Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
I voted No in the poll…but here I am! What’s for lunch?
Day of the week doesn’t have much impact on my life except as a reflection of her schedule. On the other hand, a cider wouldn’t go down bad once I go get some writing done.
I used to love the end of the week, but lately I still have too much work left to carry over to Monday to really feel good about it.
So, I was going through my cd collection yesterday, and came across my copy of this CD, and wondered if anybody else had guilty musical pleasures to share…
I’ll cop to owning this, and listening to it, and singing loudly.
Thanks, I’m never going to feel guilty about Esquivel again. 🙂
This can get ugly.
Remember this one from last summer (the chubby boy doing wild dancing at his webcam).
Maia-hi, maja-hu, maja-ho, maj-haha
A classic.
The most played song on my iPod is the Dance Mix of that single (blushes).
In my defense; my son borrowed it and played Dragostea Din Tei 45 times in one single weekend.
My son heard a rework of “Who Let the Dogs Out?” that substituted the word “Frog” for “Dog” and added a bunch of “ribbit” noises and other silliness. He begged me until I bought the whole album, which is the most ridiculous, derivative dance mix I’ve ever heard–and I hate dance music in the first place. (I’m more of an old-timey/heavy metal guy.)
But now we listen to it all the time, jumping and dancing like fools.
My kids have the video of Crazy Frog…and they drive me crazy with it!
There’s a video?
I guess this Crazy Frog thing actually sold like gangbusters. I thought it was more like finding a funny K-Tel record in the bargain bin. My pop culture knowledge is extremely spotty. Hey, I listen to System of a Down, watch The Daily Show, and play World of Warcraft, but it’s never enough to keep up with the younger ones.
I’ll cop to this still being my favorite album 30 years later and even though I’ve since learned he is an insufferable ass. I had the biggest crush on him when I was in high school. Oh, and the other album listed as “buy these two together” too. I know it’s pathetic. Please forgive me this one small weirdness in light of my obvious perfection in all other areas.
Ha, I wrote a short essay piece once on the way the ghosts of old lovers can hang around and haunt me, and his music was what triggered it. Heart Hotels, to be specific.
Hey, that’s the ultimate in car-singing music, right? How about Blondie?
Everything, including Rockbird and Def, Dumb, & Blonde. I’ve even got the nails in the face album around somewhere though I didn’t feel the need to pick up the CD on that one when I made the switch from vinyl.
I have both ABBA and Blondie, and was listening to them just last night.
I’ll cop to still owning this on vinyl and having owned it on 8 track. I think the boyfriend with the ’69 Mustang got the tape in about ’73.
Title song seems appropriate today…
Back to work…putting on my designer kevlar for the rest of the day….
I am quite known among my friends in RL for heavily critizing the crap that comes out on the radio.
But I can’t help this one…there’s no real explanation for it lol.
I luv me some Pink
Oh my most favorite cheesiest CD
…now I did it…. y’all can’t get that song out of your heads now…. teehee teehee teehee >:-0
of Backstreet Boys AND NSYNC. 🙁
But I also have all of Bruckner’s Symphonies, so it probably balances out… 🙂
I was here about half an hour ago, but you guys were still hanging out in last night’s Cafe and the dirty dishes took up too much space. 😉
A good day so far — the spouse was getting ready to work out today so I pulled on my clothes and joined him. 🙂 Starting Monday he’ll need to switch to afternoon workout; I’m hoping that will spur me to a twice-a-day schedule (once in the morning, then with him in the afternoon). Breakfast today: cottage cheese and fresh fruit; might make myself a piece of toast in a bit, I’m still a little hungry. (Orowheat makes a “carb counting” bread that’s absolutely delicious!)
Need to get the spouse’s paperwork done today so he can get back to work on Monday…I am sooooo glad to have him back on his regular schedule! Not only did the “transitional work” totally screw up what passes for “normal” life around here, I wasn’t able to keep him company at work…one day next week I’ll take a book and ride his bus for a round trip or two. 🙂
Okay, time to hit the shower before the spouse gets back here…will be back later… 🙂
Setback on getting the spouse back to his “regular” job; the blood pressure readings today were still too high. 🙁
However, he talked to his superintendent, and he’s going to go back on a 7am-3pm schedule which is at least close to his normal working schedule, which means I’ll have at least a semblance of “normal” life (early mornings for writing/Internetting, late mornings/early afternoons for erranding, dinner at 6pm instead of 9pm). He’s going to go back next week for another check, and see what a week of getting proper sleep and healthy exercise does.
I’m not a happy camper, but I’ll muddle through somehow; heading out to do something FUN this afternoon before coming home in time for the Sharks game… 🙂
This may seem like a dumb question, and you’ve probably addressed it before, but can’t he just take medication to bring his BP down to normal?
whispers of “get a better name, ya schmuck” ≈
Any rule you don’t like, no problem: we’ll debate the issue and at least have fun in doing so. Whispers @BooMan’s don’t go far, the frogs will amplify for all to hear and rebut.
Your introduction was credited with 13 ‘4’s – my lucky number, so that’s a good start. Just a single comment and you have to turn a new page in archives beyond 50 in number. It’s the loyal reader @BooMan’s Place I treasure, be sure to drop in occasionally in the FBC diaries and get splashed with ‘4’s. No threshold in the cafe and everyone is welcomed at the entrance.
It’s a great cafe to rest after a hard day of chores or an unruly boss you survived.
Montmartre - my favorite place in Paris
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Good morning, all!
A resounding yes from me on your poll. Fell asleep on the couch last night – laptop still in lap – after writing an entry on Oil-for-Food. Woke up late at night and had trouble sleeping again. Tired and body aching. Only a few hours to go – TGIF.
Hi y’all! Out into the cold, see ya later, save me some java!
Last night supersoling was wondering about your art fair that’s going to be tomorrow. He was asking if there’s a limit on how many pieces people can post and if there are any other guidelines. I’m wondering if it might be a good idea for you to post a diary today that announces what you’re gonna do and how you’re gonna do it? And possibly this has already occurred to you. 🙂
And maybe I should take my own advice and post something about the BooBooks discussion tomorrow. But first, I’m off t
to have lunch with friends!
Good idea. No, it hadn’t occurred to me. But that’s what happens when you’re scatterbrained!
put absinthe in the water today? Yeeesh!
I can’t wait for the weekend, if things don’t improve before noon I may declare a preemptive strike on my workweek and force an early break.
If they had, wouldn’t everyone be all happy and mellow? I think instead we all got the Almond Mocha Crack.
Sequences and hymns by Abbess Hildegard von Bingen (+1179)

hyperion circa 1981. I have it on vinyl but I think it may be avail. on CD. Only play it during Christmas.
Gregorian Chants, basically, but done by a mixed choir (Gothic Voices directed by Christopher Page),a stunningly beautiful album.
That looks cool, and they have it on Amazon, so it must be available elsewhere too.
One of my favorite Christmas CDs is a mix from the Pottery Barn store…it always cracked me up to watch my guys singing along with Eartha Kitt’s Santa Baby!
I’m sure yer aware of this stuff, Grasshead that you are: David Grisman…very tasty.
tee-hee…do I have to admit how many of those are already in my collection?
on CD for my dad-in-law one year, so I’m sure it’s out there somewhere.
Just ordered Kip Addotta’s “I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus”…great song. (And he’s a great comedian too — does songs full of puns; will have to post some lyrics sometime…)
She has a fascinating biography, also. One of the first female composers…a mystic…ran a convent.
And don’t limit her music to the holidays…it’s very beautiful and great to listen to for relaxation after a stressful workday.
Ugh! Anyone got anything for hangovers? I got completely drunk and posted a diary last night. Pass out after a couple comments…and then I wake up and it’s on top of list.
It’s good to know I was missed. 😉
Look at my pathetic last diary on Daily Kos. And to think only weeks later I considered the orange place overtly hostile. A cautionary tale.
Aye that it is. 😉
That’s alright though…us sentimental drunks need to stick together.
pointed out, better a sentimental drunk than an angry one. Me, three beers and I start hugging strangers and singing “Danny Boy.”
I am the same way! ‘Cept for the Danny Boy part… 😉
speaking of which… perhaps I should have kept my fascination with what was on the CBC to myself… it was just such an odd juxtaposition with what we were in the middle of flame wars about (and my unfortunate interaction with our new troll)…
ah well, glad your diary got rec’d so more people could see my rantings… 🙂
Oh god I loved that running commentary…you had me snorting and cackling at 3:00 in the AM.
Missed the new troll….
He was “educating” us in the Walgreen’s thread…
But I’m glad I served to amuse… I do have my moments 😉
Now where did I hide that silver crucifix and holy water??? Oh yeah, that’s for vampires…
and wish I was a pharmacist so I could not fill his/her prescriptions.
Here’s a question — if a pharmacist overrules a doctor’s prescription without notifying the doctor, could that be practicing medicine without a license?
Just wondering…okay, back to the silly stuff…
Insurance companies do that all the time. I’ve had to get my doctor to yell at them several times to explain why I got a particular Rx instead of something cheaper. Really annoying.
the pharmacist would have to actually change the prescription, i.e. the dosage or strength, which of course would get them fired pronto!
That is exactly what they have done. They have reduced the strength and dosage to zero, taking it upon themselves to decree that the treatment prescribed by the physician is incorrect, and prescribing their own treatment, namely not taking the prescribed medicine!
Since we’re all slinging and dodging arrows around the site today, I thought I’d post some body art…
Is there an Aquarius
Yes, but she’s especially wonderful, and I was saving her for a future cafe…no, don’t twist my arm…
well we have a whole new year coming up… so I geuss I know what the theme of some of your diaries will be…
Just think of it as BoobMan Tribune! 🙂
This brought something to mind, and I’m sharing because I’m hoping that putting into other people’s head will produce a dilution effect. One word: Boobswarm.
I’ve been waiting to see the Pisces….
(repost that Libra one, won’t you? it was beautiful and goes along nicely with Kelly’s “Boobswarm” suggestion — lol!)
You promised, CG, that once you posted them all, you would reveal the source!!
Sorry for causing ripples in the pond folks. I’ll be off the site from Saturday morning until Tuesday morning and will have plenty of time to decompress.
I hope you all do your usually outstanding job of keeping the spirit and culture of the site alive and well.
try to find some time to have fun. I recommend dancing
You know, since I have all this extra room with missing furniture, I am going to try to bust that move right now. First I need to stretch a little and turn on my webcam.
Awesome. That needs lyrics, though. ::clears throat::
It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone
It’s not unusal to have fun with anyone
But when I see you hanging about with anyone
It’s not unusual to see me cry…
Yeah, I have that mp3, too. Go ahead, make fun, looks like we all could use it around here today.
breaks the stereotype that all black men can dance…
You deserve a break. Can I recommend a jaunt with the real BooMan out along the Wissahickon while you’re offline?
BTW, you’ve got to post your most embarassing musical pleasures here today…everyone else is! Indy’s made me laugh so hard…
What music I am most embarrassed that I like?
That’s a tough one. I’m not embarrassed about any of it really. I did suddenly discover that Disco rules at a party at Northwestern when I was about 23 years old. I liked KISS when I was in elementary school. I get sappy listening to Van Morrison. I think George Michael is awesome (but WHAM sucked).
I don’t know. I listen to improvisational rock, jazz, blues, and lots and lots of female vocalists. I occassionally listen to classical music. I have a few symphonies I play. But I don’t feel silly about any of it.
One of my favorite concert memories was when Laketrout (a Baltimore band) played Careless Whispers on New years Eve one year…
I don’t own much music anymore, but I will admit to seeing Sean Cassidy live when I was like 11, and nearly crying! ;>)
That was the admission I’ve been waiting for! 🙂
Geez….if I’d known that we didn’t have to still own the vinyl I would have picked…
Name that star!

Need a clue try: Stuck in the ’70s
Not everyone had a Bobby Sherman poster?
I had the triple fold one…hanging next to my bed….
aaahhhhhhhh – memories….
LOL I had a couple of them too… used to wait for that um… Tiger Beat? Some magazine that had posters in them. Memories indeed… I look back now on the Bobby Sherman phenom and think… “good god, why?”
Because we hadn’t discovered Jim Morrison in skin tight leather pants yet???
Some of us had discovered Jim…and that is still one of my favorite posters…hmm, where is sjct?
Nah, it was a shirtless one…yum.
Yep, I remember him too… have one of his on vinyl.
He’s actually a cop in LA now, believe it or not…
Have some wine for settling in at the end of each day of moving. Ripples are okay – except in wine! ;^)
Did somebody say Ripple?
I’ll start with my 3 most memorable…at least I think I remember
– Annie Green Springs…
– Boones Farm…
– Tyrolia…
I don’t think we noticed how bad they tasted because we were all stoned….or maybe it was ’60s -’70s thing…
I drank some cheapass wino wine during the short stint of time I was homeless as a teen. Quite the cliche I had going on there.
Ugh!! Not the Mad Dog…yeah I drank it too…tried it again not too long ago. I won’t recommend it lol.
I drank Mateusse (sp?) Rose one time in high school and threw up in the street. <hangs head>
I think that was on of my ex’s favorites…light brownish or tan bottle…imported?
Don’t hang your head – if it’s the one I recall tossing cookies was a good thing to do…
Glad to see you here at the Pond. As you settle into the new era it will get easier for you and the Real Booman too. I hope you know you are the best! And we have your back. Have a peaceful weekend.
only five minutes left of the morning here. Started the day before sunrise with -10F for a temp, but no wind and the sun is shining very brightly.
And more blogosphere bickering… not my favorite way of starting the day.
And I’m still allowing myself to get sucked into seeing what it’s all about. It must be some sort of a common human flaw like viewing the scene of the fire, accident, or whatever.
But every time I ask myself if that 30, 45, 60 minutes couldn’t have been better spent on the defeat of corporatism, or on spiritual renewal, a necessary innoculation against despair of current events.
So, next time, sorry folks, but a do believe I shall refain. BT and ET exist, and I made up my mind as to the charcter of the principals, and principles involved long ago, I doubt anything would change it at this point.
A great idea, to just stay away from the mess.
How do you stand the -10 weather? I am cold, and it’s not even freezing here yet…
The human:
To and from auto; add shirt, jacket, gloves
Otherwise; insulated gloves, Carhartt insulated pants (red inside, black is for real cold, -20, -30), air-force style parka, with probably a hooded pullover under that.
for auto travel, all the above goes along, and gets moved from the trunk to the interior if there’s any danger of the lock icing up on the truck, plus survival food, plus some sort of candle-style heating device, (remember to let some air in, many of those who forgot to do that are no longer with us.)
The auto:
If stored outdoors, has its electric block heater plugged into house overnight, then it starts almost like summer time, and you don’t have to drive 20 miles to get heat.
Stored in the trunk;
Jumper cables, and tow chain/rope. And a spare tire that actually has the right air pressure. A container containing chicken grit. Works great for under the drive wheels when stuck, you hardly need to push. Doesn’t work so great under the wheels that don’t spin when you step on the gas, ha!
Traveling in snow country and stalled; it’s not wise to leave the car, and walk to that “nearby” farmhouse. Many of those who tried are dead. I’m serious. You may be able to use the cellphone to notify authorities where you are, but it may be a day until they can get to you. That’s why you need the survival gear.
Better quit before I hit diary length.
It’s a hazy, lazy winter day in Puget Sound. Ducks and sea birds are paddling around our dog-walk bay. The evil hydrogen oxide has melted away and whisps of mist are scattered about, as we shoot up into the mid 40’s from
the low 40’s.
Puget4 habb addudder code, she’s taking a nap in between assaults on some overdue shipments we’re trying to make today. Florida Mom is bundled up in the living room watching the last of the CNN news before we switch to Big Ed Schultz for a while. The Twa Totos are snuggling tight.
We’re looking forward to some time off this weekend and Puget4 will take several extra home days from her “away job” as we rush secularly on towards The Holidays.
just lost his pussycats and is traumatized.
Here’s a puppy picture from happier days:
Oh my word… now that is a cutie pie if there ever was one.
It’s sad when families break up. Maybe he needs a new kitty from the shelter.
He actually came outside and tried to get in the car. Then he buried his head between my legs and whimpered. Then he demanded 3 milk-bones but wouldn’t eat them and get running to the door. Then he got a huge drink of water, sighed, and lied down.
The whole thing was pretty pathetic. Don’t tell me animals don’t understand what is going on.
Puppy bellyrubs!! What a cutie.
Poor guy, losing his feline buddies…
He sings too:
Hey, ain’t it good to know that you’ve got a friend?
People can be so cold.
They’ll hurt you and desert you.
Well they’ll take your soul if you let them.
Oh yeah, but don’t you let them.
You just call out my name and you know wherever I am
I’ll come running to see you again.
James Taylor is obviously one of my guilty music pleasures.
Saving a sunny spot in her chair for the big guy.
Awww, that just sucks. I went over to visit Georgie the border collie the other night cuz I have been missing him so. I was his Mama for eight years, ya know? Sigh. He’s got a new puppy he’s trying to deal with, and he still misses his mama… Crap. And they’re innocent in it all. I hate that.
I voted no because I’m on a marathon to meet my editor’s deadline — so I may go home from the office this afternoon, but I don’t get the weekend off! (next weekend, though… assuming I finish this thing on time!)
Okay, music I can be embarassed to admit I listen to… I’ve been picking up a lot of CDs of things I still have on vinyl… from my college days or (ahem) considerably earlier. (I like IndyLib’s picks too, I might need to go get some of those… brings back memories!)
Then there’s what I’m listening to now…. and of course, my old standby, movie soundtracks.
Great picks! (I think IndyLib should make us a few mix CDs to play heere in the cafe, don’t you?)
Here’s a Friday Random Ten playlist from my mp3 collection:
The Safety Dance – Men Without Hats
Won’t Get Fooled Again – The Who
Same Ole Love – Anita Baker
The Way It Is (Acoustic Live) – Tesla
Run To You – Bryan Adams
Gel – Collective Soul
Three Babies – Sinead O’Connor
Make Love Like A Man – Def Leppard
Don’t Let Him Go – REO Speedwagon
What Do You Do For Money Honey – AC/DC
I do have some newer stuff than this would suggest, but it’s true I’m mostly retro.
If anybody else wants to play, please join in! The generally accepted net rules for the FRT game are that you must take the first 10 songs that come up on random play, no skipping because it’s embarrasing, and no poking through to get songs that make you look cooler than you actually are. Whatchoo guys got?
well, i don’t own an ipod and don’t have an mp3 collection but can I still play? random picks from my brain (not in any kind of order, and in less than 3 minutes):
story in your eyes – the moody blues
can’t find my way home – blind faith
friends in low places – garth brooks
all star – shit! the name escapes me….
lawyers, guns and money – warren zevon
i’m still alive – pearl jam
the end – the doors
spider web – joan osborne
ye sleeping nights of jesus – robyn hitchcock
running kind – darden smith
anything by loudon wainwright III
oh, shit, mine goes to 11 and I didn’t even include anything by Spinal Tap….
Nice list! I have most of those. Love Pearl Jam’s Ten, the whole CD is great. And All Star is Smashmouth, I think. YAY for FR11!
This makes me look cooler than I really am. Some of these are from my son. Can you guess which?
Adagio for Strings – Barber
anytime you’re lonely – jonah werner
apertura – Gustavo Santaolalla (motorcycle diaries)
friendship – tenacious D
front porch lounger – G Love
comin back – citizen cope
american pie – don mclean
holes to heaven – jack johnson
love gonna walk out on me – ben harper/toots and the maytals
Volcano – damien rice
I don’t know, I think that Tenacious D could go either way. 😉
And you know it’s always the truest marker of cool when someone casually denies how cool they are…
I claim Tenacious D as my own…as introduced by my son. Jack Black is cool.
Honestly I was stuck in the 70’s for so long with Jackson Browne, Dan Fogelberg, Pure Prairie League et al, until my kids came of age and I loved their taste in music!
I’m still stuck in the musical past. I like a few things from the 90s and 2k+, but mostly I’m tragically unhip.
Once, I admitted to a much-more-hip-than-me friend that I had no idea who either the Backstreet Boys or NSync were, and he laughed and replied, “Given your age, I think that’s perfectly appropriate. I’d be very worried about you if you still got Teen Beat.”
I’ll play, just put it on shuffle and got:
No skipping!
We do have some interesting overlap in musical taste. From where we overlap it looks like you branch out one direction into more electronic stuff, and I branch out the other way into American arena rock. 🙂
I’ve never heard Röyksopp, will have to check them(?) out.
Yes, I think you are right, I noticed that too (the other day as well).
Röyksopp is a fairly new electronica band. Sample some of their most downloaded at iTunes. They have only issued 2 albums to date (but lots of killer re-mixes):

Melody A.M. (2002)
The Understanding (2005)
I took my 15 yo daughter to see them here in NY in September (Webster Hall). In that college crowd, curly and I were the oldest and my daughter the youngest among the audience.
The selection on my home computer is bigger and better… mostly here at work I play CDs, to keep the hard drive free (it gets busy).
Home…. Secret Garden
Transylvania 1887….. Van Helsing
Courtyard Lullaby… Loreena McKennitt
Forward to Time Past… Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Breath of Life (Sheila Chandra)… Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers
Winterborn…. The Cruxshadows
The Portrait Gallery….Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The Ring Goes South…. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Guinevere Comes To Lancelot… A Knight’s Tale
Cassandra….. The Cruxshadows
Foundations of Stone….Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers
I got to see the LOTR symphony in Phoenix last year, it was amazing.
From my I-tunes played at least one time playlist
I Think I’m A Clone Now – Weird Al
Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment – Ramones
Apeman – Kinks
Too Shy – Kajagoogoo
Don’t Stand so Clost to Me – Police
Away – The Irish Descendents
Did it in a Minute – Hall & Oates
Dear Prudence – The Beatles
Our House – Madness
Man Overboard – Blondie
This place is getting kinda crowded…time to head for the bar…cause It’s vodka:30!
and another test ….(just ignore this)