New Cafe!

Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Salty Snacks on every table
Open Bar
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe from this morning) |
May the 4’s be with you

Hey, kb! It sure has been quiet in the cafe since afternoon. Where is everybody?
I am toasting some bread to eat with apple butter. Want some?
I’m really not trying to sabotage your diet! Pretend I didn’t forget there for a moment, okay? No more food talk from me.
(laughing) You can’t sabotage my diet! I can eat anything I just can’t eat between meals or take seconds. Thus the dinner I am actually eating (the above mentioned Pizza and oven-baked French Fries)
It’s the magic formual for weight-control and nutrition management.
How else can you explain continued weight loss through Thanksgiving week while eating a piece of pumpkin pie nearly every day?
Besides, I think I’d have to retire as a Cafe Host if I didn’t allow Food Talk. (And what would we do with all those salty-snacks?)
You are very gracious to your remorseful friend!
Your diet is so impressive and common sense-ical. And also weirdly hard for the habitual snacker to remember. Nothing between meals. Nothing between meals. No seconds. No seconds.
Honey (I’m using sweet-talk tonight because people seem to need some gentle language tonight), my diet is rigid about the no eating between meals and no seconds, because it is designed for a person who is out of control in her eating habits.
It is a rule for someone who can’t seem to control herself without a rule.
Do you really need something that inflexible?
The beauty of your diet invention is that it is so flexibly inflexible.
Thanks for opening the new cafe Katiebird! I’m still working on my apple cider but am getting ready to get off my butt and visit some friends where I think we will do some community mood altering. I only wish this here community could have a good round of mood altering because there is a lot of ill will around the pond tonight.
Lil, honey — you just stay right here in the Cafe where it’s safe. We’ve never had any ill will here. I can’t even imagine it.
It’s the love room.
mm, I’m feeling warm and cozy already.
Here’s a refill, and as your friend, I advise you to stay away from those diaries of ill will. That’s not what the Booman Tribune is all about.
I know, I know.
Well, I was going to mention it in my Café in the morning, but tomorrow is International Hug Day (at least according to wikipedia and a bunch of cheesy e-greeting companies). Normally I’m the kind of chap who’d wrinkle his nose at such maudlin manufactured sentiments, but perhaps a simple reminder of our basic comradeship here would be in order.
Group hug, anyone?
And hey, we are in pajamas here…. 😉
Oh heck I like cheese.
lol now that’s some cheese!
Group hug for everyone, that’s for sure.
(((((((((((all BMT-ers))))))))))
It’s felt like a category 5 hurricane has hit the pond this week. Still going on in one diary. 🙁
I’m hereby suggesting a second commandment in addition to “Don’t be a prick” for the community’s consideration:
Proposed BMT second commandment: If you feel you really have to be a prick, send an email.
It prevents collateral damage to bystander civilians who (1) may not know the full story of what’s up and find a flame war depressing / upsetting, (2) may not want to get involved, and/or (3) don’t think it reflects well on the rest of the community.
I have to leave tomorrow for a business trip and won’t be back until Wednesday. I’ll try and check in if I get internet access. Hopefully everyone will try and get along?
I like it.
Have you packed enough 4’s to take with you?
Can one ever pack enough 4’s?
Some of us hoard 4’s the way Imelda Marcos hoarded shoes, LOL. Or is that whoring for 4’s?
Sorry I just having a flashback to last week’s lumpy pillows.
Just finished watching the game. I’m glad I’m a USC alum. Of course I’m also a CU alum, so it was the best of times and the worst of times in football today.
I hope sports talk is OK in the FBC? I’m trying to remember if I ever see it. . .
Ha! Dos ice hockey ring a bell? And we had quite a little chat about school fight songs earlier today.
I defer to my DH on hockey. I like to watch the Avs every so often, but he’s a Fan.
I know the fight songs for USC and CU – at least the choruses. ‘Course they aren’t very complicated.
What’s the latest on KC ice hockey? Have you ever gotten another team out there?
Emma, this is a Lounge — You can talk about anything here. From me, you might get just a gentle uh-huh and a nod and (much later) a politely glased eye — because I don’t know much about sports. But, there are a lot of sports fans around here. We were talking about the Jayhawks earlier today.
Hey did any of those music suggestions work out for your kid? (That was you, right, who asked in a recent Cafe about 80s synth?)
I don’t think anything’s off topic in a Cafe.
Yes! I printed the whole thing to a PDF file and I already found Tainted Love for her.
I forget to check back on responses until the cafe was closed so I couldn’t thank everyone. Thanks for giving me the chance.
Yup, it’s katiebird, AndiF, and kansas together in a room on a roll.
Laughing Out Loud
oh my god that scared me.
That’s the biggest laugh I’ve had all day!
Oh you guys are just too cute! (Gals I should say perhaps, but I always say Guys.)
You could split the difference and say “gays” but I have a feeling that sooner or later that will lead to trouble…
Indy! Did you bring the Xanax?
Would I cheap out on you
gays? There’s enough for every frog!
Did you see the picture at the top of the cafe? You may be onto something!
lol!! And horrifying. I knew one day I’d eat too many croissants and they would take their revenge. You guys, too, huh?
I don’t know, I can’t stop laughing everytime I look at it.
I suspect it’s going to grind the Lounge to a halt. Everyone will read along just as usual, then they’ll get to this one and laugh and laugh and laugh. And start to reply, but laugh and laugh and laugh.
on a kaiser roll originally but it was a little too crowded (we are big-headed women!). I don’t like croissants — too soft.
I should tape myself laughing so I could post links to that when appropriate.
Helm me, I’m sinking!
I believe that was supposed to be a “p.”
Helm me. Helm me!?
Pelm me?
For some reason that reminds me of a news item on SNL years ago about the tragic death of Dr. Backwards. Apparently he was in trouble but people ignored his pleas of PLEH! PLEH!
Helicopter flying over desert island with palm tree and ragged lone man next to writing.
“Never mind–it says ‘helf’ — let’s go home.’
Or words to that effect.
For some reason, this has me in hysterics.
I’m in tears over Dr. Backwards.
Me, too.
but of course — for when you have to me steered towards help.
“have to me steered toward help”?
It’s contagious. Helm, helm! Or, possibly, Pelm, Pelm!
Nothing like killing your own punchline is there? I want an editor!
take the other tack.
Or should I have said ‘tuck?’
Jesse Helms?
This entire thread is so funny — If I missed a 5 here or there, the layers were just to complex.
Thank you.
(Mister asked my why I was laughing so hard and it wasn’t long before he was laughing just as loud!)
Katiebird et al., thank you for the 5s and the laughs ’cause I sure needed them. Good night, I’m going out for a while and maybe I’ll see you later. This is my first time in the cafe in a while and I’ve enjoyed it immensely.
It was so fun to see you! I think about you often. Come back soon.
Yes but croissants do double duty as a food, and when you’re done, a lip gloss. What could be better?
Oh, god, you guys are funny! Lip gloss! Sooo true. And yet so evil.
I’ve also successfully used croissants to mop slobber off of infants, so there’s another practical tip for ’round the house.
can do all that plus they can be used as frisbees to entertain the kids.
I bow to the inherent superiority of your ethnic breadfood of choice. I’m a big fan of the bagel but you can have my lox.
You’ll let me have your lox — oh be still my heart. Now I know we were meant for each other.
Not to mention propping up that one pesky table leg that’s shorter than the other 3.
Oh, that was good! It’s been ages since I was fived.
Plus, then their little faces don’t get chapped.
Oh, you guys are a scream. This is such good medicine after all the other crap!
It started on Mon Jun 13th, 2005 at 01:30:42 PM EDT When Diane posted a diary which opened with this Introduction (and look at the time!):
The Next Day, She posted this (Tue Jun 14th, 2005 at 12:26:46 PM EDT):
And . . . . Finally (Wed Jun 15th, 2005 at 08:20:33 AM EDT)
Are we going to have an anniversary party?
Yes, Lets have a Party!!
A pajama-friendly view of this evening’s sunset with the crescent moon from the Gooseporch.
Puget4 and Florida Mom will be setting up some Holiday Decorations® in the little space not taken up by the craft shop. Mom however insists these are Christmas trimmings!
I love this picture. A little hot chocolate and a blanket and I’ll be all set.
A croissant moon.
Man I needed to get away to a PJ Party tonight. Way too much upheaval and stress in other diaries…so I’m enjoying the food/fun and most importantly what a gal(or guy) can’t be without and that would be the lip gloss. Actually I’m serious about that and am addicted to Bonnie Bell Dr. Pepper Lip Gloss-for over 20 years now. Yes, Virginia some addictions do not involve oxycontin nor make you go deaf…unless you start sticken the Dr. Pepper in your ear.
{{{And a hug}}}
. . . that mrboma’s diary (now on the front page) features a sign for a “marmot xing”? I’m having a giggle fit.
I think we have to acquire that as decoration for the Cafe. Don’t you agree?
Sure! I’ve appropriated a traffic sign or two in my time (and I’m pretty sure the statute of limitations has run on those thefts by now).
Maybe we need a “Hippie Crossing” sign too since their range is shrinking and they need to be protected ;o)
Wouldn’t help, I’m afraid–we’re all a bunch of damned jaywalkers.
I know it. you can take the Hippie out of the range, but you can’t take the range out of the hippie. It’s hardwired ;o)
Did I say “thier” range?
I meant our range ;o)
Omg! Too hilarious! If Andi has gone to bed, we have to remember to show her in the morning.
Night, all.
It’s been a blast.
Marmotdude went over there and said his piece.
for ‘elderly crossing?’
We have a slide among our Scottish tour collection. It’s a scream to U.S. eyes.
Not to mention a huge sign we saw at a roadside rest stop: “No parking for football coaches.”
Needed a break so I decided to bake an old family recipe: “Tequila X-Mas Cake”…
Damn! Then I went over to mrboma’s and stole his sign
So, if anybody asks…I ain’t here…tell’m Andi did it…:{)
Nice to see the two frantic kos diaries finally slipping off the list after what, ALL DAY. It was hilarious how fast they all saddled up and vamoosed it outta town ;o)
Thought we might need to call in some grief counselors for awhile there.
I’ll shut up now ;o)
Yep! We’ve moved!