So, it’s all coming down to it. I gotta vacate the premises. Yeah, they are going to hand me a nice check because the value of my house has gone up quite a bit…but I still gotta vamoose. I will definitely be around off and on tomorrow. And I might manage to touch base wit y’all on Friday. But from Saturday until Tuesday I am going to be radio silencio. No interconnectivity whatsoever. Totally cut off except for frantic phone calls to Susan.
And then I gotta set up the Boo (sort of) bachelor pad and put everything in its place, and settle in, and get a feel for the new lifestyle. I gotta explain to the real BooMan where his bisquits are and where I keep his chow. He can’t operate without a firm understanding of these things. I suppose I couldn’t either.
I’ve been on this site nonstop for 8 months. I’ve never been cut off for more than 24 hours before. So, make sure Shirlstars and Diane101 are doing well, and don’t let Man Eegee make off with all the chorizo. I hope MilitaryTracy’s health improves and Brinnainne gets through all her hassles with the finances. Supersoling better make sure the Giants smack the Tuna on Sunday.
Susan can always get in touch with me. And if Fitzmas comes early, I’ll be logging in from Starbucks or the library. To jpol, StevenD, and Jerome, thanks for all the help and support. And to Susan? Well, she’s Susan. She knows.
Hugs to you sweetie… One of my most surreal moments of life was seeing my life in boxes… It’s kinda weird. It’s really weird… Peace and strength to you.
Safe travels to you and the Real BooMan…we’ll all look after the pond…kinda feel vested in it, don’t ya know.
Peace my friend
once again I’m shunned by Boo…
ah well, I’ll get over it I’m sure… 😉
Seriously tho’, we’ll miss ya Boo and good luck with the move… sending positive vibes your way.
I need that recipe for Holy Macaroli.
tis easy to make…
two parts snark
one part fed up
a dash of “I hear where you’re coming from”
a smidgen of “oh no not again”
chill and serve…
me too…
Boo, I hope everything goes smoothly with the move, that the weather cuts you a break, you don’t get the DTs from lack of blogging, and that the real BooMan adjusts to his new place for the biscuits quckly.
the real BooMan has been giving me the what’s what this morning. He can sense someone is about to move his cheese.
Hope your move goes smoothly. We set down roots in this house 20 years ago (where does the time go?) and the thought of packing up the results of two pack-rats married to each other is daunting enough that we may be here until they carry us out in boxes and leave the junk for the kids to deal with. 😉
I’d say you’ve left the trib in capable hands during your absence.
Have a smooth move Booman…we’ll try to hold down the place while you are gone…or try not to trash the place partying!
Back on Tuesday I hope…we’re having a big 5.0. birthday bash for me in the Cafe’…it’s cake for breakfast!
Hugs to both Boomen this weekend.
Man oh man Boo, I hope the move goes smooth-well as smooth as any move can go…I’ve packed up and moved some 50 times in my life and the only thing I can say with absolute certainty is that no matter how much you recheck to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything you always do-I think it’s some kind of rule of law like losing one sock in the dryer.
As long as everyone keeps in mind your one and only rule about don’t be prick I think we’ll manage while your gone..but that’s not to say we won’t be missing you while your gone. We’ll keep the light on for ya.
May the move go smoothly (as smoothly as these things ever go) — and give the real Booman a scritch behind the ears from all of us at the pond.
May everything end up in the room it’s supposed to be in, may you be able to remember what box you packed the most important things in (whatever those are) when you get there.
Moving is a pain, but setting up in a new space is kinda neat. There’s a sense of a fresh beginning, putting your things where they should go and making the space yours, making it feel like home. Best wishes for a good settling in!
By the way, Boo, when do you plan to hold the housewarming party?
As soon as I get the video conference equipment set up so the people of Lyon can join in.
the people of Lyon
That’d be us.
I hope you all haven’t forgotten. The chartered jet will be stopping by to pick each of you up in a few hours! Then we can all video conference with Boo from Lyon.
Hey,…this wouldn’t happen to be a Gulfstream G5, tail number-N379P, would it? If so, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.
It’s mine! All mine I tell you!
So is Cicero getting his light ale in exchange for helping you move?
He’ll get guinness and be be grateful.
Hmm, you and Tracy taking off at the same time? I’m thinking of a certain photo. . .
Just sayin’.
Best of luck with everything & come back soon!
You noticed that too?
Things that make you go Hmmmmm ;o)
is it really that obvious 🙂
I’ve been on this site nonstop for 8 months. I’ve never been cut off for more than 24 hours before. So, make sure Shirlstars and Diane101 are doing well, and don’t let Man Eegee make off with all the chorizo.
Not the break someone looks forward to, though time for the personal BooMan can open new windows to the world. Wish you all well the coming days, no need to look over your shoulder for this BooMan’s Place. It is not for sale and will be buzzing as usual.
A small frog takes a nap on an elephant ear leaf
special to
Thanks BooMan for your great personality reflected in the shiny waters of your pond with all the lively frogs splashing around. Who would have conceived this baby 8 months ago?
Perhaps a few days in a local monastery can perform miracles to the spirit, I hear they have Internet … ?
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Frog Furniture Removals, LOL!
I am reminded that there are, or were, a number of small moving companies in New York with funky names designed to make you laugh a little about moving:
The Padded Wagon (I used that one once)
Mother Truckers
Nice Jewish Boy with Warehouse
Van Gogh Movers
maybe others
And what have you done with Oui? The real Oui. The Oui who starts each post with a dot.
Chorus responds:
I’m Oui, yes I’m the real Oui
All you other Ouis are just imitating
So won’t the real Oui please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
Good day!
Same advice I gave to Susan and Tracy – get some rest!
It won’t be the same without you around – all the best!
May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now,
And bless you evermore.
I have lots of tips- I’ve moved almost 40 times in my life.
Hey Booman. I’ll call Phil ;o)
he has some inside connections. I’ll see what he can do :o)
…and hey,
be careful out there.
I know it’s early, but
have a
I saved it for just for you!
The shaking subsides after 24-48 hours but the worst part of withdrawl is that damned isolation. No drug can cure that ill. Friendship is the only effective treatment.
I figure the omission of mentioning me was simply an oversight with so many good people here to metion. Don’t be gone too long.
enjoy you weekend, Boo — I’m sure it will be a rollercoaster of emotions and opening up of boxes and thinking ‘what the hell is this?!’ oh, wait, that when I move…
Have fun hanging out with yourself, take ti from me, he’s good company!
We’ll keep the place hopping while you’re gone….ribbit.
Good luck on the move… I hope you have some burly Philly friends to help and a quarter keg waiting for them at the new place. Give the real Booman a pat on the head and a treat for me.
Ooooh, poor Boo! Boxes, boxes, boxes all around. But you’ll get by, with a little help from your friends. The worst part is afterwards, when you go nutsy trying to figure out which box you put the doohickey in. And the Real BooMan will be just fine, as long as he knows where you are. My dog says you should give him an extra doggie biscuit.
As for being off-line, I dunno. I was off just yesterday because of terminal headache and came back to masses of messages, most of them non-essential. You may have to make friends with your local internet librarian.
Late to the “party” but good luck with the move an in your new “crib” BooMan, and to the real BooMan too! Hurry back as soon as you can.
Best wishes for a smooth move, Boo.
We look forward to hearing the details when you get back!
Seeing as I have no self-discipline, I need to share at least one unsolicited tip: Make sure to clearly identify the contents of your boxes. Or – at minimum – identify the room in which the box should ultimately reside. (It’ll save yourself a whole bunch of aggravation after the movers leave, as the boxes will be in the appropriate rooms) Most importantly – don’t lose track of your beer coolers!
Your blog and your reputation will be well guarded and well represented during your absence (and very likely still intact upon your return ;^).
Be well. Take care of yourself. Much love, A
will hoist a tall cold one in your honor sometime this weekend — we’ve been in this place a year and still trying to get our shit together (and still got more shit sitting in storage to sort through one of these years)…
“I kind of envy you people who are permitted for your righteousness’ sake, to dwell in a boarding house; not that I should want to always live in one, but I should like the change occasionally from this housekeeping slavery to that wild independence. A life of don’t-care-a-damn in a boarding house is what I have asked for in many a secret prayer.” Mark Twain – Letter to W. D. Howells, 1/28/1882
May the Clemens be with you.
Hi Booman, I will be allright, that’s for sure, you take care and get that move done…My own move is coming up rapidly and I too may be out of connection for a day or too…Not looking forward to packing, have one box done so far, move is in next three weeks. So much to do and so little time to spend on it.
Oh moving. Let me tell ya Boo, I have moved so many times it is unreal. I have been back on the mainland now over three years and I have moved five times. Hopefully that is it for awhile. The last move was so worth it. As most of you folks know, I manage an apartment complex and part of my compensation is a free apt. and utilities. Last year I begged my supervisor fro three months to move upstairs to THE primo apt. in the complex. It was great, my maintenance guy helped with the big peices with one of my teneant and I took a box or two at a time upstairs and unpacked it then went back down for more. I have a veiw to die for of the Pacific and I just love it!
Boo, don’t think of this as an ending but a beginning of a new and exciting part of your journey. Hope all goes smoothly for you and the Booman. You will be missed but you have left the pond in good hands. See you soon!
Good luck in the next chapter of your life.
Here’s wishing you the bluest sky,
And hoping something better comes tomorrow.
Hoping all the verses rhyme,
And the very best of choruses to
Follow all the doubt and sadness.
I know that better things are on the way.
Here’s hoping all the days ahead
Won’t be as bitter as the ones behind you.
Be an optimist instead,
And somehow happiness will find you.
Forget what happened yesterday,
I know that better things are on the way.
It’s really good to see you rocking out
And having fun,
Living like you just begun.
Accept your life and what it brings.
I hope tomorrow you’ll find better things.
I know tomorrow you’ll find better things.
Here’s wishing you the bluest sky,
And hoping something better comes tomorrow.
Hoping all the verses rhyme,
And the very best of choruses to
Follow all the drudge and sadness.
I know that better things are on the way.
I know you’ve got a lot of good things happening up ahead.
The past is gone it’s all been said.
So here’s to what the future brings,
I know tomorrow you’ll find better things.
I know tomorrow you’ll find better things.
(Better Things, The Kinks)
It will be Ok Boo, for you and the real Boo too! I remember moving out of my last house to our current digs some 26 years ago. When the moving van pulled away from the old place, I sat on the floor in the basement rec room for quite a while feeling really low. Lasted until I walked into the new place, and saw some of my stuff already unloaded and in place. Hope you two take to the new digs. I’m sure your team will keep us lurkers entertained and well informed for the next few days, so RELAX and let it happen.