Hey there CSI…do you know what I put my settings on so the comments on the threads don’t keep changing? I have been staggering around this place with 2 black eyes and a broken arm, some cracked ribs and a stubbed toe after yesterdays brawl in several threads..This place has become dangerous, not the froggy bottom, the diaries and threads outside the door. I staggered in here for a spell and have to be leaving soon, but my comments are jumping all over the place. I hope this greeting finds you well. How is the sister? Did you ever find the chocolate that Diane burried inside that great gift basket she was handing out over the weekend?
Oh geez Cham, you’re going to take away my ‘S’ cause being the computer illiterate that I am I don’t know what to tell ya..but I’m sure someone here will come to your rescue.
Thanks for asking about my sister, she’s doing fine-she’s having a bit more trouble with this hereditary neuro-disease now also but luckily not near to the point I’m at….and of course I found the chocolate-I can be relied on to find chocolate in the Sahara…if I’m around there’s chocolate to be found. If I haven’t already eaten it, just saying it’s possible I have chocolate in my veins.
how about Sex on the Beach please. Haven’t had one since I was in Hawaii. I will bring back memories of better days and fun in the sun. I just heard on the news that Philly is gonna get like 7 inches of snow..Yikes, isn’t Booman moving in this mess?
Speaking as someone who grew up right near Miami Beach, trust me when I assure you that the drink is the better of the two options. Sand is not always your friend. 🙂
Cham, I’m going to have to put up a PSA about going to your user page, cicking on settings, rolling on down to the protected settings on that page, and changing your comment preferences from “highest-rated” to “chronological”, aren’t I?
I zeroed your abuser, btw…never did that here before.
It will help with the wounds and the healing and I am off to reset my comment thread nightmare….Wanna try a little Sex on the Beach? It’s much better than what I had yesterday which was a very bitter Hawaiian Punch.
yummmm…hey you..I still need help…I am in my Edit comment preferences for Chamonix..it wants me to put a + next to one of the following choices…1)Flat (threaded) up to 2)Flat (unthreaded) up to 3)nested up to (Which now has the + mark) 4)threaded up to 5)Dynamic threaded up to 6)Dynamic minimal up to 7) minimal up to ………then it has View, sort, rate comments, show hidden comments…then…Posting opitions, and signature type…HELP..I cannot find the choice you told me..I will buy you another SEX on the Beach?????
If you change the first Sort box to “Ignore Ratings” and the second sort box to “Oldest First” the posts will always stay in the order in which they were created.
You can leave it that way (I do), but some people really like the dynamic threaded, where I think it shows the comments as nested up to a certain number of comments, than switches to showing the first comment (and subject of replies?) ManEegee is one of the experts on that…
The plus means that there is the default value for that setting. So “nested” with a plus means that all your diaries will always show the full view, rather than a collapsed one. If you are on broadband, it probably doesn’t matter that much whether the bigger diaries collapse, so you can just leave it as is.
Hmmm…it used to have a choice that said something like “display highest rated comments first”, and hat was what you needed to change. Are there any more things you can change there?
I’m having trouble getting my password to work to get in to my protected settings.
I always loved Fred Astaire more so than Gene Kelly but for who I’d like to dance like…Sammy Davis jr,(dancing to Mr. Bojangles always gave me the shivers) and the late great Gregory Hines are two of my all time faves…oh wait..then there’s Barishnkof…and I really murdered spelling his name I know.
So many great musicals with dancing from way back when that simply entranced me when I was younger and would see them on late night tv.
I was so enamored of Astaire’s dancing and style that I thought him the most elegant and handsome(and funny) man in movies…and only when I got older did I realize that he wasn’t exactly what you would call handsome.
Speaking of the guy whose name we can’t spell-I loved the movie called ‘White Nights’ that he did with Gregory Hines…and the dance sequence they did with their own styles to the same music was awesome.
Me, too. I thought he was just the epitome of elegance. I tried. . .tried. . .to watch a movie of his recently. OMG. It was so awful that I couldn’t bear to stay for the dance sequences!
I’m still a sucker for them…and a movie called That’s Entertainment that had so many wonderful clips of old movies and many of the musical/dance ones..such great songs.
Sorry to hear that…is there any way of having a short “timeout” period instead of a complete banning? Might be something to consider…
Got pretty much zilch done today, and the spouse is due home soon; got ground beef I can thaw in the microwave tomorrow for chili, and will probably just pick up some chicken breasts for Wednesday dinner. Worst come to worst I can fall back on tuna melts and tomato soup for a light but warming dinner…
I actually got quite a bit done today, surprisingly… it’s been an unproductive last two weeks in chez spiderleaf…
I agree with the timeout thing, or with even saying “hey, if you post something nasty about dkos we may delete it”, but a banning on this site really bothers me… and I usually disagree completely with Parker’s posts (well, except the women’s issues stuff).
Good Afternoon Everyone (none / 1)
I tell you it’s been so long since I stopped in I probably should introduce myself again. I’m trying to coordinate everything for our business move from one end of town to the other at the beginning of January. Who would have thought it would be this hard and take so long just to get everything done.
Trouble started Friday when Quest chopped off our internet a month early. I mean really..sheesh…how in the world can anyone mistake the first of Dec. for the first of Jan. When I originally ordered the switch I asked the guy 3 times if he was sure on the date. Of course he said mame. I should have known better. So all day Friday I sat on hold from one person to the next. Thank goodness I’m a patient woman or heads would have rolled.
The weekend of course was snowy from Friday night til well still today, and another round in the works for tomorrow into Wed. Oh well…what can you do except make fun of the Basset trudging around up to his chest in the snow. Make for some fun pics.
by ColoDem on Mon Dec 5th, 2005 at 05:58:12 PM EST
about 30 years and 100 pounds ago, I’m sorry to say.
I’d go back to it if there was a square dance club within walking distance of where I live. It was a lot of fun, I managed to lose about 15 pounds in one marathon weekend of dancing at the National Square Dance Convention once year, and it was a great way to meet girls (that part is much less important now, isn’t that right Mrs. Omir?).
I also took Latin American dance in college. I could once tango and cha-cha with the best of them . . . well, not the best of them maybe, but I was OK for an amateur with about two dozen lessons.
But then I could end up like Leo Sayer singing “You know I can’t dance” followed by “Of course I can dance.” You never know.
the turtley slow-pace is welcomed for today. I indulged a little (a.k.a. too much) this weekend with my family. We celebrated my paternal grandmother’s 75th birthday with a huge party on Saturday then my mom’s 50th b-day on Sunday.
I won’t get into details but two of my tias have new nicknames: Tia Tequila and Bahama Mama.
(Back home)
Feeling a little reduced after the festivities? Your folks sound like a great group to party with! Belated best wishes to the celebrants.
And, believe it or not, this place is right around the corner from my place (url):
Good to have you back – be glad you missed some misery around the pond this weekend.
No kidding, ManE. In fact, I was starting to get worried, wondering if you were staying away on porpoise. Glad to see it was just your usual case of Impeccable Timing.
Re: Synthesizer music – ideas? (4.00 / 6)
Heh, I get teased a lot because some Americans don’t know how to appreciate the finer things in life and thus my taste in a wide variety of things is generally unpopular here. But me and you, Ask, we could toss back a few hefeweizens and dance like no one was watching. 😉
by IndyLib (IndyLib@aol.com) on Tue Nov 29th, 2005 at 06:00:52 PM EST
[ Parent | Reply to This | ]
Re: Synthesizer music – ideas? (4.00 / 6)
I’d love that! It’s a date.
But for now – just a Paulaner or similar as soon as I get out of this office. Cheers
by ask on Tue Nov 29th, 2005 at 06:05:06 PM EST
[ Parent | Reply to This ]
Well, well – looks like our focus was more on the beer than dancing.
I’m so glad you took care of the costumes, Indy. I was looking, with limited success (see below).
Right or left – hmm, it would be a major shock for my system to get into either of those bodies, but the one on the left seems to have conquered gravity – something I dreamt of as a kid.
Don’t know about the costumes – I don’t even know what we are dancing yet (neither will you, after witnessing yours truly).
Anyway – see you all later. Time get home.
Hey can we join in? We’re having a dance-off to see who gets to take the hottie in the middle home for some wild one-on-one relations. Indy, is that you on the right? Looks like you forgot to take your black socks off before you put on your pantyhose.
who is now in her mid eighties, did a lot of choreograpy with Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. She danced her whole life, becoming a Baby prima ballerina in the late 30’s, dancing in the Havana Ballet in the late 40’s and coming to Hollywood in the 50’s where she met her husband, my wifes father.
She has danced with some of the worlds greatest dancers and I am privileged to have been given the opportunity to know her. A warm and decent woman who loves her children and grand children with a totality that amazes me.
She has enrolled in some dance classes to help her overcome some of the problems she has encountered with a recent hip replacement.
As for me, I would have enjoyed being able to dance instead of wildly swaying about in what I call dancing. lol
Hey, gdw, it’s really good to see you. And I am SO IMPRESSED that your m-i-l choreographed with Kelly and Astaire. Does she ever say if she favored one over the other? What a cool and interesting life she has led. Was she beautiful as a young woman?
Don’t anyone say anything serious to me in here. I am very busy smoking the hooka with Marmotdude and ManE, and in a moment, Ask and I are going to show everyone some very fine dance moves.
It was mostly useless because the new guy, as I suspected, was unable to do anything substantive. But I got kinda kicky and got an appt with my guy tomorrow so hopefully that will go better.
They were polite, so it didn’t warrant an ass-kicking, but they were not really listening, which is common when you have an “invisible” disability. No one thinks you’re really sick, so they patronize you. I had to get a little pushy, but like I said earlier, my dentist is really terrific so hopefully tomorrow will go better. Thanks so much for asking.
Hope things go better tomorrow. I think we’ve talked about the disability issue where you don’t look disabled and like you this can drive me up the freaken wall with people who look and me and simply think I’m some kind of hypocondriac(sp) or just lazy..perfect strangers seem to think they know better than me why I shouldn’t be parking(with my sister driving) in that handicapped zone for instance and have told about in their own pissy way…
I’m mean I’m glad I don’t look all crippled up but it does have it’s physcalogical(and I can’t spell for shit tonight either) drawbacks as to others perception of me when they see me.
Also why I’m hoping some of the ahem gentlemen here will sit out a few of those dances and chat with me while they are catching their breath. I’ve never really done much dancing due to lifelong foot problems.
When you’re right, you’re right Chocolate Ink. It is really hard.
And there’s no “right” way to look disabled either, which makes it even harder. When I first got sick I spent two years in a wheelchair. I also gave myself a crew cut so I didn’t have to do the work of taking care of my hair. I will never forget the first time I entered a specialist’s office that way, and the receptionist in a place where knowing better should be a condition of her employment, looked right over my head, and said to my roommate, “What time is his appointment?”
I about lost my freakin’ mind. And it’s no better now, because now I look “normal” and they just treat me like I must not be that sick. Funny thing — in that totally non-humorous way — is I’m actually much sicker now, and can prove it clinically, it’s just that I have different symptoms.
Worst part is the disabled have no gd energy to be educating people how to treat us. We’re too busy trying to afford meds and get right treatment and figure out how get groceries when we can’t get out of bed. Sigh. I wish I wish I wish there were more compassionate people in the world. At least we can try to get each other’s backs and say, “I understand and you’re not alone,” which sometimes goes a really long way. Your words have a gone a very long way for me tonight, and for that, I thank you. {{hugs Chocolate Ink}}
you’ll have quite the entourage ink, if I have anything to do with it. You’re perfect company with marmotdude and I in the corner, hookah still lit (obviously)
Hi, everyone, I am tireeeed. been working all day on new abode, getting it cleaned and I did a lot, more than I expected. BTW I will be going through this for the next three weeks at least so keep me in your thoughts as I am plugging away here, (sigh) and my back is a hurtin…
Soon as I get my second wind, I will be back for the dance.
Hey diane..take it easy and don’t overdo it ok…we’ll all be here saving you a front row seat unless you’re gonna bust out some moves yourself on the dance floor?
Wouldn’t swear to it but it might have been that fake cowboy actor-Ronnie Raygun and one of the real Cowboy Poets…although with the Poets the dueling pistols might have wordplay instead of gunplay.
Good afternoon all. I’ll mosey up to the bar and have a fifth of whatever you’ve got. It would take at least that much for me to get my courage up to dance. I have the two large left feet syndrome.
A question. Has anybody heard from militarytracy about how her MRI went? I thought of her today and was hoping everything went fine.
Good to see that things have settled somewhat here. Still not sure what to make of it all. I’ve had some ‘stuff’ to deal with over the last week or so, and then was really upset to read that shirl and diane were going to leave BT, and all the harsh words back and forth. It was relieving to read the love flowing in e’s diary though. I do hope that nobody was left off… Just thought I’d pop in and say hi. I’m thinking about going on up and throwing around some string or rope or ribbon. But then again, I might just sit here awhile and watch all the dancin’. :~)
Me too … I’m all discombobulated and haven’t had a chance to even pick up my camera these last few days. I held it tonight, and that was as close as I’ve gotten all these long days…!
Your photo is so so beautiful. Is there a chance you might repost it in the new cafe? Or maybe you already have and I just haven’t been there quick enough.
Oh, hi Olivia, I missed you and just wanted to say I was never intending to leave Booman and never said so, that was Shirl and she was flouncing around and is now over it…I just wanted to work through some issues and I think we did.
Did you read my reflections diary where I compared this place to a neighborhood bar, and you have the same types of happening here as in bars.So I am resolved don’t know if everyone else is, but I am,,,,,and for sure decided not to let the minority on this site rule…
So dip your tiptoes in the pond and have some fun.
Yes… I was so happy to see your reflections diary! Truly, you and shirl are very important to me – the first BooTribbers to welcome me here when I was new, and I would really miss you. ((((diane and shirl))))
Evening gang! Did someone say dance competition? I’m in but I will be needing a partner….or not. Supersoling you around dear? Teehee
This gal loves to dance alone or with others. I always have since I can remember. Mom signed me up for dance class around 6. I really wanted to be a ballet dancer but the instructor told me I was too tall. Hmmph! I have been told I have moves others have never seen so start the music I have happy feet ready to go!
Been ages since I got to stretch all those dance muscles, though I did almost try a grand jete at a party the other night. Fortunately, I thought better of it. I doubt I could still manage one. The knees are not what they once were, though a couple of surgeries have worked wonders and I haven’t needed a cane in several years. Still, my dance teachers would not be amused with my failure to use what they gave me in the last decade or so.
I got something like 1,200 words of polished draft done in a difficult bridging section. Decent, but less than I’d have liked. On the other hand I had a good excuse. I spent three hours playing tech support for one of my wife’s older computers so that she can get her research assisstant back to work. Since I’m not working for anyone but me tomorrow I’m hoping for 2,000 words, which is what I try to average. My deadline’s November first, but I’d like to have it done and in by sometime in July so I can work on some of my other projects without feeling guilty. Glad to hear you got a lot done today.
Forgot to cover the kilt. Nope, afraid not. The only time the kilt comes out when the temp is below freezing is New Year’s eve, better known to Scots as Hogmanay. There are things that were not meant to become acquainted with winter breezes.
I always wanted to be Fred Astaire when I grew up. Not Ginger. Fred.
Who’d you want to be?
Well of course, he didn’t have to dance in those damn high heels.
Hey there CSI…do you know what I put my settings on so the comments on the threads don’t keep changing? I have been staggering around this place with 2 black eyes and a broken arm, some cracked ribs and a stubbed toe after yesterdays brawl in several threads..This place has become dangerous, not the froggy bottom, the diaries and threads outside the door. I staggered in here for a spell and have to be leaving soon, but my comments are jumping all over the place. I hope this greeting finds you well. How is the sister? Did you ever find the chocolate that Diane burried inside that great gift basket she was handing out over the weekend?
Oh geez Cham, you’re going to take away my ‘S’ cause being the computer illiterate that I am I don’t know what to tell ya..but I’m sure someone here will come to your rescue.
Thanks for asking about my sister, she’s doing fine-she’s having a bit more trouble with this hereditary neuro-disease now also but luckily not near to the point I’m at….and of course I found the chocolate-I can be relied on to find chocolate in the Sahara…if I’m around there’s chocolate to be found. If I haven’t already eaten it, just saying it’s possible I have chocolate in my veins.
Limp on over here to the bar, Cham. I’ll set you up with a drink of your choosing.
how about Sex on the Beach please. Haven’t had one since I was in Hawaii. I will bring back memories of better days and fun in the sun. I just heard on the news that Philly is gonna get like 7 inches of snow..Yikes, isn’t Booman moving in this mess?
oh, he meant the drink huh.
Speaking as someone who grew up right near Miami Beach, trust me when I assure you that the drink is the better of the two options. Sand is not always your friend. 🙂
Cham, I’m going to have to put up a PSA about going to your user page, cicking on settings, rolling on down to the protected settings on that page, and changing your comment preferences from “highest-rated” to “chronological”, aren’t I?
I zeroed your abuser, btw…never did that here before.
It will help with the wounds and the healing and I am off to reset my comment thread nightmare….Wanna try a little Sex on the Beach? It’s much better than what I had yesterday which was a very bitter Hawaiian Punch.
Sounds like a perfect drink for a snowy night… 🙂
yummmm…hey you..I still need help…I am in my Edit comment preferences for Chamonix..it wants me to put a + next to one of the following choices…1)Flat (threaded) up to 2)Flat (unthreaded) up to 3)nested up to (Which now has the + mark) 4)threaded up to 5)Dynamic threaded up to 6)Dynamic minimal up to 7) minimal up to ………then it has View, sort, rate comments, show hidden comments…then…Posting opitions, and signature type…HELP..I cannot find the choice you told me..I will buy you another SEX on the Beach?????
If you change the first Sort box to “Ignore Ratings” and the second sort box to “Oldest First” the posts will always stay in the order in which they were created.
You are my hero…seriously, I think we need to post a PSA diary telling people how to fix that.
Or maybe BooMan could change the default?
thanks andiF..then do I keep the (+) mark next to #3)Nested up to ? boy this is confusing
You can leave it that way (I do), but some people really like the dynamic threaded, where I think it shows the comments as nested up to a certain number of comments, than switches to showing the first comment (and subject of replies?) ManEegee is one of the experts on that…
The plus means that there is the default value for that setting. So “nested” with a plus means that all your diaries will always show the full view, rather than a collapsed one. If you are on broadband, it probably doesn’t matter that much whether the bigger diaries collapse, so you can just leave it as is.
Hmmm…it used to have a choice that said something like “display highest rated comments first”, and hat was what you needed to change. Are there any more things you can change there?
I’m having trouble getting my password to work to get in to my protected settings.
No kidding. Actually my fav partner of his wasn’t Ginger either (sorry Ginger), but Ava Gardner, of all people.
I always loved Fred Astaire more so than Gene Kelly but for who I’d like to dance like…Sammy Davis jr,(dancing to Mr. Bojangles always gave me the shivers) and the late great Gregory Hines are two of my all time faves…oh wait..then there’s Barishnkof…and I really murdered spelling his name I know.
So many great musicals with dancing from way back when that simply entranced me when I was younger and would see them on late night tv.
Barishnikov! I can’t spell him, either. Do you know he used to study Astair’s films? He admired the grace and style, I think.
I was so enamored of Astaire’s dancing and style that I thought him the most elegant and handsome(and funny) man in movies…and only when I got older did I realize that he wasn’t exactly what you would call handsome.
Speaking of the guy whose name we can’t spell-I loved the movie called ‘White Nights’ that he did with Gregory Hines…and the dance sequence they did with their own styles to the same music was awesome.
Me, too. I thought he was just the epitome of elegance. I tried. . .tried. . .to watch a movie of his recently. OMG. It was so awful that I couldn’t bear to stay for the dance sequences!
I’m still a sucker for them…and a movie called That’s Entertainment that had so many wonderful clips of old movies and many of the musical/dance ones..such great songs.
Sorry, no dancing for me. I just found out Parker was banned and I am walking away until I calm down and don’t say something I really regret.
(But just think of me swaying to some reggae with a beer in my hand as I do…)
Sorry to hear that…is there any way of having a short “timeout” period instead of a complete banning? Might be something to consider…
Got pretty much zilch done today, and the spouse is due home soon; got ground beef I can thaw in the microwave tomorrow for chili, and will probably just pick up some chicken breasts for Wednesday dinner. Worst come to worst I can fall back on tuna melts and tomato soup for a light but warming dinner…
I actually got quite a bit done today, surprisingly… it’s been an unproductive last two weeks in chez spiderleaf…
I agree with the timeout thing, or with even saying “hey, if you post something nasty about dkos we may delete it”, but a banning on this site really bothers me… and I usually disagree completely with Parker’s posts (well, except the women’s issues stuff).
You’re wise to walk away for a bit, but let me refill that beer anyway. Some of it sloshed out.
I’m feeling bad about it, too, which is all I’m gonna say, I think.
The reggae competition starts at ten.
I’m a minute late… now where’s that Damian Marley track I was just grooving too… 🙂
Good Afternoon Everyone (none / 1)
I tell you it’s been so long since I stopped in I probably should introduce myself again. I’m trying to coordinate everything for our business move from one end of town to the other at the beginning of January. Who would have thought it would be this hard and take so long just to get everything done.
Trouble started Friday when Quest chopped off our internet a month early. I mean really..sheesh…how in the world can anyone mistake the first of Dec. for the first of Jan. When I originally ordered the switch I asked the guy 3 times if he was sure on the date. Of course he said mame. I should have known better. So all day Friday I sat on hold from one person to the next. Thank goodness I’m a patient woman or heads would have rolled.
The weekend of course was snowy from Friday night til well still today, and another round in the works for tomorrow into Wed. Oh well…what can you do except make fun of the Basset trudging around up to his chest in the snow. Make for some fun pics.
by ColoDem on Mon Dec 5th, 2005 at 05:58:12 PM EST
Hey, ColoDem, welcome back. We’ll want to see those Bassett photos.
about 30 years and 100 pounds ago, I’m sorry to say.
I’d go back to it if there was a square dance club within walking distance of where I live. It was a lot of fun, I managed to lose about 15 pounds in one marathon weekend of dancing at the National Square Dance Convention once year, and it was a great way to meet girls (that part is much less important now, isn’t that right Mrs. Omir?).
I also took Latin American dance in college. I could once tango and cha-cha with the best of them . . . well, not the best of them maybe, but I was OK for an amateur with about two dozen lessons.
But then I could end up like Leo Sayer singing “You know I can’t dance” followed by “Of course I can dance.” You never know.
I am constantly amazed by my impeccable timing for staying off the internet.
Marmotdude, fire up the hooka!
Sorry Man, the frog pick must have been taken by others – but we can hang out with the turtles, no?

the turtley slow-pace is welcomed for today. I indulged a little (a.k.a. too much) this weekend with my family. We celebrated my paternal grandmother’s 75th birthday with a huge party on Saturday then my mom’s 50th b-day on Sunday.
I won’t get into details but two of my tias have new nicknames: Tia Tequila and Bahama Mama.
(Back home)

Feeling a little reduced after the festivities? Your folks sound like a great group to party with! Belated best wishes to the celebrants.
And, believe it or not, this place is right around the corner from my place (url):
Good to have you back – be glad you missed some misery around the pond this weekend.
I give you a 12 for that! I think Marmotdude has found his true calling.
be trusted to deliver the goods.
No kidding, ManE. In fact, I was starting to get worried, wondering if you were staying away on porpoise. Glad to see it was just your usual case of Impeccable Timing.
it takes a lot to keep me in my shell. heh
Tortoise, porpoise. . .I get them confused.
Dance competition!?
Are you waiting for Indy and me?
Well, well – looks like our focus was more on the beer than dancing.
IndyLib and Ask! And here I thought it was probably Gooserock and Puget4.
Do tell us about your costumes! Lots of sequins, I hope.
Since you asked. Hey Ask do you want to be the one on the left or the one on the right? 😉
Oh, god, that’s funny! That’s all of the rest of us in the audience, of course.
I’m so glad you took care of the costumes, Indy. I was looking, with limited success (see below).
Right or left – hmm, it would be a major shock for my system to get into either of those bodies, but the one on the left seems to have conquered gravity – something I dreamt of as a kid.
Don’t know about the costumes – I don’t even know what we are dancing yet (neither will you, after witnessing yours truly).
Anyway – see you all later. Time get home.
Hey can we join in? We’re having a dance-off to see who gets to take the hottie in the middle home for some wild one-on-one relations. Indy, is that you on the right? Looks like you forgot to take your black socks off before you put on your pantyhose.
Ha, she actually does look alarmingly like one of my grandmas. And I only wear fishnets.
who is now in her mid eighties, did a lot of choreograpy with Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. She danced her whole life, becoming a Baby prima ballerina in the late 30’s, dancing in the Havana Ballet in the late 40’s and coming to Hollywood in the 50’s where she met her husband, my wifes father.
She has danced with some of the worlds greatest dancers and I am privileged to have been given the opportunity to know her. A warm and decent woman who loves her children and grand children with a totality that amazes me.
She has enrolled in some dance classes to help her overcome some of the problems she has encountered with a recent hip replacement.
As for me, I would have enjoyed being able to dance instead of wildly swaying about in what I call dancing. lol
Hey, gdw, it’s really good to see you. And I am SO IMPRESSED that your m-i-l choreographed with Kelly and Astaire. Does she ever say if she favored one over the other? What a cool and interesting life she has led. Was she beautiful as a young woman?
hey ghost…what a absolutely great story.
What a wonderful story. If I remember right, your F-I-L was a musician, wasn’t he?
Cool story, and cooler still to see you again. I hope life is treating you well.
Don’t anyone say anything serious to me in here. I am very busy smoking the hooka with Marmotdude and ManE, and in a moment, Ask and I are going to show everyone some very fine dance moves.
God forbid we interrupt your concentration!
But I’m gonna go ahead and ask if everything went okay at the dentist anyway. Just keep smoking and dancing while you answer.
It was mostly useless because the new guy, as I suspected, was unable to do anything substantive. But I got kinda kicky and got an appt with my guy tomorrow so hopefully that will go better.
I hope that “kicky” means you’d booted the uncooperative shits across the parking lot — or some other similarly seemly behavior.
They were polite, so it didn’t warrant an ass-kicking, but they were not really listening, which is common when you have an “invisible” disability. No one thinks you’re really sick, so they patronize you. I had to get a little pushy, but like I said earlier, my dentist is really terrific so hopefully tomorrow will go better. Thanks so much for asking.
I hope you’re feeling better, too.
Hope things go better tomorrow. I think we’ve talked about the disability issue where you don’t look disabled and like you this can drive me up the freaken wall with people who look and me and simply think I’m some kind of hypocondriac(sp) or just lazy..perfect strangers seem to think they know better than me why I shouldn’t be parking(with my sister driving) in that handicapped zone for instance and have told about in their own pissy way…
I’m mean I’m glad I don’t look all crippled up but it does have it’s physcalogical(and I can’t spell for shit tonight either) drawbacks as to others perception of me when they see me.
Also why I’m hoping some of the ahem gentlemen here will sit out a few of those dances and chat with me while they are catching their breath. I’ve never really done much dancing due to lifelong foot problems.
When you’re right, you’re right Chocolate Ink. It is really hard.
And there’s no “right” way to look disabled either, which makes it even harder. When I first got sick I spent two years in a wheelchair. I also gave myself a crew cut so I didn’t have to do the work of taking care of my hair. I will never forget the first time I entered a specialist’s office that way, and the receptionist in a place where knowing better should be a condition of her employment, looked right over my head, and said to my roommate, “What time is his appointment?”
I about lost my freakin’ mind. And it’s no better now, because now I look “normal” and they just treat me like I must not be that sick. Funny thing — in that totally non-humorous way — is I’m actually much sicker now, and can prove it clinically, it’s just that I have different symptoms.
Worst part is the disabled have no gd energy to be educating people how to treat us. We’re too busy trying to afford meds and get right treatment and figure out how get groceries when we can’t get out of bed. Sigh. I wish I wish I wish there were more compassionate people in the world. At least we can try to get each other’s backs and say, “I understand and you’re not alone,” which sometimes goes a really long way. Your words have a gone a very long way for me tonight, and for that, I thank you. {{hugs Chocolate Ink}}
you’ll have quite the entourage ink, if I have anything to do with it. You’re perfect company with marmotdude and I in the corner, hookah still lit (obviously)
Hi, everyone, I am tireeeed. been working all day on new abode, getting it cleaned and I did a lot, more than I expected. BTW I will be going through this for the next three weeks at least so keep me in your thoughts as I am plugging away here, (sigh) and my back is a hurtin…
Soon as I get my second wind, I will be back for the dance.
Hey diane..take it easy and don’t overdo it ok…we’ll all be here saving you a front row seat unless you’re gonna bust out some moves yourself on the dance floor?
I am a Liberal is because both my feet are leftist.
And totally unrelated. . .Who was involved in the gunfight?
Wouldn’t swear to it but it might have been that fake cowboy actor-Ronnie Raygun and one of the real Cowboy Poets…although with the Poets the dueling pistols might have wordplay instead of gunplay.
It was Marmotdude and Wyatt Earp.
I’m still laughing at both of your leftist feet.
Neither is willing to move to the right.
lol! Well, no wonder my Republican (ex) husband and I danced circles around each other.
Good afternoon all. I’ll mosey up to the bar and have a fifth of whatever you’ve got. It would take at least that much for me to get my courage up to dance. I have the two large left feet syndrome.
A question. Has anybody heard from militarytracy about how her MRI went? I thought of her today and was hoping everything went fine.
They had to all read it and they’ll tell me tomorrow. They did say that I was an excellent MRI patient so I wonder if I get extra credit for that?
I’m just happy to hear you came through OK. Was it as loud to you as everyone told you it would be?
Ha! Extra credit on your Master Card would be nice.
I’m glad that’s done. And here’s a toast to getting a good report tomorrow.
We are not surprised at your MRI skills — you are excellence personified.
I put up a mellow picture for you in the last cafe but I don’t know if you were around to see it. If not, you can click here to see it.
Good to see that things have settled somewhat here. Still not sure what to make of it all. I’ve had some ‘stuff’ to deal with over the last week or so, and then was really upset to read that shirl and diane were going to leave BT, and all the harsh words back and forth. It was relieving to read the love flowing in e’s diary though. I do hope that nobody was left off… Just thought I’d pop in and say hi. I’m thinking about going on up and throwing around some string or rope or ribbon. But then again, I might just sit here awhile and watch all the dancin’. :~)
You can’t just post and run when you’ve been gone for so long — it wouldn’t be polite and we know you Canadians are always polite.
We’ve been doing without any flower pictures for an awfully long time.
And not only have I not been able to get in here and muck about w/ all you froggies, I haven’t even had time to take any photos! 🙁
The last uploaded was this lonely Chrysanthemum:
Chrysanthemum, Best viewed large
I agree with AndiF…I’ve been using the same flower as my wallpaper for over a week now and am itching for another picture to ooh and ahh over.
Me too … I’m all discombobulated and haven’t had a chance to even pick up my camera these last few days. I held it tonight, and that was as close as I’ve gotten all these long days…!
Hey, yourself! People been askin’ about you. Consider yourself missed, even if it was only a week or so.
Your photo is so so beautiful. Is there a chance you might repost it in the new cafe? Or maybe you already have and I just haven’t been there quick enough.
yes… I can do that – and in the process fix the name that should read daisy! <smacking my forehead> not chrysanthemum! ;o)
Oh, hi Olivia, I missed you and just wanted to say I was never intending to leave Booman and never said so, that was Shirl and she was flouncing around and is now over it…I just wanted to work through some issues and I think we did.
Did you read my reflections diary where I compared this place to a neighborhood bar, and you have the same types of happening here as in bars.So I am resolved don’t know if everyone else is, but I am,,,,,and for sure decided not to let the minority on this site rule…
So dip your tiptoes in the pond and have some fun.
Yes… I was so happy to see your reflections diary! Truly, you and shirl are very important to me – the first BooTribbers to welcome me here when I was new, and I would really miss you. ((((diane and shirl))))
Evening gang! Did someone say dance competition? I’m in but I will be needing a partner….or not. Supersoling you around dear? Teehee
This gal loves to dance alone or with others. I always have since I can remember. Mom signed me up for dance class around 6. I really wanted to be a ballet dancer but the instructor told me I was too tall. Hmmph! I have been told I have moves others have never seen so start the music I have happy feet ready to go!
We really do need some music around here tonight. Maybe KnoxvilleProgressive will bring a band.
How about some rock tonight. I need to get down and get dirty. All this bickering has left me antsy! LOL
Been ages since I got to stretch all those dance muscles, though I did almost try a grand jete at a party the other night. Fortunately, I thought better of it. I doubt I could still manage one. The knees are not what they once were, though a couple of surgeries have worked wonders and I haven’t needed a cane in several years. Still, my dance teachers would not be amused with my failure to use what they gave me in the last decade or so.
Did you try that in the kilt?
How’d your work day go? You inspired me and I got a lot done.
I got something like 1,200 words of polished draft done in a difficult bridging section. Decent, but less than I’d have liked. On the other hand I had a good excuse. I spent three hours playing tech support for one of my wife’s older computers so that she can get her research assisstant back to work. Since I’m not working for anyone but me tomorrow I’m hoping for 2,000 words, which is what I try to average. My deadline’s November first, but I’d like to have it done and in by sometime in July so I can work on some of my other projects without feeling guilty. Glad to hear you got a lot done today.
Forgot to cover the kilt. Nope, afraid not. The only time the kilt comes out when the temp is below freezing is New Year’s eve, better known to Scots as Hogmanay. There are things that were not meant to become acquainted with winter breezes.
I’m overwhelmed by Our Web.
maybe you just need a hot toddy and a little nap, dearie.
ummm, a hot toddy.
You wouldn’t have a recipe handy, would you?
And what a nice thought on which to close the doors to this cafe. Would you like to lead the hokey pokey line out the door and over to the new Cafe?
Honey, I’ve been their for simply hours!