Here’s an OPEN THREAD for rants, beginning with the master of rants, Chris Floyd, columnist for Moscow Times and St. Petersburg Times, who also published “Death Mask: The Deliberate Disintegration of Iraq” in the Dec. 2 Moscow Times.
Today, in “Pit Boss:George Bush’s Empire of Torture,” Chris Floyd writes that “Mark Follman of proves an excellent Virgil in this harrowing tour through the sulphurous pit of George W. Bush’s vast torture Hell. Bush has wrought a work of genuine evil in America’s name, systematically and deliberately infecting society with moral corruption and subverting the very nature of law itself in an attempt to escape responsibility for his crimes.
“I’ve been writing articles about Bush’s use of torture since January 2002. I don’t know what else to say about it. When I look at Bush’s face — however well-scrubbed, tanned and carefully made-up it is — I can no longer see anything but oozing pustules and smears of blood, the ugliness of his spirit turned inside out. …” (Read all, including excerpts from the Salon piece for non-subscribers.) OPEN THREAD: RANT AWAY!
I am more horrified by the subverting of this country into accepting torture that I am even of the war. Will we ever recover from this descent into evil? Only if we completely reject the underlying premises. I am hopeful, but barely.
We never really accepted what we did and rejected it after our behavior in Central America. We just didn’t want to know. Some things got cleaned up in the CIA, but they weren’t cured – only temporarily subdued. Same with the crimes in Viet Nam. Now they have arisen again, like zombies from the grave, and again, most American just don’t want to know.
The only way to begin is with a truth commission that releases all the damning evidence, investigates and arrests those involved, and accepts punishment. It’ll just be a beginning towards improving how the world thinks of us and trusts us. But it’s a start.
Well, I’ll rant that there aren’t enough good television shows on! And too much fluff that’ boring as all get out.
Thank god last night I was treated to one of the most mesmerizing, involving, dramatic series I’ve seen in a while.
One critic wrote:
Being cable-impaired, my entertainment choices are yet more limited than yours. But even on broadcast tv there are a few shows that I think are excellent. Boston Legal, Lost, Prison Break, House (tho I fear it’s slipping), and as always, The Simpsons. Among the spate of new science fiction/fantasy/horror shows, Surface and Invasion are worth watching, tho not up to the lost standard.
One thing I’ve been noticing is a huge change in the intensity level of broadcast tv. I suppose it’s nothing new with cable, but Lost and Prison Break are quite different than what we’re used to: no sappy romances, no forced “upbeat” interludes, just merciless nonstop crisis. I guess it all started with 24, which pioneered serial drama on broadcast networks. That format might be the key to the difference between now and a few years ago. It’s been awhile since any tv show could make me anxious that I’d miss it or forget to tape it, but I’m hooked again. Don’t know if that’s a good thing, but there it is.
Prison Break is great…now we have to wait until March for it to return…I’m trying to ignore the withdrawal symptoms.
I guess that’s the downside of the serial drams format, where you really have to watch every show and will miss out on a lot if you start in the middle. So the audience is not going to grow much after the first show. I guess the network answer to that problem is to stop early and rerun the whole thing over again to get new audiences. One of these days, unless the “entertainment” industry has its way with the pols again, the networks will no longer control schedules like they do now.
Just as Tolstoy observed in Anna Karenina that happy families are more or less happy all alike, but unhappy families are unhappy in each their own unhappiness, so there are many ways to watch televison, but only one way of not watching.
(In case you hadn’t guessed, I don’t use TV.)
Television is just like any other entertainment/art form. Most is mediocre, some is dreck (or the reverse), some is good and some is great. The best-written television is in a par with the best films and the best stage-plays. The worst is…just dreck.
Saying it’s all crap is about as useful as spending all day watching it.
We’ve liked House too. And it’s not as good … it’s like they tried to inject more sex into the show but didn’t quite pull it off.
Showtime was free last night, adn you could have caught the first episode of Sleeper Cell. But, it’s maybe just as well because you’d have been compelled to subscribe. It’s that good.
why was Parker banned?
Good question. So, what’s the answer?
Imho, it’s self-explanatory, and it was considered for quite a long time and for many reasons by several people. Other than that, I don’t think it’s right to discuss it on a public thread.
I appreciate the response, however, if you check in on the “Our Web” thread you will see that many, many people here value Parker’s contributions on women’s issues etc. and just because she has a hate on for dkos and expresses it in a contrary (and sometimes disrespectful) manner, she was a valued member of this community.
Self-explanatory? Yes, I guess so. It’s not hard to deduce why it was done. Doesn’t make it right.
people wouldn’t have to ask about it. I would love a striaight answer on thsi question.
Was Parker banned because she discussed dKos in a way that makes Boo/you uncomfortable? Yes or no.
She was kind of put in a shitty position by the policy that says you have to cross-post becuase a) she didn’t post diaries slamming other sites (hard to cross-post comments on other people’s diaries) and b) she was banned from dKos, so even if she wanted to, she could not cross-post.
So, is the answer yes or no? If the answer is no. What was she banned for?
I’ll certainly second this brinn. Unless I missed something again I don’t know what exactly is going on.
My comment on this is here .
I think it’s important — the specifics of what is supposedly “self-explanatory” is now necessary going forward, not for an individual poster who you may or may not agree with, but for us all.
It’s self-explanatory.
There’s your answer.
Why can’t the banning of Parker be discussed in public? Other bannings have been announced in public, by Booman, on the front page.
But this one can’t be discussed in public. Because?
Surely it’s not to spare Parker’s feelings. If one wanted to spare her feelings, then NOT banning her without a warning without have been nice.
As for me–well, I’m all for discussing every topic. I don’t believe there should be any sacred cows, not ever.
But then I’m reminded–I’m not in a “free speech zone”, I’m on private property, here at the whim of the owners.
“I do not need to explain why I say things.”–Resident George W. Bush, as quoted by Bob Woodward in “Bush At War”
I’m not interested, honestly, in discussing Parker as she is not able to speak on her own behalf here. I appreciate where you’re coming from, and I’m sure it’s free of negative intent.
I do think it’s necessary to clear the air as to policy going forward. This doesn’t involve shaping a consensus view on Parker.
Don’t be a prick
How do you know this?
No one has seen her since the posts yesterday and today Shadowthief says he got an email from her saying she was banned…
Parker wrote to me: “I’ve been banned” and then excerpted the comment that resulted in her banning.
You will find the comment on this diary:;showrate=1#13
Pity we can’t ask Parker for more information, but as she’s no longer allowed here, that’s the way it is.
did her in? I count 10 4’s, 5 2’s and one 3. Not a zero rating in the bunch. Was it calling someone a “twit”? LOL! No, I think it might have been jumping all over SusanG like she was an enemy of the people and she’s not.
Ah well. I remember the first banning here and how Booman agonized on the front page and got all of us to vote in a poll about whether the offensive individual had to go. He did; we all agreed. Even the second banning was a group consensus. Since then, well, there have been bannings I didn’t even know about until long after the fact. That’s the way it goes on blog communities. Until we figure out a way for every member to own the blog that’s the way it will continue to be.
I’m sorry about Parker but her rhetoric is always way over the top. There are definitely ways for her to state her opinions without being offensive but her passion always drives her for the jugular. She’s a rant queen, for sure.
And we don’t know what might have been said in private emails. For all we know, Parker said horrible things to our dear Susan Hu and that’s what did her in. I’ll miss Parker but not enough to lobby for a repeal. Parker couldn’t control her expressions of anger and that’s the bottom line. We’re striving for civil discourse here and spew doesn’t meet the standard.
“banning” someone, unless they really cross the line (threatening violence or some such). Would it be feasible to have some sort of “time out” system — first offense maybe 3 day suspension of posting privleges, second offense 2 weeks, third one month, then outright banning after the fourth offense? Or would that be too much of a hassle?
Yeah, I know people can appeal, and there’s nothing stopping anyone from getting a new email address, re-registering, and coming back hopefully calmer and wiser. Or they can get a new email address, re-register, and continue to be a prick, their choice. But perhaps a “timeout” system would enable people to step back and take a deep breath and realize what impact their words may have had on others.
Just a thought…
I think calling the owner an asshole is good enough reason for banning, not that it happened in this case. We’re all guests here really. I like your time-out idea and maybe Booman will consider it.
Thing is, Booman drew a line in the sand re: Kos-bashing, ill defined but still a standard. Parker kept trying to smudge it out. There are only a couple of rules here and pushing against them will only bring refinements and more rules. A couple of rules are okay with me; I don’t want to see more. I can easily restrain myself from ranting about a site where I only read the diaries and stopped caring about the front page right after someone said, “Screw ’em.” If your personal cause is bringing dKos down then you don’t belong here and that’s okay with me. It doesn’t limit my self-expression.
Words written by one who is quite sure that he/she is never, ever going to be banned.
It can happen to anybody here–in the next five minutes, or five weeks, or five months, or five years–for any reason, or no reason at all.
What is “reasonable” today is “unreasonable” tomorrow.
We all exist here, like soap bubbles, at the whim of capricious winds.
I’ve never been banned. I always leave before I get banned. It’s real simple. When censorship overcomes free expression, I leave and move on to the next place where all opinons seem to be allowed. I’ve been doing this for oh, let’s see, 25 years at least. Before blogs there were BBS’s. And the cycle has held true. It starts out great, turns into moderation/thought police and censorship/banning, progresses to limitations that are too extreme to bear, and then I move on. We’re not “there” yet.
I like this place and I’m going to hold on. Parker is not the place where I bail out. It’s close but not sufficient to give up the feeling of community I’ve got here.
You see, I can tolerate this limitation. It’s okay with me that I don’t get to bash Markos and his loyalists. Now when someone calls Ductapefatwa a “terrorist sympathiser,” I’m outtahere. And I’ll invite him to the next “open forum” I find just like I did this time. I’ll be inviting you, too.
This is not the moment where we all bail out. Give it another few months and if Booman cracks down we’ll go whereever. We’ll make our own blog and everyone will be an owner. But, we’re not there yet. And, I believe, Booman may surpise you and exert the first ever reversal of the cycle. He’s an uncommonly reasonable guy and maybe we get to buy into his LLC and have votes on the future of this blog. Who knows. Stand your ground for the time being and let’s see what Booman has to say when he’s back on-line.
Ok, that’s a fair response. You acknowledge the limitations here and your willingness to live within them.
I am a professional historian. The one thing I have learned from history, sjct, is that people never learn anything from history.
The more things change, the more they remain the same. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
until we get closer to ’06 elections.
When IS the official start of Banning Season? And what does one wear to a Banning? I prefer casual dress myself, but I’ve no objection to wearing a smart coat and tie if that’s the code.
I was hoping for camoflage and a shotgun.
For all we know, Parker said horrible things to our dear Susan Hu and that’s what did her in.
Well color me appalled.
Appalled seems to be the fashionable colour ’round here.
I was thinking of doing over the sitting room in appalled colours, but my wife talked me into a nice antique gold, instead. Matches the furniture better.
I tried not to get too depressed about the election. Told myself maybe it’s like they say about alcoholics – we need to hit bottom before we can get better. Now, day by day I see just how far down that bottom can be. Too much ‘see no evil, hear no evil.’
What is the Constitutional provision for disposing of an insane administration? Don’t tell me – Congress must do something!
I hope there will be a transcript, Americans should be very proud of this man. He loves your country very much, he does not mince words, yet he is so courtly, so soft-spoken, that Kyra of flightsuit air carrier on air orgasm (forgive me, ladies) does not even realize that Mr. Clark has made her the gift of a new orifice. (forgive me again, ladies).
Bush is the real war criminal. Easily outdoing whatever Sadaam has done.
Bush and America
500,000 dead children due to stupid sanctions.
100,000 dead Iraqui
Torture Rooms world wide
Gassed Iraquis with Phosphourous, Burned Iraqi with Napalm.
Displaced entire population of Fallujah, 300,000
5,000 not 500,000 found in mass graves
No proof Sadaam gassed his own people.
Torture Rooms
Displaced Kurds and Shiites
Compare the two. Who would you rather have as a leader of your nation?
Sadaam is more rationale than Bush.
Do I seriously have to choose, or can I just say… thanks but no thanks and am I ever glad I live in Canada??
Any distinction Bush has made between himself and Sadaam is completely blurred.
Canada and ( Mexico?) Please invade the United States and take it over.
We’d love to, but unfortunately we spend all our money up here on health care and education vs. guns and bombs… but I’ll see if I can track down some angry beavers and hockey players and get back to you… 🙂
(I know what you’re getting at Stu P, just had to snark about it a bit)
entitled “That Giant Hissing Sound” – the sound of Canada and other countries sucking the economy from the USA. Based on that premise we do not need to invade. Hahahha.
That Giant Hissing Sound
Yes! Send the Hockey players now! It;s winter they will skate right through this country, high sticking their way to freedom.
Canada, Glorius and Free we Stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee…We stand on guard…. we stand on guard for thee.
(I sang that once at Wrigley Field, so I know the wurds)
and liberate the US, change the name to Finzueland and work out an agreement to share Canada’s national anthem.
And I do not say this just because I happen to own a pair of reindeer fur boots. Just another little legality the EPA and repugs want to get around and that would be the testing of pesticides on children, even handicapped children-mentally or physically…..the chemical companies want to be able to do this in other countries(they were doing it here also and no doubt still are)…do they not realize how fucken depraved and sick they really are?..yeah rhetorical question.
This link is an action link where you can sign petition, etc….
So here we are, out in the world promoting democracy and at the same time, torturing our captives, subverting the media in Iraq to our own ends and continuing with our invasion of a country unfortunate enough to have vast oil reserves. And yet we’re not the war criminals. Okay, I’ve got it straight now. Pass the kool-aid.
Not only paying for propaganda in Iraq papers but having the taxpayers pay at least 300 gd thousand dollars to that rightwing Lincoln Group..and probably more than that even. 300 thousand that could have actually gone to restoring the water system and getting clean water to the country after we screwed that all up also. I’m wondering just how many people are dying due to garbage filled water with who knows how much DU probably also in it among other crap-literally and figuratively.
From my diary of a few days ago:
Um, like wasn’t the founder of the Lincoln Group some hedge fund speculator in NYC until a couple years ago, and has no experience in media?
Why bother with hedge funds when you can get this kind of money?
Bloody fucken hell-I was ranting around my apt. about the apparently measly 300 thousand..this gd ripoff of taxpayer money for this monstrous robberbarron boondoggle called Iraq is gets worse with each new revelation about where the money is really going…and it’s not even doing any good-except to all the companies that are picking our pockets. While destroying the whole social infrastructure in this country.
Sorry I missed your diary…I seem to be missing more and more lately or just not paying enough attention.
Just happy that a bill is being introduced in PA to protect women’s access to EC and contraceptives from pharmacist refusals! From the press release:
Nice to have some good news on this whole out of control moral values pharmacist thing…just read yesterday somewhere where another prick denied a woman her prescription for herpes medication-tore up her prescription in front of her and said it was her own fault for getting herpes and she should live with it….this whole issue-which shouldn’t even be an issue-is getting so out of hand that a pharmacist can justify denying any prescription he/she wants to.
A pandora’s box that should never have been allowed to open at all.
I totally agree with you! If these so-called “moral” pharmacists want to preach, they should head off to seminary school, and leave the pharmacy to people who care about patients and their healthcare needs.
Twelve or fifteen years ago, no one would have dreamed that we’d be having these discussions today.
just read yesterday somewhere where another prick denied a woman her prescription for herpes medication-tore up her prescription in front of her and said it was her own fault for getting herpes and she should live with it….
wow. Do you have a cite? Because that’s just insane. Since when did it become ‘moral’ to destroy someone elses property and refuse to treat STD’s.
And has anyone heard of one of these wing-nuts refusing prescription medication to a male? Or is condemming women because you don’t approve of your fantasies about their life style now the ‘moral’ stance of right-wing Christianity?
susan and other tv lovers: I would love to see someone write a diary about positive political changes brought about by one broadcast or another with some stats please. No offense but I keep hearing how one show (or movie)or another is going to wake up the masses and I haven’t seen it happen yet. IMO they’ll just change the channel to something fluffy. The last thing I can remember hearing about that got people stirred up was “War of the Worlds” and that was radio. And, yes, I was the one who ranted incoherently about the graphic zombie shot this weekend. If I could have figured out how to cancel my account at the time I would have.
Delay is going to trial for money laundering! Noni-noni-he-hoo! Read it at TPM. Judge put aside the conspiracy charge, the lesser of the two, ’cause really that’s kind of redundant. Money laundering IS a conspiracy. har. Delay is going down, down, down!
Notice just in from The Nation. Anyone else been reading about this?
As a Canadian, this is the topic that keeps me interested in US politics. I was so against the invasion of Iraq, I marched in a peace march in our little town. Imagine my disappointment when Sen. Clinton made a speech saying she supported “President Bush” in attacking Iraq. She is/was a person I admired and respected. How will an anti-war opponent affect her chances?
with more info and discussion called “Confronting a Sellout”!
Confronting a Sellout
by Madman in the Marketplace
It seems MSNBC/NEWSWEEK refuses to print Chris Floyd’s Headline in blog roundup
Pit Boss: George Bush’s Empire of Torture is a bit too much for them – too bad they have to put it up because leaving it out would be too unethical. Since they are tied with Technorati the numbers come from someone else – not much they can do…
Click for full pic
<h2 class=”style1″>Same thing on front page…</h2>
Click for full pic