Hi folks, I see we need this now and we can continue our group gab fest over here, I still have a couple hours before I hit the bed..
About The Author
Mother and Grandmother, living in Orange County, Ca. Full time blogger, ex antique dealer, avid gardener, tole painter, writer.
Hey everyone, just opened this bare bones cafe, furnish if you like and group hug continues here.
I gotta go back and get Sherm…be right back :o)
OK, so call me stupid (been called worse), but how are you guys reading these threads and conversing, i.e. through “recent comments” or just following the thread in the lounge or what? (Maybe it’s just late and I’m shit for brains….)
Recent comments for me, easier than trying to load the page itself…
Where are the recent comments Diane?
right above the “east” open thread, next to your page in the top nav
You mean where it says in big letters: RECENT COMMENTS? LOL
They’re in block quotes for you??… must be the software that bolds everything when you get past a certain age…
(for shame, for shame spidey…) 😉
No silly :o)
I was being sarcastic at my exspense.
I ain’t that drunk darlin’… I was being sarcastic at your expense too 🙂
Really, you did not know…best thing about the site…well maybe not the best thing.
I browse via recent comments (that’s how I’m always able to make an appearance when supersoling says something I need to make him blush about…) & if I’m in another thread I check my recent comments. If I’ve been gone a while I’ll just open the diary…
darn, now you all know my secrets… thanks a lot Stark 🙂
secrets are overrated. 😉
Stark, I know you’re relatively new here, so you may need to change your settings to view the comments chronologically. I think the default is highest rated comments first.
You do that by clicking on your personal page tab and the top of the page; setting is in the list on the drop-down menu. Go into the protected settings section, and you can change it there.
Some folks like the dynamic threaded display option too.
I do two things, keep a window open to my comments page and periodically reload to see if anyone’s said anything to me directly. I also periodically reload the threads I’m following (when enough new comments show up below the headline on the side of my comments page) then I do a search for “[n” and skip directly to the new stuff.
Love these cafe`s that you just wrap up and toss and unwarp a new one!
Just my luck…I finally make a move on the Super and you move the thread!
You can give it a go but I think his heart is taken by Shirl, I know I’ve tried..
It’s ok…I know I am no competition for Shirl of the Stars…but a woman can dream, can’t she? ;>)
Over here ROFLMAO. . . of course you are no competition because . . .well. . .I am more than willing to share his big beautiful heart with everyone. . .that’s just the kind of girl I am.
You so rock Shirl of the Stars. One day we will meet and share hugs.
Wow! That’s a promise I think we should keep!
Oakland area? right? Sounds like I could make a big circle from Idaho to Palm Springs area (brother), to Santa Ana (Diane) LA (Leezey and others) All the way up the coast and land in Susan Hu lap in Port Angelus Wa. . . . . No there’s a thought.
although it is possible that Susan might not want me in her lap. . . .nah. . . .of course she would
Right turn Clyde ;o)
Sounds like a plan, Shirl!
My daughter’s best friend lives in (darn, what is that ski town?) um….dag nab it…I just can’t remember the name right now, but NW of you. Sun Valley…that’s it. So, I’ve been planning to go visit them and when I do, I have full intention of seeking you out for one of your infamous hugs. :>)
Yeah and that’s another advantage of recent comments, that way you don’t have to chase the thread around the board.
Hi ;o)
wink, wink, wink ;o)
Hi sailor, got something in your eye, or was that wink for me?
Careful now dear. You might “out” yourself ;o)
Actually the winks were for Kamakha.
Sorry for not telling you first.
After all this time Shirl…I owe you that much ;o)
I knew I’d mess her name up. K a m a k h y a
Oh gosh, I think I am blushing!
You know, Michael darling, she is much more your type, and look what a lovely lass she is. . .I think it is a wise choice. . .I still have my eye on Diane. . . (ROFLMAO really. . .wonder how fast I can duck. . .and that was duck with a d)
Well I’m sure you’re right. Afterall, you’re right about everything else, and yet….
Goodnight Shirl ;o)
Love you
Yeah, I’m always right! Just ask Diane. . . .Goodnight sweet Prince. . .stardust on your pillow
Yeah I was just sitting here tapping my feet, hands on hips saying where is everyone, do you like that crowded old cafe or do you want to come over here and do some old time swing dancing, while those of you so inclined can pose for Shirl, er maybe in the nude I am not quite sure…but anyway easier to load and read for sure, over her in the new cafe.
I was just about to say, this thing’s slow as molasses, and for I knew it you’d moved it.
So, protocol again….the deal is also we’re supposed to hand out 4’s like the Chicago police hands out parking tickets? Is that part of the cafe idea?
That is the idea of the cafe, but heck it gets tiring clicking all those 4’s and I know I have done so many zillions, I just have to take a break, and usually when we do these late night breakouts, we don’t worry about ze old 4’s…but in the creation days of the cafe we decided to dedicate it to us having fun and not worring about good or bad comments so all get 4’s…
Well, I don’t know what’s going on here, but the site is going batshit loopy on me…anyone else having problems?
into our historic neighborhood area. They are protected well, as are our swans, and they think they own it all. Traffic around the lake is slow, needless to say. Aren’t they cute?
LOL…I live by a lake and we have so many Canadian Geese that their poop is becoming a real problem. But you photo reminds me of how darn cute they are. There is a major road that they cross to get from one park to the lake and it is so funny to see them cross. One goose will walk out into the middle of the road and stop traffic while the mom will then follow with her gosslings in tow. It is such a cooperative effort that I cannot think that we, as humans, could learn something from it. The cars are really funny too…they just reek of let me pass, but I can’t kill you, vibes. The geese win every time!
Love the geese!!
Geeze. . .that reminds me I have a goose story to write up. . .been saying I would for a few days now. . .keep forgetting.
That is tooo funny!!!
It reminds me of a small New England town I lived in years ago… to go to work I had to time it just right because there was a dairy farmer who moved his “ladies” from one pasture to the other crossing the one country road. If my timing was off I had to wait until all the ladies crossed the road SINGLE FILE!!! Some would decide to stop in the middle of the road and chew in your face before s l o w l y walking on.
If someone will delete it, I will resize and repost.
Thanks floridagal, no one can delete it…lol…I mean I don’t think anyone is around who can…but it seems to be running good on my computer at least so noooo probs and no citations for oversized pics today, let you by with the warning…he he he…I debated which to use, ha ha or he he,….which sounds more playful..
Is anyone else having problems loading this site now and this page…suddenly its hanging up on those blogads now and I had to switch browsers to see if better.
yeah, the internets seem to be slow right now… probably a sign I need to go to bed 🙂
I had trouble getting back in here. Sherm couldn’t. It’s a sign.
A sign that everything seems to slow down as time passes?
Everything slows down when heartbeats slow down.
Not me for a change. . .running just fine
I knew I shouldn’t have come in here. But damn, now what am I gonna do with that bottle of Fransiscan Merlot?
Oh. . .whip me, beat me, make me write bad checks. . .and I will force myself to share some of it with you. . .K?
Well, I tell you, if y’all don’t “materialize” to share a real live bottle o’ wine at some point somewhere down the line, my husband is going to have me COMMITTED. lol.
We can’t have that! So I guess we will just have to all agree to show up somewhere in the same place at the same time some time, eh?
I’m pretty convinced that’s gonna happen. As I said, I met Jim on the Net, and a helluva lot of other people, too. I don’t fuck around w/ cyberfictions.
Well, yeah, I guess I do ;-). But…well anyway.
Ahem, tap tap tap
You rang? or were you intending that for stark? She didn’t leave with that lovely wine, did she?
No, but gettin in here is really a crap shoot.
But while I’m here….I really gotta thank you again for that story, shirl, it really was you and Diane that brought it out…
Anyone ever tell you, Shirl, you look like Clarissa Pinkola Estes?
No, and in my ignorance and inexperience, I am not familiar with who she is. I wish I looked like that picture more than just the few minutes it took to capture it. . .but hey, I’ll take it, claim it and try to explain to everyone when they meet me up close and personal. LOL
Hey, If something I said or did helped bring that story forth out of you, I am going to be following your butt all over this site from now on!
Oh shit. Now I’m embarrassed. here. You’re prettier than she is in this pic, but the pic doesn’t do her justice. But believe me, you are not someone who can do without Pinkola Estes. Your punishment for making me write that story is to go out and buy Women Who Run with the Wolves (just ask CabinGirl, she knows).
ANd you are welcome to follow me around the site–just be advised, I’m gonna have to give you a fly swatter because it must be obvious by now that I tend to attract them.
Thanks. . .I have the Book and have Read it and just totally forgot the name. . .been 12 years or so. . .maybe time to give it another look.
Gosh, I would never have thought myself pretty, but have hoped that I cleaned up the inside parts well enough that the soul might have that appearance. Thank you, a very nice thing to say.
Well, maybe I’ll reconsider and run along side of you. LOL
There’s a reason my eyes are brown, you know.
So, this is my last shot. machine’s just creepin here….talk at cha tomorrow, dear, g’night. Thanks for all that you are and all that you do……………………….
Thanks for your comments on the racist thread…you really helped me see things in a new way! Hugs.
Save your ahems and tap tap taps for the internets, supersoling….I’m bout to throw in the towel here–the thing’s just doin wacko stuff. Or what were you ahemin and atappin about over there.
Might give it a shot with another browser (for the sake of the damn fransiscan…)
Well ya can’t go round swingin the fine wine, internets or not, without sharin ;o)
You ladies empty that bottle. I’m turning in ;o)
well be that way, partypooper.
Thats Mr. Party Pooper to you Stark :o)
Take care
Oh my gosh. I’m sooooo sorry. Certainly you know I meant no disrespect. 😉 And that is the sincerest apology you’ll ever get (keep a record!). lol.
Yes, you may be excused, Mr. Party Pooper, but pls don’t expect us to save you a glass of the merlot.
(There’s more where that came from.)
It looks like just you and me, stark. Diane IM’d me to say that her computer wouldn’t even let her post a comment.
This seems a destiny then, eh?
Can’t fight fate. Gotta say, I’m having trouble here, too. Hope the Pinkola Estes link came through….maybe she’s the one you should be talking to….but I’ll keep trying till this last glass is gone.
Pinkola Estes is a major mistress storyteller. She’s worth looking into and listening to. But you really do look like her. Amazing.
Sniff…it’s ok you fogot about me, really. :>)
Oh Geeeeeeze Kam. . . I thought you left, maybe even with Michael (wink, wink). . .ifen your still here, then by all means jump right in and lets keep it rolling.
I’m just teasing you. :>) I’m off to bed in a few minutes myself…but I’ve had a blast here. I don’t often talk and think of myself more as a fly on the wall than a person who contributes…so this has been an eye-opening experience for me. Thanks for making me welcome. I may just find myself opening up more often!
Me too. Glad you came to play with us all. Hope you will do it more often. Guess I’ll go round up the kitties and the dog and tuck myself in to bed.
Good night
Night Shirl…may you have sweet dreams.
Thanks Kam, I always do.
Stardust on your pillow too
Naw, Kamakhya, it’s the Internets’ fault….anyway….I’m outta here.
Hey, now it really is a destiny thing. . .Just you and me Kam. . .so please dry those tears and lets talk.
I’m kinda shy you know. . .specially cuz I have this crush on you. . .well, you know not that kind of crush but a “gee she’s awesome” kinda crush.
We love you Mr Party Pooper, Angel Warrior of my heart!
Care taken, and you too.
it’s been my great pleasure. Thanks for putting a smile on my face :o)
Love to all,
SOME people have waaaaay too much fun while the REST of us are trying to get our shut eye (though only 3-1/2 hours in my case).
Spouse’s knee hit right below mine when he was shifting in bed; it woke me up and it still hurts! Can’t wait for that new queen-sized bed to get delivered…
Okay, time to shake the Muse and get her stirring…
. . .ever go to bed around here? 🙂
Gooood moorrrning, BooTribbers! It’s BooBooks Day & Boran2 Post Your Art Day & Katiebird Cafe Day & Who Knows What Else Day??!