on Baghdad hotel
16.04.2003: First female journalist dies in Iraq
15.04.2003: Toll rises as Argentine reporter dies
14.04.2003: CNN defiant after Tikrit firefight
11.04.2003: ‘I didn’t want to die,’ says Times man
10.04.2003: Editors blast Rumsfeld over ‘reckless’ US strike
10.04.2003: Al-Jazeera crew attacked in Detroit
09.04.2003: Straw to seek explanation for journalist deaths
09.04.2003: ‘We were almost lynched’, say journalists
09.04.2003: Fury at US as attacks kill three journalists
09.04.2003: Ukraine mourns dead journalist
08.04.2003: US claims killings were ‘self defence’
08.04.2003: Military accused of targeting non-embedded journalists
08.04.2003: Army admits firing on hotel
08.04.2003: US: press deaths ‘unfortunate’
08.04.2003: Second journalist dies after hotel strike
08.04.2003: Reuters man killed in US attack
08.04.2003: Journalists injured as Baghdad hotel attacked
08.04.2003: Al-Jazeera claims military ‘cover up’
08.04.2003: Al-Jazeera cameraman killed in US raid
07.04.2003: Spanish and German reporters killed
04.04.2003: US journalist killed in Iraq
Kaveh Ibrahim Golestan and Stuart Hughes
20.05.2003: Do not rely on embedded journalists, urges BBC man
08.04.2003: BBC producer has foot amputated
03.04.2003: BBC film maker killed by landmine
04.04.2003: Obituary: Kaveh Golestan
War toll
13.09.2004: Journalists killed, missing and held in Iraq
09.04.2003: Media casualties of other conflicts
09.04.2003: Iraq – the most dangerous war for journalists
Farzad Bazoft
18.05.2003: Writer hanged by Iraq ‘no spy’
18.05.2003: Donald Trelford: Simply a journalist after a scoop
Interview with wife of missing cameraman
01.05.2003: ‘Whenever I dream about him, he is still alive’
NBC’s David Bloom
07.04.2003: Blood clot kills NBC’s star correspondent
08.04.2003: Obituary: David Bloom
Channel 4 News’ Gaby Rado
13.06.2003: Rado among winners at media awards
27.05.2003: Amnesty creates award in honour of Rado
31.03.2003: Viewers and colleagues pay tribute to Rado
31.03.2003: Gaby Rado obituary by Jon Snow
Comment and analysis
15.06.2003: Philip Knightley: Turning the tanks on the reporters
13.04.2003: Stuart Purvis: Showing courage in line of fire
10.04.2003: Steve Bell: Drawing fire
24.03.2003: Matt Wells: Journalists in the line of fire
08.04.2002: Nik Gowing: ‘Don’t get in our way’ special report
Iraq – the media war,2763,1200911,00.html

crossposted @

Say What You Will
Say What You Must
..but the…CAUSE of Causes
Is J U S T .