Today was a good day here at the Carnacki house.

The youngest Carnacki turns 2 on Sunday. We marked her birthday early so aunts and cousins could be here.
Some of you might remember the youngest Carnacki from her work last year with the Kerry-Edwards campaign.

Trust me when I tell you she’s one of the strongest believers in individual liberties and freedoms you’ll ever meet.


I mean that.

She believes she should have the freedom to climb up on top of the sofa and jump, the law of gravity be damned.

Or when she’s told she can’t do something. She folds her arms and hunches up her shoulders and lowers her head while at the same time looking up with a serious frown, and says, “Moooooommmmm.” Like she has to take her mother or father or sisters to task for infringing upon her God-given right to turn on the television or to decide her bedtime.

She’s really an angel though.

Almost all the time when asked to do anything or asked her opinion of whether she likes something and she responds with a “Yeah!” like she’s with you wholeheartedly.

When she plays with her older sisters, almost 8 and almost 5, she dives into the action. NFL linebackers could learn from the way she throws herself into tackles against much larger opponents. And her sisters fall laughing. I always take a tumble like I’ve been walloped by Mean Joe Greene and she laughs and jumps on top of me. When she runs with the football, it’s almost as big as her, but she carries it proudly.

She often sits quietly and plays with her Fischer Price figures for hours on end. I can seldom make out the words, but obviously there are deep stories being acted out. Her imagination is as deep as the universe is wide.

She’s my happy story tonight. Your happy story might be anything you want to share.