As some of you may know, I’m on the mailing list for Col. Bob Pappas, USMC (ret.), an ultraconservative fundamentalist Christian commentator on the ijnternet. Most of the time I don’t bother to pass on the articles and other musings he sends me, but this one was too good to pass up. It’s a short essay about the superior ethical posture of the Bush Administration (superior to “liberals”, that is) written by a Dr. M. Sidney Wallace:
Dr. Wallace teaches at a very prestigious University. His mission here is to educate the masses on the failings of liberal society. He writes in very simple terms what he teaches to his students in higher learning.
The title of his essay is “Moral Compass.” Follow me to the flip side to read this astounding work of literary and philosophical genius.
Just for the record, the email grants me permission to reprint this article so long as I give proper attribution, which I am happy to do. This essay is copyrighted by (which is Col. Pappas’ own website). So, without further ado, a lesson from the good Dr. Wallace on Republican peronal responsibility and accountability as demonstrated by the Bush administration’s actions:
Moral Compass
by Dr. M. Sidney WallaceEveryone seems to be wondering why the liberals are so quick to complain about the current administration in Washington, DC. Let’s look at a few facts and see if we can get to the bottom of their complaints.
Personal Responsibility
The present administration believes in personal responsibility. George Bush understands that humans are fallible; however each of us should take responsibility for our own individual actions. Liberals, Democrats and Republicans, believe that “no one should be held responsible for his or her actions if his intentions are good.”Personal Accountability
With responsibility comes accountability. George Bush holds individuals in his administration accountable for their actions. This is why after the election of 2004; we have a new Secretary of State and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The previous incumbents were not doing the job the people of the United States and the President wanted them to do. President Bush appointed John Bolton to the United Nations to let the world know that he was serious about reform of corruption at the UN. The President is appointing federal judges that believe the Constitution of the United States means what it says.George Bush holds himself personally accountable for the results of the “War on Terrorism.” To this end he does not conduct personal popularity polls hoping to go down in history as something that he is not, like so many liberals Democrats wish to do.
Logical Reasoning
The current administration is trying to apply logical reasoning to the nation’s shortage of energy. There is absolutely no logical reason for not obtaining energy resources off shore or in the frozen waste lands of Alaska. Every reason the opposition offers is based on “emotion” and not one logical fact. The net effect is that all of us pay substantial more dollars to heat our homes and drive our cars simply to placate some emotional whim of a few individuals.Morals and Society
There has never been a society in recorded history that has been able to sustain itself without a moral compass. The founders of the United States saw that the Christian moral compass could be solid and dependable if they provided a case to eliminate problems of religious zealots of old Europe.The moral compass of the United States has held steady and true for over two hundred years. This compass has served the nation well because the founders of the nation encased it in a frame called the Constitutions of the United States.
If you eliminate personal responsibility and accountability, logical reasoning, and remove any moral compass then you end up with a society that will quickly spiral down into oblivion. If this is what you want for your children and grand children then get behind your liberal politician, be they Democrat or Republican. If you wish to continue the American ideals of freedom for every man then get onboard with your President.
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Copyright © December 2nd, 2005, by Gulf1. With proper attribution, this essay may be quoted and redistributed.
It may not be used in
any way, in conjunction with any advertisement without the author’s expressed written permission.
In brief, George Bush holds people in his administration accountable because Colin Powell (that total f**kup) is no longer our Secretary of State, but the redoubtable and supremely loyal . . . er, I mean reliable and competent Condolezza Rice has taken his place. Further proof is that that incompetent ass George Tenet has been removed as Director of the CIA (just ignore that medal of freedom thingy, OK), and replaced with ubermensch Porter Goss.
And we all know how well President Bush accepts responsibility for what happens in the War on Terror, don’t we?
Bush Tries to Blame War Critics for Administration’s Failings
Monday, November 14, 2005
By Martin FrostWhen a president of the United States makes truly outrageous statements, he deserves to be called on them. That’s exactly what happened last Friday when President Bush spoke on Veterans Day.
Here’s the “call.”
First, let me qualify the witness.
As a Democratic member of Congress, I cast the following votes: In 1991, I voted to give “Bush 41” the right to commit troops against Saddam Hussein; In 2002, I voted to give “Bush 43” the right to commit troops against Saddam Hussein. Additionally, I voted for the $87 billion to conduct the war.
President Bush on Friday attacked the motives of Democratic congressmen and senators whose “baseless attacks send the wrong signal to our troops and to an enemy that is questioning America’s will.”
Somewhere along the line, President Bush seems to have forgotten his basic civics lesson about how a democracy works. Thanks to our successful revolution against King George III, we have the right to dissent in this country. We have the right to question the actions of our own government. To suggest otherwise would be to relegate us to a dictatorship. And, after all, we have been telling the Iraqi people about the virtues of a democracy.
. . . We now know that the intelligence relied upon by the Bush administration to take us to war was faulty. We have every right to ask for a full explanation about how the administration got it so wrong, and about how they used the intelligence to convince Congress and the American people that military action against Saddam Hussein was justified. That’s exactly what the current bi-partisan six member investigation in the U.S. Senate is undertaking.
. . . I was a member of the Democratic leadership (serving as caucus chairman) in the months leading up to the congressional vote in 2002. We were bombarded by the administration with conclusions about the intelligence rather than the actual intelligence itself.
Specifically, we were constantly reminded that Saddam Hussein had used poison gas against the Kurds, and that, at the time when U.N. monitoring of Iraq began in 1992 following the successful first Gulf War, he had biological and chemical weapons. Even though these weapons had subsequently been destroyed, we were assured that he must now have more since he’d had the original capability. We were also told that intelligence sources indicated he was well on his way to developing nuclear weapons.
All of that intelligence turned out to be false.
Thus, it is perfectly reasonable to inquire about how the administration got it so terribly wrong and why it hyped this intelligence so aggressively. In fact, press reports have now indicated that Italian intelligence sources tried to warn the administration that its information about efforts by Iraq to obtain yellowcake uranium from Niger was based on a forged document.
It’s time for the president to get on with our country’s business rather than trying to blame Democrats for the mistakes that his own people made.
Well, I’m sure you’d like to commend “Dr. Wallace” for his thoughtful and thought provoking essay on why our Dear Leader has better ethics than we do, foul liberal pond scum that we are. So be sure and drop him a line, why don’t you, thanking him for his contribution to the current debate on Republican ethics in Washington. I know I plan to:
If you wish to send a comment to Dr. Wallace please use:
Sounds like “Dr.” Wallace found his PhD in a box of Captain Crunch. He’s very clearly either never read or never understood any formal ethics theory.
No shit.
Steven, you’re kidding us, right? Some 8th-grader actually wrote that. C’mon, ‘fess up!
No, I get these emails all the time. Not sure if Dr. Wallace is real however. He may be a nom de plume for Col. Pappas. He may be a professor at the University of West Florida (google his name and university and a University site that requires a special login for students and faculty pops up). Pappas is very real though. I had a series of email exchanges with him a while back.
Well, that Googling leading to the “U of West Florida” that requires a log in also shows this in cache (from Dr. Wallace):
“Some regular Gulf1 columns and editorials:
A New Government Program by Dr. M. Sidney Wallace
The Social Democrats will have a tough demand, backed up
with documented proof, from an undivided group of Senators.“
And a visit to yields:
“Welcome to KPASSO.COM
A wholly owned subsidiary of”
the correct Politically Correct or Big Brother Label, in this New Century of Distructive Behavior and No Religious Ideology, except that deemed so by, whomever!
which Prestigious University this semi-literate graces with his wisdom. Bob Jones? That Robertson thing? Tried googling for him but got nothing but the gulf1 site and a few apparent clones of it. His “mission” doesn’t seem to be accomplished, does it?
for David Horowitz (sp?) and his call for affirmative action for conservatives. I can’t imagine that this guy actually teaches anywhere, unless of course he is being ironic and the conservative who sent this to you didn’t get it.
Definitely a “wingnut’s wingnut”, this Wallace character. I suspect he might be the alter-ego of either Jonah Goldberg or Brit Hume.
I’m hoping we get ethical Repubs on the endangered species list SOON. Perhaps with some federal grants, we can get a tagging program underway to catch, tag and release some of these magnificent creatures before they vanish entirely. Maybe even a breeding program to get more of them in the wild.
Don’t bother tagging Dr. Wallace, he’s classified as a parasitic variant of Repub that disguise themselves as ethical.