we’ve posted elsewhere how skippy’s wife, registered democrat, good liberal with a liberal voting record, has said on several occasions she would rather vote for geena davis than hillary clinton for president.
but today, it gets even worse (for hill, that is).
we explain after the jump:
mrs. skippy was talking about seeing maureen dowd on some c-span book show earlier this morning. (tho mrs. skippy finds maureen funnier than we do, we agreed there is less to ms. dowd than meets the eye).
mrs. skippy said maureen mentioned the tickets in 2008 will be hillary/obama versus condaleeza rice/mccain.
we waxed eloquently on how rice would not possibly be the choice for the repubbbs, as her track record as sec. of state is abysmal by any sane standards. we opined that we would favor assassination of the head of whichever of those hypothetical tickets won the election.
but here’s where it get sticky for hill. now, remember, mrs. skippy has been a registered democrat all her life. she has always voted the party line, and worked for good, democratic causes.
but she said this morning, if those hypothetical tickets were to come to pass, she would rather vote for rice than hillary clinton.
we were shocked. but not surprised. mrs. skippy’s distaste for hillary would overcome her allegiance to the party, should condi rice be the repubbb nominee.
mrs. skippy sees condi as a woman of accomplishment and experience, and just cannot stand hill.
now, please rest assured, we do not write this diary to add to the “we hate hillary” club oevuere. there’s plenty of that around. and our opinions of hillary are not the point here.
rather, we offer this as a cautionary tale to those who support hillary.
we imagine mrs. skippy to represent the regular democratic voter. she does not concern herself with inside the beltway mechinations, and indeed, often (but lovingly…usually) accuses us of spending far too much time blogging and not enough time pay attention to her.
she is well-read, and intelligent, but, after all, has a pretty full life and cannot (or chooses not to) invest herself in all the minutae of politics and politicos. ergo, she is pretty much a normal, everyday, common american democrat.
and if she hates hillary enough to vote for condi rice in an imaginary face-off, what does that say for hill’s chances with all of america?
of course, mrs. skippy could be an outlier (she is, in more ways than one). but we hold her to be the canary in the coal mine, the finger that takes the temperature of what regular outside-the-beltway democrats are thinking.
we all know that those in washington are the last to know what the rest of the country is doing. is the push for hillary in 2008 just another (self-defeating) example of this?
and mojo collector.
Well, I’ve been thinking for years that the Democrats should just run Moseley Braun already, but if the Repubs run Condi, then our side running Carol is a no-brainer. Which means they’ll never do it. Sigh.
I have to say I like mrs skippy already!!! you may tell her I agree with her a lot!!!!
………….but I would not vote for rice either….
yeah, i can’t believe she’d vote for rice. but that is only in that hypothetical matchup.
otherwise, i think she’d be happy to vote for any democrat over hillary.
I am sorry – for a moment I thought I had hit Freerepublic by mistake.
Talk about eating our own –
We will never win the Presidency or anything else for that matter – but that is of course not what is important – by all means – let us give the GOP another President.
I am sorry — all of you might just be joking – but I just do not find this funny at all.
We have had to endure 5 years of Bush – because dimwits voted for Nader – then Kerry did not make it.
— and you guys are willing to give another GOP a try??
after these 5 years – are giving you a yearning for another 8 years after 2008??
Since you said “all of you”, I can only assume you meant to include me.
I assure you that I am further to the left than most people on this board, but I’m not one of those “dimwits” who voted for Nader. I worked my ass off to get my Green friends to vote for a guy I frankly did not like at all, and I voted for both Al Gore and John Kerry — and did so when I liked John Kerry even less than Al Gore.
Most people here will be happy to have a civil debate about election strategy with you if you wish, but your tone certainly leaves something to be desired. You coming into a thread where no one is advocating voting for Republicans and issuing a blanket accusation of people of sounding like Freepers is damn rude. Thinking Hillary Clinton would be a mistake on the ticket doesn’t make someone a Freeper.
but she said this morning, if those hypothetical tickets were to come to pass, she would rather vote for rice than hillary clinton.
we were shocked. but not surprised. mrs. skippy’s distaste for hillary would overcome her allegiance to the party, should condi rice be the repubbb nominee.
To me – “she would rather vote for rice than hillary” — pretty much says it all.
I am sorry if you did not like my tone – but it is shocking to read that kind of thing considering where we’re at now with a GOP administration.
You are not reading carefully enough. Mrs. Skippy is not here, and no one here agrees with her.
and as indylib points out below (and as i said in the diary), the reason i write the diary is not to join in with the “i hate hillary” chorus, but to point out to the hillary supporters (and the rest of us) the kind of feelings and opinions amongst regular democrats that hillary will come up against.
i don’t hate hillary, but i don’t honestly think she can win a presidential election at this time. perhaps later. who knows?
i will not vote for her, because of her refusal to condemn the war and her vote for it. also, her increasing fondness for irrelevence in legislation (video game violence, flag burning…where’s health care these days, hill?).
i’m not trying to eat our own. but i am pointing out that there is real, and strong, negative feeling out there towards hill.
and denying it won’t make it go away.
Sorry for being curt earlier, I have a lot going on today, all of it sucky.
Look, if you’d directed your rant at Mrs. Skippy in the first place, instead of at the rest of us here in the thread, I’d have given you a 4 and agreed with you 100%. But you didn’t. You chose instead to imply that we sounded like Freepers, which, as you surely know, is just about the rudest thing you can say on a liberal blog. Especially considering that no one who is actually in this thread would vote for Rice, so it was wholly unwarranted for you to say that to the people in this thread.
As for the diary, it is critical that we have a handle on the collective American psyche for the next election. If Skippy says his wife says she’ll vote for Rice, then we need to know that. And we need to know it now if we have a shot in hell of correcting it in time to win in ’08. If it outrages you beyond comprehension that Skippy’s wife would vote for Rice, then you and I have something in common. But if you think we shouldn’t talk very seriously about why Skippy’s wife might be saying that, and how many other voters might feel that way, then we differ strongly.
I make a point of not voting for war criminals. Rice easily fits that bill. H. Clinton, I trust would certainly find her own pet war crimes to commit if elected. Thanks, but no thanks.
Mrs. Skippy really might want to pick up your habit of reading the blogs. I DO NOT like Hillary at all BUT would never ever ever vote for anyone that has participated in the deception, manipulation and bald face lies that this administration has committed. Rice is the biggest ass kissing suck up to get where she is today on the face of the earth. Mushroom clouds my butt. I would write Bugs Bunny in before I ever voted for RIce!
I can’t imagine much worse than being president, but I’d do it myself if only to prevent either one of those women taking the office. I have only one life to give for my country, thankfully it won’t be that way.
that if HRC is the Democratic candidate in 2008, I’m voting Green.
I’ve voted 3rd party before — in 1980, I could not in good conscience vote for Jimmy Carter (who’s proven to be a better ex-President than President), but as a Californian I could not vote to inflict Reagan on the rest of America, so I voted for John Anderson.
If we’re going to run a woman for president, I rather it not be someone who feels like she has to prove she’s butch enough to be Commander-in-Chief.