A Patriot Calls Bush on Carpet: Most Media misses it

Seems the other day, Rove’s minions hand picked audiences got infiltrated by a patriot. Some guy who had the temerity to raise a question or two. Of course, since it wasn’t part of the script Clueless George just waited for the interloper to be hustled away.

What struck me about this story is not that it happened, it’s happened before. It’s not that most of the media missed the story, again what else is new, but that a local media outlet didn’t miss it. Not only that, they did a great job on it. Now why does that deserve a highlight?

Well, it’s the local paper in Norfolk, VA. Just one of the largest navy bases in the world. The whole city revolves around the base. It is THE game in town. It is not exactly a liberal bastion. The article was done by a columnist, not a reporter, so it falls under the ‘opinion’ cloak, but trust me I lived in VA for 13 years and they would not have published it if the climate were not far different these days.

My hunch, there are many more anti THIS war in the military than we may think. Now I did see a national (either CBS or NBC) story last night on a trooper from Maine who has made no secret of his opinion while still doing his duty. But it was done as if he were the anomaly. There are many patriots, both in and out of the service. Some service members are running for Congress as Democrats. We can and will frog march these usurpers out of power. Now, here’s this morning’s cheerful story:


Author: philinmaine

Current Dem party staffer in Maine, former CO Gov aide, long time activist, native Frenchman and currently working to elect Tom Allen and all Dems and I work here: www.mainedems.org