Real History Lisa sent an e-mail today about Frank Rich’s new Sunday column:
“Kristina Borjesson, cited by Frank Rich in the article below, is the woman who put together “Into the Buzzsaw,” a collection of essays on the media by people who told a big, true story and then lost their career (including one on the CIA and the Media, by Gary Webb). She should know. It happened to her when she found evidence that a missile brought down TWA Flight 800. When she tried to get CBS to talk about the missile evidence, they got rid of her. Now she’s turned her focus to the war on Iraq.”
So, in the ensuing time, what did Kristina Borjesson find out about reporters who dared to investigate and report before and early on in the war in Iraq? Writes Frank Rich:
INDEED it’s reporters who didn’t have top-level access to the likes of Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney who have gotten the Iraq story right. In the new book “Feet to the Fire: The Media After 9/11,” Kristina Borjesson interviews some of them, including Jonathan Landay of Knight Ridder, who heard early on from a low-level source that “the vice president is lying” and produced a story headlined “Lack of Hard Evidence of Iraqi Weapons Worries Top U.S. Officials” on Sept. 6, 2002. That was two days before administration officials fanned out on the Sunday-morning talk shows to point ominously at the now-discredited front-page Times story about Saddam’s aluminum tubes. Warren Strobel, a frequent reportorial collaborator with Mr. Landay at Knight Ridder, tells Ms. Borjesson, “The most surprising thing to us was we had the field to ourselves for so long in terms of writing stuff that was critical or questioning the administration’s case for war.”
Such critical stories – including those at The Post and The Times that were too often relegated to Page 17 – did not get traction until the failure to find W.M.D.’s and the Wilson affair made America take a second look. Now that the country has awakened to that history, it will take more to shock it than the latest revelation that the Defense Department has been paying Iraqi newspapers to print its propaganda. Thanks in large part to the case Mr. Woodward found so inconsequential, everyone knows that much of the American press did just the same before the war – and, unlike those Iraqi newspapers or, say, Armstrong Williams, did so gratis.
From “All the President’s Flacks,” by Frank Rich (sub. only)
“The most surprising thing to us was we had the field to ourselves for so long in terms of writing stuff that was critical or questioning the administration’s case for war.”
What an astonishing statement. But not a surprise to us who had to endure the flag-waving, bring-’em’on, hurrah-Mr.-President sycophantic MSM while we could plainly and painfully see the truth.
Only a couple days ago, reports Media Matters, Bob Schieffer, the CBS Evening News anchor and Face the Nation host, told MSNBC’s Don Imus that “while the reason given by the Bush administration for invading Iraq ‘proved to be wrong,’ he still gives the administration ‘the benefit of the doubt,’ adding, ‘I don’t think they deliberately misled people’.”
Utterly pathetic.
Susan the whole Rich article is great. I have read it early on today. I do enjoy his truth and how he puts his opinions out there for us to read. He makes several great points in this article today.
Psstttt, he really hits his points right on about bob woodward in this article….
Yes! That Booby!
Notice that the end quote betrays the prevailing wisdom: “I don’t think…”. Correct. Makes you wonder why Knight-Ridder is for sale.
Ya, I saw this story earlier on huffpo (I had to go somewhere for news while we were otherwise engaged here…)
As for Bob Schieffer, he’s personal friends with folks in this administration. Expecting him to be objective about their actions is expecting too much. Its hard to be objective when your friends are involved — that’s not politics, thats just a universal truth. Its not even planned or evil; folks just automatically think the best of their friends, and assume the worst of their friends’ critics. Not much room for objectivity or truth when that happens.
Now, find some washington journalists who aren’t friends with the insiders, and we might actually have a functioning media again — as Frank Rich points out.
It amazes me that ANYONE can claim these creeps are “friends. Maybe it is just me and my narrow New England provincialism.
In my universe I have fewer close friends, but lots of acquaintances. I expect certain characteristics of my friends like integrity, honesty, values that matter. Acquaintances are mostly those I choose not to allow into my private space, or former “friends” whose actions betray that which I hold dear.
Don’t get me wrong. I have no problem with real friends who are going thru difficult times, and I try and be there for them as they have been for me. We all “go off the wall” at times. However, if they start justifying company/corporate fraud, harsh tactics by police against teenagers whose main criminality is “hanging” with others in small strip mall parking lots or other actions I find harmful to society as a whole, then I put distance, if we cannot agree to disagree peacefully.
So even understanding how some of these people can be “good friends” as Bob Schieffer does, is not even understandable to me.
Oh, I’m with you on that one.
To me, there is a tremendous difference between recognizing being good friends and being a dupe or apologist. Loyalty to one’s friends might make you a good friend, but if your friend is in the wrong, it makes you a lousy human being.
Anyone who puts their friendships above their own moral code is a sad, sad creature. Its okay to disagree with your friends, to forgive them for their bad behavior, and to stay friends. That’s just being human. But taking your friends version of events as truth, and downplaying any contradictory evidence isn’t ‘trust’, its choosing to be blind. Its folding on your convictions to take the easy path to personal comfort in your ‘friendship’.
I quit watching Face the Nation when it became obvious to me that no critic of the administration was going to get a fair shake on Bob’s show.
Its bad enough when normal people choose friendship over truth. When the press does it, we’re damned.
People who lead enterprises and nations deal in power and statistical rather than absolute values. You would as likely suspect as trust a truth teller in those circles.
It’s just a whole nuther game.
Doesn’t he play golf with the Bushes often?
Yes, that’s what I recall reading, too — golfing buddies. It might have even been a post here, linked to a report elsewhere. Since I couldn’t recall where I read it, I left that detail out.
were like Saturday Night Live parodies of middle school bully fights.
The stupidity of our functional nation is breathtaking.
What percentage of the media as a whole?
Probably about 99.99%. 99.94% if you go by Fairness In Reporting’s count. (See below.)
So then,…why do we pay them any attention at ALL?
Why not boycott the whole system?
The answer lies above, in Yaright’s reply.
“I had to go somewhere for news while we were otherwise engaged here…”
Why? YOU know what you are going to find already.
It’s an addiction.
Plain and simple.
You are strung out.
‘… find some washington journalists who aren’t friends with the insiders, and we might actually have a functioning media again — as Frank Rich points out.”
The “media” are owned by the PermaGov. Sure, they let the VERY occasional opposition view come out…just as they did during the runup to the Iraq war WHEN THE RATIO OF PRO-WAR TALKING HEADS TO ANTI-WAR ONES ON ALL OF THE NETWORKS WAS 168 TO 1 ACCORDING TOTHE ORGANIZATION FAIRNESS AND ACCURACY IN REPORTING (<>Sorry…can’t find the link right now. But I remember the number.)
Basically it is a shutout. The fix is in, in, in.
The same motherfuckers that bring you Frank Rich BROUGHT you Richard Safire and Judith Miller. And if told to do so by their masters, they will do it again.
Different names, same bullshit.
NEWSTRIKE, goddamnit!!!
The only answer.
On a personal level, the only answer. And quite possibly on a tactical level as well.
Personally…go cold turkey until you no longer crave your daily fix.
Tactically…hit ’em hard enough in the pocketbook, and maybe they will be FORCED to change.
Think about it.
Imagine if we could round up everyone who reads and posts on these left wing blogs and managed to promote a NEWSTRIKE!!! day.
Say May 1st.
I can see it now.
You think THAT wouldn’t make some news? Some waves?
Bet on it.
It would scare these cretins to DEATH to think that they might lose their grip on thew minds of the population of America.
Scare ’em right out of their rabbit holes.
But every time I try to mention this idea on the blogs…”ZZZZzzzzz” go the news junkies as they frantically search for the crumbs the media deign to throw them to keep them quiet. To keep them with just enough shred of hope that “Maybe THIS time things will get better” that they will not give up and either drop out or go to the streets. Neither of which would be good for business.
“ZZZZzzzzz” go the left wing sleepers, thinking that if they sleep on the LEFT side of the bed they will be OK.
Wake the fuck UP!!!.
The fix is in.
At the source.
The media source.