Hopefully I’m not the only one who drops in at the trib and catches a brief glimpse of this or that happening… while mostly not having any idea at all of what it is about. Probably there are others with even less of an idea than I have (please, say it’s so!), because they have less time to peruse the site.

Anyway, I mentioned this in an earlier Alito diary… what do you guys think of having a diary just about goings on? Action projects, special events (boobooks and art fairs) and so on. A running calendar/action items type diary, under a multiple user login with people adding their events (even offsite one’s that they may want to coordinate with the trib) in comments and so on? It can just be updated daily (or however often needed) and rerun from time to time. Informational only, with links to the diaries that give details about whatever project, and that contains the discussions.

I thought of naming it the froggyhotaction center… but that may have been because I had read anna’s toy diary not too long before… (wowee!). Add your thoughts and stop me before I embarrass us all!

What do you think… good idea? (I would do a poll but I always mess those up).