Enjoy voting in these 2008 polls (please vote before viewing the results):
- Democratic nominee straight poll (18 candidates): VOTE HERE!
- Democratic nominee IRV poll (21 candidates): VOTE HERE!
- General election IRV poll : VOTE HERE!
I created the first two, but found the rather interesting third poll at demochoice.org (partial first round results for this poll as of writing this diary are below the fold).
Here and the candidates:
- The straight poll: Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Wesley Clark, Hillary Clinton, John Conyers, Howard Dean, Dick Durbin, John Edwards, Russ Feingold, Al Gore, John Kerry, Dennis Kucinich, Nancy Pelosi, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Bill Richardson, Mark Warner.
- Democratic Nominee IRV poll: Obama, Lieberman, Schweitzer added to (1).
- Mixed IRV poll candidates: John Edwards, Dennis Hastert, Michael Peroutka (Constitution), Tom Vilsack, Joseph Lieberman, Harry Browne (Libertarian), Peter Camejo (Green), Rudy Giuliani , David Cobb (Green), Joe Biden, Michael Badnarik (Libertarian), Barack Obama, Evan Bayh, Barbara Boxer, Gary Nolan (Libertarian), Colin Powell (Republican), Jesse Ventura (Independent), Ralph Nader (Green or Independent), Mark Warner, Dennis Kucinich, Jeb Bush, Condoleezza Rice (Republican), Howard Phillips (Constitution), John McCain, Wesley Clark, Newt Gingrich, Al Gore, Pat Buchanan (Reform or Independent), Hillary Clinton, Bill Frist, Howard Dean
Current results snapshot for the mixed poll (top 5):
Al Gore (Democrat) 41 (18.7%)
Wesley Clark (Democrat) 32 (14.6%)
Howard Dean (Democrat) 19 (8.7%)
Barack Obama (Democrat) 18 (8.2%)
Hillary Clinton (Democrat) 15 (6.8%)
You can vote for the 1st poll (straight poll) here:
2008 Democratic Party Nominee: Your Choice | |
Evan Bayh | |
Joe Biden | |
Barbara Boxer | |
Wesley Clark | |
Hillary Clinton | |
John Conyers | |
Howard Dean | |
Dick Durbin | |
John Edwards | |
Russ Feingold | |
Al Gore | |
John Kerry | |
Dennis Kucinich | |
Nancy Pelosi | |
Jack Reed | |
Harry Reid | |
Bill Richardson | |
Mark Warner | |
Someone else | |
Not sure | |
Free polls from Pollhost.com |