“Barbara Bush is allegedly TICKED off at Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Andy Card, nearly all of them — except Karen Hughes — for how her boy is faring in the hearts and minds of Americans,” writes Steve Clemons at Washington Note. Check out his story, but don’t try to get him to tell you who his sources are. OPEN THREAD!
Steve adds: “And if you are near the radio or internet termninal, I’ll be chatting with Sam Seder of Air America’s Majority Report tonight at 7:50 p.m. ET for a quick ten minutes.”
Talk about rabid.
Hey Susan!
Just so no one plans their schedule around it, I think the article you linked was from yesterday – so when the author said he’d be on Air America at 7:50 – I think that was last night. (But then again, I may have missed something.)
Thanks for the laugh – Babs has scared me ever since I read Al Franken’s accounts of his run-ins with her. (Albeit, I’m of the impression he provoked quite a bit of her reportedly harsh behavior)
Good night!
because then she says crazy stuff. But if she beats on the bad men–or if Clemons’ story gets legs–then it’s all good, as the kids say.
With as much power as she personally wields she IS one of the “bad men” in my eyes.
Besides, is anyone else just a bit disgusted how she’s covering up for her lil tyke? Speak about momma’s boy…now that he’s gotten himself into a very tight box he’s got to get babs to bust him out ?
SHE’s providing eloquent proof for how Bush Jr is living in a protected fantasy world. It’s all those BAD men’s fault… her boy can’t possibly be involved, right?
Little Georgie needs mommy to bail him out of this big President-y mess. And mommy’s there for him, but this mommy’s kind of a scary queen who can make things happen. It’s the story of his life: fuck up, call in the cleanup crew, move on to the next appointment.
Just like “Pulp Fiction”!
I was thinking of Angela Lansbury and the scary Queen Mom from the original Manchurian Candidate. One of the creepiest villians ever.
That should be on pay per view… I’d pay to watch them go a few rounds.
You mean miss “See You Next Tueseay”
I’d be careful if I were Cheney (shudder).
As Nixon is supposed to have said: “That is a woman who knows how to hate.”